The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-07-18, Page 9en he )st en ce he th f`�ts ;he red ig. .30 he v«1 rn» eir nd ed FC 111111 1, g# 1-20 !S'1 -2t es. ist, ort 4 1-27 '1? Iillif 1111 1 9-2a 1 )des 4 :,rnc test 2 1 w 4 Ilia r f 4 a • 4 JULY CU/MANCE CONTINIJES Bargains for Everyone Defeat Neustadt On Own Diamond On We(nesday evrning White chapel) journeyed to Neustadt and defeated the home team 1:1.2, Alex Craig and Gary Willis 'hit home runs for the victors. Wayne Farrier ancl George Skinn led the hitting attaek with four and three hits respectively, Whiteehui'eh Neustadt Tt1IE ,300 411 002•--11 18 1 1.10 000 000 - 2 7 4 Batteries; Whitecnurcn, Henry and Skin n; Neustadt, 1-lilgendorf, Tieiwig (7) and Lantz, CALLA WINGHARII Big Edge Thursday On. Thursday evening White. church defeated Dobbinton 30-6, Wayne Riehl had two home runs and three singles, Gary Willis had a homer and two singles. R H E. Dohbinton 101 021 001-M- 6 7 3 Whitoehtirch 642 198 50x--30 23 1 Now Earn ---$100, or more t to 5 years ieresi paid by cheque --authorized by law as Inv( 3tnnents for trust funds, British Mortgage Guaranteed Investment Certificates To invest—see your local agent or send your cheque tO your nearest British Mortgage office, BRITJS H MORTGAGE &TRUST C'OM PANY British A'im-tgage .Q' .frost Company Brampton, Goderieh, Hanover, Listowel and Stratford. T enclose ray cheque for $ for investment for ...... .. years, 11 Please send me n. folder giving information about these certificates NAME .. ADDRESS .... 010, 'Wh g% ilr Artily netd're}rnf!s WetttteRilar ;toy 1 1 J SHOES YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE Sudden Death to Decide (First Place Here on Thursday Last Friday night Belgrave de- feated .Dobhinton 13-7 in Chesiey. Bob Higgins led the Belgrave at- tach with four hits. Gord Smith with a home run and a triple and Jim Coultes with a home run had the big weight for Belgrave, J. Patterson had a home run and L, IClages and L, Calhoun with four hits each contributed to Dobbin. ton's effort. RHE Belgrave . _ 031 011 223 13 16 1 Dobhinton 101 021 200 7 11 2 0-0-0 Belgrave and Teeswater will play a sudden death game in Wingham on Thursday of this week to de- cide first place in the league, League Standing W L Teeswater 11 3 Belgrave .. .,, .. 11 3 Whitechurch .. 8 0 Wal kerico ... . 8 6 Formosa 7 7 Dohbinton . .. _ .. . 6 8 Neustadt . 3 11 Tara . 2 12 The top seven teams will play off for the league title, When the league winner is declared the three Intermediate 13 teams, Teeswater, Formosa and Belgrave, will play off for the right to advance into the B finals, Play Orangeville In Exhibition Game Here on Wednesday Two former Wingham boys will be playing in Wingham Wednesday (tonight) when Orangeville meets the Wingham. Goodyears at 8.30. Ken Gregg, formerly with the Bank of Commerce and now assistant manager with a chemical firm, will he pitching and Wilf Seli, with On- tario Hydro, will he paying short stop, Ken Gregg is also manager of. the Orangeville team and has a couple of expert umpires lined up for the game, of which he says Wingham has never seen the like. 0-0-0 In Memorial League play the Goodyears will be hosts to the Centralia Air Force team here on Friday night at 9,00. PHONE 12 BIBLE SCHOOL at the United Church has proved interesting for the small fry. Mrs. M. Hutton is seen as. she assisted Paul :Isaac, Robbie Young and Bobbie Williams with their coloring. Sportettes to Meet • At Silver Lake The regular meeting 'of the Wingham Sportettes was held at the Wingham Club house, Audrey Swatridge presided. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Marion Cherny. Bingo was played, with prizes being won by Janet Henderson, Betty Kitchen, Shirley Clark, Ant- her Carrick, Gail Holmes, Audrey Wolfendon, Edith Biggs and Lola Mann, The jack -pot prize of writ- ing paper was won by Audrey Wolfendon, Audrey Swatridge presented Bor- den Jenkins with a gift of Sports- men's tumblers in appreciation of the assistance he gave the Rifle Club in target shooting last year. For lunch the members enjoyed barbecued hot dogs. The next meet ing will be held July 24th at Silver Lake with. Thelma King as host- ess. Any new members are in- vited, along with the club members, ►_rlllilllilfl�IlllitllilllMlllilll�lll�lllt�llliillli�llli�lllfilllrllli�lllilill�lllilllilllilllilll®III■Illilllilllrlllillllilllilllilll�lllilllillli IliillilllrlllNlllilllilllrlllilllilllilllililrlll�' gAlN TWO HOMERS r _ ■ 1 1 N IK m ILIER'S LA IES' WEAR (Formerly Hanna's Ladies' Wear) SELLING OUT SALE CONTINUES UNTIL THE ENTIRE STOCK IS S:OLD Thursday, 9 a.m. Specials HATS Valves to $10.95 50 HATS at 99c 60 FIATS at $2.99 80 PURSES SELLING A'1^ HALF-PRICE SCARVES Values to $3.95 SQUARES and LONGS; SILK and CHIFFON 200 at 89c 20 DRESSES CL1 A.RTN(i, AT SI .00 ALL -WOOL SKIRTS In Plaids anti Plains, Pleated and Sheath EVERY SKIRT iN THE STORK( HALF - PRICE fIRDLES SIANDnBRPTASSIERES T1XQT17'i.7`L t►d AY7"F`�K HALF . PRICE SUITS ALL -WOOL SPRING and F'A.LL SUITS Att. LI SS THAN HALIP-PRICE Starting at $7.99 GLOVES Values t.o $1.95 ALL COLOURS 50c Pair ALL SLACKS WOOL and. COTTON Balance of Stook to clear at $299 Pair x r BASEMENT DEPT. — Every SPRING and WINTER COAT, including Car Coats are reduced to HALF-PRICE. See our special Rack of Mixed Coats to clear at $13.99 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE JUST A FEW OF THE BARGAINS TO BE HAD AT MILLER'S. ALL PRICES ARE SLASHED BEYOND YOUR IMAGINATION on THURS., JULY 19; 9 a.m. IN 10-6 VICTORY The Wingham Goodyears defeat- ed the Hickson Merchants on Wed- nesday night last wcelt by a score of 10-6, when the Hickson team put up a good game despite the 'fact they were short four of their re- gular players. ■ Jim Bain, was the big hitter for the Goodyears, clouting two .home runs. Ken Saxton had two singles, Bob MacLaren bit a homer for ■_ Hickson. Jim Coultes started the game for the Goodyears, pitching the first five innings. He struck out nine batters and only allowed one bit. a Gord Welwood relieved him in the 11-1 sixth inning and completed the game. Hickson: ,Winker, s,s.; Bowes, 3b.; LittIejohn, c.; McLaren, r.f.; Coles, 2h.; Wilson, c.f,; Esseltine, 1b.; Hyndman, ].f,; Jeansonal, p. Wingham: Eadie, l.f.; Saxton, c.f, Fryfogle, r.f. and 3b.; Bain, s.s.; Gardner, 3b.; Walker, r.f,, 5th; Corson, 2h,, 9th; 11'oxton, e.; Storey, ib.; MacMillan, lb, lith; Coultes, p, Welwnod, p., 6th, R 1I P Hickson . . .000 002 202- 6 7 1 Wingham ... 201 210 13x 10 10 4 17m,pires, Bill Tiffin, Wingham; Frans Burns, Clinton. This makes six wins and eight losses for the Wingham. •boys, • ■ ■ ■ u tit P. A Religious Classes At Summer School One hundred and fifty pupils at- tended the annual two weeks', emirs(' on the Catholic' Faith held at St, Ambrose Church, Brussels, and Sae.red Heart School, Wingham. A near..perfeet, enrolment was realiz, ed. The following 'Sisters of St, Jos- eph from. the motherhouse in Lon don were in charge of the teaching: Sister Mary William, Sister. Her man Joseph, Sister Margaret Ann and Sister Mary Joyce. The daily program began with the Saerifice of the Mass and Holy Cohvmunion, followed by the in- structions, Religious pictures and articles were distributed to all pu- pils, with special prizes beim Local R inks Play In Tournaments Last Wednesday three rinks, Mrs. Andy Lunn, Mrs; J, Finnigan and Mrs, Miller Davis, Mrs, E. Campbell. Mrs, P. Cutter and 'Mrs. Lloyd Elliott, Mrs, J. MacIntyrb, Mrs. 0. Haselgrove and Mrs. ,G, Gannett, journeyed ,to Walkerton to a howling tournament, Mrs, Lunn's rink Won 'first prize, There was a tournament in God- erich the same afternoon and one rink from Wingham•attended, Mrs. Reg DuVal, Mrs, G, MacKay and Mrs. G. Godkin. awarded to the most improved pa- pils. On Friday afternoon. Miss Anna McDonald of CKNX led the child- ren in a sing -song, MEMORIAL LEAGUE FASTBALL Friday, July 20th, Bali Park Centralia vs. Wingham Goodyears GAlt' 'if/AM.-9M rx, TOrsatur' •(Weatiesctay?, 'own Ball ral•lc, ' ;xhlblli,n Game ottA,NEEvIIJi ytt. ctool)Y1 AR.S vonimommommumm when it comes to salad dressings These often contain more calorie than the vegetables themselves, FOR WEIGHT WATCHERS — Salads are ideal foods for weight watchers, as they are low in calor - les. But they should take it easy glillliIII■IIISIIIilililinilllilll■IIIiI111111 1111■II IIllltiillililI111111ISIIIUIIISIIIl11111 V i i _i i Mild Rotary ii ■1•11111 i ii-... Wed,' July 25th 1 . ii i i i i! Begins 9 p,m. $1,300.00 in Prizes 1 r 1 r lllillIUIii.11lilllilllllll■11ISIIIUIIlllI rII IIIIUII SlIiIlliIIililliIIllilililll1III111I/Ir r Vacations Ahead ...Drive with Confidence After a Complete SUMMER CHECK-UP AT ARMSTRONG'S GARAGE LET US MAKE YOUR VACATION TRIP MORE ENJOYABLE BY GIVING YOUR CAR A RADIATOR TO TAIL PIPE SERVICE CHECK-UP —We'll put your car in tip-top condition for Happy Motoring and Safe Driving Bert Arrnstrong GARAGE YOUR STUDEBAKER LARK DEALER "WHERE YOU NEVER HAVE '.r0 (BLOW YOUR HORN" PHONE 181 WINGHAM ...the gifts that really help her to live happily ever after! Nothing so clearly expresses your best wishes as does the ' gift of a beautiful, efficient electric household appliance . , . ready to be her constant help in her brand new job of homemaking. No wonder today's brides-to-be prefer electric appliances as wedding gifts. Electricity can help so much in planning a happier, easier,. better way of life. Tieget more out of life .. get the most out of electricity. Wingham Public Utilities Commission