The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-07-18, Page 70 $ * • TA0 4ting am abbantr= 11'1Plt rilAll'1, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 1,962 SWIMMING SAFETY is one of the important aspects of the lessons now in progress at the Riversicle Park pool. This group of youngsters learns how to throw a means of support to a per' son in trouble, without getting too close. The victim in the left MINOR UO (SPEAKER FOR UaU, C MEETING • WROXETER—The July meeting of^ the Wroxeter 'United Church Wromen was held in the Sunday t.: sScliool room of the church Wednes_ day evening, arranger( by The Will- ing Workers and i+riendship.Unit of the church. The meeting. opened with a hymn and prayer by the president, Mrs. Stan Gallaher. The secretary's re- 0portwas given by Mrs. Archie Mil- ler and' Mrs, 'William Wright retia the treasurer's report. A report on bales, sent recently was given by Mrs, John Snell. A motion was made to choose a Com- mittee comprising two members *from each unit to arrange a money_ making project for the fall, Mrs.' Jim Sanderson led in pray- er and Mrs. Howard Wylie read the Scripture and gave the medita- tion, •after. which Mrs. Sanderson again offered prayer, Carol Coup - 'land lattb7ised with a piano selec- tion, :;I3ossa Great Thou Art". A poen(, ."The Beok", was given by Mrs. •George Gibson. The. ; ,president introduced the guest'. speaker, Mrs, C. Shackleton of Wingham, who gave a. very inter- sesting and illustrated address on "The Nature of the Church". She was thanked afterwards. by Mrs, Gallaher, n The meeting closed with "My God How Wonderful Thou Art" and the Mizpah benediction. Lunch was *served by the Units in ,charge and a social time was enjoyed. WROXEIl [R Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Yuill, Ross *and Cameron of Belgrave and Mr. and Mrs. Carman Nixon and family, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Noble - and Wayne, Kitchener, visited Mr. and Mrs, Fraser Haugh on Sunday. Mr, Paul Higgins left. early Sun- day morning on a motor trip to •West 'Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mapletoft and family of Millbrook, who have been visiting Mr, and Mrs. Ross Coates, accompanied by the , latter couple spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Coates in Sarna. • Week -end guests with Mr, and 'Mrs. George Westlake were Mrs, Harry Pflanee, Stratford, Mr, and Mrs, 13ob .Steuernol, Kimberley and Shane, and Mr. Garfield Westlake, all of Elmira. Mrs. James Doig spent the week. amend with Mr, aiicd Mrs. Harry (=uw- dy at Gorrie, Miss 'Margaret Jardine called on Mr, and Ml's, Albert iteibein and MIss .Mattrlr' "Higgins, Corrie, oil Sunday Wetmore, Mr, and Mrs. Jar;k Riley of Jam- estown visited the formei''s sister, 'kis. Elizabeth Hoffnl.an ort Sat- urday evening. Mr, Bruce Edgar and Mr, Mar- shall, Toronto, called on Miss Gera rude Bush and Mrs, W. E. Weir on Sunday. w .. Mr, anc! Mrs. Lloyd Henning, 14Ir, and Mrs, Clarence Refining of near Bluevale, called on Mrs, Wes Pal. foreground is Les Thompson. Back row are Tom Irwin, John Schipper, Mark Fisher, Terry Gardner; seated, Sandra Tiffin, Jen- nifer Dundas, Debbie Gibson, Esther Chettleburg, Sandra Sed- don, Judy Irwin and Pamela Walden.—A-T photo. mer Sunday afternoon. Mr, Kenneth Galbraith, Orange Hill, Ills parents, Mr, and Mrs, George Galbraith and sister, Mrs. Carson Watson of R.R. 4, Brussels, attended the funeral of Mrs, Gal- bcalillH niece in Port Dover last week. Mr. joint Gibson, aue and Alison Gibson of Philadelphia are visiting the Misses Elsie and Marion Gib- son. • Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Russell Walker t v ete Mr, and. Mrs. Kenneth Walker and Donald of Galt. Miss, .Ed1th ..Warred, Port Ar- thur, visited her aunt, Mrs, George Galbraith, last.. Saturday.. ' Mrs. George Alcock, London, spent a few days last week with Mrs, Janies Doig and also with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Sam Ovington, Mr, and Mrs, Art Wheeler, Ron- nie,'Billie and Carol spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs, Bob Mason, Sarnia, Mrs. Wheeler remained for a longer visit, Misses Elva acid Evelyn Hupfer were supper guests with 1vlr. and Mrs. Vernon Hupfer last 'Wednes- day , and• spent the evening with Mr, and Mrs. Charles McCuteheon. - Mrs, Freeman • Dickie and two children ' visited at the week -end with Mr, and -Mrs, John Snell and the children 1'emained for -vacation. are sorry to hear Mrs. Harry Smith is a patient In Wingham General Hospital, having suffered a heart attack on Saturday night. We hope for a quick and complete recovery. Mr. and Mrs. George Galbraith accompanied Mr. and Mrs. R. W. N. 'Wade of Gorrie to Fergus on Sun- day where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Art Jackson. Mr. .and Mrs. Vern Clark were week -end guests of Rev, and Mrs. Frank Russell, Owen Sound. Mr. and •Mrs, Harry Smith and as son, Strathroy, spent the week -end :Mrs, with Mr. alt.;*' Mrs, 'red Smith. We Brampton, Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Brown hat, their guests last week Ralph Mr. and Fiddes and family of THE SPORTSMEN'S ASSOCIATION is promoting the sale of seat belts as a community service, and last Friday night they setup at the town hall with a display of accident pictures and hacl a good sale of belts, J. C. McIntyre, left, chair- man of the belt committee, is seen at the left as he talked with a customer, Orville Welsh, Hugh Hand, a member of the club, looks on. —Photo by Connell. MRS, W. T. LAPP, one of the many assistants at the Vacation Bible School, is seen with child• ren in the primary class as they worked on their scrap books. The young ladies are, from the left, Sylvia MacLean, Barbara Westlake, Rose Mc- Laughlin and Kathy Guest.--A•T photo. LAKEIET Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wallace and family of Seaforth visited with Mr, and Mrs. Stan Dennis On •Sunday. Master ]$illy Burchill of Wingham, scat of Mr. and Mrs Roy Burchill, is vaa;ationilzg with his grandparents, Mr and Mrs, Dennis, while his par- ents are enjoying a trip through the West. Mr. and Mrs, Lawson Hinz and family of laltchener are holidaying with Mrs. Hinz' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Webber and other re- latives In the distriet. Mr Lynn Ferguson, son of Mr. alai Mrs. Jack Ferguson, has joined the staff of the Toronto -Dominion Bank at Gorrie azid eonmenced his duties there last week. Mr. Ronald Dickert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Dickert, has joined the staff of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce at Wroxeter, Mrs, William Smith has been con- fined to bed for the past week with a bout of pneumonia and is now recovering nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Metzger anti family visited with Mrs. Esth- er Smith of Palmerston on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Paul Knudsen of Toronto spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. William Smith. Mr, and Mrs, Louis C. Dahms and Otto of Mildmay visited with Mr awl Mrs. Gordon McKee or: Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Greenly and family visited with Mr. and Mrs Harvey Heiinbecker on Tuesday of last week. Week -end visitors with the Greenly's were Mrs. Lorne. Clark and Ronnie 01 Mitchell, WAS IN 97th YEAR 1111{S. MAMIENAEE, DIES IN HOSPITAL WROKE'T`ER — Funeral service was held front the Moir funeral home on Thursday afternoon for Mrs. Robert McMichael. Rev. S. J. Stewart, of Molesworth, officiated and interment was in Wroxeter Cemetery, The pallbearers re Robert Bremner, Robert Bennett, Lloyd Lamont, Ronald, Glenn and Ken- neth McMichael. Mrs, McMichael was In her 97th year and was the former Annie Elizabeth Strong, daughter of Wil - Jane Liam Strong and Morrow. She was born on Concession 11, Howiek, and was educated at Goff's School in Howick, -She had been a dressmaker in her younger days. Mrs. McMichael resided with her son, Morley, in 'Turnberry Town- ship. She has been very ill on sev- eral occasions, but had been In fairly good health prior to her ad- mittance to Wingham Hospital three weeks ago, and had been en- joying her hobby of piecing quilts. Death came on Monday, July 9th, She is survived by three sons, Lloyd, of Toronto, Harvey, of Wroxeter, and Morley, of Turn - berry, ten grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren, Her husband, whom she married at the home of lier parents In 'Howick, December 15, 1897, predeceased her. Mrs. McMichael was a member of St.. James' Church, Wroxeter, ROBINSON FAMILIES MEET AT IPPER ASEI The 14th Robinson reunion was held at Ipperwasiz Park on Satur- day with 147 in attendance. Re- latives were present from Scarbor- ough, London, Waterloo, Aylmer, Becher, Wallaceburg, Port Lamb - ton, Windsor, St. Clair, Mich , Sar- nia, Goclerich, Auburn, Donnybrook, Blyth and Wingham, The sports committee had races ind a peanut scramble for child- ren three years and up. Kick the slipper and other contests for teen- zgers and adults and horseshoe pitching for the *nen were enjoyed. Coming the farthest, Mr. anc' Nies. Bill Daft. Scarborough; old. est woman, Mrs. Carman Prat' Brownsville: eldest lean, Mr, Fran Huey, Becher: youngest child, Ste "en Douglas Robinson, son of Zvi Ind Mt a Roc Rohinsnn, Lontor, The nidi111tes of last year wet lead and approved: Officers fe :J68 were elected as follows• Pres Bert Robinson, Gnder•ieh, see,-treas Sentt Robiltseti, London, sport comm„ Stuart Chaznney, Boli Craig and Bill Craig .Jr The Mills Sisters entertained bt singing three numbers with guitar Iteompanimenl :Ind tate W!iki trio entertained with the bagpipes and highland dancing, which was enjoyed by all present. A vote of thanks was extended to the entertainers, the sports com- mittee and the president and sec- retary -treasurer for their untiring efforts to snake the reunion a see - sees. Next year the reunion will be held at 1pperwash on the second Saturday in July, Fater Officiates ates At SAWS ' dd ng The Pilchards Memorial 'United Church, London, waa the getting for the marriage on Saturday et Bar- bara Anne MacLachlan, daughter of Mrs. John MacLachlan axed the late John C. MacLachlan of Lon- don to Mr. David C. Parrott, son of Ret, and Mrs. William C. Par- rott, London. The father of the groom otfierated. The reception was held at the Cobblestone Inn, London. The bride is a graduate of Vietoria Hospital School of Nursing and is on the staff of the War Memorial Child- ren's Hospital, London. The groom is a graduate of Western Univer- sity and the College of Education, Toronto, and is on the staff of the London Board of Education. Mrs. William 0, Parrott is the former Laura M. Reid of Wing - ham. Walker - Glousher Vows Exchanged Baskets of white gladioli and chrysanthemums intermingled with fern, formed the setting at the home of the bride's parents, for he marriage of Edythe Lillian Margaret, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Lorne E. Walker, Gorrie. to Stanley Norman Glousher, son of Mr. and Mrs, Henry Glousher of Blyth. Rev. Fred Taylor, pastor of Gor- rie United Church, officiated at the double -ring ceremony, The wedding music was played by Miss Phyllis Wilson, Fordwich. Given in marriage by her fath- ?r, the bride was lovely in a gown of nylon net and lace over satin. cashioned with full bouffant skirt and fitted bodice, with square neck outlined in seed' pearls. Her veil of embroidered net was fas- tened to a tiny cap of seed pearls, She carried a cascade of red roses and fern. Her bridesmaid, Miss Margery Glousher, Blyth, was attired in a pastel blue dress, with full bouf- fant skirt and fitted bodice. Her headdress was white and she car- ried a bouquet of pastel roses. James Walker, Brampton, bro- ther of the bride, was the best man. A reception was held following the ceremony, The bride's mother received, wearing a navy lace dress with a corsage of pink roses. The groom's mother assisted, wearing a costume of blue flowered crepe. matching hat and corsage of pink roses. For a wedding trip to the Parry Sound district the bride donned a blue linen silk dress with white ac- ac- cessories. Mr. and Mrs. Glousher will re- side in Blyth, The bride is a C.N.A. graduate of the Wingham Gener- al Hospital and a Member of the hospital staff. Yl 11rfECl iURiU Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Pardon_ vis- ited on Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Irvine Henry of Dungannon. Mr. and Mrs, Irwin Zinn of Bright spent last week -end with Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Zinn, Lucy Morrison of Kinloss is visiting there ths week. Mr, and Mrs. John Purdon visit- ed on Tuesday last with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cook of Blyth and on Sunday they -visited with Mrs. Olive Bruce and Chester at Wal- laceburg. Mrs, Irene Paterson of 'Toronto spent the week -end with her bro- ther, Charles Taylor of Kinloss and with her mother, Mrs. William Tay- lor, a patient in Wingham Hospital. Quite a number from .here at- tended the Stefler - Smith nuptials on Saturday, and the local Insti- tute at Whitechurch catered for 70 of the guests who spent the after- noon at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Smith of Langsi.de. In the evening Tiffin Bros. provided music for dancing in the Memorial Hall here. After the lunch Hour the happy couple were called to the front, where Angus Falconer read an ad- dress and Billie Purdon presented them with a well-filled purse. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Caslick cis -1 Red on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs ,eoster Marshall of Culross. Mr. Andy Waddel, son of Mr, and svtrs. George Waddel of Culross was taken to Wingham Hospital or Friday, following an accident. when his team rant away. Exam dation disclosed that his leg was woken in the mishap, On Sun- day the team had still not beer, fountd after their break -away into bush country. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes vis - ted on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Schwichtenberg at South- amptoti and Miss Diane Coultes sari Miss Janis Farrier, who spent the past week at Southampton, return- ed Koine. Mr. and Mrs, Clarence 'Walker and baby, Catharine Lynne, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott of Auburn. Mr. and Mr's, Allan Pattison spent a few days last week at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Gerald Wat- son at Forest. Folks in Forest have been busy with the cherry harvest. !r and Mr l 1, t« Mrs. a, ECS � .,„1 J;. . .Nti`Ir spent the weekend with Mr. and Charles Wood at $eaforth and Mr and Mrs. Jack Johnston and David Of London also visited there Johnston families gathered at ( od- erielz on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robi12scn anc' children left last -Wednesday to spend the week -end with relatl.'es at Hamilton, Tillsonburg and Wind aces Leonard and Larry, who haci 'been visiting at Windsor. reburied home, and Michael Co: ne of Wirfl- sor, accompanied them hanle for his vacation Mr. and Mrs. 13111 Rea -te eed children of Barrie and Gary R4..1 vie of Orangeville spent the creek end here and attended the Davis reunion In Brussels Stephen Rea - vie stayed to spend this week with his grandmother, Mrs Rea"Ie. Mr. Harold Dawson made a splen- did recovery in the Kitchener-Wa. terloo Hospital and ..vas able to re- turn Home on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Leo Devine and Bernice of Parkhill spent the week- end with. Mr. and Mrs. William Kennedy of Marrroeli and Mrs. a lif.. ton Moore of Linwood spent a few days last week at. the Kenned' home. Mrs. Albert Bienian and Da. i, rl visited with her mother, Mrs Ro- ger Inglis at Walkerton on Satur- day and attended the Caraegi ' .- Cunningham wedding in the United Church there, Mrs. Elfreda Yausie and her ,son. Carman, of London, visited on Son day with Mi'. and Mrs: Gordon Mc- Burney. Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler, (,ib lead- er, and Mrs. Harold Vincent and Mrs, Gordon McBurney, assistant, will be in charge at Camp Martyn, inverhuron, from Friday to Sunday this week, when 28 Cubs will have their annual camp outing. Misses Evelyn and Cheryl Ste- phens of Gorrie visited on Thurs- WROXE'fER "' e are Barry ta hear nn. , ?� M' Lean I9 ss ratient in ”. inghaia Hospital and Irepe to see her horse again very soon. We were pleasei to hear ehe was somewhat imprla:r ed on i4unday Mrs Harry Adams is spending a' week with her sister, Mas Alex McCracken, Bluevale Misses AIleen and Brenda Eaton. • ;,;eafort:° are spending a rclapis of weeks .z-'ith their gral!ullthar, Mrs. Alonzo Sparling. Tann Reunion. GORRIE;•-•Over 50 members at. tended the Mann reunion held d;,,nrlay at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Mann 'I'he committee appointed for 1963 were as follo"s• Mr. and Mrs Gordon Mann, i"!c. and Mrs James Connell azid Mr. and Mrs Roy Mann. Tie next reunion will be held s' the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mann. . aria with Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Sire in nee Miss Florence Beecroft of ,lonto spent the week -end enth h•'r parents. Mr and Mrs J. D Bee- rroft, and Mr and Mrs. Ed Mali torn of :Sarnia and Mr. 82!'1 alas Cecil Wheeler of Blyth visited there rw Senday Mrs. Chapman Sr., and Tar en1' Mrs: Russell Chapman and Garry and little Kathy Smith 10totea to 13elfontaine Park on Sunday.:,"h.-re they niet the latter's parents, ?:Tr and Mrs. Ross Smith Kathy re. turned home to 'Toronto. 'the Bell Telephone Conn:tau;,' cis burying cables through the ':1 - lege on Monday. Sgt Alan Leader, Judy and Mane of Clinton RCAF are visiting for a few days this week rr-ith Mr. arid Mrs James E. Currie. -1-7.:LT V u r .11 by H. 1„ P. sI^hn:itof: your telephone mamaoei' 1111115, JACIL LLOYD (and Relb1 enjoy outdoor living with so otitd001' phone, EVERT TEAR Ay TTIME we remind cur te;arler:a abeert the benefits of outdoor telephones . . and every year more and more customers find out for themselves how right we are Bea thea, it's inevitable i guess. The growing trend to outdoor being during the summer months eoupled with the increasing tendeneie to keep in touch by telephone was bound to create a demand for this type of service. With an outdoor phone you can restates a11! make calfs right there in your own backyard, Whether you're iiusy prettifying the petunias. a'ooking over your barbecue. alt. just relaxing on your patio o1• in your favourite garden spot. It will save the wear and tear of having to run inside on hot aorta niei' days to answer the phones and besides, you'll get 100( 1 more out of those friendly telephone visits if they're *irate from the quiet relaxed atmosphere of your garden. Why r1O* C?.I! 'us at 344 and ask •about Our' portable telephone:; with outlets. fair natio or garden? They're easy far a to install and you'll find the price is lou!, WHEREVER YOU GO this steamer, chances arc that sea be near a public telephone --whether - it's an indoor booth, or the familiar outdoor booth. •or the han'ty new walk-up or Drive -Up variety When you're travelling you cap use tflem to call ahead to make sure of al 'om- modation. of warn the folks at Valli destinatioi, if you're a. little off schedule, :'i greet frielide sheaf. the way. You'll fired ptrblic telephtmr•r, et greatconvelilt'lu.'e tt'lloret'el yeti s11 e t se them often Remember, it's watt "phone ett'ay trent home" 1 M_Ai.v; F'1;N ae y011r yes:aorttt this yell ill It please rail:e ars leer le be "water -Arise," The (.;lnadian Rea Cross tells tis abet nearly 1,000 people to this Papirtrl inc destine * to die byt ing this Rummer unless every individual learns and nraefiees. wafter safety. They'a,t;ttest 0 few inlpnrtenit tin to keen 10 ,/gro. during the siiniiner months. Never dive into latlkrto•see nxet.9ra! You might strike a dangero,ts eh,lrct like n >;til,Irierged ror:k raw leg. Never stvilar after .dada] it is sllso litigate to tlttta'y as ry ehOiIgP pintas in tl boat. and remember, Federal Boetitlg Ree'e lotions rema.re that Yen Provide 4 fire jOPI£et tot• E%ACIX tea: • setiger ml hoard, Water skiers, give swimmers and b0a1a '0'i'i bett1l l 'Mien fiinppdng, uevei• lend fortt'iu'4, 1)0 a sit -flora tel on the hark os the skis. eto, etu most n'f fliese rifles eta teat. Penirnolt sense, bltf they're worth thinkttta about nanili teed again horguise they all ',:tl'r lit Ps, '('itittlt 411n1tt nil the toles 4. water safety this aninnler. Have cl pleasatil toontioln pntf be sti:_ra to Come back alive!