The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-07-18, Page 5/we ray so Aro Ave ( ,,;1i, E ..: j� �. NOWT COW- SUMMER PRICEt ON 1 . 1 • ,R 'blue coar Fel prices go up in the Fall, So your bin with steady.burning' `blue cog' new and save. Re- member, the sooner you order, the more you save. Gail us today! COME IN OR PHONE US TODAY 1T, N, OW 1)11' & SON `tVIN(ilTAM ANI.) (i3OItit!E Phone Collect `IVROX11.TI R 220W1 CLeAfe„ SAR&, v,ItY; "kr i ltld It'r till IA ■ R Ail sig Ili ■ 011•■ ■ a j ▪ ' ▪ VO'MEN'S DRESS SHOES • ■ ■ ■ ■ •■ ■ ■ WIIITEUHUREII • Mr. and Mrs. Fenn nth Johnston and Marilyn, Marie and Debbie of Clinton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs, LJon McKenzie and son John, of Ashfield, and Mr, and. Mrs. Harold Congram and child- ren silent Sunday at Port Elgin and Owen Sound. Misses Florence and Margaret Moir of Toronto spent the week -end with Mr. and, Mrs, James Richard- son of ICinloss. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Arbuckle, who have visited with his father, Mi'. William Arbuckle: and other rela- tives in this district fur the past two weeks left On Friday for their home at Ottawa, Miss Anne Currie and Miss Karen Greenaway, l;luevalc, who spent the week -end at their homes here, Would you like to invest like a millionaire ? Men with Iarge amounts of money to invest can afford the nn. portant advantages of hired financial guidance, continuous management, and wide diversification of investments. All of these advantages are available to you if you will take the time to talk to a Mars from Investors. He will show how easy it is for you to become part-owner of more than 100 leading securities -- how you can earn handsome dividends — how you share in long-term capital gains. All these benefits are available through a modest investment in Investors Mutual or Investors Growth Fund, super• vised by Canada's largest investment management company. EIv(ERSON IVEL Just write or call: Ilarriston, Ont. Box 0 Phone 334W THOMAS JARIIN Wingham, Ont. Box 394 Phone 147 BRUCE h eFA.TUL Listowel, Ont. Box 093 Phone 979 Investors o of WCainoate OF CANADA, 11111710 Hood Of ;cat Winnrpep . Otllea In Prrndpl Gliw LOTS OF HELP—Fight tractors, three balers and eighteen willing neighbors made short work of haying operations at Tom Abra- ham's farm south of Belmore last week and by Wednesday evening had the entire 18 acres in the barn. Mr. Abraham has been laid up for some time, following a serious operation. —Advance -Times photo. returned to Kitchener on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, Budd Orr of Wier - ton and Mr, and Mrs. John L. Cur- rie sponsored a family reunion of the Orr families at Chesley on Sunday, Families came from Mont- real, Detroit, Parkhill, Hensel!, Pine River, Bervie, London, Tees water; Wingham, and Chesley and gathered at 12.30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. David Henderson and Mr, and Mrs. Claude Dore were appointed as leaders for next year. Miss Laurette McBurney, teach- er in Calgary, arrived home one day last week and is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Shoebottom, and her brother, Mr. Alex McBurney. Mrs, John McGee, Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft and Kirk Beecroft spent Thursday at Lon- don and met the plane when Miss Myrtle Beecroft of New London, Conn., arrived from. New York and Melton airports. Mr, and Mrs. Carl Weber and family attended a Weber family get-together on Sunday at the home of Mr, and. Mrs, Robert Chambers, Harriston., when families gathered from. Kitchener; 'Dutton, Walker- ton and Whitechurch. Mrs. Elgin Welwood retarned home to Caledon on Sunday .and Mrs, Arthur Cronin is spending this week with Mr. Charles Falconer and his children at Marais, • ALE Savings for everyone on all types of Footwear for Men, Women and Child - Come in and see our bargain racks for many items not listed below. ren. A special selection of Flat, Il- lusion oe Higlt Heels in White, Bone, Black or Brown. Reg. to $10.0*. SALE PRICE— $1.99 $2.99 $3.99 $14.99 WOMEN'S SANDALS Colors of White or Bone—Flat or Medium Wedge Heels Sale Price $1.99 to $3.99 CHILDREN'S SANDALS White or Beige-4and:11s for dress or 'Regular to $3.0f) Sale Price $1.89 Play MEN'S SPORT SHOES hoary►, sola shoes with suede or leather uppers Sale Price $5.89 and up .-. FIRST TEN HAYS OF SALE— ALL MERCHANDISE REDUCED 10% and MORE 'minding SPRING and SUMMER FOOTWEAR (Excluding HUSH PUPPIES) Children's Sneakers ROI] or (xree,n 89.c and 1.19 Women's Tennis CLEARANCE Red or Rhin Canva•a Sale Price 79c Women's Moccasins • ANi) SANDALS Sale Price $1.49 allan Shoes ;112.iig Mrs. Walter Lott is visiting for a few days this week at the home of her daughter, Mrs, Orval Newby of Chesley. Mr. and Mrs, William Purdon, Mary and Barbara and Mrs. Wm. Dawson and Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Tiffin visited .on Sunday with .Mr, and Mrs. James Henderson of Brantford, Mr. Andrew Hender- son spent the week -end -at the home of his brother, Mr, H. D, Henderson of Listowel. Mrs, Garnet Farrier held a nes cellaneous shower at her home on Monday evening in honor of the coming Marriage of her niece, Miss Marion Farrier, Wingham. Mrs.- W. R. Farrier spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Farrier of Kitchener, and returned home on Saturday with Mr. Farrier and Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Finlay McGowan and Mary Ann of Toronto spent the week -end at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Ronald Jamieson. Mr, and Mrs. Alex Whytock of Teeswater visited on. Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Whytock. Mr. and Mrs. James Lenister of Toronto spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Smyth. Mr, and Mrs. Sam Smyth of MItchell visited here on Sunday, Mr. and MPs. Barrie Walter and Norma of Goderich and Mr, and Mrs..Clarencc Chamney visited on I Sunday with Miss Sandra Chi*i- ney, who has been employed at Honey Harbour. Miss Claire Cham - nay of Toronto was 'bridesmaid for her friend, Miss Julia Ackweizene, at the marriage at Cape Croker on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. G. A McLaughlin of Detroit, who went by plane to San Francisco, where their dough. ter. Miss Joan McLaughlin has nursed for two years, returned home with the daughter by motor through Western Canada. They visited with Mr. and Mrs, Chamney, Mrs, Cecil Chamney, Wingham, and other relatives in this district last week. Vacation school for ehilddren in this district commences next Mon- day, July 23, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, James Richardson and will run for two weeks. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Wilson, Bren- da and Karen of London visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Farrier. Brenda stayed to visit here this week. Donald Gaunt visited on Sunday with Mr, Gordon Moffatt of Wing - ham. The W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church meets this Wednesday at the home of Mrs, Victor Emerson. The 'United Chureh Women of Cal. vin -Brick Chureh. meet on Wed- nesday evening at 8.0 at the home of Mrs, Gordon McBurney and the U.C,W, and Messengers of the Un - lied Church here meet on Wednes- day at the home of Mrs. J, 1), Bee- croft, Mr, Thomas Gaunt, who spent the past two weeks at his home in Wingham, returned to the hospital on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. K. 'P. Bibb of Col- chester spent a few days last week with Mrs. Mina McRitchie and Mr. James II, Currie. They all visited with Mr. and Mrs, Rissell . Gaunt on Friday and with other district relatives during the weel.. Mrs. Merle Casemore, Thames- ville, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Johnston Blenheim and Mr, Thomas Noble - ton of Thamesford visited on .Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs,. Russell Gaunt. Four carloads of young people from the Presbyterian and United Churches here enjoyed a wiener roast at Boiler: Beach ori Friday evening. Mrs. Charles Martin, Mr, James Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Cameron Simmons, London. Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Dickson and children of Belmore visitecl.on Sunday with her father, Mr: Arthur Moore, Mr. Edward Straughaun and Mr. Oliver McBrien of Coderich visit- ed on Tuesday with Mrs. James Laidlaw. Mr, and Mrs. Roddy Inglis and family of Forest visited on Sun- day with his parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Tiros, Inglis of West Wawanosh. Mr. Ronald Plunkett,Ross and. Brenda of Hamilton, spent ,the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Der- wyn. Hill at the manse here., Mrs. Clarence Lewis and Mrs, G. Bain of Grimsby spent a. few. days last week with the former's father, Mr, F, MeK. Paterson. Mr. and Mrs, George Fisher,.San- dna and Doris visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.' Gordon Fisher of Owen Sound. Mrs. Fisher and Dor- is are spending this week at Balm OUTDOOR SPORTS are part of the training the children are receiving at the Vacation Bible School being held in the United Church. The primary class looks on as Teeny Ritzma, Gerri Bennett, John Schipper and Murray Irwin get ready for a two -legged race.—A-T photo. ENJOYING BIBLE SCHOOL on Tuesday were ■ 170 children. This group in the kindergarten tMIImifrinnilll�ililii mmifinsiiia®■ ®®aunt]■■■■11igii/ ii r iriii■ariiil��; class paused long enough to havetheirpicture taken. They are David Bennett, Brian a Shaunes- sy, r sy, Mark Tiffin, Steven Forsyth and Richard Si namon.-=Advance-Times photo, %Vii►gliiurr A(lvi►u(;c='lii►►►4ra, Wedneeul. Lake, with Mrs. Arnold. Lougheed and children, of I'eterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Walker ''ls. ited qn Friday with Mr. and Mrs, Edmund Irwin of Ooclerich, Mr. and Mrs, Lewis 13eecroft .of Edmonton celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary and held Op- en house for their friends .last. Tuesday evening. Seventy-four dollars was gath- ered in this community for the • Salvation Army, Wingham, in the annual campaign. ', .fully 18, J001 lt'a rte V1I eleeleeeeele (7i SIf --..if you live, CAStlf .-if YOU die, Pr'oteettgti ter the tsndly (`oinfort for your 4'00re140nt All in once policy, Consult—, FRANK C. HOPPER - Representative I1444 Catxada Life WINGHAM, ONT. '['hone 4(4 Folding Aluminum AWNINGS LUMBER — Telephone 260 FLOOR WALL TILES Aluminum SASH DOORS BUILDING — CUPBOARDS Wingham BELTONE HEARING MD SERVICE CLINIC THURSDAY, JULY 19th . 1 p.m. 3 p.m. VANCE'S DRUG STORE WINGHAM PHONE FOR FREE HOME APPOINTMENT Service to all Makes of Hearing Aids E. R. THEDE HEARING AID SERVICE 88 QUEEN STREET SOUTH - KITCHENER To Serve You Better we have installed a new ALEMITIE heel Balancer INCREASE THE LIFE OF YOUR TIRES WITH THIS ON -THE -CAR BALANCING MACHINE Ask for prices at Readman's TE t`x ACO SERVICE CENTRE PHONE 84 - WINGHAM Illlr11INIl.ill.Ill1111III111K11111ll1■I11I111■i118111111;1111!Iflllllillll IIIA/ IIIA INI11Ulllrl,II Hodgins - McDonald (WINGHAM) LTD. LUMBER AND BUILDERS' SUPPLIES GALVANIZED STEEL ROOFING $9.70 PER SQUARE 6' to 30' LENGTHS THIS IS ONTARIO MANUFACTURED STEEL \V Tit IMPROVED STEW() (1:1I.VA117.:N(I Terms Cash — Free Delh)ert/ Phone 656 Wingham , Iidiilfi>il MICi iii lfGiii dill Ailiif MifiMiii Radia iiGRiaRi iiiihl iiiiilil*MMilt!