The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-07-18, Page 3�+.+ +�+ n:�n, tura w�msm�utEutsmEfllEit11�tiER?Ei!li;lalilEtffiilt�lli�i;i<i Hold .Bible School Af A 'cIntosh LW. LAKEI.k r. Thi' Mulcrtosh 'Unit ed Mare la was the scene of much activity from July 9th to July 13th n when vacation Bible School was i� kaki for the B6hnore and Moire. Cosh districts. 'l'h(' s(lu)ol Was well attended and thole in charge were Rev. G. How- ard Pace and Miss Pauline Pace, Mrs. George Harper, Mrs. Harvey Wright, Mrs, Alan Darling, Mrs. 9ris.rd Tls,r,I,tar *nil Mrs. ,ask Ferguson. The .chilaren displayed their tie. eomplishnients at the clueing pro- gram on 'Friday evening which was well received by parents and • friends. to • • • • • • • • • • "That's some of the dial equipment -for WINGHAM'S NEW TEi.19P RONJ EXCKANGE: It takes several months to install wad eouneet the complex switching equipment that makes up an automatic dial. telephone exchange, The equipment fo:r Wbigham is now being installed and wilt be ready to serve you next December. With the new exchange you will have Direct Distance Dialing as well as Local Dialing, All telephone numbers will Change to include seven figures, starting with "357," 1•I. 1•i. 1'. JOHNSTON, Manager. %Ve'Il keep you posted as work progresses — but in the meantime, will you your number change in mind if you order business stationery or any material ° w r ing your telephone a►mulat e 4.1k;; THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA keep bear•- •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • THE KINDERGARTEN CLASS at the Vacation Church this year, Over 225 children ort: Bible School School is pictured during their activity tered for the classes.—A-T photo., period. The school is being held at the United FORDWICH ford spent Last week with his grandmother, Mrs. Pearl Patter- ' ent a son. Master Rlcicy McCann sp few clays last week. with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Renwick near Belmore. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Siefert, son Lorne and daughter Jean, also, Mr. Everitt •Cooper, attended the Sie- fert -Ingalls wedding held in St. James' Anglican Church at Bed- ford, Que., on Saturday. Miss Jean Siefert was •soloist, Messrs. Barbara and Noreen Valeriote of Guelph spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack King. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holstock and family of Mount Albert spent the. week -end with relatives here. Mrs..Tack Wilson and Mrs. Emma Williamson spent one day last week in Guelph and visited with Mrs. Wilda Campbell in St. Jos- eph's Hospital. Mr, and Mrs. David Stienacker and baby daughter of Alliston spirit the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Steinacker. Mrs. Anson Ruttan and Audrey and Miss Doris Carswell spent otic day last week in Kitchener. Master Paul Wipp, 'of Thames - 9 90% of all oil company product research in Canada is done by imperial At imperial Oil's laboratories at Sarnia, Ontario, more than 200 scientists and,technicians are working to improve present petroleum products— and to develop new ones. Their research covers manyfields, from gasolines to household detergents. Another 130 scientists and technicians are work- ing at Imperial's Calgary laboratories on ways to find -'and produce more Canadian crude oil and natural gas. Imperial does more research than all other oil companies in Canada combined. e Every barrel of crude. oil contains some of the sun's heat. Imperial research works to unlock more of this energy. After five years' intensive research, Imperial found a chemical additive which makes more heating oil available from Canadian crude oil. One important result: less oil imported to heat Canadian homes. ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST Mr, Henry Heise of Gormley spent Saturday in the conununity. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Reis were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harms of Detroit, Miss Cathy Harms of Marquette, Mich., and Rev. Hartung Harms of Il1i- nois. Miss Lily Wyld, of Chicago. is spending two weeks at the home of her sister, Mrs. Earl Cober and Mr. Coker. Sunday guests at the same home were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Go- ber and family of New Hamburg. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McMichael and Mr. and Mrs. Noah Reis at- tended' the funeral of the latter's mother, the late Mrs. Conrad Hoss- fcld, in Walkerton one day last week. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Howe, Miss- es Violet Beswitherick and Mary • Cattanaeh spent Sunday in Goder. i•ch. Mrs. George Wipp and family of Thamesford spent a couple of days with her mother, Mrs. Pearl Pat- terson. Master Paul Wipp re- turned home after spending a week here. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Anson Demerling were Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Rouw, Mrs. Fred Bode and Elaine of Hanover, Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Deitz of Mayne 1' Cornet's. ]Miss Karen Brown spent last week - visiting her grandmother, Mrs, Bertha Duncan, in Teviotdale. Master Peter Bride of 1.)o11 Mills is spe.rirling this week at the home of his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Dnig. . Mr. and Mrs, Stan 13ride and Mrs. H. M, .Bride attended the Bride re. union. Sunday in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs..Harvcy Bride of Toronto also attended. • ]3iryh. BAYLOR 'Po Mr. and Mrs. Neil Baylor, a. son, in Listowel Hospi. tal on Tuesday, July 10, 1902. Mrs. Wm. Maxwell Buried. on. Sunday WROXE,TER Mr.:. \i'Il ::i,r well, 73, 11 patient. 1n \Viii; .tate Hospital several times ?amp Year's, died in hospital on 1 r.•t+y July 13th, She was the former Anne. ;1.t;. Westlake, daughter of the ine i111Wil- liam Westlake• and I•;l,zoteelli Chandler, of 7.'nrnberry :'ii..U.;hilt. She attended S. S. No. 1:: II'a' ick ,Lane's School) and wa:, a Art maker until her marria';e it: 1t•nrtt^ ary 1922, Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell In:ve lived retired in the village si1'ee 1911'. She was a member of WVrosei'1 United Church. Surviving besidt's her hti.Iii i are a sister, Kathleen 'Mrs. I -lorry Pflance), of Stratford, and broth- ers George, of Flnwiek, \i'illi:uu, of Goderich, Charles, of '1'i ga:el::', Sask., Bob. of Moose Frank, Vancouver, B.C., anti Ar- thur, of Toronto. A brother, 1.1.u•ry, predeceased her in 110:1 and Fred in 1961• Rev. Wilfred Flied ennetueted the service on Sunday aft. ruooe from the Moir funeral home. Interment. was in Wroxeter C'ernetery. Pallbearers were Jelin I'i'ianee, 13111 Higgins, Bence Watt, Garfield. Jack and Harry Westlake, Service Wednesday For George J. White After a, lengthly illness there passed away in the Winghnni Gen- eral Hospital, George J. While, of Teeswater, in his 79th year. Born in West Wawanosh July, 1883, he was the only son of 'Phomas White and Ann Jane Fitzpatrick, When quite young he moved with the family to Holyrnod to the farm now owned by Mr. Harvey Houston. In January 19:14 the late Mr. White was united in marriage in Margaret Kraemer. who survives. There they farmed until 1910 when they moved to Morris Township. thence to the la6h eanec ssion of West Wawanosh from where they retired to Teeswater about. 14 years ago, A patient, kind and loving hus- band and father, Mr. While, had a host of friends and was ever ready to lend a helping hand. The funeral :vis hehl N'eduetcda}' morning from the W. (+. ('hutch funeral home to Sltered Heart R. C. Church, where the deceased was a devoted and faithful member. Tte• omen' high plass was sung by Rev. Fr. Biggins at 10 a.m„ with inter, tent in Teeswater R. C. Cemetery. Palbearei•s were Allister Hughes, Rosa MacMillan. John Boyle, Wm. Webster, George King and Clus R,enzetti, Surviving besides his wife are Iwo sons, Wilfred, of Wingham, and Laverne, of Teeswater; two daughters, Mrs. Stanley (T,eanet) Bleck, of Belgrnve, and Mrs. Wil- frid (Mary) Hogan, of T)nn Mills, OrtL,; sixteen, grandchildren, also one sister, Mrs. Wm. (Evelyn) t'nr- hett, of Toronto, A sister, Mrs. .Tnseph utiadie) ltittinble prerlecvased lion 10 '1938. • . FINAL KEN FU U MFJ MONTHS nS Ie OR.D',VTCH The Site?“ 1111 .11r :; senger's of the Ford:vielt Totted Church held their ;191,11..1 1.9.119' 111 Saturday on the gr(( 1'i h of the Fordwich nubile School. '1'i+ •1'1 a 1'evot•d 8ttendnne.• of :+.!nu•:a (8. Mrs. Ben Gibson t entero, t.eri the opening veremony 11111 peated the motto mill itr.ty''i The Messenger hymn teas :.'rte,;. It ir:r announced that thee,• would i,.. nn meeting in Augn:d. 11, h„li'l:ly month. Mrs. Robert (*thsott i':1:. i'1 elide••,• of the races, groan •;a.n,. and relays, with prizes :',' ii,l •,1 to the winners. A baseball nic lunch concluded th, 1;t• ,, inn with loo cream h,.np the Messenger grout,. Minister. "Young. in:11 , volt conquer yourself. \i i.•. 1 :• ,,,.1t, 1., .1 myself when 'r n•n . Y'ntulg 111:111 "W.11. ['„1 ,. nal de? man to lick limit y'a' fr 4 Wing] m dva..nce-Tim m, W44ne!F'dapr tTi 1T ..$, 71 62 1" rosy 'xi I } rpOrxiOYAiP PPaP6P?!OM1M0.wpa.PYv4PgoPUN.04.10m9100O e•MIO1 Radio Clearance BIJLOWA MANTEL ANO TRANSISTOR MODELS Reg. 169.95 -To Clear at , . . f Reg. $49.95 --To Clear at HATE MEI -1 S .. a,"\‘t t '""/./ PHONL 250 $47.50 $39.'95 EWELLERY WINGHAM. ONTARIO A.I.S11; •.. MO.MaNNW...sis.PeesMWMUMOMM.Ma.41nPl1ft.MMsi .11 .r.1111,os000WM id -Simmer Clearance SALE _qq'_ . rr+ r� Cliil�r re's Wear CLEARING SUMMER PLAY CLOTHES BOYS' SPORTS JACKETS, CAR COATS, BLAZERS, DRESSES, SLEEP WEAR, BABY WEAR AND GIFTS REDUCTIONS OF - 10",, 20'', One=third off and Half=Price Entire stock at reduced prices 18-25b rking Meters ENFORCEMENT OF PARKING METERS GOES INTO EFFECT Wednesday, July 18 These meters are lc for 12 minutes or 5c for 1 hour. The hours for use of meters are as follows: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday — 9 a.n'i. to 6 p.m. Wednesday — 9 a.m. to 12 noon Friday --- 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. If you wish to stay parked in, the same parking space for 2 hours you must return at the end of the hour and insert another 5c. If ten cents is placed in the meter it is only for converiience and covers only one hour. Special red colored meters, lc for 12 minutes, are placed at the post office to facilitate park- ing accommodation. Chief of Police, JAMES MILLER. • • 0 SERVES FOUR OR MORE! New Fentily-Size 7-Up Perfect for tho ftmiiiy rind porties. 5o COMM -1'48W! What a tre'if f' r v.,d+r f.tnaily to find one of the.e CLICK I'r'ttln. of sot/riding, Ory-•,fol•'.le,lr 7-Up chilled and wci3tinq in the refrigerator! And he'v hanrly when company conics! Wvr Family. Size $evcn-Urt ,rrvees four or more—whit hlri-bottle convenience you'll like. far a real thirst quencher ...a coal, .,acoal, clean taste Abthliecce i Seven Regul.sto Size 7-Up In 7-eL 6ettle5