The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-07-11, Page 10titto Ton 'no Wlr g am civgn041 1to,W/44.0.000'; 4' 3 1x, 04"4 LYCEUM Ta tre Wh>11g1 ani, Ontario 'I'wo. Shoals Lack Nil;irt Commencing at 7,14 p.m. ADMISSION—We - d:ic• - Sac CLOSED F. N M T` Y May be donated fune ral WUITFCIIUIIitI Mr. and liars. James E. Currie and Donna Leader were at Wros stet on Sunday when r'h tives ga- thered to honor an uncle, Mr. Chas Maxwell, who was celebrating' his It2nd birthday. Vacation Bible School commences ln ilelgravc next 11'fonday. Mr. Nelson $lcightholnt of Erus. tics visited On Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Elsner Sleightholm and with his wife, who has been a pa- tient in Wingham Hospital, Mr, and Mrs. ,lark Johnston and baby, David, of London. visited on tinnday with his parents, Mr. and :sirs. Gershon Johnston. Mr. and Mgrs, Harry Moss and fancily of Piattsviile, and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin McClcnaghan .of Wa. te•r•ioo visited on Sunday with Mr. and Airs. .Ben McClenaghan, Harold Dawson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Dawson of East VVa- wanosh, who had a long and ser- ious illness last winter, was in \i'ingham Hospital for a few days last week and was taken to the li W Hospital in Kitchener on I+'riday. adhere he underwent sur- gery at the week -end. His parents have been to Kitchener each day through dour lucid ! $-bring this critical illness. director. Mr. and Mrs. George Walker vis. ,ate c441 ited on Sunday with Mr. annd Mrs. .los. Ii;ormath at Wroxeter. 1 r 'f,,,0 line's Annual Tows and Goontry Day it Sad,, July 14th 1'!! AT THE ARENA Come to Kincardine "Where You're a Stranger Only Once" and enjoy a good old fashioned Town and Country Day featuring: • PONY RIDES for the Kiddies -2 to 5 p.m. ® Monster CHICKEN BAR -B -Q-5 to ? p.m. ® PIE EATING CONTEST—Town vs Country ® BRUCE COUNTY DAIRY PRINCESS Milking Times -5:30 and 7:00 p.m. ® KINCARDINE SCOTTISH PIPE BAND Playing from 8 to 9 p.m. ® MONSTER STREET DANCE 9 o'clock to Midnight Reserve Saturday, July 14, at Kincardine for Good Eating and Fun for the Entire Family i SPONSORE 11 13Y i R Kincardine Agricultural Society. and Chamber of Commerce ii. biliiliNiiiliHllRil all n WI ISN ttli illiiilliniiliRiliRlitAlilAUilIlialiatilwlllitililin from C AWFORD MOTORS 1961 Cl3EV, 22 -DOOR luteniali( 1961 P LYMMMOTH 2 -DOOR (gem, 4;U"— one owner 1961 METEOR 4 -DOOR SEDAN in tip-top condition 19(;1 RAMBLER 2 -DOOR One owner 1959 FORD TUDOR iu 1-1 shape 1959 )CORD SEDAN One owner 1959 OL1:�SMOBILE 4 -DOOR SEDAN a one -owner tar 1958 DODGE 4 -DOOR SEDAN with lb i,uha 1958 BUICK 4 -DOOR SEDAN one owner 1957 PLYMOUTH 14 -DOOR SEDAN c} t r oettitioii 1956 MONARCH 1 4 -DOOR HARDTOP 1955 PONTIAC 2 -DOOR equipped ttiili radio and fender Mitre s, good condition 1955 DODGE 4 -DOOR its r1.1 we/melee! laudation 1954 DODGE 4 -DOOR SEDAN den Crawford Your Dodge, l'lyttioath, Chrysler, Valiant Dealer Phone 714 Wxnghatln Mr's. Miller Davis and Mr. Alex Elliott we're tri Toronto on Sunda to visit the lntter:s daughter, Mrs '.d. Ryan. Cathy and Greg ftyai returned with them to spend tht week with their uncle and aunt Mi'. and Mrs. Miller Davis, A'fr. and Mrs, Bill Stapleton and family took a motor trip to Sault Ste, Marge and through Michigan State while on their holidays last week. Master Keith 13'odgldnson was a guest last week with his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex„ Me. Leod, in .[.uekia)w, -Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson and faintly, of London, .were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Robert Wenger. brother of Mrs. Burrell still lives. y On the way home they enjoyed a , picnic at Whitby with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Horton and John, of Kingston, and Dave Scott of Tor- , onto. Mr, Gary Burrell of Port Credit returned with that'll for the holidays, Tom leaves foir B,C, shortly, • Mr.. and Mrs, Noonan Cironk- weiglit, Wendy and Brian, spent last week vacationing' at Port Elgin, Mrs. W. W. Currie, Mrs. Joe Kerr, 1vtrs, Norm Elliott, Mrs. Doug Rathbun, Mrs. Milford Foac- ton, Mrs. Reg DuVal, Mrs. Alan Hafernrehl and Mrs, R. H. Lloyd attended a golfing tournament in Fergus on Wednesday and Mrs. DuVal and Mrs: Rathbun won prizes. —Mrs. Ross Ring won a fry pao and Mrs. Jas. Godkin a lawn chair in draws at the annual Mary Has. tings Rainbow Club picnic at the town park on Wednesday. --Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Currie and son, Rick, of Acton, visitecl on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fuller•, Mrs. Fred Fuller returned home with them and will spend the week there, •---Miss Merle Gowdy, of the Kit- chener teaching staff, has left for Guelph, where she is taking a course in physical training. --Mr. and Mrs, George Johnson r and family,of Toronto were in a Wingham on Monday while va- cationing at Bruce. Beach, , Mrs. Murray Johnson visited friends and relatives here Sunday night and Monday, and attended the • funeral of Mrs. Frank Sturdy. She returned with her family to Bruce Beach on Monday night. —Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hodgkin- son and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Yeo- man, of Wroxeter, spent several days at Wasaga Beach, Sunder Beach and Midland, last week. • Mr. and Mrs. Alton Adams and Julie are holidaying at Bruce Beach. —Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Edighoffer were guests 'of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Gregory at Fenelon Falls last week. —Mr. and Mrs. Harold King and family spent the week -end at the trailer camp in Port Elgin. Mrs. King and family are remaining for the; balance : of the holidays. —Miss Marion Simpson visited over the week -end with Mrs. E. A. VanStone and Misses Pearl and Babe Eekenswiller at Weston. • -Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fells and Miss Doris Fells of Toronto have t returned -home after spending a holiday at Elgin House, Muskoka. • -.Mrs, Bill Henderson . and Ann t visited with ..Mr. Donald Henderson in 'Toronto last week 'and attended: the' Whitaker-Clenacnt-eiiurch"-wed- I ding. Donald returned with them for a three days' visit, ---Mr. and Mrs. Bill King, Mrs. Edna Farrish and Linda spent the past week at Port Elgin beach. Mr. S and Mrs. Jack King and children and Miss Margaret Higgins also spent a week at a cottage there. Mr's. John Bateson and Tamil are eaiuping at A.inherley thi week, Master David Langridge and Master Kenny Skinnhave return• ed from a holiday with the form- er's grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, F. Langr'lclge, near Belgrave, Mr. Bruce St, George, accom, panted by his father, Mr. Claude St, George, of St. Catharines, at, tended the premiere of "The Gen, drillers" in Stratford. Mr. St, George Is visiting for a few days with his son and daughter-in-law, --Mrs. Glbert Fraser, of Niagara Falls, N.Y., is visiting with her mother, Mrs. John Lockridge. ---Mrs, Andrew Casentore and Irl - ma,, who have been visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Green, and other relatives in Manitoba for the past month, have returned home. They were accompanied by Mrs. Wallace Frankum, of Woodbridge. Mrs. Frankum also visited friends in B.C. and Seattle and attended the World's Fair. y s ---Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hutton, Linda and Paul spent last week at a cottage at Bayfield. —Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ahara, Peggy, Mary and Teddy holidaj'ed last week at a cottage near Kin- cardine. ---Mr. and Mrs, Baray Wenger and faintly were visitors aver the week -end with Mr. and Mrs.. James Deneau and family . at Fenelon Falls. —Rev. and Mrs. C. V. Johnson spent several days last week in .Owen Sound: • —Mr, and Mrs, William Walden and family spent the week -end at Pine River. ---Miss Shirley Ellis, Mrs, Thos. Ellis, Mrs. Mary Hogg and Major Margaret Wheeler visited in Ar- kona last Wednesday, ----Mrs. Murray Johnson. of Cali- fornia, and her grandchildren, Holly and, Robin -Johnson, Toronto, 'are spending this week at Bruee 'Beach:- Mrs. Bach;Mrs. Johnson' arrived in Toronto a week ago Sunday and will spend the summer in Ontario. ' ' - - Mr. ,and Mrs. an: .Nettcrfield, Terry and Kevin rettirned home Saturday after attending:. a. three- day Golden Jubilee celebration ,at Mrs. " Netterfield's horne town, Matheson, and vacationing in Nor- hern Ontario and (4uebec,.,: :. —Mr,-: and Mrs,• Robert:Grififth and Karen;, ,sof Flint, Koh:, spent he; week-e•nd. with: Mr.: and -•Mrs. Ken • Ceiison.•and;,fanlily: • =Mr: - and Mrs, .Chris ' Newniati and Marykae visited over the week -end with, Mr. and Mrs, Jim Newman at Newmarket. --Miss Beverley Stewart, of tratford, is spending two weeks' vacation with Mr, and Mrs, Hap Swatridge and children. --Mr. Walter Lockridge returned b from St. Joseph's Hospital. London, s last Wednesday and is a patient in Wingham General Hospital. His son, Jim Lockridge, with the RCAF, Baden-Baden, Germany, has re- turned home after visiting with his father in St. Joseph's and other a relatives in town. Jim was here far about ten days. ---Visitors with the Misses Bar- er on. Wednesday last were their lster, Mrs. R. D. Mason, and Mrs. Wilfred Levy, of Stratford, and Mrs. Frank Labelle and Carol Anne Labelle, of Scarborough, --Mrs, Ken Crawford and Jane re moving to Kingston today Wednesday) where her husband is working in the warehouse of C. loyd & Son. --Mrs. S. A. ;Murray, Mr, and Mrs. Paul Vanstone, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon d herr Murray u a a Y d Esther, and Mrs. W. C. Murray attended the Murray-Tremaine wedding in Hyatt Avenue United Church, Lon- don, on Saturday, •--Mr. and Mrs, Parker Campbell and Robert enjoyed a motor trip to North Bay and Sault Ste: Marie last week. —Mr. and Mrs. W. T, Lapp, Betty Ann, Mary Joan and Olive motored to Oxbow, Sask., tt.her•e they visited relatives and attended the wending of Mr, iapp's niece, Miss Sharon Pierrnantier, They ntade several stops along the way to visit with friends and relatives, They arrived homy from their two Weeks' holt. day on Sunday night. --Mrs, Lois Scott and children, of J racebridge, is spending the sum- mer rnortths at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lockridge. Mr. and Mrs, Keith hunbai' and family, of Stratford, spent the week -end with her par- ents and Mr, and Mrs. John Lock - ridge and faniily, of Watford, were guests the latter part of the week at the Seine glome, -Mr, and 'Mrs. Harold Burrell and Elizabeth spent a week in Northern Ontario and while there attended theBurrell-Martin wed- ding in Timmins. At Cochrane they visited former friends. Their son, Tom, of Trutch, 8,C„ ,joined them there and al! revisited their former home at Island Falls, where a WHERE DO YOU GES YOUR PRE.SCR5PTtbt4S CID -ED i ) (---1 A' W <8 yo To VANCE'S DRUG STORE t kNovi 1 CAN DEPEND Oft THEM FOR FINE. seavice1. it� n' "�141sr..`•uY ... f..', ERNIE KING'S SILVER LAKE CAMP produced this whopper of a fish last Saturday morning. The lucky fisherman was. Eldon Thomas . of Waterloo, who landed, the •381/2• inch Northern Pike. It weighed in at 121/2 pounds and measured 16 inches in -girth.• United S.S. Picnic Heid in Goderich • DONNYBROOK -- The United Church Sunday School held its an- nual.. n- nual picnic Friday afternoon art Harbour • Park, Goderich, with - a good attendance, There were rac- es for •the children and the win- ners were: . 12 years and over, Jim Robinson, first;. Diane Chamney and Jean Naylor, tie,d for second, 9 to 12 years, Donna Chamney, Linda Snowden, Ramona Hanna. 7 aril •8 years, Marion Armstrong, Linda Jefferson, John Thompson. 5 and 6 years, Barbara Chamney, Melanie' Sprung, Norien Arm- strong, 4 and under, Doris Naylor, "Eddie Noble: 'Joyce Chamney and Terry Armstrong, tied. Papel plate race, Bill Robinson and -gill Naylor; Jim Robinson and Steve Noble; Jean Hardy and Lin_ da Snowden. After .the races all enjoyed a bountiful -picnic lunch. DONNYBROOK Master Paul Josling of Londes- boro is spending his holidays with his sisl:er, Mrs. Wesley Jefferson and "frtrnily. Miss, Gladys Jefferson of Wood- stock is. spending a couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs, James Leddy taid,:Mr. Leddy. Mrs, J: ••C. Robinson of Wingham and Mr. and Mrs, Edward Robin- son and Judy are spending a few days with relatives at and' around Wallaoebur•g. Mrs. Carl Chamney of Wingham visited with her daughter, Mrs. Sam Thompson one day last week. Mrs. Charles Jefferson visited Thursday with her brother, Mr, Henry McClirichey of Auburn," Other relatives there were MTS. Charles Potter, Mrs, Joe Gooding, Barbara and Gerald, all from Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs, Don Jefferson and Cheryl Lynne of Clinton visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. John Noble and family, ODRRIE Mr. Robert Daneand a d rM' , and Mrs, Norman Wade attended the funeral in Listowel on Friday of Mrs, James Dane, the former Eva Laird, and one time resident of Howick Township. Mr. D. E. O. Flemin, Goderich, conducted the service in St. Ste- phen's Church et' Sunday morning and will also be in charge next Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Strong were in Port Huron to attend the fun- eral of their cousin, Mrs. Lorne Roberts. They were accompanied by Mr, and Mrs, George Galbraith of Wroxeter. Mrs. Gertrride Rosebotough, of Owen Sound, visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter King tinct other friends, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Hyndmati and Mrs, John Iyndinan visited Mr, acid Mrs, David Hicks of Har- riston on Sunday. ' Rev. J, W, }llyd conducted the service in the (sorr•ie United Church• the .past two Sundays. There will bn no Nervier or Sunday School during the following three weeks in July,, Rev. )'red W. Taylor is oe vacation this month. Congratulations to the newly. weds, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Giou-' slier il;dythe Walker) who were aiarridct at the hone of the bride's DIVIDE YOUR GARDEN IRIS - Your garden iris is in full bloom during• the first two weeks in June and makes 'a:n attractive,.sight in any garden. However, if you want to, get ,the' best 'from your,. plants, established clumps should be divid- ed every few years when 'they be- come too large ,and overcrowded. Horticulturists with the Ontario Department of 'Agriruiture. recom- mend that you do this in ,July or early August, • Dividing your plants:at this time allows them to establish a good root systembefore the 'winter. Late planting will greatly reduce the number of flowers produced the following June. • When you dig up the clump, dis- card the old, weak -central portion, The best parts to replant are the young, vigorous, healthy- portions of the plant which are found around the edges. The : best, tool for dividing' the clumps is a strong, sharp knife. If you use a spade, you will have a. lot • of wastage and the 'large wounds are -more liable- to •become diseased. When replanting, ,set the rhizome ,horizontally,just below the surface of the ground; and . cover it -ctim- pietely-with sort.. Most iris clumps grnwirig in fer- tile "soil r r(jnire .to . be :d.ug • and ,divided entry, three to tour: years. • parents;. avie and Mrs, Lorne - E. Walker, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Whytocic and family, Mr. Birks Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Robertson and Lynn of Teeswater; Mr, and Mrs. Donald Edgar' and family of Lis- towel and Mrs. Bertha Plant were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Glad Edgar. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin McInnes and Billy ,of Dfinbarton visited Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Mclnne:s. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Edgar and Jimmy, Moncton, N.B., are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edgar. Mrs, Laurier Burrell and Sheila, Margaret, Billy and :Barbara Kestte all of Crediton, spent the week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Edward .Bolander, d'tr, and Mrs, Allan Will, John and Janet Anrie, Kingsville, spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Jus- tin Will, Janice, Vickie and Doug- las Will of Kingsville are spending a week at the same home, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Gibson and sons, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Gowdy attended the County Co'incii picnic at Harbour Park, Goderich, on Wednesday, T. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer 1"ar risk at- tended ided th . funeralt enf, the late Mrs, Lorne Farrish at L,ucknow on Sun- day. Mr, and Mrs, Alex Petrie attend. ed the dedication services in Brus- sets Aaiglican Church on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Rudolph Meet, of Gadshitl visitecl on Sunday with Me, and Mrs. Chas, Koch, Mrs. Avi'i! Ohias, Toronto, stietrt several days with Mr, and Mrs, Raymohd Gowdy, Mi's, Jack Att- wood, Robert and Nancy, Landoll, spent the week.enid at the same home, Mr, and Mrs, Stewart Finlay, Belmere, Mt', and Mrs. Earnest Harris and Miss Leone Harris vis.. ited Mr. and Mrs. Carol Snelling in Listowel on Sunday, Mrs, Elmer Parrish and' Mrs. Harry (rowdy spent Saturday at Grand Beiid. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Soarson vii4tt4 t eir 4M.14, Gcpx/Ff, .Darold and • DOnald, of Matatt'a e, Nor. thein Ontario. Mr, and Mrs. James Stevenson, Ftarristoia, spent an afteirigori with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wade last week. .m#n e}u't .91,04„4,#?i 14,41 1,$, bttt a 4river aaa oukraee hisz•a�l li lits. Wbe; -Ontario Safety xaet tie .reminds drivers that it is elenien- Lary sonrixtarl sense to drive at a speed that will permit Stopping within the stretch of road illumitt< ated by the heat-1110ts, Yacations , Drive with Confidence After a Complete SUMMER CHECKUP AT ARMSTRONG'S GARAGE LET US MAKE YOUR VACATION TRIP MORE ENJOYABLE BY GIVING YOUR CAR A RADIATOR TO TAIL PIPE SERVICE CHECK-UP —We'll put your car in tip-top condition for Happy Motoring and Safe Driving USED CAR SPECIAL 1954 FORD -- Now on our lot Bert Armstrong GARAGE YOUR STUDEBAKER LARK DEALER "WHERE YOU NEVER HAVE TO BLOW YOUR HORN" WINGI-IAM PHONE 181 Red Front Grocery Phone: 590 Our Prices Are Lower We Keep Down the Upkeep Free Delivery Miracle Whip SALAD DRESSING , . 32 -oz, 59c Tops DOG FOOD 15 -oz. 5/49c Garden Patch Choice PEAS 15 -oz. 7/$1.00 FRENCH WHITE OR TOFFY SWIRL Betty Crocker CAKE MIX, FRENCH WHITE OR TOFFY FUDGE -19 -oz. Betty Crocker FROSTING MIX 3/$1.00 Clark's Fancy TOMATO JUICE ..48 -oz. 3/79c TIDE Powdered Detergent, ZOc off ..King $1.19 3% -oz. Royal Instant PUDDINGS, all flavors ...4/49c All orders for PAILS OF CHERRIES — Red Montmorency or Black Sweet, • taken up to closing time Saturday, July 14th, will arrive WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 18th. This is the last delivery this season. York Fancy Frozen PEAS 12 -oz. 2/39c Booth FISH STICKS 14�oz. 49c Sunkist PINK LEMONADE • 6 -oz. ,2/25c SC1INEIDE1 S—(6 varieties) COOKED MEATS ti -oz. 2/49c Coleman's First Grade BOLOGNA 1b. 35c Devon Sliced Breakfast BACON lb. 69c SOUTH AFRICAN--200 NAVEL ORANGES doz. 49c Ontario HEAD LETTUCE 18's 2/23c NEW ONTARIO POTATOES 10 lbs. 59c R'eleft edd 0 0 . Day and Night i DRESSES— Light in weight -smart itt appearance. You'll find our lov dy Selection of Summer Cottons just right for thosevse hot summer days. Como in often and look then over, the shades and pet - terns are ,delightful and you'll be needing some for your sunt - mei vacation. Priced froth $498 SUMMER SLEEPWEAR— "'"Olar deleity`' selection of Gostns and if'yjai'has is just right for those hot stunner nights, S4tortie aftd regular length gotvns --.'fOrea.tlor or Baby Doll Pyjamas attractively styled in beauti- ful pastel sliailes. Choose yours front fine Cottons or lovely sheer Silknits. Priced from $1.98, $2.98, $3.95 EDIGHOFFERS (Wingham) Limited "'TitE >NBI,I' S`rolt.E'' rn • 4 it • i s •