The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-07-11, Page 34 r' fi t: i'i'gthlidtil t! • 11i►�dl 'll111ttlll'Jl • • 011.4. Ite.1)all • service .i to 1. et all • • heeds ! • \, ht•t1 pi c ts]!!t'ti lU any i11tto service, • ,11 ii il, '.1'(' (h) it. fast .. , told • (It, ii 1ir,'111 ! un(' (iuit'k ;Mull here • at ill l uu all :,.ti('ii•. 1 )rive inf. i .d! 'u ffll!Idt111firRl!111!tCb " t T( lllEI L`IITO T./ KEEP$ YOU GOING 0 IN PHONE ' 139 lip _ litI119161illi11ll l Ill@IIl .i &4 i-G7;i 29:1;I IJ'1 Mil fit 11111 Iiti�lllillil111RII�iI111i11111�111111111 '* TORS WINGHAM i#ill#8i#lli#iii#iIi#iti#iI{#!; Iti#Iii#Ni#II{#I tf#Ni#Iii#111#Iti#ili#ifl#it{#11{■ilr#i$#il#il:`#ili'#;l 'rya, 9 9 Ute iI 44Vl U Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Redmond of Chiorr were Sunday visitor's With Mr. and Mrs, E. W. Ri(,.e. M. A. Cl. Webb Is again a pa- tient in Wingham Hospital. He had been at the bone of MS daugh- ter, Mrs, E. W. Rioe, for the past month. Mr. and Mrs, John Cameron are visiting with his sister, Mrs, Chas, McAree in McCauley, Man. While there they attended the 50th wed- ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. McAree. Miss Isobel Miller returned home on Sunday following surgery at Victoria. Hospital, London, Mr, and Mrs, Wesley Whytoek of Teeswater were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Allan Miller, LIIT Ii T'T'IE SECURITY A. Canada Life special contract providing Life Insurance and Pension Option all in one policy available from age 0 to ago 55 Consult -- FRANK C. HOPPER —Representative— Canada Life WINGHAM, ONT. Phone 462 SERVES FOUR OR MORE New FemilySixe 7-Up Perfect for the family and. parties. S' n convenient! What a treat for your family to find one of these BTO bottles of sparkling, crysiol.clear 7-Up chilled and waiting in the refrigerator! And how handy when company cc+rries! Now Family-51zu Seven -Up servos four or more --with big -bottle convenience you'll like. For a real thin rt quencher .. r a coal, cL'an taste thhg c2/29s. Regulate, Site 7-Up In 7 -ex. bottles YOUp `'`� �, �� ,,A .l r a �.. U l�,i��u E HA aN THINGS CANADIAN when you own Life Insurance 17'11r1n•l.iitt;' 1e, .hut true. Like lutist },p nptlr•,) op t hove probably obably 1 hought of your lilt'ilrn,:aur•:c Pt i'i tionforyouri•nrnily rno+l tl:+'. to ,.tVt` money regularly -•--,le a, valuable c'oll.•iteral if y9nt need a loan for all Pit'.('+' leitey. rlrluaflti, your life• in411,••ilttt' dollars are 'more 1 /tan au i t h e. t nn lit in your personal v....urily ;tial your family's. 'These dnllstrta are ;ti•.n ;m itiv•. ±mt'nt in Canada. They t;finnilate it+o;;th ;unci pi'' grecs and lu'lp Wake i ilia c•'teit t;y it better place in which to live and work, • tllt,aT't•ilt, 7 lilf.r.10N D011,./MS til life 11' ,; tPllt' U8vitti;3 are invested 7'klE: LIFL. IN5URANOI in important Canadian enterprises— through the purchase of hones and stocks and through mortgages. These hard-working dollars are helping to finance great projects all over this countrysuch as pipelines, shopping cen- tres, bridges and highways, homes, apartment and office buildings, schools, factories, industrial plants and power developments. These investments create employment opportunities, tot). The income from these investments- benefits nvestmentsbenefits you directly by reducing the cost of life insurance to you and the J trillion other Canadian policyowners, COMPANIES IN OANAbA ,44earw FOUR GENERATIONS—Charles Maxwell, whose family and friends gathered for a 92nd birthday party, !s seen extreme right. Beside him is his son, Eatl, with his grandson, Jerry and groat - grandson on the left. —,Photo by Hazel Sparling Hold Celebration For 92nd Birthday Of Chas. Maxwell WROXETER -- About 60 per- sons attended the birthday celebra- tion held In Wroxeter Community Park on Sunday afternoon in honor of Charles Maxwell, who will be 92 on July 13th. This grand old man has a garde that no one can surpass, beautif flowers and is also caretaker f the summer home of Mr. ,and Mr Mac Allan in the village. He is very keen and active pian an never idle which his gardening an yards aptly show. Although Mr. Maxwell has only one hand he has never .allowed this to prove a handicap and farm- ed until 1943 when he retired t Wroxeter, He spends his winter with a daughter. Mrs. Wm. Park in London, but is always anxiou with the first nice days of sprin to return to his home and garde This season he has already picke one crop of peas and has beets an carrots ready for use, Mr. Maxwell -has two daughter and three sons, Mrs. Robert Mc Donald (Pearl), Mrs. Wm, Park (Aileen), John, Earl and Cliffor Those attending the ce)ebratio were from Exeter, Simcoc, Lang ton, Jamestown, Stoney Creek, Toronto, Wingham, Kitchener. We wish Mr, Maxwell many more happy, healthful birthdays. SIX ATTENDANTS FOR SATURDAY BRIDE WROXETER Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Hewson, o Stratford, spent Saturday with Mrs M. Longstaff and Miss Joy Long staff. Mrs. Jack Atwood, Robert and Nancy, of London, were week -end guests of Mr, and Mrs. Everet Cathers, Boy Injured ji onnwSCH Alan (1arnphell, seven-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell, received a severe cut to his leg. when ho fell out of a tree on Thursday and struck himself on a steel fence post. 1Ie was taken to Palmerston Hospital t where twelve stitches were needed to close the wound. He was able to return home on Friday after - We are sorry to hear Mr's. Wm n A. Cathers was rushed to hospital ul one morning the latter part of the or week, but hope for improvement a d d soon. Mr. and Mrs, Lyle Hart, Susan and Patti, are vacationing at Port Elgin for the next two weeks, Mr. Wallace Taman, who has spent the past several months at the home of his brother, Ross, has returned to New Hamburg. d Mr. and Mrs. Pete Dobson and family spent last week at their cottage at Point Clark and had as s' I their gudsts Mrs,'ll.11an Adams and gfamily, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Underwood, Corrie, were Sunday visitors with d IMr, and Mrs. Vern Clark, Mr. and Mrs, Ross Coates were i s at Caudle's Lake on Sunday. l Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Greig and - family, Petrolia, spent the week -end s' at their home here. d. n FORDWICH--Ruth Jean Evelyn Greer of London, daughter of Mrs. Charles Greer of R.R. 1, Gerrie, and the late Mr. Greer, was mar_ ried to William Henry Dundas of RR. 1, Alvinston on Saturday in Fotxiwich United Church. The groom's parents are Mr, and Mrs. James Dundas. Rev. Wilfred Hird, now retired, but a former minister of the Ford- wich 'United Church, ,performed the ceremony, Mrs. Carman Bell of Forest, sister of the groom, was organist and Mrs. William Parsons, also of forest, was the soloist. The church was decorated with fern, lilies and candelabra,. Jack Greer of. Beachville, gave his sister in marriage. Her floor - length gown of organza over taf- feta fell into a slight train. Her net veil was caught by a crown of pearls• and she carried a white Bible crested with red roses. Miss Joyce Greer, sister of the bride, London, was maid of hon- or, The bridesmaids were Bonnie Greer of Gowanstown, Marlene Binnv of Kitchener and Marjory Bentley of London. They were all dressed in similar gowns of blue taffeta and net with hats to match. Their accessories were white and they carried bouquets of white shasta daisies and pink mums. Two flower girls, nieces of the bride, were dressed in blue with white acecssories and carried bas- kets of mixed flowers. They were Carol Bruce of Islington and Anne Morgan of Downsview. Carman Bell of forest was best man, and Douglas Dundas of In- wood attended with him. The ush- ers were Lyle Wever of Forest and Neil Greer of Gowanstown. A reception followed in the church basement where the table was centred with a three -tiered wedding cake. White candles. daisies and mums were also used in the decoration. The bride's mother chose a blue dress with white accessories and the groom's inother was attired in a blue sheath with white asses. sories. They each had a corsage of monis. Guests were present from Gow- anstown, Lor(don, Forest, Kitch- ener, Alvinston, Beachville, Isling- ton, Inwood and Downsview. The bride was a teacher iti Lon- don. The yoting eouple Will liVe in that city. • Htuigry and exhausted, the hunt- er dropped his rifle, stumbled for - Ward and threw his arms around the man who had just emerged f i`oni a clump of trees. "Thank heaven," he eried with relief, "Rescued at lasts I've been lost for two days." "Clh, no!" cried the anther. "I've been lost for a week!" Miss Mary Hertel. Kitchener, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Sinna- mon. Mr. Wm. Hart spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, H. W. Bart, Preston. Mrs, Mary Morrison and grand- daughters, Penny and Lynn, of TJx- 1,ridge, . are visiting at the homes of Mr and Mrs. George Gibson and with Miss 'Gertrude Bush and Mrs. W, Weir. Mr. Chas Westlake, of Tugaske, Sicsk., has returned to his home after spending the past week With Mr. and Mrs. George Westlake a.nd other relatives and friends. Mr. and. Mrs. Richard Lngram at- tended the Orange celebration in Kincardine on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Walker were in Chesley an Thursday, where they. visited: 'their • ,daughter, Mrs, Wilfred Weepier, .and Mr. Weepier. Mrs, Blair Sharp and children retuned home, to. Sarnia . at the week -end following a week's vaca- tion vvityr the.,foimer's. father, Mr, John Hupfer: Misses -_.71s IQ and;;Marion:Gibson,. of Winnipeg,, have arrived to spend the summer :months ,at their home in, the village. .. Mrs. R, Nowton and Miss Nancy Newton, of London. visited Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hart at 'Port Elgin on Saturday Mr. Chas. Westlake, of Tugaske, Sask., Balled on Mrs. W. Weir and Miss Gertrude Bush one day last Week, Wm, Ringler and Oliver Riley were in Kincardine on Saturday where they attended the 1.2th of July celebrations. We are pleased to say Mrs. Alon- , zo Sperling was able to return home from h< r daughter's, Mrs. Walter Eaton, where she has been recuperating, and had Mrs, Angus Carmichael with her for the week- end. Mr, and Mrs. James Robertson, Jimmy and Scott, Goderich, spent the week -end at the home of Mr.! John Hupfer. Mrs. Blair Sharp and family and Miss Hazel Spading visited Misses Elva and Evelyn Hupfer Thursday, afternoon' and evening and also called on Mrs. Glenn McMiehel, Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Robert Brown, Jr„ on the .arrival' of their baby daughter•. Congra,tu-' )atlons also to Mr. Chas. Maxwell who will be 92 oh July 13th. Friendship Club Holds Meeting I,AKE.ti✓T--»Tile. July meeting of the Mac.Bel Friendship Club was held on Tuesday evening at the hohic of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wright, who were assisted by Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Harper. The meeting opened with the hymn "O Lord of Leaven and Earth and Sea." Scripture reading was given by Mrs. G, Wright taken from the Book of Psalms. President G, Wright conducted the business and a reading was given by Mrs, Leonard Harper. This was followed by an anthem, "He I.,iveth Long Who Liveth Well" and the meeting elosed with the Lord's prayer, The progrant committee conduct- ed several enjoyable contests and lunch was served by the hostess. noon, FORD WICII Mr. and Mrs, Robert Gibson :tail family .attended the Huron County Council picnic held in Harbour Park at Goderich on Saturday, Miss Ardyth Campbell, of Have- lock, Ontario, is spending three weeks at the home of her grand- mother, Mrs. Pearl Patterson. This week,;.Ardyth and her sister, Miss Leslie Campbell, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Wipp at Thames - ford, Master John Bricker, of Baden. is spending several weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore. Mrs. George Bolander, John and Donald are spending a month in London. Misses Maud and Esther Hard- ing, of Toronto, are spending some time at their hone here. Miss Wendy Hamhly, of Port Burwell, is visiting for two weeks with her grandparenta, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hambly. Miss Pat Harris is assisting for two weeks at the CGIT vamp. Miramachi. at Port Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Keith and family, of Stoney Creek, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs• Alex Keith. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pollock, Miss Sharon Pollock, and Miss Bev Petrie spent the week -end in Mon- treal and attended the wedding of a friend on Saturday, Messrs, Larry and Donald Me- Dermitt and Larry Marri.nc•r, :nf Kitchener, spent the weak -end at their respective homes. Master Ross Diehl, of Oriilia, is spending several weeks at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Tont Me - Clement, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Patterson, of .Toronto, were week -end visitors with Mrs. Pearl Patterson, Mr, and Mrs, Crosby Sothern spent ct couple of days last week with Mrs. Rosemary Campbell and Jimmy in i.ondon, Mr, and Mrs. Janes Vittie visit- ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Mulvey at Belmore. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mullins and family of Deschcnes, Que., spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Noah Reis and on Sunday ;ill 11 - tended the Reis reunion held in Hanover, Mr. and Mrs, Noah Reis attemped the funeral of their brother -in -haw, the late Mr. George Pfohl, in Walkerton on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. W. Notes azul Shirley, of Toronto, were wer•Ic end guests of Mrs. Emma William- son and on Sunday they attemped the Galbraith reuniotl held ;if Orange Hill. Miss Ruth Ann (,eelllattr and Miss Glenna Hibberd, of Kiiehon- I er, spent the week -end with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Rohl. Hibberd, Mr, and Mrs, Kennt'1.11 .1n1'rlan, of Woodstock, visited on Snntl,•ty nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Jordan. The Salvation Arany Iron Sliielrl collection for the Pordtvic'h rlistrite • amounted to 2160,00. Master Wayne Denny, of (t,u• nnstown, visited hast week tt'iIli his grandmother, Mrs. Tillie Wal- ters. Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Lynn and daughters, and Mrs. T)nra Ridley spent one day last week in London. Mr, and Mrs, Anson ranee'ling were recent visitors at Mingnrst Falls. Mr, and Mrs, Elmer 'Millar spent one day last week in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Ceeit Wiison left on Tuesday for a three weeks' mmol trip through the 1Vrstern I'rnt•in- ces. They will visit with the lat- ter's sister, Miss Reitn Harding, 111 Calgary. A man who had been asked to snake his after-dinner speech as short as possible, arose and said: "1 am asked to propose the toast to our honored g.iest, I have been told that the less said about hint, 'the better!" The Wiaghanx Wsdmaticiaty, $11-4Y 11, B.:Z Jr*$$ rulg Mwoawu.ir4cwaawp+ogowpappayproaq.q,mmo+pra'm{m'?Apvama"ppo .......,,. _.. ....... Clearance .. • EARRINGS 49c marts ut 'L'U $3.90. IMPLICIT' i('(` I" fDV'c A r itt1. ottLAIG ,I'll bl.(1U 1!.1 .VII Hollow -Stemmed Champagne Goblets, Sherberts, etc. 9 AFERMI tr'M llr* >Afil .wsvan,u..neu.rsa.�.,a.,.,,,�u►�,.e.,.•,_,.,..�.a,.i.u..,r,c:,..i.ew�i «n,.�i...�.o@anes....ami.e� .,...6c 49c PHONL; 211) EWELLERY WINGHAM. ONTARIO S=aturday Excursions to Good going and returning same Saturday only. Excursion return fare from WINGHAM $5.30 Currc;,I,orikiiiin Fares from Intermediate Points. Fur ticket,, and information phone your local CN Ticket Office_ Canadian National • l 111lil RIIi I111111J114.1;11It111111i11111111111L�111111i1i111111111111111111111111l1111.111111111111I1111111111111111+: 11 you insist on the best when you want (1 Snack . , . Be sure to visit i9 ros ty Queen Drive - Ill "Try "FROZEN CUSTARD" I:V I)t L1('IO(;t' SUNDAES, CONE;; AND MILK SHAKES "Or from the _Grill". TRY OUR FAhMOUM DELUXE HAMBURGERS or FOOT,LONGS ANI) NOW FEATURING DEEP FRIED JUMBO SHRIMP, FISH AND CHIPS and SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN IPI<)NE 968 for fast takeout service u u • fs � Open each night till 12 p.m, --Saturday till 1 a.m. 4 -lib o I&iIFaif1111 la!I111d!I Qillm 1.1w6ta11111Q111tRIUN111111LwtrIIIIRIIIiIIiIRllimltdlll s1 MR. A. U. Mac«'II.,LIA 1 J. R. I1Aas1 U ON LIMI FED Mutual Funds Dc,alec of London wish to announce the :appoint- ment of MR. A. D. MaCWILL1AM of Wingham a. a Resident Sales Representative of the firm, Ml'. MacWillitm has been well known in the Wingham area for the past 25 years. -I"hroolli this association a specialized service in Mutual I'tind investing will be available. J. R. Ilarrison Limited has recently be(coite affiliated with G. 1-1. Rennie & Co. Limited, Mem, hers Toronto Stock Exchange and Investment Dealers Association.