The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-07-04, Page 12Sis 14.4..T. Elct�v nc$�' i1fl a,. 1'0' 1 4W s7t1 4, 1 t hq !"�'pn.Rhaitm 'F. TEC I URCU !PARTY Al' KERR HOME Mrs, Mary .Chapman. '+lr stat,l MRS 1 Nfrs, Russell ('lraltutau► curl t:;tatyl FOR ' � ) MURRAY A ;Pent the week -end whit Mr. aurl les. Ross Smith, nt `1'r(r,,uto, :(lilt Thirty reintives and Wet gath- the ladles stayed tl ,,pen+t the .4 er k r•1('t 00 Sunday at the holm- of there, and with Stuuffville friends, Mt; ani Mr$. Gordon Kerr to at - teed a birthday party held for Mrs. Kerea mother, Mrs, S. A. Murray, r 11 4+ ' who was 83 an June 30th, � ■%�.N Theatre l'i\'t` Fa ns and tout daughters • - were able* to be present, Mr. and Wingham, OntarioMrs, Cyril Murray, of Goderieh; Mr. :►nd Mrs. Walter Murray and INN Shows Inch Night Paul, of Richmond Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murray, of Listowel; Commencing at 7.13 p•n►, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Murray and Joe, AA;4MTSSION-63c 4ae - $OO of ("ooksville; Mr. and Mrs. Oliver - cl+.ssie) Donald acid Miss Jennifer (,rant, of Mount Forest; Mrs. CLOSED Hazel Kastle, of Teiswater, and Miss Lenore Roane, of Toronto; Mr, and Mrs, Paul (Annie) Vanstone FOR,and Joe, and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. • Murray, of town; Mrs. Ford Mur - M ^ F4 1 F• ray (asci Carol, Dean, Richard and lard)' Susan, of Brampton; Mr, 'Wayne Murray, of Otter Rapids, and Miss (Tail Treniaine, of London, as well as Mr. and Mrs, Dan Hallman, of Welland. JULY DtilAT E D 1DA 0 N A V. A. Y - _CONTINUINC MEMORIAL'"" Bitty be donated through your local funeral director PIAL( 1• ",J ... 11OSPItALS,, $Rl'9ONS. S. S. 12 East Howicic To Grade VIII -- Brian Gibson, Harvey Cooper. roe. I To Grade VII --Jim Harris. i on +r 1 Gibson, GradeTo-Che. VI Y To Gra, lc V • Clifford Harrison. t ' To Grade IV -Jim Gibson, Ricky Harrison. To Grade III Dianne Gedeke, Barry Gibson. To Grade II --Arden Bridge, Val- ! erie Gibson. Eddie Kolsmith, Brian Shoemaker. Mrs. Rona Browne, Teacher. THE ,NEW Ameri an Hotel BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Drive-in Snack far 8 P.M. -- 12 P.M, ENTRANCE AND EXIT FROM ELIGAJ3ETH STREET (nt rear of hotel) FEATURING Sundaes, Milk Shakes, Ice Cream Cones, Bulk Ice Cream, Soft Drinks, Coffee, Beef Burgers, Fiot Dogs, French Fried Potatoes — All at Popular Prices BE A RECORD WINNER Every week — Coupons will be given with each purchase during the week for drawing on latest "Hit Record" from the Top Ten DRAWN AT 11 P°51„ EACH SATURDAY You do not need to be present to Will. Wiaululg,itwnbcrs will be announced each week in Brussels Post. from C .A FORD MOTORS 1961 CFIEV. 2 -DOOR Automatics 1961 PLYMOTH 2-00OR ('lean ear -One ouster 1961 METEOR 4 -DOOR SEDAN in tip -lop condition 1961 RAMBLER 2 -DOOR One. tlwne.r' 1959 FORD TUDOR In :t -I shape 1959 FORD SEDAN One owner 1959 OLDSMOBILE 4 -DOOR SEDAN .umn a one -owner ear 1958 DODGE 4 -DOOR SEDAN with radio 1958 BUICK 4 -DOOR SEDAN ono owner 1957 PLYMOUTH 4-000R SEDAN A 1 Z (nucL i ' nit - i 0 1955 PONTIAC 2 -DOOR etiuippecl with radio and fender mirrors, in good con(Iltion 1955 DODGE 4 -DOOR In A -I t►teeIuIrrieai rendition 1954 DODGE 4 -DOOR SEDAN Len Crawford Motors Your Dodge, Plymouth, Chrysler, Valiant Dealer Phone 710 Wingham THE WINGHAM RURAL FIRE BRIGADE was unable to save the blaze in the barn wall, The season's hay crop and a number of barn of Thomas Reid, three and a half miles west of Belgrave, pigs were destroyed. The firemen stood by to protect other on Friday afternoon when a tractor backfired and started the property,—Advance-Times photo. Three Buildings Will Accommodate Vacation School `'ark: sv.g* Ze'�.`v.rcl'..x4,7,i ..,ef',..,"rX"`,u�.a* R'c.. fi PERSONALS -Mrs. Richard Sanderson, of ! ---Mrs. Fred McAlpine, of Tor - Stratford, was a week -end visitor onto, spent the week -end with her with Town and Elliott families, and ;sister, and brother-in-law, Mrs. O. was accompanied by Miss Alma 1 Haselgrove and Mr. Haselgrove, Jane Elliott, who returned home Miss Claudia Haselgrove, of Lon - after spending two weeks with her don, was also a week -end visitor aunt in Stratford, Alma Jane saw with her parents. the opening of 'Taming. of the .._Visiting over the holiday week - Shrew" and "Tempest" at the Shake end with Mrs. C. Blatchford were espearean Festival Theatre. Mr, and Mrs, Dave Crompton and Davena, Mrs. James Helisic, of Clinton, and Mrs. Lloyd Crompton and son, were also week -end visitors with Larry, all of Toronto. Mr., and Mrs. Harry Town. - Mrs, Lloyd Keeler and Peter, ---Guests at the week -end with of Mitchell, visited a few days at Mr. ,andh,Mrs, J.olin atroa)„.wetie.his .the. • end et-. lost week with her parents„Mr.;a4d Mrs.'John Stron'g;- mother, Mrs, P. MacLeod, Minnie and'•'his bre"thecs Mr. Bruce"•Strong Street. ' il who and Aylmer itchtso t. A n and 'Mr: and Mrs. Bob Strong' -Sg y family, of Brantford. is taking a course at Viniy Bar- --Miss, ar- - Miss Barbara Stainton sailed racks, Kingston, spent the week - an Thursday for Britain where she end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. will spend a vacation. She accom- Horace Aitchison. ' • panied • her• uncle, Mr. H. Stainton, -Friends are pleased that Dick and three cousins. - - Scott, who underwent heart surgery in Victoria Hospital, London, a Mr'.-- • and 'Mrs. Ross Gordon, couple of weeks ago, was able to Wayne, Larry and Brian were in return home on Sunday. Uxbridge aver the holiday week - •M• r -and Mr. anal Mrs. E. Horwood and end 'aitd also visited Mrs, Goidon's Mr, James Horwood, of Toronto, mother, *rho is' quite ill in Oshawa were week -end guests with Mr. Hospital: Miss Doreen Bell, of Ux- bridge; niece of'Mrs. 'Gordon,re- and Mrs. David Horwood and turriefi •with them for sonic hold- Peter. days: •.-Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Richard- son and Mr's. Allan Richardson --Mr. and • Mrs, Joe Schneider I spent Sunday with their sister. visited •,. with Mr. and Mrs. Louis .Mrs• O. Haselgrove, and family. Gorrow• at Niagara Falls, N.Y., and 4 Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Litt and with M;r. and Mrs. Hugh Grandy Mrs: Richard Walsh, of London, .at Caypga, over the week -end. � were guests .on Sunday and Mon- --Mr, and Mrs. Joe Kerr and Mr. day with Mr. and Mrs. Barry and Mrs, J.. H. .Crawford attended Wenger and fami]Y• the marriage of Peter Howe, son of 1 Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Howe, of Ar- thur, to Miss Doreen Marie Hunt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hunt, in Agincourt on Saturday. --Mr. and Mrs. Jim Netter•field, Terry and Kevin, left Friday for a week's vacation in Northers( On- tario and Quebec, and to visit with Mrs. Netterfield's parents in -Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gibbons Matheson, in the Cochrane district and !daughters, • Vicky Anne and _-Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Brown, of Franeinc, kof London, 'spent. the Flint, Mich., .and Mr. • and Mrs. holiday. with their parents, Mr. and Grant Ernest, Suzanne,.•Jacqueline Mrs.,Japtes Gibbons' and Mr.. and and Paul, of Hainllton, visited over Mrs.,, William • Vollmer, of _ R 'R: 3,, Listowel.. •• a -Mr...--and Mrs. Raymond Boll and family, • of Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Groh, Kathy and Mi- chael, • of North ' Bay, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Bridge and family,.of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Reidt and Stephanie, of Willowdale, visited over the week -end with Mrs. Roy the. week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Ernest. • ' • - -Mr: Jack Town, of Mansfeild, Ohio, is visiting with his brother, Mr. Harry Town, and Mrs. Town, 1;P.LGRAVI;-- After several months of planning and prepara- tion, this community will again hold a bible Vacation School for children in Belgrave and surround- ing community. Members from the three churches in Belgrave and their ministers, Trinity Anglican with Rev, F. Mealoy; Knox Pres- byterian with Rev. W. Morrison and Knox United with Rev, J. 1-1, Anderson, have spent quite a bit of time planning this activity for children from 4 to 13 years of age. Last year was the first time such a project had been undertak- en here and classes were so ,well supported that it Is hoped it will become an annual affair. Last year there were 90chiIdren regis- tered is tered and it looks now as though there will be closer to 100 register- ing for this year's activities. Class- es will be held in Knox United. Church, the Foresters' and Orange Halls, commencing July 16 to July 2 fl week:3 +mornings 7, vc. five The theme of the •Bible School is "My Bible and Me", with Mrs. George Miehie as general director; assistant, Mrs. J. H. Anderson; registrar -treasurer, Mrs: James R. Couites; purchasing • agent, Rev. J, H. Anderson; pianist arid song leader, Mrs, George Johnston and Mrs, Lawrence Vannan1 recreation director, Mrs. Ross Anderson;•com- mittee tri look after mission • study, Mrs. Walter Scott and Mrs. Nor- man Coultes; publicity, Lorne Campbell, Mrs. Harold Vincent, Miss Margaret Wight:Man and Mrs. Ralph McCrea; finance, George McGee, Glen Van Camp, George ,Tohnston and Stewart Cloaluy1 re- freshments, Mrs. Laura ,Tohnston and Mrs, Lewis Stonehouse. The Beginners' class will .be taught by, group 1, Mrs, Ted 1,'ear and Mrs. Ralph McCrea; . Helper's, Helen Anderson, Linda Coultes and Wendy Fear; group 2, Mrs. Harold Vincent and Mrs, Ro;,> MacSween; Mr..and.Mrs. John. Nixon and fain - helpers, Karen Anderson, Ruth ay- spent Sunday' with .Mr. and Michie 'and Donna Grasby. • Pri- mary, group 1, Margaret and Ann Wightman, helpers, Marie Couites, Betty Rinn trod Mary Isobel Neth- BENNIE Mrs. Harry Carr►iss, of Wingham, visited with. Mrs. Julia McNall and Michael. Connie Nethery, clattgltter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Nethery, had her tonsils removed last week in Wing - ham General ital t. a Hospital. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson were Mr. and Mrs.' Lloyd Anderson and family and Mr, and Mrs, Les Sliaw and family, of Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fear, Wendy and Rhonda, attended the • golden wedding anniversary of Ted's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fear, of Clinton, on Friday. Mrs. Ruth. Wilson, teacher of SS 5, Morris, entertained her pupils' at Godcrich on the last day of school, with a.tour .of the town and ay :.lcnic. ' • : . 1 r Ivlr, and -Mrs. Lloyd Taylor and family, of Sarnia, visited. with his mother, Mrs. Orville Taylor:. Miss Marlene Walsh, of Kitch- ener, spent the week -end• with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jim Walsh. Week -end visitors with• Mr. and Mrs:. Earl Anderson were Mr, and Mrs, Jim Andersena.tid •faitiily of Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. George Black, Sandra and Margaret,, of Caunphell- ville. Miss Karen Anderson return- ed .with Mr, and Mrs,. 131t -ick for holidays. Mr, and Mrs, Alec Stylus, Patsy and Billy, spent .the week -end with Mrs, Cora McGill. • • Visitors on 6utictay with. Mr. and Mr•S.R4bert Higgins wt;>!e ME. and Mr's. Alvin Higgins and faniil,v, Mr. Jerry Higgins and Der(vllOa11 of Wingliani, and Miss Margaret Hig- gins, .of London: They .attended the Higgins _reunion held at the Stone School, Miss Margaret Higgins then journeyed to' Port ]'algin for a week's holiday. , Mr. and Mrs: Mike Rezansoff, Heidi and Gail, ofSt. Catharines, visited over the .. 'w.eek=end& with Mrs. Laura Johnston and George. •Mt': and Mrs. .Leslie Bolt a•nd Mrs. Earl Desmond and Ralph, of Morpeth and later called on Stan and Doug Fraser,. of Blenheim. Miss Lorna •Bolt with Miss Mary for a few days this work, cry; group 2, Mrs. Clifford Logan, and- Miss Lorrttta Fischer, of - Mrs. Alex Robertson. and Mrs. Roy Bluevale, are spending a week at Pattison, helpers, Ruth Taylor, Grand Bend. ,Toyer, Procter and Doreen Patti- Mr. and Mrs. caranen.'Nixon, MORRIS FEDERATION RA ES GN S f MacDonald. ---Monday visitors with Mr. and PROVIDES �� (� Mrs, Joe Greenaawy were Mrs. Margaret Ogram, of Toronto, Mrs. BELGRAVE The directors of Ross Hanna, of Atwood, Mrs. Wes the Morris Federation of Agricul Hanna, of Listowel. ture met for the final meeting of ' --Mr, and Mrs, Ross King spent the season at the home of Mr. and the week -end with. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Caslick and Mr. and Mrs. Wm King at Bruce Beach Mrs, Richard Procter with nine member's present. The secretary. Richard Procter, read the minat.es.1 son. Junius, Mrs, Leslie Bolt, Grant and Lori, of S(,u'borough, Mrs. Richard Procter, Mrs• Clifton visited with Mr. ,ld Mrs. Jolty Walsh, Mrs, Gordon Bosman, Mrs.,Nixon and family. Jack VanCantp, Mrs. Gilbert Bee -1 Mr, Albert Nethery, of Hamilton, croft and Mrs. Earl Anderson, help- ! visited with Mr. and MrS.' Chris ers, Marilyn Campbell, Doreen i Nethery to attend the Nethery re- Smyth, Ruth Mettle, Margaret union, Nicholson and Janie. Beecroft, Mr. and Mrs: •Ralph' McCrea• Crafts, Mrs. Ross Robinson. Teen- Maureen and Douglas spent Sun - age, Mrs, 3. H. Anderson and Miss Stella Nethery, helpers, Joyce Arm- strong. day with Mr. and Mrs, Clare Van - Camp and fancily. • . --Mr, and Mrs. F. E. Gattinger, It was agreed that a grant of�an( Mr, and Mrs, George Martin, Mr. Marney and Garry, of Guelph, additional $15,00 be paid to the Bel. and Mrs. James Coultes, Marie and visited with their uncle and aunt,' grave School Fair Association and Audrey, and Mr. Martin. Grashy Mr, and Mrs, O. Haselgrove. • $10 each to the Blyth and. Brts. pressed appreciation for the work visited on Sunday with Mr. and sols Fairs. done there. She concluded with an Mrs. Cecil Armstrong an.d family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Delmage and' Stewart Procter is to be contflct i, .invitation to the reunion to meet of Thorndalo, the occasion. being Mrs. Heyes, of London, visited over ! t; at Niagara Falls. g aparty the week -end with Mrs, Delmage's ed about a land lease, It was sn * , • cls. Interestin read- birthday for Mr. Martin gestcd that a recommendation he lags were given by Mrs. Marl Noble Granby. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Harris. made to the part{ eonunitt('r' than i and Mrs, James McGill, Mrs. Bert i Mr. and Mrs, .lace Armstrong, Mrs. Vera Armstrong, of Lon- don, is vacationing with Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Miller and Mr, and Mrs, Bob Cascmore for ,a. couple of thanked Mr, and Mrs, Procter and Mrs. Thos. Fairservice was• es- 1 cant Heather, of Cookstown, visrtecr weeks. Mr, and Mrs. Teri Fear for their spoeially teleran with a. boagueet over the week --esti with Mr. ,incl dvllss Betty Shrllenburg, of hospitality. Thn meetings will of flowers as July 2nd was her 818t I Mrs, Gordon Walsh and Mr, and Fast Kelowna, B.C., and Miss Dor- commence again in September. birthday. Mrs. een Pocherowski, of Edmonton, _ __ A watr'rniclon. treat for file Alta., 'summer missionaries with children was given as a.liv,a:vs by Chit; Evangelism Fellowship, are PR GRAM 'URESENTEO Alex Nethery, of Burlington, land guests this week at the horns of ! the usual gift of salt was received Mr. four picnic tables he set up in the Garnis$ vary ably acted for the of Hamilton, spent Monday. with park at, the fourth line bridge. president Percy Barker, who was Mr, and Mrs, Dave Armstrong. The president, Stanley Hopper, - unavoidably absent. Mr. and Mrs. Murray McDowell . and Mrs. Wilfred n gram, AlNETIIFRY RLUNION1 - -Mr. and Mrs. Barneyf3e Kccma,r, (-� it , of 'roornto, and Mrs, Perc, Coup- Officials elected for next year land, of Wingham. visited on Sun- day1 Mo n t- Lod with Mr. and Mrs,Y gotnery, and all visited with Mr. Clinton, n C View , Fitch 1iu on at John, 0 on Sunday afternoon. • Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Alexander Wingham, was In eharge of the! W spent' the week -end with Mr, and sports arid races, which were en-! Lan earl Leas. Inglis, twin (laugh, - Mrs, Jack Alexander and Mr. and joyed by the younger peopie A9. tees of Mr, and Mrs. Roddy Inglis, Mrs • Doug. Murray at Kitchener. well as by many of their seniors. of Forest, have been visiting with i' And Mt's, Logan. A bus load of the Business and Guests were (.(resent foam Tear- their tondo and aunt, Ma n cent and nhilttrr n, Mrs. Cliff ♦ . by all present from Percy Barker, ef: Goderich. BTD,LGRAVE The seventeenth washeld reunion t ,1 Nethery arm a at Londesboro community centre on signing; + bras rni with 125.m Monday y the register. A. E Nethery, of! r. Alva McDowell, Mi'. and Mr's, George Pocock and grandchildren, 0' Lambeth, .visited with We. Jack Coupes. .. Mr, Ross Mcl,waan and Miss Jean McEwan were in London oe Sun- day. The Bentley reunion was held 00 • Inti! ,.I `: !41,.91; ;la llC�iil;Y2;9"cl"i• lick;itlY3:31VallLy!t'll it�t!° ll; �l�iS:11 ,C( :311ascii i W. R. IIAMILTON OPTOMETRIST 1 Now a: whole new golden world of SIGHT and SOUND. See out' HEARING -AID GLASSES, a lightest in weight. s 1 were Mrs. Bert. G8r•niss, of Wing- July 1st at Sealorth Park •with a ham, la'oscie tti' Mary Isa bel Neth- smaller a tt enclat ,e than usual. Mr. ery, of Belgrave, secretary. and Mrs, Roy McSweca and Mr. - - - and Mrs. Les Vincent were tri eharge of the tables and entt+r- ITCC'l�i U i C11 tail' men t, and will he in charge for next year, too. 'Those attending frnni t301gra.ve were Mr.. and Mrs. Albert Vincent, Mrs\ Harold Viii - Phone 37 for appointment 111!!II!�III!!>!!IU!!II!!!II!�IIIIRIIIDIIII�IIIl�III�III�I!IIIIIeID�lll>�IUR►!Illlll!!!II�II!!UI�Iilt4: • Ware -always redly to serve.... Factory owner or widow, it makes no difference. As ane of our clients you receive our wholehearted interest at all times. We're anxious to see that you're always protected by depend- able, quality insurance tailored to your specific -needs and budget. Call us today so we can both become bet- ter etter acquainted. W. B. CONRON, CLU, INSURANCE AGENCY JOHN ST., WINGHAM, PHONE 722W Agent for Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. S. A, SCOW, Salesman NEW YORK UNDERWRITERS Professional Women's Club and horn, Michigan, Burlington, Ham -Alex. Inglis, friends attended the Shakespeare Ilton; Niagara Falls and Kitchener., Mr, Roy 'McGee, of Kit.e.henee, past Festival at Stratford last The prize for coming the longest 1 and his aunt, Mrs. Leask McGee, Wednesday evening and saw the distance went to Mr. and p la.y. Mrs, 1 o1 W ingham, snow Tuesday l as t "The Taming the Shrew".(:rsntBears.% of Niagara Taii. !with Mrs. jack McGee, of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Iurgman 'ollowin; the supper haul, n Dungannon._ family, of t tstnn spentett SandaY 1 are spending a week's vacation n at meeting,t'n g, i nch' n ; business items,v er and Mrs, Tae{ and with his father, M , Arthur Mooted 1 their cottage at Bruce 13each. speoehes, and readings took plac•r'.1children, of Sarnia, left recently on Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brennan,i Mr. Thomas Gaunt, who has Albert Nethery, of 'Hamilton, ri•- a. motor trip to Seattle, Wash., and Mary and Michael, of Guelph, and s on he work �om l'ted in Viet -aria, B.C. They will attend the Mr. and Mrs. Raynwnd St,.Marie, been a patient in al weeks,lk return- ported t p Stampede, arid visit with 01 ;Kitchener, spent the week -end London, for several return- the Mcf,r,ie errrartery, earl Mrs, !Calgary , , I w Mr. and MTS. jviyles St, IN'aarie.' pd to his home on Sunday, Grant "t3etarss, of Niagara Valls, ex.; ildritoittou rt'lati es, l with and Ralph, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy McSween and Gary. and' Moore q Mrs. ' 'rs U Mr and 1 M Red Front C!x Phone: Our Prices Are Lower Ft'ee 590 We Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery A 1.i,ioeS Pineapple and Grapefruit DRINK, 48-oz....30c Georgian Bay Standard PEACHES, 20-oz..2/43c DONALD DUCK - Sweetened ORANGE JUICE, 48 -oz. . , , , ...43c Realemon LEMON JUICE, 8 -oz. 2/39c STOKE1.Y'}SS Fancy CREAM CORN, 15 -oz. .....'.7/$L00 Va'nCamp PORK and BEANS, 20 -oz. .... 6/$1.00 Salads TEA BAGS, 10c off, 60's Gay,Lea Instant ,Powdered MILK 3lbs.'for ' White Swan TO!.ET TISSUE, 4 roll. pack 53c IvoiL•lr' ', • Liquid DETERGENT, 4c.off, 12 -oz., 73c lb. 25c 69c • '43c KLEENEX, white, colored, Eerily 4.00's.'2/ 1c York Frozen STRAWBERRIES; 15 -oz. .39c York Frozen Mixed VEGETABLES, 12-oz.2/39c Sunkist Frozen LEMONADE, 12 -oz. •....2/45c • • i 1+ICESIX GROUND .HAM'BURGER 2 lbs-. 79c MAPLE LEAJi-(3-1b. average) Smoked COTTAGE. ROLL Ih., 75c Maple Leaf Skinless WIENERS ' lb. 47c Don't forget to place your order. for CHER- RIES IN PAILS, Red or Black. To get these cherries fresh they must be ordered in E1dvance. FRESH RASPBERRIES will be at their best in the next week or 10 days. Leave us your order. JUMBO SIZE -45's Salmon Flesh CANTELOUPE, each 19c YIELD GROWN Ontario No. 1 CUCUMBERS, large 2/19c 1Dresses ... 1 1 Crisp and Cbol for Those Hot • 'Summer Days A LARGE AND VARIED SELECTION OF COTTON DRESSES are here ... representing all sizes. Youll wantto drop in and look(item over - We ,re sure you'll II agree site styles t,a are telae and heat anDile selection of colour Is most 1eas•ub' Best of allthu Ir eey range, fronvery in- expensive models to a better class - but satin moderately priced. See our lovely selection soon. PRICED FROM AS LOW AS e EDIGHFFER5 (Wingham) Limited r"Cat I3'H1ENt LY STORE" 1'~ 1 4