The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-07-04, Page 9fl J to gh 4 son 1 381 aisle "4•• • •.13, 11,31 one steal trIjt1!1J!!!1. abbantr= tints inNualuii, ONTARIO, WEDNE,GDAT,iaiv. 4, 299Z t High School 1.11: get Llaas Honours Doris; Wien, Elizabeth; Olen"; MLeieJ.i,Jantes; 1. RoberVogan, 'Ronald; Thomas; Cowing, Roae. eereyn, Sigberta; 1.611aoa, geyttolds, Wendy (equal); wry', Elliott, Douglas; enenia; Nalin111,11, Jansen, so (e(Iual); Kerr, Brian; arrY; $1911111, Cora; Noble, ; Mahood, Linda; Patti - Nen; Harrison, Ward; Roelle; lerecieviek; Robert; Turvey, Linda; cm, Susan; 'Millen, Robert; Kenneth; Wright, Janette; ll, Ross; Deyell, Ronald; Judah; allerrielc, Donald; Judith; Elliott, Alma Hee, June (equal); DeZo. :lard; Cantelon, Karen Jaws ((qual); Nichol, argaret; Wilscm, Gale; Bowie; McIntyre, Heather; Robert. nd Glass. Honours ons; MeTaggart, Ruth; •Robert; Hoover, Sylvia; lades; Ross, Sonja; Don Nancy; Ortlieb, Linda; argaret; Logan, Ralph; David, Doubldec, Irene Taylor, Robert; Jacques thaeheson, Elizabeth, Ni - en (equal); Beecroft, Ron.. groVe, Robert (equal); David; . Brackenridge then, Connie; Craig, Pa• city, Elizabeth, Vanstoue equal); Hopper, Marjnrie Allen; Cameron, Rodney Ann, :McKinney, • Norman McVay Brian;,- Arnistrong lifcBurney, (equal); 0; Thaeke•r, Beverley; GonstarniegIVIachan, Dar.. whinney, Marilyn (equal): a Lawrence; Walsh Car. ,Bonnie, Herd, Rosemary ARO (equal) ; Fear Wendy. kel-sgoed, Hank (equal): art, Smith, Robert (equal) nee; Gibbons, Wayne, Vol een (equal) ; N lekel, Don. eringlont, William; -Elston Zinn, Larry (equal); Gal nald; Ross; Linda; Eng. es, Bernard, Irma (equal) Class 110.11 0 tin Lynda; MeBarney, Car vers, Faye (equal) (Erns_ aa; MacKenzie, Dar)a; Mary Ann; Mason Peter; gtni1,1491.1• William, -Krause, Rose nal); Lowe, Douglas; Mul. hi'llobleson, Clayton (eq. gg, Brian, Snail, Marlene -Howatt, •Douglas,. Sehoe- Ms (equal); Cronin, Pat. °hock, Ian; leoxton, Jo. May, Marjorie; Rasema. O'Malley, Catherine; illiam; -Car r, Lloyd; mina; rvis, William; Dianne, Hanna, Cattier - 11, Eugene (equal); CRS • eme, Montgomery, jfi,(ig el, Peter (eqUel) ; Graber Wand, Barry3, Rodman Adams, Bonnie, Bitton, entinger, DorothY, Thynne -Van Cie Kemp, John (eq. Pass Henhoeffer, Leon. 8, Thomas. (equal); Brew. Holt, Anne, Lamont., Ear_ Fear, Brittle; IM:oreland, lahan, Mary Ellen; Hark - mine, Whitby-, Joan (eq. ton, Connie; Saint:, Jacqu. oome, Keith; Martin, ale Wer rorriotions Gaunt, George; Fitch, Ross; War , 13arbara; Elliott, Sharon; Johnston . uaarie, Lat. 2, Ft 0; HaTnilton, 'Vir. auk, Thomas; •Ulbson, joint; Da. Mary Lou; Merkley, Fraticir; Sie- I glide, king 1,1'4 2, Hist I 1, 0010 1, vidson, Douglas; Nieholson, Joseph; ling, :Elaine; Rolm, fThirleY; Yeo,' Ag Lie I 2, Ft 1, Typ 3; Hatuiltont Selietter, Ronald; M"Nee, Dale; t lea,330; Redman Joan; Finley,. Caro. Alex, Iling 21'4 2, Hist 1 1, Genii! 2, OW -alley, Joan; Mair, 1.2ottaliew, I inlet MoteDmiald, Sandra; Warwick; Ag "Se I 1, Lat. 2, Fr 3;" Hand, Itid. Scott, •Ltoughts, Watson, Mary (eq); Margaret; Naylur, 'Williain. ward, P11.1 2, Hist 2.4, (1eoni 3, 4 KellingLon, Larry; Crothers, David; Sc I 3, TYp 2, Ind Arta -3; Harria, Devries, John: Wheeler, David, 0 - a .0 Code: Eug..Euglish; P.4.14.ealttli Callon, John; derung :Mary, 0 - 0 .0, and Pnysical Education.; lileL, 1. Histury 1; liist, 21 - History 11; GRADE X Geom. - (leoinetry; Alg. ••• Algebra; Ieirst Class Honours Lat. - Latin; ier. - French; Ltd, MacLennan, Brenda; S , t h Arta - 'Industrial Art.6; Hriiile - X•41r 1, PA g, Hit I 1, GeOrn 1, 4 se 2 1, Le 2, $•-•/. 1,; Pfecter, Pegg - las, Eng 2, 134 2, Hist 12, Geom Ag kie 1 1, Lat 1, Fr 1, Ind Arts •2i Renwiek, Jidtth, 4ng 3, P4 2, eat; 4, Ag Se, I 4, Typ 3, Ho.4(1 4; 'Reynolds, Susanne, Eng 1, PE 1, ilia 11, Qeo.rn 1, Ag Se I 1, Lat 1, /Pl. 1; Ritchie, Dentald,',44 4, PE 4, Hist 2 2, Ag Se I 4, •`.1?yp 3, Ind Arts 2; 'Ross, Marilyn, -ging 4, P& • 4, Hist 1 3, Geom 4, Typ 2, Hoo 2; • ReSs, , 4itg 2, Pni 2, Hist I 1, Geoin Ag Se 2 2, Fr 2, 11o4e 2; Robertson„ Carol, Eng 3, PE 2, Rist I 1, Geom. 2, Ag Se I 2, Fr 2, Typ 1; Robinson, Carol, Eng 4, P4 2, Hist, I 2, Georn Ag Se 1 2, Lat 4, Fr 4; Robinson, 1tusseil, PE; 4, Hist I 4, ler 4, Typ 2; Ross, Eng' 4, P4 3, Bist 1 2, Germ 4, Ag .I 3, Glenn, 4ug 4, 'PIO 4, Hist 2, Georn k'r 2, Typ• 4; Ituustedtler, Helen, 4, Ag Se. X 2, ler 4, Ind Arts 3; ' cierron, Gall, Eng P. 2, Hist I 11;11g PB 2, Hint I 1, Georti 1, 1. Ciennt 1, Ag Se I 1, Lat 1, Fr 1; Ag Se" 1, 1-4t rr Sanderson, 'Elaine, 134 4, Hist I Henderson, Janette, ging 4 PE 3, 4, (Tem 3, Ag 1 4, Typ 4, 'Hohie 1 Hist I 4, Gem 4, Ag Se I 4, Typi; :Scott, Richard, ling 2, 234 2, Hist I • 1, Gem' 2, Ag Sc I 1, Lat 3, Fr 2; • Searson, Robert, Eng 4, PE 4, Hist I 3, (Irwin 2, Ag Se I 2, k'r 4, Ind Arts 4; Sewers, Bryan, Eng 3, PE 4, Hist I 4, Geom 2, Ag Se 1 1, 'Fr 3, Typ ,4, Ind Arts 3; Shaw, Edith, Typ 1,. Hohle 2, Geom 4; Simpson, Larry, Eng 2, Pla 2, Hist I 2, Geom 2, Ag Se I 2, Lat 2, Fr 3; Smyth, William, P12 4, Gerona 4, Ag Se I 3, Typ 4, Ind Arts 4; Strong, jo- anne, Eng 2, PE 3, Hist I 2, Ag Se 1 Typ 4, HoEe 1; Strong, Paul, Eng 2, P4 2, Hist i 1, Georn .2, Ag • Se I 2, Loa 2, Fr 2, Ltd Arts 1; Templernati, Linda, Eng 2, PLP 1. Hist, 1 2, Geom. 3, SC I 2, Fr. 4, Floyd; Proder, Joyee; ,,gamernr, Bonne klemontier; Ag, Se I Agri- Hetherington, Robert, Eng 4, P21 1 Hist 1 3, Geom 2, Ag Se 2 2, Fr Nagy Am; Casagrande, Ruth; cultural Selet.tee 1; Ag.,,Se. 11 . Caineron, Sandra; Robinson, James Agricultural Science 11; lyp - typ- 4. lnd Art,'s 4; Hedgins, Kathleen, Eng 1, PE 2, Hist I I, Geom 1, Ag Studelmann, Louis; Dinsmore, taw; ing; Bonk g - Bookkeeping% Press, Russell; Deneau, James, Ire- 1 75 1.0 100; 2_00 to 74; 360 Lo Lat 1, Fr 1; Hollinger, Helen Haugh, Mary; Alcorn, Frederick; GRADE XI fic 2 2, Typ 1, noble 1; HotchkisS, Eng 4, PE 2, Hist 1 '2, Geont 3, Ag land, Myrna, Woods, Lorna (equal) 65; 4- .50 to W. Bieman, Douglas, Proeter, Murray Adams, Elizabeth, Eng. 4, PE 4, Helen, Eng 3, PE 3, Hist. I 2, Geon 4, Ag Se 1 4, Typ 1; Hotchkiss-, Ruth Eng 4, P12 2, Hist I 2, eGom 3, Ag Se 1 4, Fr 4, Typ 2; Howe, Betty 'jct./tom, Hist 1 3, Geom. 4, A Se 14; (equal); Phillips, Mary; Douglas Wayne; Bone, Keith; :Smyth, Dor- eon; Campbell, -Harold, Second Class Honours Wall, William; Mitchell, ; Winger, Ruth; Hi:mayor, Stanley; Mach an, Glen; MeTaggart, 1 /Dug - las; Kerr, 'George; Kerr, Esther; Sleightholm, Elgin, Taylor, james (equal); Slosser, Mary Jane; Thompson, Mary Helen; Coultes, Wayne, Millen Shirley (equal); Gal_ braith, jack, Green, Marlon (equal) Taylor, Donald; Garniss, Marlin; Robert, Eng 4, PE 3, Hist I 4, Geom Jeffray, Joseph; Rintoul, Donald; 2, Ag Sc 1 4, Fr 4, Typ 2; Busby, Edgar, Catherine; Errington, Elea- • Harry, .14,1ng 4, P12 3, Hist 2, Geom nor; O'Malley, Dennis: Reid, Kath- 2, Ag Se. I 1, Ind Arts 2; Batton, erine; Verbeek, Joan; Cruikshank, Frank, Eng 4, PI6 4, Hist I 4, Ag Sc Jane, Willie, Allister (equal); In I 1, Ind Arts 4; mieson, Mary. Lou, Roane, Cheryl Campbell, John, Eng 4, PE 2, (equal); Pollock, Elizabeth; Wright'Hist I 1, (learn 2, Ag Se I 2, Lat Lynne; Shackleton, Patricia; Wet • 3, P'r 2, Ind Arts 4; Campbell, Mari - emir. john; Bacon, .Jean; Ross, king a, PIO 2, -Hist 1, GeOm Jarnefil CraWford; 'Sara; Cameron, , 2, Ag Se I 2, LaL 3, Fr 2, HE 1; pas - Barbara. I tiug, Eng pE 2, gust li, Geom Susan, Eng 3; PE 2, Hist• 1-2; Ag Third Olnis-llonnur31-• • • 1.1, Ag Se I I, Lat. 1, 'Fr ; Cathess, :Sc 4,.TYP H01,9c. 2;.- McIntyre, Procter, Faye; Scott, Keith; Clout- William, Eng 4, PE 2, •Hist I 3, Geom 4, AG Se I 4, ler 4, Typ 4, Ho ]eat 2; &Willi, James, Eng 4, PE 3, Hist I 2, Geom. 4, Ag 3, Fr 4, Typ 4; Adams, Philip, king 2, PE 3, Hist, I 2, •Geom 4, Ag .Se I 1, Lott 4, ler 4; Anderson, Helen Eng 1, PE 2, Hist; I .1, Clem Ag Se I 1, .Lat 1, ler 1, Iiattle 1; Ballagh, Bonnie P.10 4, Typ 4; Ballagh, Shirley, PE 4,.Hiet, 4, Ag 1 4, 1'r Typ' ,noEc 3; Bron- son, Raymond, Eng 3, P12 4, Hist I 1, Geom 4, Ag Se I 2, Typ 3; ,Buckle Ireland, Robert, Eng 2, PI6 4„ Hint 1 1, Geom 3, Ag -Se 1 3, Typ 2, Ind Arts 4; Keil, Carol, PE 3, HoEil 4, Typ• 4; Kieffer Georgina, Eng 4, PE 3, Hist, 2,. Geom 4, Ag Se I 4, Fr 4, Typ 2; Thompson, Barry, Eng 4, P Typ 4, HoEe 1; Kilpatrick, Karen, - E 4, Hist / 3, Typ 3; T11011180Ili Eng. 3, PE 4, Hist I 3, Ag Se 1 4, Dale, Eng 4, PE 4, Hist I 4, Typ 2, Fr 4, HoEc 2; King, Patrick, Eng 1, PE 2, Hist 'I 1, Geom 1, Ag Se 2 HoEe 4; Thornton, Julia, Eng 1; 1, Lat 1, Fr 1; Krauter, David, Eng Lat 1, Fr 1; Tiffin, Barry, PE• 4, PEI, Hist I 1,.:Geom 1, Ag Se 1 1, 4, PE 3, Hist 4, Geom 4, Ag Se 1 2, Hist I 4, Ag Se I 4, Typ 1; Tif-fin, Fr 4, Ind Arts 2; . Joan, Eng 3, Hist I I, (X11) Alg 4, Law, Peter, king 3, PE 4, Hist 1 Lat 4, Fr 3; Tunney, Mauna Lynne 2, Geom 3, Ag Se I 4; Lee, Donald, Eng 4, PE 1, Hist 4, Geom 4, Ag Eng 4, PE 2, Hist .t 1,.Geom 3, Ag Sc I 4, Fr 4,. Typ 1, ,Flallie 1; Se I 4, Typ 4, Ind Arts 4; Whitfield, Donald, Eng 3, PE 1, MacTavish, Kenneth, Eng 2, PE Hisf, I LI doom 3; Ag -Se 1' 2i- hat 1;- 3, .11Ist I 1, Geom 2, Ag Sc 1 2, Fr 4; WillsinsOn,• Slinrbii,' 'Eng 4, Lat 1, Er 8,Ind Arts 2; McArthur, Phi 3, Hist I '4, Ag -Se 1 4, Typ' 1, HoEc 2; Wright, June, Eng 4, PE 2, Hist, 3, Ag Se I 4, Fr 4, Typ 1, HoEo 2; Wylie, Itgarlene, Eng 4, PE 4, Hist I 2, Geom 4, Ag•Se I 4, Fr 3, Typ 4. ' • 0 _ 0 - 0 X1 coststEaciTAL tog; Rah, .2lueston,•Btoek (egna13%, Harrison, Allan; Strong, Fraser; Currie, Helen; Cheilleburgh, Thom.. -Hallahan, james; Grainger,- Ito. bertt- •Hilda; Baird, Leonard, '..1ouwsrna, Ann, Watson, George, (equal); Harkness, Jack; Boyd, William, Ostrom, Robert (equal); McAfee, Jane; •Campbell, Douglas; Wil .101.141; McCallum, 'Hugh ; St Min., Gail; • •Ifergusan, Donna; IVIeRac, Connie, Morrison, James (equal); Mink, john, •O'Malley, Richard (equal) Rintoul, Donald.; Campbell, Ralph': Edward, John; IVierkley, Terry, Van (le K.emp, Tina (equal); •Searson, John; McDonald, James, • Pass - Cameron, :Seek,. IVIatners, •Groute (equal); Higgins, Robert; Pease, Elgin; Sanders, Leo, Sluices, Carole • (equal); Meyer, Elaine; Robinson, Garry; Clark, Terrance; Taylor, Patricia; .13evin; McArthur, Kenneth; Lunn, Robert; Yemen, William; Fisher, 'Murray; 'Snell, Shirley; Thomson, Jill; Douglas, Brian; Ross, Lois; Bannerman, John; Benedict, 'Martin; •Diefen- baker, John; Gibbons, Sheila. • 0-0) - „ . 91RADE commErwrAL .•10.1r5t; Class Honours: Cummings. Sandra, Second Class Honours: Arm- strong, Edna Mae; Penni', Fran- ees-; Machan, Gall; Webber, Lin- Cia; Scott, Nancy Johnston, Linda; Carter, Elizabeth; Benninger Shir- Brenda, Eng 3, ,p4 3, Hist 2 4, Geom 4, Typ 3; Chitpinan; Batintra,, Ehg 2, P11 4, Hist 2, 1"r 2, HoEe•I; (2hapman, Garry, Eng 4, PE 3, Hist 1 2, (loom 3, Ag J. 2, Ind Arts 2; Cougram, Charles, Ping 4, PE 4, Hist 1 3, Geom 4, Ag So 1 4, Lat 3, ler 3; Courtin, Brenda, Eng 1, PE 4, Hist I I, Geoin 2, Ag Se I' 1, .Lat, I, Er 1;Coultes, Linda, Eng '2, 'PE 1, Hirt; 1 2, Geom Ag Se I 1; LaL 1, Fr 1; Couliot, Marie, Eng 1, PE 2, Hint 1 1, Geom Ag Sc I .1, Lat. 2, ler 2, HE 1, Craig, Mary, Eng. 4, PIO 2, Hist 1 2, Geom 2, Ag 1.3o 1 2, Typ Davidson, Brent, Eng 4, PE 4, Geoth 3, Ag ;Sc 1 4, Typ 1, Ind Arta 4; Davidson Joyee, Mari- 'Gem. 3,- •Ag -Se-4. •4; --Ind Arts 3; MeKague, Ruth, Eng 2, PE 3, Hist I 1, Gebm 3, Ag Se I 2, Lat 3, lee. 2; MoKibbon, Judith, Eng 11„ PE 1, Hist I 1. Geom 1, Ag Se I. 1, Lat 1, ler 1; McKinney, Adeline, Eng 2, PE 2, Hist 1, Geom. 2, Ag Se 1, Lat 2, Fr 2; .McPherson, Grant, Eng 3,.PF, 4,.Hist 1, Geom 2, Ag Se I 2, Fr I, Ind Art r 2; • Martin, Eng 4, PE 3, Fr 4, HoEc .2; Martin, Wayne, Ring L. PE 1, Hist I I, Geom 1, .Ag Sc I 1i Lat 1, Fr 1.; Merkley, Sharon„Eng 4, PE 3, Hist I 1, Geom. 4, Ag 3e[ 4, ler 2, Typ 4; Meurs, Benny, Eng 4, PE 4; Geoni .2, Ag :Se. 4; Ind Arts 4.„, Minnie, Ruth, Eng. 2t Hist. I 4, Fr 4, Typ 2, HoEc 2; De_ Hist 1 I,. Geom .4, Ag Se.1 Lat yell, Dianne, iling 4, PM 2, Hist I 1er 4; MillengRosemary, Eng 4, •PE 3,'Hist 3, Geom 4, Ag. Se.1 4, Fr 4, Hale, 1; Moffatt,, Donifa, Eng 1, PE 2,• Geom 4, Ag Se I 4, ler 4, Typ 2; Moffat, Elaine, Eng 2, Hist: 1 1, Geom 2, 'Ag Se 2, .1..at 1, Fr.1; Moore, Elwin, Eng 1, PE, 2, Hist I I, Geom Ag Se I 1, Lo.t. 1, Fr 1;.• Morrey, IVIargaret, ler 4, Eng (X11) 4, PE 4, Hist II 4, BOoleg .4; Mundell,' Hugh, Eng 1, PE 1, .Hist 1 1, Geom 1, Ag Sc 1 1, Lon.,1, .1.; Mulvey, Peter, Eng 4, PE 3, Hist- 1 4, Geom .4, Ag Se 1 4, Fr 3, Typ 4, Ltd Arta 2; Norminton, Claudia, Eng 1, PE 2,'Hist I I, (limn 1, Al Sc' 1 Lat. 1, E'r I. • • O'Malley; Margaret, PE 4, Hist 1 4, Geom. 4. • Parker, Bruce, Eng 4, PE 3, Hist I 3, Geom 4, Ag Se 3, Fr 3, Typ 4; Paulin, Doris, Eng 3, 'PE 2, Hist 1 Geom 3, Ag Sc I .3, Fr 4, Typ 4 Peacock, Anne, PE 4:Typ 1; HoEu 3; Pleteh, Max, Eng 4, PE 4, Hist I I, Georn Ag 1 4, Ind Arts 4; Pletch, Wayne, Eng 4, PE 4, Hist man, Robert (equal); Pass; Ahara, Margaret; Thacker, Typ 1, 140Ect 1: Hallahan, Rose- I 3, Ind Arts 4; Powell, Thomas, 3, Geom Ag 1 4, Typ 2; Don. aldson, Gayle, Eng 4, PE 3, Hist 1 1, "Geom 3, Ag Se I 3, .ter 4, Typ 3; Edgar, Davey, PE 4, Ind Arts 4; Edgar, •Donald, PE 3, Gem 4, Typ 2, Ind Arts 4; Edwards, Sharon, Eng 3; PE a, Hist 1 2, Cleorn 3, Ag Se 1 3, ler 3,110E0 2; Elliott Nancy, Eng 3, P12 4, Hist .1 Geom 4, Ag Sc I 4, ler 3, Ha& 1; . Farrier, Wayne, Eng 4, PE 1, 111st 1, Gem 2, Ag Sc 1 I, Lat ler 4, • ligt Arts 2; 'Finnigan. Lynn, Eng 4, PE 2, Hist 1 4, Geom 3, Ag Si. 2, Lat 4, ler 4, Ind Arts, 4; Goldthorpe, Elizabeth, Eng 4, PE 4, Hist 2, •Cteom 1., Ag Se 1. 3, ler 2, Typ 4; Grant, Phyllis,',Geom 3, ler 4, Eng- (X11) 4, PE (X11) 4, Book'g (XII) 4; Greig, Melville, PE ey. 3. Hist 4, Geom '2, Ag Se .4, Ltd Arts Third Class 'Honours: TenPas I; Griffiths, David, Eng .1, PE 4, Dianne; Craig, Alexander; Horton, Hist 1 1, Gem 1, Ag Se. I 1, Lal 3, Sharon; Seillestel, Judith; Gadke, Fr 3; Patricia; Colvin, Jane Anne; Lapp, Hall, Barbara, PE 4, Typ 4, HoEc Mary jOall ; Stokes, Elizabeth; Me. 3; Hallahan, Lenora Ansi, Eng 4, Glynn, Ruth Anne, HO 4, Hist I 4, Geom 4, Ag Se I 4, Hikes to 0VC to Save Pet 13egle °Hewing story about a cent issue of the Kitchener -Mater Bullet the beagle is home again boy, appeared in a re- too Record: and a boy's Nall Sit mankind has s 0 13EST FRIENDS -Dr, John Alexander of ario Veterinary College,05 1Keith Lod - g. a final check before the boy hitchhiked home to Wingharn. The boy had gone to Guelph after Bullgt,was struck by a car, -On tario Veterinary College photo,, been justified. Bullet's owner, 11.year-old Keith 1.oder, hitch -hiked the 55 miles from Wingham to the Ontario Vet- erinary College at Guelph recently after the animal had been struck by a car. Doctors at the college's small. animal clinic found. the boy in a waiting room with Bullet beside him lis a box in which he had been carried from Winghant. Keith said he had been told the eight -month-old dog would have to be destroyed because it had a broken leg. Since he couldn't ae, eept the verdict, tlie boy decided to take his dog to the college for help. But OVCrules state that an an!. mai must be teferred by a veter- t d al . • Eng -English; PE Hea1laafld physical education; Bus Cenr- business correspondence; Etist of Com -,.-history of' commerce; Bus ,kr business aritlimetici ; cl • Arts ••-- industrial arts; Ho „Be -home ed- onomies; Boolg - bookkeeping; Penni -• Penmanship; Short'd shorthand; Type & OP, typing and office practice., . • Chittiek, Joan, 'Eng 2,, Ph 3, Bus Corr 2, Hist of .Com 1, Bus Ar 2, HoEe 1 13°04-1, 'penmanship 2, Isherthand 1, typ & OP 2-; .jaelclin, Mtirray, PE :3, Bus Corr, 4,, hist of Com 4, Bus .Ar 4, Ind Arts 3, •Book'g Penm 2, Typ & OP 2; Jacques, Nancy, PE 4,. Bus -Corr 4, Hist of Coln 2, Bus Ar HoEe 2, Book'g, 4, Penrn Short'd 4, Typ 4.0P 4; Kirkby, Dianne, PE 4, Bus Corr 4, Hist of .Com .2, Bus Ar 4, Hoge 2 Book'g 4, Penni 1, Sitort'd 2, Typ &.0P 2; 'IYIerkley, Jennice, PE 4, Bus Corr 4, Hist of Com 4, Bus Ar 4; H'oEct • 3, Book'g ' 4, Penm 4, Short'd 4, Typ & OP 2; Pennet,.Dg. aline, Eng- 4, PE 4, Bus Corr 4, His..of Coin Bus liolfic BoOk'g 4, :•Petilri .4, Siicart'd 2, TyP &- 4;•Recntin,,'R'eta, Eng 4, PEI CorreSpondence 2, 'Hist. of Commerce' 1, Bus Ar 2, 1104e 2, jataileg..2. Perim 2, Short'd 1; Typ & OP 2; Renwiek, Connie, Eng PE 3, Bus Corr 4, Hist, of Coin 3, HoEc 2, Penni. 2, Short'd 2, Typ & OP 2; " Riley, Sharon, PE 3, Bus Carr 4, Hist of Coni 2, Bus Ar 4. Ee 4, Petun 2, Short'd. 3, Ty.p & OP 4; Ritchie, Shirley, PE 4, Hist of Com 2, ItoEe 2, Petim 2, Typ & OP 2; Robinson, Eng 9, P16 4, Bits Corr 4, /list of Com 4, Bus Ar 3; Ltd Arts 4, Book'g 2, Perim 3, Short'd 4, Typ & OP 4: Scott, Marian, .Eng 4, PE 4, Bits Corr 4, Hist of. Com 2, Bus At 3, HoEc 2, Book'g 4, Penm 2, Short'd 2, Typ & OP 4. 0 - 0 - 0 onADE xn, CAR CRUSHED -W. J. Morris of London cited This picture wds lal.en from the top of the as the result of a car -truck collision three miles truck which harl completel/ mangled the car, north-east of Fordwich last Friday afternoon. -Advance-Times photo. H & I, Hist II 1, Mg 1, Ag Sc 2.12,3:L.LgatisLot,,11111;11, Eng 4, 11 & 4, Hist 11 3, Alg 4,'Ag Se 4, Fr 3, Ind Arts 2; Fortune; Douglas, Eng 3, 11 & PE 4, Hirt 11 3, Alg 4, Ag --Se 11 3, Ind Avis 2; leogton, Gerald, Alg 4; Gerrie, Lionel EL & PE 4, Typ 4; Grant:, Kenneth, Hist 11 4; Gurney, -Jean, Eng a; H & k'12 2, Tlist H 2, Ala- 3, Ag 1.1: 3, Lat 2, Fr 2; Halliday, John lang 4, 05% PE 2, Hist 21 4, Alg Ag. Se 1,1 4, Ltd 1, Fr 2; Hardie, Neil Eng 4, H &PE 4, Hist II 2, Alg 4, Ag Sc 4, Book 1, Ind Arts I; Harman, Joyce II & PE 3, Hist 21 4, HeEe 1; Harris Leone, Hist 1 Alg 4, Eng XI 3; Harrison, Kenneth, Eng 1, II: & IndPlD3, Artslii s t AlgInd 4 ,AArtgs Scx.1 III 24; Henry, Wayne Eng 4, PE 3, Hist II 4, Book'g 4, Ind:Arts 3; Holten- beck, Robert, Hist Il 3, Alg 2, Lat 1, Fr 4; Jardin, Paul, ,ling 4, 1>12 1, Hist. II 4, Alg 3, Ag Sc LI 2, Fr 4, Ind Arts 2; Jefferson, Donald, Eng 4, PIO 4, Hist II 4, lint Arts 2;' jeffrity, 'William, Eng 4, PE Hist 11. 1, Alg 4, Ag Se if 3, Litt 4, Fr 3; Jones, Jean, Eng 4, PE 2, Hist 11 4, Fr XI 4; Kerr, Murray, Eng 4, Fr 4; King, Mary, 1.3;tig 2, PE 3, Hist II 2, Mg, ;3, •Ag Sc 11 4, Lott 2, Fr 2; Kirton, Cale, P16.4, Alg 4, Book'g 2; Krug, Barbara, Eng 1, PE 2, Hist ILL Alg 2, Ag' II 1, Lat 1, Fr 1; . • Armstrong, Joyce, II & PE 4, Alg 4; Bateman, Donald Eng 4, Alg 3, Ag Se II 2, Ltd Arts 3; Beeeroft, Janet Eng 3, H & PE 3, Hist II, 2, Alg 4, Ag Se II 4, Lat. 8, Pr 3; .Callan, Dennis, Eng 2, H & PE 2, Hist 2, Alg I, Ag Se 11 1, Lott 1, Fr 1; Cardiff, Anne, Eng 3, 11 & PE 4, Hist II 1, Alg 2, Ag Se II 3, Lat 1., Fr 2; Chamney, Sandra, Eng 4, II & 'PE 3, Hist II 4, Alg 4, Ag Se II 4, HoEc 2; Chettlebargh, Ken- neth, Lug 4, Hist II 2, Alg 2, Ind Arts 4; Clark, Linda, Eng 4, Hist II 4, Alg 4, Ag Sc II 2, Book`g 8; Cooke, alcutine, Eng 3, I -I & PE 1, Hist ' 3, Alg 4, .Ag .2,, Fr 4, Bonk'g 2; Conti, George,. Eng 2, E. & PE 2, Ilist II 1, Alg 1, Ag Sc II Matfett before it eau be tree e the ode, Besides the case was 1, tat 1, Ft Contielly, Yvonne, TM Arts 3: Eng 3 H & PE 4, Hist II 2, Alg not an unusual one, another of the aet-9 t a Ag Sc IT. 3,Lat 2;• .14't 2; Collates, " Lapp, Betty Alan, Eng .4, PIS. 2, Hist 12 3, .Alg '2; Ag II 2, Lai -1, ler 2; Loeicrittge, Douglas, L,al •4•,. Econ.. 3, .Law 8, 01' , 4, Penni 2, Sothern, lion„ Bobby • Gibson, hon., ler 4; Logan_ Jamas, Hial. '11 4, ShortlI 4, Spell 11 :Ian 2; HanninIan 1.9a,tiny Hor.vath, Karen Brawn, Ltd Arts 4, Eng' X.1'43 Lotallt, Car- awerictolyp, Arith 3, Book'g 1, Corr jeep- meurs. 4, Ecolf 2, Law 2, CIE' 4. Penni 2, Spell 3, Typ 4: Laidlaw, Cecelia, Bbok'g. 4, Corr 4, EC011 4, Law 3, QP 4, Penni .2, ShorN Typ 31 McDonald, Elizabeth, ' Arial 3.. Booleg 3, Corr 3, Been 4, Lato 4, DP 4, Penni 3, '.44; 2; IvIeLlee, Hel- en, Aral'. 3, Book'g 3, (2,orr 2, Econ 2, Law, 4; OP 2, Penni 2, Spell 1. Typ 3: Miller, Linda, Arith '2, Book :3; Corr 1, Econ 1, Law 1, OP 2, Penin 3, Short'd, 1 Spell 1, Typ 3; Noble, Dorothy, Arith 2, Book'g 4, fall. Corr 1, .Eectil 4. Law 1, OP 3, Penni Mrs, Ethel MeMidliael, teacher. • 11 2, Lai 2, Jer 3. tilicarcl 4, Spell 1, Typ 2; Smith, Taylor, Ruth Ann, Fog 4. Ilea Natiev, Alith 2, Book'g 2, Corr 2, 11 4, •Ier 2; Templenum, 5.1ary. PE Et -on 1, 1,aw 1, OP 4, Penn). 3, 4, lad Arts •11 3; -Thoi•nati, Douglas Bliorl'cl 4, 14pell 1, Typ 4.; Snell, Eng 4, Lat 4, ler 4; Thomas, (ter- ' Marvin, Arith 1, 13ook'ig 1, Corr 3, ald,-Eng 3, PE 1, Hist, if. 3, Alg Nene 3, Law 4, • OP 2, Penni 4, Ag 4, Loa 4, ler 4; ILI- Spell 3, Typa, da, 3, -PE 3, Hist 11 1, Alg 1, Ag 11.• 1, Lai I, ler 1; Troupe, Doris, Eng 3, PIO 2, 11181 11 Alg SnelnOl Ag Se 2, Lat 1, ler 1: _ .winDonkersgoed, Elbert, Eng 2, PE 2, Hist, II 2, Alg 1, Ag Si' 11 3, • ' PittiMtri IIIN3 I ITFIJ Lat 2, Fr 2; Wightman, Anne, Eng 1, P12 3, Hist. II 1, Alg 1, Ag Se 11 Senior Room 3, Lat 3, ler 1; Wild, James, Hist Front Grade VIII to Grade rK-- 4, Ag Se II 4, Ind Arts XI 3, Ind Itielty campbell, David jaeobson, Arts: .4-; Willis, Garry, Eng 4, Histilielen Johnston hon., Linda Wil - 2:!, Hist 3, Ag Se 11 2, Booleg 2; liamson, Joanne Meurs hon., Bob Woctits,•Jamer,,P16 4. Campbell, Gerald Doig. • • 0 - - U • Prom Grade VII to Grade VIII- 'IAITADE . Bill Carswell, - Marlon Dickert, SPECIAL (101111111.611,C1AL Douglas ClibsOn, hod., Marjorie Rut - tan, Eleine Miller, David Horva;th Clark; .1)19.wn Lue, Book'g' cors hon., James Furlong hon, 3; Econ 1; Law 2, OP 4, Penni 3, 'Spell 1, • Typ 4; Craig, Kathleen, From Grade V2 to Grade VII- Aribh 2: Book'g 2, Corr 2, Even 1. Leslie Campbell, John Horvath, Law OP 1, Penni 3, •Shortal 1, Carol Oakley, .Lorna, Browne hon., Spell. 2, Typ 2; Currie, Anne Arab 'Edward. Campbell. . 3, Book'g 4, Corr 2, Neon 4, Law 2, From Grade V • to. Grade VI - OP 8, Penni 3, Sluiri'd 2, Spell 4, Linda Angst lion., Phyllis Caber, TYp 2; ; Billy Miller, • Randy 'King, Teana • Deaner, Karen, Arith 8, BoolCg Milligan, joanne Williamson, Char - 3, Corr 3, Econ. :3, ,Law 4, 013 3, le); Gibson 110/1., Shirley Ettinger. Penm 2, Short'd 4, Typ 4; Green_ Brian Manery, teacher. away,, Karen; Arith Book'g ;1, Jteuior RO0111. Corr 2,•E'con 1, Law I, 01' 1, Penni From Grade TV to Grade V 4, ShortAl 1, Spell 1, Typ 2; Gra- Brian Furlong hon., Doug Har- rah, Deanna, Arith 2, Book'g 1, grew- hon„ •Cheryl Baylor, Kerry Corr 2, 1..•Ierni 2, Law 1, OP 2, Penni c'emphen, 3, Sliortkt Spelt :3, Typ 4; - Even Grade 111 to Grade TV - HaskInr, (1-welda,.Aritli 4, Corr '2, - Ht6,,gue Margaret ol, Eng 4, PE 4, Hist 11. 3, Alg 1,- Ag Se 11 3, Lat 2, ler 2'; Maeli•ay, Mal- colm, Lat. 4, ler 4'; Mackattizie„lohn I'12 4, Book'g ISItictiewnin.; dra Eng 2, PE Hist; 11 1, Mg 1. Ag Se 11 1: Lat 1, ler 2; IVLBurney, 'William,' Eng 4, PE 4, Finn It 4, Ag Hi, 1er 4; MeCtitcheon, Da- vid, PE 4, (Tema 4, Alg 4, Ag Se 11 3; McDonald, Allan, Eng 4, l'E Hist 11 ,4.. Alg 'Ag Sc 11 2, Lat. 3, Fr 4; '1111e.Dowell, Donald, king 2, PE 1, Hist II 2, Alg Ag Se 12 1. Lat. 2, 'Fr 3; Mi3Dowell, John, Eng 2,. Hirt II 4, Ag .4,' Ag Se II 4, Book'g 4; McKinnon, Joseph, Eng 4; Hist II 4, i'i 4; McKinney, Mer- Vyn, Hist II 2,- Ag Se 11 2, Ind Arts XI. 2,, Ind -Arts. 2'; McLennan, Mur- ray, Eng 2, PE 2,- Hist, 11 1, Alg 1, Ag Se II 2, Lat. 2, ler • 4;.MeLeen, Murray, Eng 4, PE 2, Bootee -3; Mc- Rae, Alan, Eng 4, PE 2, Hist 11 2, Ag Se II 3, Lat' 4: McTavish, Doe - old, Eng 4, P16'1, Hist.11 2, Alg Ag Se II 3, LaL'2, -ler 3; Meehan, Brtice, Eng ' 4, PE 4. Ind Arts 2; M•ndlii. John, hing PE 4, Hist 11 4, Alg 2, Ag Se 11 3, Eta 4, Fr 4gMartni, Gwendolyne Eng 1, PE 4, Hist 11 1, Aig, 2, Ag Se II 3, Lat. 1, ler 1; Merkley, Atha Ier 4; Merkley; Eng 4, PE 3, Alg 4, Ag Se 11 2, ler 1, Book'g. 2; Merrick, Beth, Eng I. FE 2, 1-11t, II 2, Alg 2, Ag Se 11 1, Lod, 1, P'r 2; Milieu, Thomas, Eug 4, Hist. 11 3, Ag Se II 3; Mitchell, Angela, hatg 1 8. PE 3. Hist 11 2, Alg 1, Ag Sc II • 2, 1'r 3; Moore', Muriel, Eng 1, PE 2, Hist, 11 Alg 4, Ag Se II 3, Lat.; 2. ter 2; .Nesbit, Mary, Eng .4, Alg .L Ag Se 4, Fr 4, 13oolc'g 4; O'Malley, Helen, Eng 4, PE 4, 11181 11 2, Alg 3, Ag Sc 11 3, bat 3, -ler 4; Pennet,1 Richard, Eng 4, Groin XI 1, Alg 4.1 Ag Se 11 3, Book'g 4; Precion, Don. ald, Alg 2, Ag Se 11 2, ler 4, Reid, Jane, Eng 2, 116 1, Hist 11 Ag Sc II 4, Loa 3, ler 3; Bellinger, Al, Hist II 4, Lat 4, Fr :1; 14.11111)-m. c. tune, Eng 4, -Hist 11 4, Alg Ag II 4, Fr 4; Ritchie, Marilyn, Eng 4, PE 2, Hist 11 4, Alg Ag 14s' D. 4, Fr 4, 13ooleg 3; Robinson, Cent otroe Hid II 4, Itiot Arts 31:11 V, Rowe, Sandra, king 1, 1, Alg t, Ag Sc 11 t, Filen Grade II to.- Grade III - An I 1 p Elimonins heiggl_As 'Espenson Jinn.. Sherrill Miller hon., Susan 4 Alan Cguipbell, Morrie Saving Billy lirown, Mabel Lough- ran, PO ilairl 'Wilson, Bobby Dieker9. Ps cm Grade I to Grade II -Linda Ettinger hen , Patti King hail.. Braude Meurs hon., Kurt Jacobson, liolander. Susan Wilson, .13ruee Ruttan, Gregory Milligan. beginners are expected in the criteria considered Tot admission, Murray, Eng I., 11 & I, Hist II Lat Fr ft T Lot .1 ter 1'; Sandersoe, 't'he college doctors stalled te Clnelph and Wellington County Hit inane Society, yvhich readily agreed to assume responalbility for 130 an - let d 1 -he dog Was admitted to the clinic. A. fractured tibia, (Main leg bone) teas diagnosed and the litnb ita- ntobilized while the break healed, I Eleven days later, Keith hitch 1 hiked back te Guelph again aryl Tottlid Bullet walking arottncl, ready for the retntat journey with his overjoyed master, who'll pro- - bably never forget the tollege's 1 kindttesa. Crawford, Carol, Eng 2, H , PE 3, I4ist It 2, Alg 4, Ag Se. 11 2, Lett 2, Ire 8; Crnikshaiik, Julia, Eng 1. 14 & PE 1, Hist 22 1, Alg 3, Ag Sc 22 I, Loa 1, Fr 1; Currie, Berry, Ettg 4, & PE 2, Hist It 2. Alg 4, Ag 1, Alg 1, Ag r Se 11 3, Book'g 2, Ind Arts 2; Daintier, Dianne, Eng 4, Hist II 3, Geom 3, Mg'4, Ag Fr 2; Davidson, jack, Hist. T. 4, Ind Arts 3; Diekert, Ronald, Eng -4, H & PE 2, Hist II 3, Mgt Ag Se' It 3, tat 1, Pe 2; Dietrich, Gerard, Eng 4, it & PE 3, Hist It 4, Ag Se 11 .1 B.00k'g 2; Elliott, Karen, Eng 2, Ag Sc 11 3 Pr 4; •Shackleton, 'Mary E. Eng 4, PE 3, Hist 11 4, Alg 2, Ag J -3c. 4, Pr 4: Skittit, Glenn, 1611g 4, Ple. 4, 'Hist 11 4, Alg 1, Ag Sc 4, 7,at 4, Pr 8, Smith, Ram, Icing 4. PE 4, Hist 11 2, Alg 2, Age 11 2, Pr 4, .131cpsg 2; Spry, Doug, 12,ig .9, PE 2, Hist 11: 2, .Alg 1, Ag 'Se 11 Let Fr 2; Stephens, Evelyn, Eng 1, PE 2, Hirt II Alg 1, Ag Se 11 2, Lott, 2, Fr 2; -Stobo, Ontirild, 4, Hist 12 4, Alg 3; Strong Alex, Eng 2, PE I, Hist II 1, Alg 1, Ag Se II 2, Lat 1, Fr 4: Strong John Zug Z P123,, Hist II 2, Alg 1. AgSe 3114, A. D. 111a4.111ILLIAIVI J. It, viAtijaym jimurp Mma1 'viands Dealer of London, wish 11) OitIl1Lt the appoint - 'urn( of Mk, 4, mAtwitAJAm td Wingllam tts i. Resident Sides Reprpwli ye, of the Mr. Ma.rWilliAni w041 knoWn the Winghain ter 1hr pni”arL Througb r4L.iaLzdService Miltimi rinni investiii will he syilab!e1 R.1-1.4r.riatm Limited. hop betairie affiliated with G. it. Itnte fkzi Limited, M_eI!F' 'lers 'Toronto ttil t uli4l1PAnd itivestinent Dealers AciUioi- .-1 • it 1