The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-07-04, Page 5MIIOM4Y NOTARY BINGO EDNESDAY, JULY lith E3egins 9 porn* stsoo.00 IN PniZ1S -7,7a.aaaaaraaaaaaraaarta` W 1.44 7:7:'"777:7 Them and Sell: Them. In The Addvance-'ilmes, Bolting still renPtins ti}a tient. way to rk";sin the vita ;nin and, vain. eral content of vegeta,bles, Baking may be aflaa for trotataea, mask rparsnip;l or other root vegetables. Cook' them until :tender when prick, e4 with a Meat :ttcewer, Coag cov- ered, With a riot ,roast, such vege- tables as carrots and onions• that would wrinlite er .shrivel.' .in dry heat. I1IIjinsiIihIIIiIJI$UI III,iIiI*IIhIIIhlllillI1I1I1IIIIIIIo)ttill®III�II1 111®.I11 IIIrI11r�IlI IiI�JII�IiI®III�III�IA, 111�1IL�II }IIN'_ Select at the ARLY SUMMER SAL of Living Room Suites IMP has Two Mildtay► n - Fur 1tur Showrooms --HIGHER GRADE KROEHLER 2-PIECE'CH•ESTERFIELD A SUITES -- Reduced to $209.00,,$229.00 depending on length of sofa, sizes are 74"; 88" Reversible Luxi-foam cushions. B -7 -PCE. LIVING ROOM GROUP including 2 -piece "SKLAR" • CHESTERFIELD in high grade nylon coyering (reversible.: cushion). SPECIAL 7 -pieces ONLY. $239:Q0 C--7-PIECE LIVING ROOM GROUP. (Choice'of Chesterfleldor Davenport and Matching Chair), Tables, Lamps, Cushions ; r 7 -pieces ONLY $179.00 ' SELECT FROM OVER 25 LIVING ROOM mita. LAKELET Mrs,.. lm iWaliace and: family,, ,of $eaferth; visited on Thursday with. her parents, Mr. and Mfrs. Stan Dennis, Mr, and MrS, Stuart Douglas and Mr, and Mrs, Walter Renwick attended the Shakespearean . 'eati- vai at Stratford on Monday .oven,. Ins", The play Was 431W Taming of the Shrew.," Miss Guelda Haskins, Pt Water - too, and Earl Haskins, of Grand Bend, spent the week -end with their parents, Mr, and Ma'S , rimer F?.aski,ns. Mr. and Mrs, Roberti MCCelalb and family spent the week -end at Inverhuron Beach. Saturday morning was the he - ginning of black bass season and the iooal anglers caught .quite a few of the black beauties, See ,Many Places f• u • a 6 On Day's Bus. `trip ZiAKP•ET--�LTuesday uesday :mern- ing spite. a fewr:of the;Lakelet W.I. ladies tiand teii' children boarded iVIilge Rgwe's bila, of 'xees'Otg' at' the Lakelea.General.Stara; and esn- I ar ed°.pn a clay's; jdugnely., `.First stolx'°'was 'at�;'Urtipn' .carbide, of Walkerton, then at' the=B.ogden, & Gross fi tory, In the stternodn the. g'fpup:visit- ed at !Douglas' . E oint Nuclear star tion and the `muse>am at South'amp- ton. After supper..they journeyed to Ayton and visited at'Fishees -Chick Hatchery : and at . Wittich's 'Bakery' Lad. The group: reported a very en- joyable as well a yery 'Informa- tive* for ail.°' Fathers .and Sons Enjoy Bowling L=AKULET--The Members of the Tyro and .•.Sigma,'"C Clubs of Mc- Intosh and' Behitoreb' United ;Churches; along with, their fathers :enjoyed an' evening pf bowling at tha . Wingham!,, bowling alleys on Friday .,night;• `� **. t Attar. bowling 'they' gat�tered at McIfitosh . Churettf t basement where refres:iiments ^ were enjoyed by, the." boys •: and k,tbei'r • tattlers., BLl]EI[ALE. frev i Margaret Craig' and ,Donna Mun- i dell • re�eived, henors-.iri their. Giacle Nora Moffatt. ■ - FURNITURE AND FUNERAL:,SERVICE 7;2308 MILDMAY x: Phonefa ENdicott rlIISI li IIIIIrlIIrlIIrlIIrllIMIIIrlIirlI e a lIMIlti II■III■1111IIrlIl 1 IDIII0 i1111rIlI�IIfIrIIIiIII�III�IIlIrill�lli�111�111�1il�lll MIUMNIMININEINSI MIlin 1si.ii. •iiammaiiII*l$$®III EONORATHLATIONS ELSTON , SPEIRAN R. R. 3, Brussels Ss )N Mrs. Speiran showing tosb FO'RDLEIGH BETTY GOVERNOR PEARL This fine c.ow in Mr, Speiran's herd won. FIRST PRTZP in the 11111/ 4 year -Ad class at last year's Huron Black and 'White Show and nOW Graded EXCELLENT — the third Holstein in Huron County to win this distinction. tact ra, lin!Idi ,Lilt' We are proud to liav"e supplied Pearl. with TOPNOTCH reeds, all which she delivered twill calves• and produced 14,000 pounds of 3.5% a milk. Now in her third lartation, she is going on to even better records. PHOTCH DEEF S LIMITED RUSSELS HONE 199 "`Cl -IE MOST VALUE FOR THE FARMERWS DOLLAR" TITIT ,�TZT 1 V piano era rnnations last week. They, ase pup,ils of, Mrs Mt. and. Mrs. Donald Street L ;. Lin- da,` Julie 'arid, Stephen; of Listowel, visited •at ,the. home :of. Miss 'Mary rid '• Duff: on Sy aY. Mr; and Mrs. Frederick 'Mitchell and` children;; of 1fruro; visiting :their parents, Rev. G. C, and Mrs Mitchell. 'Mr. and ''Mrs. Sohn Lamont. and daughter, ' Phyllis, Of '. Windsor, visited at the. parental home with Mr.: and Mrs, Morris Bosman last week: Jack Elliott;' of aCornWall, is hav- ing a' holiday with his parents,'°Mr. and.•1VIrs Harry` Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Alan White; David and•Joey,,left for Springfield, Ont., on Monday:. Mr.'White will engage in.:.barbering :in Springfield.. Son Billy' will remain .he1•e for a. time with his grandparents, • Mr. and Mrs.• Joe Horton Mr. T. Smith, daughter, Sandra and, Linda•.Streetiall• of .Listowel, visited on Saturday 74hMrs, Al Cher, e}' < ••t:S ra!losK.a Is n and children, of, London, were visitors With Mr. and Mrs. Jade Greenaway on Saturday. son of Dunnville, Mr. and Mrs. ' Mr. and Mrs, Ira Hertfelder, of George Reeves, of Toronto, Miss Toronto, spentthe, week -end with Gladys Jefferson, of Woodstock, W... D. H. S Teachers Wed • •• Sacred Heart Church, Wingham, .ryas the setting on Monday, Jul y 2nd at 11 a.m. for a very interest- ing wedding when Miss Sally Ann Slosser became the bride of Rich- ard Joseph Campeau in a double - ring ceremony witth Rev. G. J. Freker officiating, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Lee Slosser, Wingham, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Campeau, 49 Frank Ave., Windsor. The•'bride entered the church on the arm of her father, wearing a DONNYBROOK Mr. and Mrs. Doug Williams, Lynne, Carol, Donna and 'S,andra, of London, and Mrs, J. C. Robin- son, of Wingham, visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rob- inson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mills, of God- erich, and their daughter, Mrs. Glen Frances and children, of Ot- tawa, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thompson and fam- ily.. Mr. Hugh Jefferson, of Port Ar- thur, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jefferson and family. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Leddy •Sunday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. George Reeves, of Tor- onto, Mr. Hugh Jefferson, Port Arthur, Miss Irene Jefferson, of Dunnville,. Miss Gladys Jefferson, of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wilson, of West Wawanosh, Miss Elaine Jefferson, of • London, Mn and Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson, Robert, Mary, Sharon and Linda, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jefferson, Debbie, Brian and Gerald, all of Donny - 'nook; Mr. Campbell Dow, of Full- arton visited Monday at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. Edward. Robinson and family visited on Sunday with The Wilitgligun, Atttaxwo,Time,o, Weclalraiiarx, jtl<iy: 4, 19,43 --Photo. by Siefert. white floor -length gown of • pylon,. organza over taffeta, : with albow length sleeves, enhanced with ap- pliques of 'French lace on .the front panel and three -tiered; back` of the bouffant skirt'. •A•' double -silk : il- lusion veil was held in place by a tiara of pearls . and orange blos- sons and she carried .tvbouquet ,of white roses and ivy,. Miss Nancy Slosser, Loddon, at-. tended her sister as nidid'•of hon- or and Miss Mary Kelly, Windsor, was bridesmaid. Both wore iden- tical gowns of shrimp nylon over taffeta, styled, with full skirts and accessories to match, and carried nosegays of white roses. Bernard Campeau, Windsor, bro- ther of the groom, was best man and David Slosser; London and Leonard Campeau, Windsor, acted as ushers. Miss Patricia Brophy, Detroit, played the wedding march and ac- companied Miss Anna McDonald, who sang, "On. This Day", during the signing- of the register. • After the ceremony a: redeption was held and dinner' served to about 70 guests at the Legion Home, the bride's mother, receiv- ing in a beige' brocaded taffeta trimmed with organza, and' the groom's mother in lilac taffeta with lace trim. Each wore a corsage of carnations. For travelling to. Northern On -4. tario the bride chose a pastel green embroidered sheath dress: with white accessories and wore a cor- sage of gardenias. The former Miss Slosser is a graduate of the University of Wes- tern Ontario and has been on the teaching staff of the Wingham District High School for the past three years. Mr. Campeau is..a graduate of Assumption -University, Windsor. They will reside in Wingham, the groom being a mem- ber of the high school staff. her parents Mr. and Mrs Gershom• Guests were present from Wind - 44 ti NOTICE BY-LAW NO, 0, 1962. THE CORPORATION Off'' THE TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY A BY-LAW TO REOXILATli EitItI PIN :AP 11141 IU GS WITHtly` CERTAIN DESIGNATED ARItIMiN ',L'H.F TOWNSHIP OIf TtlltNi;:lilt�t WHEIi;FA,S by an Act to Amend the Planning Act 1955 Sec, 27 (b) and other acts the Corporation is given the power to regulate the erection of bulidings within the limts of the municipality AM it is desirable that the saidpowers be exereised, l`Tow- thereafter the Corporation of the Township. Of Turnberry by its council duly constituted enacts as follows: Para. 1—The provisions of this by-law shall be applicable to all buildings to be erected, moved, repaired or altered within the Town- ship of Turnberry save and except farm dwellings and farm buildings used exclusively for agricultural purposes. For the purpose of this :by-law a farm shall not be deemed to include a parcel of land contain- ing leas than 10 acres. Para, 2—Except where exempted in Paragraph 1 no person shall 'erect, or construct, ,or' permit to he erected or constructed on lands 'owned'+or controlled by him within the Township of Turnberry any building without .first obtaining a, permit for such, construction from +the Mnnicipal Corporation of the Township of Turnberry. Para. 3—Except where exempted in Paragraph 1 no persons shall ..'alter 'or ieliair or add to a building or buildings without first having 'obtained .a permitfor : such addition, alteration or repair unless such addition, alteration or repair is to the interior of the building and does. 'not exceed in reasonable cost $500,00 or unless such addition, alteration or rgpair isto the exterior or partly to the interior of the building and does:r,ot,exceed in reasonable cost :$300.00, Para,: 4—Except where exempted in Paragraph 1 no person shall •moveany building• or `buildings within the Township of Turnberry without first, having Obtained a permit from the Municipal Corporation 'of the',Township of Turnberry. ' -,Para.'4B-Eqch applicant for a permit as required in the above paragraphs shall' snake application to the Clerk of the Corporation of the : Township of ,Turnberry or to such other person or persons as shall be designated by. the council of the said Corporation. Johnson, of Wingham, I sor Stratford, Hamilton,' Kitchen- • Quite a number of the children from Donnybrook United Church Sunday School are attending the Bible School at Auburnwhich started Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. John. Noble and family spent the week -end with London relatives and attended the wedding of their niece on Saturday. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mur- ray Wilson on Sunday evening were Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson, of West Wawanosh, Miss Irene Jeffer- a' Mr. and Mrs.Joe Horton. Miss Norma. McMinn, of Toronto, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs, Arnpld Lino*. Mr: and Mrs. Charles Coultes visited in Clinton last week. .1 ALL LOCAL TALENT FOR WED. 'PROGRAM Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson and family, Mr, and Mrs. James Leddy and Mr. and Mrs, Charles Jeffer_ son, all of Donnybrook. Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson, Mary and Linda, and Miss Irene Jefferson were London visitors on Monday. BLUEVALlp—A pleasing social occasion was the 'fine supper pre- pared' by the women of Knex Pres- byterian Church oh June 27th when there was a good attendance. This was followed by a concert in' the community, hall presented by the young people of the church. " Revs T. F, Kennedy was, chair- man for the eoncert,. and Mrs. Nora Moffatt • accompanist for the even- ing. Twenty-two young people sang with spirit, old and Modern popular songs in some of which the aud- ience participated .and Hugh Muni dell conducted as the one and only "Mitch• Miller." A girls' chorus sang "Friends and • Neighbours," "Sentimental Journey," "Okl'ahoma," and I, Want to Be Happy." Miss PatSolos were sung by laryans, Larry Elliott •and Htigli. Mandell, The latter, ttr, singing in a e om - edy number; had as accompanists Harvey Mann and Gerald Thomas. A group' of young men in cont- piete disguises performed some .modern dances. Harvey altd Connie Mann sang duets, Harvey accom- panying on the guitar. Harmonica selections by Eldred Nichol, Harvel Robertson and Ross Gray Were very popular. ht About The play "The Pcn Daisy -'t included in the cast Mr and Mra. Ross Gray, Miss Mary Hannan, Mist Edith fithaw and ST. HELENS er, Barrie, Brantford, 'New Jer- sey, London, Mildmay and Walker- ton. Mr, and Mrs. Ray Hawley, of Oshawa, spent the holiday week- end ' with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Woods. Mrs. Keith Black and sons, of Ottawa, and Mrs. Fred Thompson arid sons, of Exeter, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon McPherson, Mrs. Lance Morrison, of Toronto, spent the week -end with Mrs. Mrs. Violet Mintz. Miss Isobel Miller underwent ,major surgery on Thursday in Vic- toria hospital, London. 1Vliss W. D. WHiTEGBURGH: Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Siiiimons and Nancy, of London, spent the week -end with .her, parenta;•M,r• and Mrs. Chas. Martin, and with Wingham relatives. Bill Jeffry, of Belmore, who''was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn during the week -end sang "The Holy City," at the morning service in the•Presby- terian Church here, when George. Conn was in charge of the . music and presided at the organ. - Mrs. Wm. Henry, Miss Frances Henry and. Miss Phyllis O'Brien, of London, spent the week -end at the Henry farm in Kinloss. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Majury, of Paisley, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Albert Coultes. Mrs, Emanuel 'Stapleton, who has spent the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jamieson, left this week -end to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Procter, of Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Farrier and family, of Long Branch, who were attending the Higgins family reunion in Morris this past week- end, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, W. R. Farrier. Miss Winnifred Farrier, of Toronto, is spending cher vacation at the Fat- tier home. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Farrier and family, of Kitchener, Mrs. Sam Reid, Lucknow, and Mrs. Rutherford is spending some time Russell Clipperton and family,, of with her in the city. London, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mrs. Robert McQuillan and Alton, of Toronto, were visitors at George, of Hamilton, spent the ' the Farrier Home on Sunday. Week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Wnt. Furrlon and other relatives. Mr, and Mrs, Ken Grewar and Nancy, of Suclbury, were holiday visitors with Mr. and Ma. Harvey Webb, held services were on Sunday at the St, Helens Church. William Colin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron, and William Steph- en, son of Mr, and Mrs. William: McPherson were baptized by Rev. B. F. Green. Para. 11—No Person 'shall establish any lumber, wood, coal or i .junk yard within the Township of Turnberry unless and until he has obtained the approval of the Township Council for the establishment of the same' and unless and until the permit for such an establishment has been issued therefore. The above are some extracts of the, By-law. Interested persons may read the whole By-law by oontacting W. B. Cruikshank., Building Inspector, or)' ,.. V;Fischer, Township Clerk. 4b P Ken Grant. The closing .nunibers by the chortis were "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands," "How Great Thou Art," and "When You Come to the End of the Day." Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Caslick and family and Miss Doris Ross spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Caslick and family, who ate. holi- daying at Bruce Beach. Mrs. Abbott Toomey arid children. n Jeanette, Carol, Richar a d df o Greenville, South Carolina, and her mother, Mrs. F. L. Creighton, of Detroit, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 3, D. Bee- croft. Mr. Alex Coulter had an exciting time nt his driving shed on Friday morning when he Went to fill Up his tractor with gas. It exploded in the engine, and started o blaze. Mr. Coiilter drew the tractor from the shed with his ear,. and •saved the shed, but the tractor • burne& casco Service LEADS THE WAY Tor Ft -tendril and Expert Service to Your Car or Truck it's READMAN'S Service Centre IN 'WINGHAM w.•- �..nM•v.Mn.w Experience and Know-how are the factors you will benefit from when you drop in for any of your service requirements Readman's TEXACO SERVICE CENTRE PHONE 84 - WINCHAM IuitIUiiUiUIIlil1lIu1lI IH II�UIuIII�III111Idllls!IItAIl*IIlIIIII!IIa!IlhIll111111i11�111 Hodgins - (WINGHAM) LTD. LUMBER AND .BUILDERS' SUPPLIES GALVANIZED► STEEL ROOFING $ PER SQUARE 6' to 30' LENGTHS THiS IS OWPA.U1O MANCIT'AOTITR1 T1 SwTEPi% WPM IMPROVE!) sfl LCO GALVANIZING IZINt Terms Cash — Free I)c>livcry Phone 656 Wingham 111iIlIiillilllilllilllilllitllillliliimlllilllilliilmo!I:"MlmliulL".I1'j!Pillidillilllilllili Something to sell P Try an A.T Classified Ad. J • i is •i 11 , i! l- f� Si . PI -s, if