The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-07-04, Page 4•Jokor. a• tour be 1 righarn Aavauee-'.'lines, Wetlnesclai ,Trim' 4, 190'2• • 1 • 1.. -OST • Ft t T If()IIIIJIL FIND IT .OU ND • s" eRVt' M•, FOR SALE TAXI SERVICE IIROME KITCHEN SUITE for FOR ALL, OCCASIONS call 4b sale. Phone 489. Taxi, for long or short Phone 185, CHESTER1e.teiLD for sale, in good condition. Phone 678M. 0 I+iLECTROLUX Sales Sz Service.. H, McDermitt, phone 59831, Fordwich, 4rrb. HAVE PARTS for 1955 Volks- wagen for sale, except motor. Phone 610W3 after 5 p.m. 36" TAPPAAN electric range for Sale. Automatic oven, mini mind- er, warming closet and many other special features. Must be sold this week, as owner moving. Mrs. Louise Pester, phone Brus- sels 138J. 4b FREE SEWING MACHINE CAB- INET with the purchase of a Singer, White or Arrow Sewing Machine. We repair, service all makes. SMITTY'S 'SHOPPING CENTRE, HANOVER, 27-4b ' FILTER QUEEN Sales and Ser- vice, repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Used cleaners of all makes for sale. Robert K. Peck,; Varna, telephone Hensall 896R2. 16rrb FOR SALE — 1 Warner 500 -,chick brooder, electric, used 130 hours; 1 shot gun, single barrel, good condition; 1 old piano,. needs some work done on it; 1 DeForest Crosley 8 tube radio, console; 20-30 bushels 196- Rodney oats. Raspberries, when available. ' Telephone 741W21, Mrs. Daw. 4b REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Lee's trips. 4rrb COMING EVENTS LEGION BINGO every Thursday in Lucknow Legion Hall, 8.45 p.m. sharp. 12 regular games for $10, 3 share the wealth and one spec- ial for $50.00 must go (no limit for calls). CE17rrb PROPERTY FOR SALE — 14 mile west of Belgrave for the estate of Norman G. Shiell. Must be sokt to straighten estate. Best offer will be accepted the end of July. C. W. Hanna, ,administrator, Bel - grave. 27'-4=11b FARM FOR SALE -196 -acre farm on Con. 10, Kinloss Township., Itadernhome, large bank barn, drive shed, hay in barn. 25 acres spring crop, 30 acres valuable timber. Terms. Apply Frank Thompson, Holyrood, 4-11b SALES HELI' WANTED—MALE WANTED —Man for steady travel among consumers in Huron Coun- ty. Permanent connection with large manufacturer, Only reliable hustler considered. Write today. Rawleigh, Dept. G-453.131, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 4b APPLICATIONS WANTED APPLICATIONS for Federation. of Agriculture Fieldman for the County of Huron will be received until the 31st of July, 1962. Appli- cants state qualifications and sal- ary expected. Duties to commence September lst. Send applications to the office of Federation of Agri- culture,. Box 310, Clinton, Ontario. Lowest tender or any not neces- sarily accepted. 4-11b REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Attractive 2 -storey white brick Mame, 4 bedrooms,' 'fullq' modern,. oil furnace, extra wash room, ex- cellent location, choice lot, immedi- ate possession. Terms. ii -acre of land in • Bluevale,• 6 -room house with oil furnace and bath, barn and hen house, close to school. Full price $4,500.00 with terms. 2 -storey solid red brick house, well situated, furnace, extra wash room, Very easy to duplex. Full price $7,500.00. For your real estate require- ments contact— WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate Broker • Phone 292M - Wingham 4b CAR FOR SALE 1956 VOLKSWAGEN for sale. Good condition. Only $350.00. Phone Clinton HU, 2-9630, after 7 p.m. , 4* HAY FOR SALE MERCANTILE AGENCY re- quires a Credit •Correspondent for the Gorrie, Wroxeter and Fordwich area. Part-time work on a fee basis. State age and qualifications and telephone number. Address re- plies to: Mr. T. D. Alderson, Draw- er 423, Terminal "A," Toronto 1, Ontario. 4b STANDING HAY for sale. Reas- onable, Phone 62832. 4* LARGE FIELD of hay for sale. Apply' Mrs: Theo. Mundy, phone 287. 4b TENDERS WANTED it 0, i"RAIDE TilEANT APS. • :.•1141004....-ISSONA 1VIISCELLANEOUS SYJCCESSFUL GRADUATES Donna McLeod, Joanne Hackett, of Ripley and Patricia Husk, Luck - now, have graduated with honors front Canada Business College, Ltd., Toronto, and have accepted lucrative secretarial positions. 4* NOTICE If you are thinking of financing a ear be sure to contact your State Farm Agent first, Reuben Appleby, R, R. 2, Wingham, phone 703W3. - _ Je13-Sp26'D SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R. R. 2, Brussels, phone 442W6,. Brussels. Mr7-A29* SEALED TENDERS will be re- ceived by the undersigned until 12 noon July 16, 1962, •for the recon- struction of Carling Terrace, in- cluding the laying of street drains, excavating of existing roadbed and backfill with pit -run and crushed gravel. Tender forms and specifi- cations' may be obtained at the Clerk's Office. — William Renwick, Clerk -Treasurer, Town of Wing- , . 4-1ib 100 ACRES of standing hay for sale at Belgrave. Will sell all or part. Apply Leo Kenny, R. R. 5, Mitchell, phone Monkton 347- 2466, 27-4b FOR RENT WANTED WANTED TO BUT—Two or three bedroom house in Wingham, Fred Porter, phone 510313. 4* FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automobile, Farni Liability, Accident and Sick- ness Home Protection -- Call your CIA Agent—Lloyd Montgomery Winghatn, R. R. 5, Phone 74$J1 21rrb WANTED—Rock elm for timbers over 14 in. in diameter. Also good elm, soft maple and hard maple bush lots. Les Morley, R. R. 2, Ailsa Craig, phone 293-3009. Je20-Dc26b MILK COOLERS For no more sour or gas in the milk, use a Stainless Steel Kyle Cooler. Cools all your milk in 11 extra Minutes, is washed in less than five seconds, for only $39.15 F.O.B. Brunner. John S. Nafziger, R. R. 1, Brunner, Distributor for Ontario. M23-Jy18b LIVE POULTRY Wanted Picked up at farm ?MONDAY • to FRIDAY • C. MICHEL Phone 2213 - GORRIE 4-11-18-25-1-8b DEADSTOCK WANTED AMBULANCE WINGHAM Day 51; Night 636 or 716 CARDS OF TIIANK.S_, .. We wish bo express our deep ap- preciation and gratitude to all the kind friends and neighbors for their helpful assistance and kind expressions of sympathy during our recent bereavement, We also thank the Wingham General Hos- pital staff for their kindness and care of Mrs, Watt during her stay in hospital.-• W. J. Watt and fam- ily. 4,{, The family of the late John Baird wish to thank their friends and neighbors for flowers, cards, and all their kindness during his ill- ness and at the time of his death, Also Rev, John Hutton, Dr. Mc- Ribbon, nurses and staff at Wing - ham General Hospital, 4* I would like to thank everyone for their best wishes and kind- nesses while I was in Victoria Hos pital:--Dick Scott. 4t' I would like to thank all those who visited me and so kindly re- membered me while I was a.patint in Victoria Hospital, London. To the neighbours, who assisted at home, your kindnesses Will ever be remembered.—Thomas H. Abraham, R. R. 1, Wroxeter, Ont.' •4b I would like to thank all my friends and neighbors for flowers, treats and cards received while in Wingham Hospital, Victoria Hos- pital and Thameswood Lodge, Lon- don, also special thanks to Dr. W. A. McKibben, Rev. G. L. Fish and the Cancer Society. Your kindness will always be remembered,—Mrs. Eva MacDonald, ' 0' WHIM S. REED Real Estate and Business Broker For prompt service in buying or selling all real estate • properties. FARMS - HOMES BUSINESSES Ph. Wingham 292M J31rrb REMOVAL SERVICE — We are licensed to remove your dead or crippled farm animals for sanitary disposal in an inspected renderin plant, FREE REMOVAL—Phone No charge to ZENITH 88540 o Wingham 378 or Palmerston 123W GORDON YOUNG LIMITED, TOR ONTO - BARRIE - ELMIRA. Li i cense No. 14 & 15R62 - 143 & 144-C-62. rrh SMALL heated apartment for rent. Immediate possession. Cen- trally located on Shuter Street. Private entrance, Phone 292M. 4-11b FOR •RENT IMMEDIATELY -- Small apartment, bed sitting room, kitchen. and bath. Phone 108.T. 4b 3EILITF] CAMP TRAILER for rent, fully equipped, $30.00 week or $10,00 weekend. Rhone Ford with 26R12, Mrs. Elmer Farrish, Gor. ri e. 27-4411b SELF'-COiNTARIRI apartment for rent. Your ownentrance, one bedrooiri, living room, kitchen, bath. I-Iytlro and heat supplied. Apply Base 70, A.dvancd-Times, 27rrb T+0 ItENT -- 2 -bedroom cottage. with hot arid .cold running water, 313ce.bath, at A.rriberly Peach, $50.00 weekly. Available June 30- itily 14 and Silly 21 -August 4. Apply Mrs, Ross 1<night, It, R. 2, ,Brussels, de cull Brussels 328.15. 4b Ebttli tMENT WANTED Iv"' 0•1 .1 i ti ''li' WAN'r'Cl)f by High School attldefit on a farm, orairy ,ddd: Jobb, Wilfred Cas. kMttette,. Oltenia 3d8 after 0 pot.411' DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL L FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS CALL— DARLING & Company OF CANADA LIMiTET) Wingham 561J Dead Animal. Lie. No. 1.75-C-62 Jny3rrb MARLAT'I'i,S Dead Stock Service Highest Cash Prices Paid for Dead Cows and gorses over 500 lbs. More for sick and disabled Cows and Horses accord beg to size and condition. FOR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE CALI. 'COLLECT Bruce Marlatt Brussels Phone 133. 24 1-IOUR SERVICE License No, 11.9 .0-62, 121-R1. 6w ATTENTION! What section of Huron County do you live in? Do you have an Avon Representative calling on you? If you don't, perhaps it is au open territory which could offer you a good earning oppor- tunity. If you would like to sell Avon please write MRS. M. MILLSON 960 Wellington Rd. S. London, Ont. OR CALL COLLECT GE 2-9019 between 7 - 8 p.m. HILRAY ABBATOIR DIES IN ROTH YEAR MRSg W. J. WATT WAS N NATIVE WAWANOS resident of Whitechurch since 1942, passed away in Wingham "Hespi, tal last Wednesday. Mrs. Watt 'had only been in hospital for three weeks, but had been In failing health at her home for some time before. A daughter of the late Archibald Barbour and Eliza Lediett, eleceas- ed was the former Edith Cather- ine Barbour and was born 79 years ago In East Wawanosh Township, She attended 5.5, No. 10, Kinloss, 'Wingham and Lueknow public schools, and the Walkerton high school. She graduated from Wal- kerton Model School in 1903 and taught school in the Lucknow dis- trict until her marriage to Rev. William John Watt, a native of Walkerton, in Lucknow on May 23, 1907. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reid and family, of Marnoch, wish to thank the members of the Wingham Fire Department and neighbours and friends for their help during their recent fire. 4b I wish to thank niy neighbors and friends for flowers, gifts, cards and messages during my nine weeks' confinement in Wingham Hospital: Special thanks to Dr. W. A, McKi-b-, bon and the first floor nurses,. who were very thoughtful and kind,—Mrs, Harry Town. 4b I wish to thank my neighbours for help at home and visits along with friends and relatives,, Also. cards; treats and flowers• while 'a patient in 'Wingham General. Hos-' pital. Special thanks to nurses and staff, Dr. Crawford and Dr. Mc- Kim, the different clergymen and the Salvation Army who visited our ward. --Oliver Campbell. 4* Phone Lucknow 122W Home of Choice FRESH MEATS Guaranteed eta Hormone er Concentrate fed to Beef TRY OUR HOMEMADE SAUSAGE Choice Hereford Beef All meats Government Inspected and Approved Custom Killing CATTLE --- Daily HOGS --- Tuesday RAYNARD ACKERT HOLYROOD F28beow BIRTHS Miss S. Strom, Feted /y Family, Friends Several functions have been held in' honor of Miss Sandra Strung prior to her marriage anter this summer. A gathering of her mother's bro thers and sisters and their fam. tiles, Mr, and Mrs. A. Bexley, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Amos, Mr. and Mrs, IC, Richardson, Mr. ut'd Mies. 30hn Uptgrove and Mr, and Mrs, T. Uptgrove, was held in (.fait Park, when Sandra was given a miscellaneous shower., Recently Sandra's • grandpar- ents, Mr, and Mrs. John Strong Sr., her great-grandmother, Mrs. J, A. Wilson and. two great-aunts, and their husbands, of Brantford, made a trip to Wingham and gave her several beautiful gifts, some of which her grandmother had made, The Margaret Avenue School staff in Kitchener presented her with a nylon rug as a wedding gift, and the women on the staff held a shower at one of the homes and presented Miss Strong with two pieces of Corning ware. On the final day of school the Grade 5 pupils had a surprise par- ty. They gave their teacher three cups and saucers and other items, with hest wishes for a happy fu- ture, Rev, and Mrs. Watt, lived in a number of places during his min- istry. They were at Griswold, Man.,. Burgoyne, Allendale, Barrie, Long Branch, Burke's Falls, Oakwood in Toronto and at Grimsby. Mr. Watt retired from the Grimsby United Church charge in 1942, when they moved to Whitechurch. Mrs, Watt, was a member of the United Church, a life member of the Woman's Missionary Society and later the United Church Wo- men. For many years she was a leader of the C,G.I.T, COOK—At the Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, June 27, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Cook, R.R. 1, Belgrave, a son. SULLIVAN—At Wingham General Hospital,. on, Thursday, June 28, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Sullivan, Brussels, a son. JAMIESON—At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Friday, June 29, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Jamieson, R.R. 2, Lucknow, a daughter. CARTER—At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Friday, June 29, 1962, to Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Carter, R.R, 6, Lucknow, a son. WILKINS•--At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Saturday, June 30, 1962, to Mr, and Mrs. Charles Wilkins, R.R. 3, Lucknow, a •daughtor. McFARLAN—At Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Monday, July 2, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Me- Farlan, R.R. 1, Holyrood, a son. McMURRAT -At the Wingham General Hospital; on Tuesday, July 3, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert McMurray, Teeswater, a son. '.Ciel) WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. dead Office, Dungannon Established 1878 BOARD OT' DIRECTORS President, Brown Smyth, Ft. R, 2,. Auburn; Vice -Pres,, Hersori°Irwin, Belgrave; Directors, Paul Caesar, R. R. 1, Dungannon; George C. F'ea.gan, Goderich; Ross McPhee, R. R. 3, Auburn; Donald MacKay, Ripley; .1ohn. V, MacLennan, Et, R. 3, Goderich; Frank Thompson, R, R. 1, Holyrood; William. Wiggins, R. R. 3, Auburn. For information on your incur• ante, call your nearest director who is 'also an agent, or the secretary, Dur:,nin 'hiiiipq; Dupgrlglion, phone bunganno;l 48., Jne15/62 Surviving besides her husband are sons, Dr. Arthur Watt, London; Archie of Toronto, Rev. 3. Robert Watt, Toronto,' Rev. George Watt, Oakville and Dr. Donald Watt, Bella Coola, B.C,; and two daugh- ters, Muriel (Mrs. , George A. Thompson) of Faversham, Ont., and Genevieve (Mrs, Millan Moore) R.R. 5, Lucknow. There are 23 grandchildren and three great- grandchildren. Mrs. Watt is also survived by a brother, John Barbour of Vancou- ver. A sister, Mrs. Harry McClen- aghan and one brother, Robert Barbour, predeceased her, The funeral was on Friday front Whitechurch United Church, when ,Rev. G. C. Mitchell officiated: In- terment was in Walkerton ceme- tery. 'iIaIII.IIIuiII.IllrllAlit.!IhIIImilhlllulIll SIN PAINTING Commercial - Cut-out Letters - Trucks, etc. CALL LES REYNOLDS Phone 6W - Wingham uI IIsI I I[81IIiu, Iirl l l*I lirlsiill lull lin IAl numl TV ANTENNA SERVICE Repairs to all makes *ANTENNA INSTALLATIONEI SELF-St1PPORTI1VG TOWERS Antenna Repairs FREE ESTIMATES Phone your tonal' dealer. or' Hanover . . 728 Collect ,T17rrb Pallbearers were i,,ustan Bee- croft, Garnet Farrier, Carl McClen- aghan, William 'IcClenaghan, Roy, Steels and Glenn -Swan, and flow- er bearers were grandsons, Robert Watt, John Watt, Ronald Watt and Elwin Moore, Saw "Guys and Dolls" At O'Keefe Centre WIHITECHURCH•— A number of people enjoyed a bus trip to `Dor- onto on Friday where they toured the Connie Smythe farm, They had dinner at Centre Island, then to Fort York and to the O'Keefe Centre, in the evening where they saw "Guys and Dolls." On the trip were Mrs. Dan Tiffin, Mrs. Thos. Metcalfe, Mrs. Wallace Conn, Mrs. Frank Ross, Mrs. Chas, Sheills, Mrs. Elmer Ireland, Mrs. D. Schiestal, Miss Anna Shortreed, Mrs. Alexander, Miss Leah Currie, Mrs, Gordon Godkin, Mrs. David Eadie, Mr. and Mrs. George Walk- er, Mrs. 'Robert Powell, Mrs. Jack Walker, Mrs. Norman Keating, Mrs. Allan Reed, Mr. and Mrs, Eph Parish, Mr. and Mrs, Frank •Sed- don, Mrs. Ira Wall, Mrs, Wm. Aus- tin, Edith and Mary, Mrs. Elgin Johnston, Mrs. Harry Elliott, Mrs, Bert Holmes, Mrs. James Richard- son, Miss Mary Hehn and Mrs, Geo, Kennedy, of Teeswater. DIED BURR, Mrs. Russell, (Annie A. Pullen, Reg.N.) Fergus, on Wed- nesday, June 27, 1962, in her 57th year. She is survived by her husband, mother, Mrs. Mary Pullen of Wingham and four sisters, Mrs. Levi (Dorothy) Holmes,' Flint, Mich.; Mrs. Mil- ford •(Margaret) Foxton, Wing - ham; Mrs. Beverly (Mary) Moore Chatham; Mrs. Darwin Macklan (Georgina), Fergus. Funeral was held on Friday from the Anglican Church in Fergus. BELMORE The June meeting of the Delmore U.C.W. was held on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. John Farrell with Mrs, Sangster in charge. During the worship service Mrs. Earl Fitch read the Scripture and gave the prayer and a hymn was sung. Mrs. Norman Newans gave a reading, "No Sect .in Heaven". While the study books were be- ing read, one by Mrs. Wilfred Jo- hann and the other by Mrs. Leon- ard Metcalfe, the ladies tied a quilt to be sent overseas in a bale. The roll call, which was a selection from "The Observer", was enjoyed by everyone. During the business session con- ducted by Mrs, Harry Mulvey, pre- sident, .Mrs, Sangster gave an ac- count of the U.C.W, rally which some of the ladies attended in Rip- ley early in June, The meeting closed with prayer. STA R R OFFERS FOR SALE Farms Homes Businesses "We Sell Rural Ontario" SOLID BRICK APARTMENT. HOUSE with 8 modern self con- tain apartments located on Shuter ,n Wingham. Revenue of $143 per month. Full price $10,700. Low downpayniet.—Na. 2-418, ATTRACTIVE 4. BEDROOM HOME situated on 3'13 acres in WIngliam. Completely modernized livingroom, wall to wall broad- µ loom. Small barn in. good condition. Nicely landscaped, having numerous trees for shade. Full price $9,900 with $3,300 down.— No. 2-568. $7,900.00 FULL .PRICE neat attractive 5 room bungalow style home with bath, 'Kitchen cupboards anti an oil fired furnace. Attractive lairtlscaped lot with shade trees. A very ulesirable hone With good terns.—No. 2-530. PROPERTIES WANTED I''ROFESSIONAL MAN wishes to purchase 3 or 4 bedroom 1i1ingnlow near Separate School. May also consider older ;home. Truce to be $8,000.00 to $12,000.0.0. ARUM COUNTY COUPLE has sold their home and wishes to litirdhase a home trent: $5,000.00 to $8,000.00 lir more, Whai: have you? J. Eiterett Pennington Phone 392.6064 Teeswater Local Agent fort Paul S. Starr & 'Co, Ltd. Hanover - Phone 870 Oi'f Ie s to Serve Yeii Better — Oraiigevrlr'ex, Ilalitiver, Owett Sound, I'ieaherfoii, Geielph aiid 1♦1%11ipton,. as.oa 4.26#0 >;' ham' "y°'arrmrwn.rrwrcor+,wu•wy +ur!e TWO GIRLS WANT IMMEDIATELY FOR DISPENSING ICE CREAM AND S DRINKS FROM DRIVE-IN SNACK BAR IN BRCSSE PAIS IS EVENING WORK AND FOR vino) sum SEASON RELATIVELY SHORT HOURS Good working conditions BOOM AND TIGA141) SUPPLIED IF NECESSARY BASIC SALARY $1.00 AN HOUR Guarantee -30 hours a week PHONE 26 BRUSSEL FOR APPOINTMENT FOR. INTERVIE WITH;. MANAGER NEW AMERICAN 1101 �o..r,i+ru+.n.r.n...n..rnarrowrr,awq+,+ur.rorrroww,r:n.rro�u�acur,. REFRIGERATORS, RANGES, WASHERS, FIIFU NO DOWN PAYMENT OR TRADE.IN NECESSARY TO PURCHASE AT TH LOW PRICES Example -9.3 cu. ft. REFRIGERAT .$184.87— $10.00 monthly Immediate delivery from our floor d'tspi PHONE EATON'S OF . CANAL Wingham 840 NOTICE TO Water Consumers The hours for watering lawns gardens are from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., from 6 p.m. to 9 p.rn. This will be strictly enforced An ANNUAL charge of $4.44 gross, Tess prompt pay discount of 10 per cent is made for the use of a ha outside tap for the above -noted purposes. Anyone found watering lawns or gardens, who has paid for this service will be billed accordingly. Wingham Public Utilities Commis C. E. SHERA, Superintendent AMBULANCE Service CALL — S. J. WALKER P 11 0 N E 106 Day — 189 Night BUTLER, DOOLEY, CLARKE & STARKE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Trustee in Bankruptcy Licensed Municipal Auditor 44 NORTH ST, ,IA. 4-8203 GODERIOR, ONTARIO A. H. MCTAViSH • BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER ONTARIO Toil, 392-7873, Tecswa•Ier Wroxeter—EVery Wedneetiirg afternoon, 2-+.4 p.m., or by appointment. Frederick F, Homuth Phm.B,, R.O. Carol E Homuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola H. Hoorah, R.O. OF I'OMI TntsirS PRONE 118 Hat r lsta 11 Ontario BUSINESS and PROFESSION DIRECTO Gaviller, Mcllltosh Ward CHARTERED ACCODD`t. Resident Partner Konntlly, CA, Bell Telephone ilnild PHONE 633 %'i'AlliE CRAWFORD & HETIIERING irarrbetere, Solielteri, l'h Wingham, . 0. CRAWFORD, RA R, S. IIETI[Ei1INOTO[i � I Il 0 J,T,G nn BARRISTER, SOLIC NOTARY, Me, Ofrit.e >rr y .e+ � ei Work, 1V1 1' Il<ONE 14