The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-07-04, Page 3Th. second heating of vegetables increases the fuss of vltluttln, auci l minerals, says 110111' ccunulnista at Macdonald Institute, Guelph, Cook; • portions sufficient fur one meal at a time. Use any leftovers chilled iu :rrtlads, jellied moulded salads, sorlffies or supper dishca,. NEED LEND -AID? When unforeseen events cut into your savings, quic1 arsli is the best first aid you can find. 13orro•w up to $2,500 at your nearest Niagara Loan office. 1201114111ber, yeti will always be wet- conte at Niagara. NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED Largest AII•Cunodian Consumer Loan Company • 307 10th Street 112 Ontario Street NIAGARA LOANS IIANOVI)R 51.RATI'OKi) •r,,.r+' Telephone 810 Te1ePhone 271-9010 ►_!lu1111111111111111111111111111111111111KIIIIIIIIIi1IIR11IIl111011IIIIIIIIiIllUI Ililllil Ilil1lil11ill J ES EAR TEA A • • E AMP ti •C 1�I T 1 !� U E S• I■ f There's still hundreds of Real Bargains -1-in both Summer and Winter Wear • ,d i 1 Pi • COME IN SOON — YOU'LL DE GLAD i is YOU DID t 1 illlllllilliilIIN111i11INI1INIII®I1 II111111 RI1IeWIVIiii aili1R111111IIIIIN11111111111i11i•iii 5 Public and Separate Schooh List Promotioiis Kindergarten to Grade L Grade I to Grade 11 Paul Bennett, Charles Bondi, Mardi Adams, Ruth Bennett, I3ill Murray Carter, Stephen Caslick, Brown, Sandra Carter, Marilyn Pring - Paulette Doyen, :Dennis Douglas, Collar, Laurie Deneau, Marie Dou-- Randy Elliott, Dean Ewing, David las, Douglas Ellacott, Cao Hid, 1.4 ash, Shane Foxton, Ricky Foxton, gins, Charles Hopper, Jean Hopper, Brian Gordon, Janet Corrie, KathyMarilyn Irwin, Olive Lapp, Dianne Guest, Carol Hastings, Ricky Hod- LaVer•gne, Doug Leitch, Doris gins, Keith Hodgkinson, Stuart I Lewis, Jcffray Lockridge, Joanne Holloway, Murray Hunter, Paul , Marks, Janet McGee, Bonnie Me - B111 Kennedy, Tommy Lee, '• aggarct, Kathy Pattison, Greg, Janet Lilliez•op, Richard Lloyd, 1 Peachy, Ronald Perrott, Gall Item. Kathy Major. Steven Maxwell, ington, Kathy Ross, Debra Salter, Tommy Morton, Wayne M(Kee, Diane Stainton, Sean St. George, Elizabeth Nethery, Janis Ohm, Karen Strong, Paul Swatrldge, Da - Jimmy Pattison, Christine Rae via 'Tiffin. Terry Sailows, Gerald Skinn, Ricky • Mrs, Colleen Roberton Smith, Keith Snowden, Joanne Grade II to Grade 111. Stephen, Stephen Taylor, .Pamela Hardy Bakker, Geri Bennett, Templeman, Roger Tiffin, Douglas Douglas Casemore, Bobby Cruick- Vandcrwouke, Ricky Waite, Jinlmy shank, David Dolgos, Julte Foxton, Welwood, Catherine White, Robbie Russell Foxton, Ellen Gorrie, Jim- Yottng. mie Hastings, Leslie Hilbert, David Hodgins, Stewart Hunter, Elizabeth Jaeklin, Bobby LaRose, Brad Lew- is, David Loder, Cecil McKee, Don- ald Murray, Ronald Murray, Kathy Seddon, Larry Simmons, Gordon Smith, John Smith, Henderson, Marilyn hunter, Roger --Mrs. Marlene Leedham Irvine, Tinie Jorritsma, Richard Grade to Grade III Ladd, Trudy Macl{azy, Sylvia Mac- Elaine. Archer, Jimmy Brooks Lean, Tommy McLaughlin Bever- Patty Boyd, Billy Burchill, Joann ley Merrick, Jimmy Saint, Stephen Cameron, Terry Carter, Paul Doug Sailows, Stephen Scott, Robert Seli, las, Bonnie Feagan, Rosemary For Barbara Stapleton, William Stone, syth, Nancy Gardner, Billy Ham Vicki Taylor, Stephen Tiffin, Ro- mond, Billy Hilbert, Helen An Walker, Holloway, Marlene Irvine, Susa Isaac, Christine Kregar, Sandr Lee, Murray Leggatt, Stephe Lloyd, Douglas Mason, Janice Mac 'ravish, Patricia Major, Dann Maurer, Margaret McLaughlin Kim Mellor, Sharon Orvis, Kare Ritter, Rae Robinson, John Schip per, John Stevens, Karen Satcliff Susan Williams. --Miss -- Mrs. Vera Elliott Grade I to Grade II '1'rudy Archer, Randy Brenzi1, Connie Burke, Stephen Cruick- shank, T'er'ry Harcourt, Robert e n n a n y 1, n e, Nat VanderWoude, David Eddie Whitby, - Miss Agnes Willliamson KEN'S ALIGNMENT SERVICE PHONE 355 - DIAGONAL ROAD WINGHAM Phyllis Johns Grade 111 to Grade IV Ray Archer, Patty Cantelon, Wayne Carter, Glenn Dundas, Can- dice Foxton, Barry Gardner, Karen Hastings, Jeffrey Hayes, Jean Hun- ter, .lean Irwin, Marlene Jamieson, David Lloyd, Sharon Loder,. Brad MacKay, Gerald Marks, Denise Seddon, Douglas Selling, Jackie Stone, Leslie Thompson, Douglas Thomson, Marie Whitby, Marion Willie. Ohm, Ruth Mui Readmit, Nancy Seli, Robert Silauneasy, Brenda Stapleton, Joanne Sutcliffe, Sandra Tiffin, Anne Welwood, •—Miss Joan Armitage Grade IV to Grade V Kenneth Aitchison, Joan Ben- nett, Bryon Brooks, Joan Burchill, William Congram, Wendy Crewson, Rath Ann Currie, Brian Deyell, Esther Fish, Lloyd Frldenburg, Norman Gorrie, Bruce Henry, Lyia Anne Hickey, Wayne Hunter, Tom- my Irwin, Leonard Johnston, Gloria Lewis, Stratton Loder, Susan Ma- jor, Gloria McKee, Irene McKee, Brenda McTaggart, Cathy Miller, Karen Rae, Matt Richardson, Mi- chael Walden, --Mrs, Joan Crawford Grade IV to Grade V Janice Carter, Dianne Caslick, Barbara Dauphin, Frances Du- Charmc, Brad Elliott, Ann Ewing, Mark Fisher, Bill Fuller, Debbie Gibson, Jennifer Henderson, Bar- bara Hetherington, Billy Hollen- beck, Gail Irvine, Joe Kerr, Susan Kregar, Linda Lockridge, Kenneth Rae, Vicki Rosenhagen, Sandra Seddon, Steven Seli, Billy Strong, Paul Templeman, Marilyn Tiffin. —Mr's. Marilyn Brydges Grade III to Grade IV David Balser, Jane Bateson, Rhonda Bell, Suzanne Brenzil, John Broome, Julie Burke, James Casemore, John Dcneau, Jaqueline Deyell, Sally Lou Elliott, David Gibson, Nancy Guest, Randy Haf- ermehl, Steven Langridge, Luanne Lavergne, John Leitch, Adora Mac. Lean, Robert McGee, Carl Mow - j bray, Jane Anne Nethery, Judith 90 Imperial scientists and technicians pose for their pictures in the ultramodern wing of Imperial's research laboratories at Sarnia. Not shown: another 115 members of the Sarnia research staff, and another 130 who work in imperial laboratories al Calgary. gO%i of all oil company product research in Canada is done by Im viae many fields, from gasolinos to h'.usehold detergents. At Calgary, Imperial research personnel are exploring means to find and produce more Canadian crude oil and natural gas. Imperial does more research than all other oil companies in Canada combined. At Sarnia, Ontario, and Calgary, Alberta, imperial operates the largest petroleum re» search laboratories in Canada. At Sarnia, the company's scientists and technicians areworking to improve present products and to develop new ones. Their research covers ALWAYS LOOK TO IMrERIAL FOR THE GEST —Mrs. Margaret Moffatt Grade V to Grade VI Teddy Ahara, Linda Aitcheson, Morris Bannerman, Douwe Bakker, Barbara Boyd, Larry Brooks, Su- san Currie, Terry Dcyell, Sheila Edward, Barbara Feagan, Randy Foxton, Malcolm Galbraith, Paul Gardner, Joe Hall, Beverley Has- tings, Donald Hastings, Nicki Jef- fery, Bobby Major, Darcy Mathers, Leora McMinn, Eddie Ross, David Shiestal, Lynda Seddon, Valerie Seiling, Bonnie Willie, Richard Wharton. —Mrs. G. E. Webster Grade V to Grade VI Julie Adams, Gary B r e n z i 1, Bruce Cameron, Gregory. Carter, Ross Caslick, Donald Collar;. Ellen Cruickshank, Jennifer Dundas, Linda Elliott, Janna Ewing, Linda Parrish, Gayle Gannett, Richard Gardner, Larry Gordon, Paul Guest, Donnalca Hardie, Grant Heywood, Gary MacKay, Norman MacLen- nan, James Mink, David Ohm, John Rae, Judy Reid, Monty Templeman, Adele Tiffin, George Welwood, Ca- tharine Wenger, Patricia Zurbrigg. —Mrs. J. Hodgins Grade VI to Grade VII SACRED HEART SCHOOL Grade 1. to Grade 2 William Bauer, Jimnly De(lroot, Richard DeJong, Bruce Ortlieb, Bruce Skinn, Adele With. Grade 2 to Grade 3 John Bruyns, Anthony DeGroot. Grade 3 to Grade 1 Diane Bauer, Billy Dejong, 1':1 acne Kieffer, Betty Ortlieb, Bar- bara. Skinn, Connie Slosser, 1"ran ces White, Maribeth Vath. Grade 4 to Grade 5 Trudy Bruyns, Bather Chettle- burgh, Peter DeJong, Mary Lou Foxton, Karen Anne Kieffer, Brian Skinn, Michael White. Grade 5 to Grade It Gary Bauer, Frank DeGroot., Randy Elrick, Brenda, Gr•ubhe, Ruth Anne Rich, Bill Skinn, Bar bara White. Grade li to Grade. 7 Mary Chettleburgh, Lia DeJong, Ronald Kieffer, Annette Ortlieh, Aurelia Skinn, Anne Vath. Grade 7 to Grade 8 Catherine DeJong, Judy Me, Glynn, Evelyn Ortlieb, Kenneth Skinn, Mary White. Grade 8 to Grade 1) Bill DeGroot, Richard Corinne Kieffer, Warren Mary Anne Skinn, Marvin John White. Family Reunion Falconer Home WIHITECHURCH About 100 members of the Falconer and Mc- Innes families attended a gather- ing on Monday at the home of Mrs. Cecil Falconer, where they could utilize the Whitechurch park for games and contests. Mr. Jos. Tiffin was president and Jack Splann, of Woodstock, was secretary for the past year. Mr. Orr was appointed president, with Mr. Splann, secre- tary for this year. Folks were present from Toronto, Woodstock, Chesley, Walkerton Caledon, Goderich, Kitchener and' other local centres, All enjoyed the grand day with excellent weather. ]:lrick, Rich, Skinn, at !iia! 'Ioaatf>m'n A(tv*,>a,,r-T;mp, Woomwla 'r 4,11111 !"or the Finest in JEWELLERY * CRYSTAL * ENGLISH CHINA tri \MERM EH Lis PHONE 250 .Cr YY E L L E R Y WINGHAM. ONTARIO ii1IP11IiuIUIIIU111U111NIIIIIIINIIIIIIINIII■II I■11111111II11111■n1111111m11UAlll lll\III/ N 110 u N • w If you insist on the best when you. want 1 s s 1 1 i. 1 s r i i a DEEP FRIED JUMBO SHRIMP, FISH AND CHIPS and ,SOUTHl;;RN, FRIED CHICK. N I ,l'HO.NE 968 for fast take-out ,service ▪ Open each night till 12 p.m.—Saturday tilh 1 a.m. ti • a Snack ... Be sure to visit Frosty- Queen Drive AIV In' "1'ry "FROZEN CUSTARD"' IN DELICIOUS SUNDAES, CONES AND MILK SHARKS "Or from the Grill" TRY OUR FAMOUS ' DELUXE HAMBURGERS or FOOT -LONGS AND NOW 'FEATURING Robert Armstrong, Rein Bakker, Donald Brooks, Douglas Cameron, Brian Cronkwright, Joan Cruick- shank, Mary Ann Cruickshank, Paul Fleury, Debbie Foxton, Bar- bara France, Sheila France, Bren- da Hafermehl, Jimmy Hayes, Ann Henderson, Bob Hotson, Heather Hueston, Donald Husser, Linda Hutton,' Diana Jeffery, Wayne Kre- gar, Preston Lediet, Brian Mac- Kay, Ivan McBurney, Bobby Mc- Kay, Brian McKee, Norma McKee, Charles McMinn, George Miller, Bobby Morton, John Phillips, Andy Rathbun, Joan Remington, Ken Snowden, Ken Taylor, Pamela Wal- den, George Weirmier, Nancy Whit- by, Sharon Willie. --Mrs. D. Thornton Grade VI to Grade VII Jane Adams, Elaine Carter, Bar- rie Conron, Mary Joan Corrin, Sheila Crewson, Brian Douglas, Kathryn DuCharme, Douglas El- liott, Melanie Harris, Jim Hender- son, Judith Irwin, David Langridge, Anne Meyer, Bobby Miller, Brian Miller, Douglas Mowbray, Newton Richardson, Marilyn Strong, Ro- bert Tiffin, Patricia Walker, Mary Lee Wenger. —Mrs, Gordon Mundell Grade VII to Grade VIII Dean Balser, Peter Callan, Nor- man Corrin, Barbara Henry, Vir- ginia Murray, Cathie Peachey, Don- ald Rae, Lynda Reavie, Gloria Reed Neil Renwick, Paul Tiffin, Ken- neth Vogan. —Mrs. Gordon Mundell Grade VII to VIII Mary Ahara, Robert Batton, Bruce Boyd, Joan Cantelon, Brian Carr, Nancy Casemore, Jamie Douglas, Brenda Ellacott, Kevin Fisher, Wendy Fuller, Terry Gard- ner, Linda Hastings, Janice Hayes, Keith Henry, Verna Hunter, Wayne Irvine, Harold Jardin, Frances Led- iet, Barry MacLean, Linda McTag- gart, Tommy Miller, Dianne Orvis, Linda Schiestel, Patricia Seiling, Bryan Walden, Jean Welwood, John Welwood, Donald Willie. —Mr. D. Jardin Grade VIII to Grade IX Trevor Adams, Sipke Bakker, Bob Broome, Donald Carter, Ray- mond Clark, Audrey Collar, Juli- anne Dauphin, John Douglas, Fi- ona, Edward, Shirley Finley,, Mi- chael Fleury, Steve Gorrie, Rod. ney (Hickey, Sylvia Holloway, Pat- sy Hotchkiss, Keith Loder, Mary Rathburn, Eddie Rintoul, Theodore Saint, Susan Scli, Linda Stapleton, Paul Waiper, Richard Weirmier, —Mrs. Jean Wilson Grade VIII to Grade IX Larry Aitchison, Gary Carter, Brian Caslick, Brian Clark, Bryon Collar, Raye Corrin, Wendy Cronk- wright, Jane Day, Bill Deneau, Nancy DjCharme, Douglas Ewing, Sally Galbraith, Ruth Gibbons, Wayne Gordon, Ronald Goy, Jim Griffith, Rae Gurney, Brenda Hall, Kay Marie Hardie, Marilyn Hig- gins, Bill Kerr, Grant Kilpatrck, Allan Leggatt, Mary Anne Mason, Donna McKay, Ann McKibben, Peggie Rae, Gary Reed, Vana Ros- enhagen, Ruth Sinclair, Kerry Stuckey, Bill Taylor, Larry Taylor, Laura Walper. ..:Mr's, Margaret Walsh trr© [Toffolon@ THE NEW MOTOR VEHICLI. ACCIDENT CLAIMS Ci Under the new law establishing the Motor Vehicle Accident ClaimsFund which repiiia' • • the Unsatisfied Judgment Fund with effect from July 1st, 1962, 'twill be an oitfetiOl'e'r an owner to operate or permit the operation of hi$ motor vehicle onthe highwayWtOkt being able to produce either; (a) Proof that the vehicle is insured under a liability policy fel bodily injury and property damage. CR (b) Proof that the $20.00uninsured motor vehicle fie hit beim pit If your vehicle is insured, be sure you have an insurance certifiCatC. If you do tot have one, see your insurance agent at once. if your vehicle is not insured, make certain your motor Vehicle pertnitis endorsed to show that you have paid the $20,00 additional fee. If your vehicle becomes uninsured, at any time becatrse ofcancelfationerexp;r� of the policy, you must pay the $20.00 additional fee immediately atyour local gffic4 of the Ontario Department of Transport. THE PENALTY FOR NOT BEING ABLE TO PRODUCE PROOF OF INSURANCE OR PAYMENT OF THE FEE, OR FOR PRESENTING FALSE PROOF, IS A FINE OF $50.00 TO $500.60., If you have a claim for damages as a result of an accident with an uninsured dxiver, make application for payment to the Director of Claims, Ontario Department Of Trans port, 10 St. Mary St., Toronto 5. You may make application personally or throuili your solicitor. Claims will be dealt with promptly. For further information ask for a cdpll of the pamphlet explaining the operation of the Fund from your local office of the Ontario Department of Transport. a L _.- BE SURE TO CARRY 41OUR LIABILITY INSURANCE CERTIFICATE OR PROOF OF HAVING PAID THE ADDITIONAL $20.00 UNAN SURER► MOTOR VEHICLE FEE IN YOUR VEHICLE AT ALL T111l14. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT, Hen. If. L.Rawntree, ea, Minister G. MacNab, Deputy Mh7i$ftM: .�S