The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-01-31, Page 9Ito 1 re ;SI 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111INE MI • II 111111101111111111 Id EMI NI 111 111 • NO NI III 1111111111 I NI • II 11111111111 MN N II NI NI 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111110111101111111111111111111211 A NEW AUTOMOBILE ERA BEGINS IN HURON COUNTY ! 1 -`1 THE NEW CAR KING — BOB TAYLOR Huron County's NEW CAR KING W CONCEPT OF VAL Introduces a HURON COUNTY'S HOTTEST SELLER AT WESTERN ONTARIO'S LOWEST PRICE NEW '62 PONTIAC • 4:11tft!'' • , • 1, • .#4 OVER 30 MO ELS READY FOR IMO, ED1ATE DELIVERY TAKE YOUR CHOICE of MANY STYLES and COLORS NEW 1962 PONTIAC INVA*ER SE ANS includes Spare Tire, Licence, Air Conditioning Heater, Dual Sun WOWS, Cigarette Lighter and Pull General Motors 'Warranty. A Strikillg Example of Bob Taylor's "NEW CONCEPT OF VALUE" SAME 2 LOCATIONS Main Street, Zurich, and intersection of No. 4 and 83, Exeter SAME FRIENDLY STAFF Experienced Service Technicians, Dependable Salesmen BUT A NEW KING WITH A NEW CONCEPT OF VALUE FOR HURON COUNTY . . Phone 78 ZURICH IN TAYLOR DESCRIBES IN 1113 OWN WORDS THE OUTMAN AlVANTARS OF HIS GREAT NEW • 99 PRICE WITH SERVICE AND PROTECTION 1 rom Volu e S les "My 12 years of car-selli,ng experience," says Bob Taylor, "has convinced me of the soundness and wisdom of Jack Pearson's low -price, high-volume policy which has made this firm grow into the largest retail business in Huron County. As proof of my resolve to carry on this policy, I offer the fabulous low price of $2,485 on the new 1962 Pontiac Invader Sedan. Let me demonstrate this great value!" SERVICE for Satisfaction "I believe that service. sells cars and I am determined to provide the finest and fastest automobile service pos- sible. Under our new program, cars required for business will get priority treatment and all owners will be treated with courtesy and fairness. Believe me, our service will be 100%!" PROTECTION against high finance costs, death and disability disasters "I am delighted to introduce to Huron County a brand new 'Double D Plan' of automobile financing which provides two great benefits to our customers: (1) Interest rates which match hank loans for low cost, and (2) payment insurance which meets your obligations in case of death or disability. This is the finest protection av- ailable, backed by the famous Paul Revere Company. Ask our salesmen about this great plan." Jack Pearson Says: "I'm proud to introduce Bob Taylor as the new Car King of Huron County and to recommend his'New Concept of Value'. I'm happy to say I will remain with the firm on the sales staff to help it grow bigger and better. Drop in to see us - I'd like you to meet Bob personally." THE NEW CAR KING OF HURON COUNTY (11 kd am NJ ma ma th ; • ma ma brm ma rim ma t'tt The Wingham Advnuee4iNne$ Wed., January 31, t 9(2 Pogo NinifIk NEW SALES POLICY AT TAYLOR VIOTORS Bob Taylor. who succeeds ,lateX Pearson as "'rho Car King of TIn- ron County", introduces himself Le the publicthis week with the an, nouncentent of ;t new "I'S}" sti1'$ policy. Called the "new concept of •ea' value", PSI' stands for pricc, ser, vivo uui protection the three tea. litres of the firm's .11('W program, "I intend to carry on jack Pear. son's proven policy of developing volume stiles through low prieeSt".. said Bob Taylor this week, "In ad, dit boil, 1 :111.1 going to stress servioe in our now organization bcvause la•lieve 1 h i 1 th,,,grt,atest, essen., fial in giving customer satisrso. Hon. 'Iv, will have the finest Ser. vie:. prof.xtm avtailable." ta tor third feature protection–, nett velopment which 1 ant pr.),Id li.i ntroduce to Western On, tario. It's a tti-w finance plan, incornOr, at, s payment insurance at no eX- int cosi, 'Whenever death or diti, ability through sickness or acct., dent, strikes one Of our custornerS, •Innible D' will make his payment3 for him." • "i'11114wonderful protection takes the risk out of ear payments 'grid relieves th, customer, right frein the start, of worries over debts ca,..e of disaster. I believe it's one of the grt,:ii •••4 dP3101QpMentS automobiles financing field." Bob Taylor is new to Hurott County and to Western Ontario. but he's no stranger to the car business. He's had 13 years' e- P110- in the lakohead cities o .1.111(1 Fort William. 11t,It a:, a used car salet worked his way throug th :• posit PAL, of used car sales man. new ear sales manage 110 il lo1,y111-R, general sales man rt-,. of 1,trgest firm operatic :1,.!endes in both cities. •"Tte, ,,ompetition's keen m th,re." says Bob. "You have.t know how to keep your periet sharp to survive in the ear bust nes:: ttt the lakehead." An instrument. technician wit the Bob spent two year. overseas w,ith the 120 "Snowy OW1' squadron after training at Cairn Ilf,rden anal St. Thomas. He enter ed the car business in 1919. A keen golfer. he brought hi handicap down to four severa ypan, ago. "It. should be highe tur.v." he says. "I haven't bee plying as much in recent years.' His wife likes golf too. He has one son, Douglas, 16, wh is attending school in Port Arthur Mrs Taylor and Douglas ,:xpect t move to Huron this summer. • STAMM Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gaunt of Lon deshoro were recent visitors wit Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gaunt.: Mr. and Mrs, David Gilmour o cluelph were week -end visitin with her parents, Mr. and Mr Harvey Webb, S.S. 3, West Wawanosh, held euchre party on Wednesday even ing. There were 10 tables in play Prize vvinners were Mrs. job Noble and Jim Wilson, consolatie prizes going to Ken and Ray Tal• The St. Helens Y.P.U. and thei friends enjoyed a skating party the Winghamarena on Saturda evening. Lunch was enjoyed at restaurant following their enjo. :Ode evening. • IF—You are using the mortgage plan of buying your home, YOU should know a bent Otly special MORTGAGE INSURANCE Consult— Limited Phone 608 EXETER FRANK C. HOPPER —Representative -- Canada Life WINGHAM, ONT. Phone 462 14 f-VEALLV DO ME LL UP doem IT COMB TO WE TAKE THE PRiME NE • NE PE ! HEATING OILS rIalt, GASOLINE MOTOR OILS -GREASES