The Citizen, 1989-12-22, Page 9Hove you, Santa Claus’© Continued from page 8 What do you want me to leave you? Yours truly, Michael McDonald Grade 4, Brussels. Dear Santa, How are your reindeer and Mrs. Claus? 1 hope you don’t get the chickenpox. I have them. I hope your elves make lots of toys. Dear Santa, I hope you can make it to everybody’s home. We already have some of are Christmas stuff. Love, Chance Grey. Dear Santa, 1 want a tow truck and a new animal for my farm set. Two cows and two sheep would be good. I cut the lawn for my mom and my dad. I snipped under the little trees. I put some white stuff under the trees to kill the grass. 1 like you because you give toys to the boys and girs. Love, Mark, Grey. Dear Santa Claus, I like Christmas. My mom and dad just put all the presents under the Christmas tree. I want a Choo Choo train, my own paint set, and that is all. I am going to tell you how I like Christmas. I like going to the Christmas party. I get to sit on your knee. The people pass you the presents and you gave me a magic match computer. I love you Santa Claus. Love, Nathan, Grey. Dear Santa, You are so nice because you give presents to kids. For Christmas I would like a proton pack, a Ninja Turtle, and a book. I have been playing. My baby brother Evan is doing fine, but he is waking up in the middle of the night. Love Ryan, Grey. Dear Santa, I want a tranformer and a powerwheel car so I can drive up to school. I want a remote control car. I’ve been good at school and at home. I want the whole set of mutant Ninja turtles. I want the whole set of Batman. I want a new train. I will need a new fish aquarium for my mom. I love you, Santa! Love, Ron, Grey. Dear Santa, I would like a tape recorder. My brother is a bad and good boy. He would like a Batman. My sister would like a doll house for Christ­ mas. I hope you do not miss our house. Cass is my friend and Nathan is not nice to me. Love, Laura, Grey. Dear Santa Claus, All year I was a good girl and you please bring me a little Miss. My brother would like a book. My mom will like a book and my dad will like a hammer and Nathan was bad to me. Love Julie, Grey. Dear Santa, I want a G.I. Joe set, and a punching bag. I want some wrest­ ling things. I walso want a Jack-in- the-box. Last night I went to the barn. We put up the Christmas tree. In September my mom had a baby. Does Rudolph’s nose still glow? Love, Joey, Grey. Dear Santa Claus, How are you and how is Mrs. Claus? How are the reindeer? I know Rudolph is anxious to get going. I would like a P.J. Sparkles and a My Little Pony, and the game Girl Talk. Love, Christina, Grey. Dear Santa, My name is Rachel and I want you to bring me these things. Sweety Pups. Bouncing Baby, Cab­ bage Patch, knitting and weaving, how your reindeers and how is Miss Claus? Can you carry that sack? Is the reindeers ready? I can’t believe it is 13 days to Christmas. I Love you. Love, Rachel, Grey. Dear Santa Claus, My name is Justin. Can you please bring me a transformer? I love Christmas. I want a fish. I have been a very good boy. I like macking crafts. So could you please bring me some paper. Thank you! Love, Justin, Grey. Dear Santa Claus, My name is Gerald. I want some toys for Christmas and a computer. How is Rudolph to day? How is Mrs. Claus today. Love GB, Grey. Dear Santa, What can you bring me? I can bring you a Ho Ho Ho. That’s what I’ll bring you. That’s what I’ll bring you. I want a train and a doll. Shannon, Grey. Dear Santa, You are so nice. You are to Mrs. Claus. How are your reindeer? I hope they are good. I will leave milk and cookies. ’Love, Tammy, Grey. Dear Santa, I like you so much because you bring me toys. When I sleep you can see me. Love, Kenneth, Grey. Dear Santa, Can you bring me some toys? I want a powerwheel car. Now I am going to tell you what has been happening. I’ve been a pretty good boy at school. I’ve been playing in the snow outside a lot. Now 1 am going to tell you what I want for Christmas. I want the whole set of the Batman cards, my own T.V. set, and my own fish aquarium. I love you, Santa. Love, Jordan Grey. Santa Claus, My name is Philip. Please bring me a toy. Bring me a Nintendo and a Lego and a G.I. Joe. I hope your reindeer is good. I am a good boy and my little sister is a good girl. Love Philip, Grey. Dear Santa Claus, Hi, my name is Cass April Boyd. I wish you’d give me a Cabbage Patch doll. And how is Mrs. Claus? Well she is o.k. Well that’s good. Oh Santa before you go I want to say something. I want to have a nice ring. It will look good, don’t you think? Yes? Well, that’s good. Love, Cass Boyd, Grey. Dear Santa, I know there is no such thing as Santa so I think that my mom will give me gifts from Christmas. Love, Michael, Grey. Dear Santa, I don’t care what I get for Christmas. Love, Christa, Grey. Dear Santa, I saw you at the Brussels Parade. I want a present. I’d like a transformer. I have my Christmas tree up. I decorated it too. Love, Scott, Grey. Dear Santa, This is my Christmas list. For Christmas I would like some cray­ ons and some markers for Christ­ mas. I would like a computer for Christmas. I would like an Art Centre for Christmas and an Art easel set for Christmas. I would like a tent for Christmas. Thank you Santa Claus. I love you. Thomas Pearson Grade 2/3, Grey. Dear Santa, Is Rudolph’s nose still glowing? I wish you a nice trip on Christmas night. Be careful because Scrooge might be watching you. I want walkie talkies, bop clown, punching bag and a down hill racer. From Craig Gillis, Grade 2/3 Grey. Dear Santa Claus, How are you today and how are your reindeer too? Are you getting ready for Christmas and how is Mrs. Claus and have you had the chicken pox? What temperature is it up there? Do you like cookies and will you slide down my chimney? Can you bring me a game of dynamite and a game of quicksand and a flute and a game of tax-tix turn and can you bring Jamie a pair Continued on page 11 F^le-Tide i IricMy ‘Hometown J o, . o Have a down home, old-fashioned Christmas... complete with fun, friends and festivities. We thank you for the pleasure of your business. EVANS HARDWARE Ethel 887-6979 To all our Customers and Friends. ’ Here's wishing all of you a very special Merry Christmas! BLYTH PRINTING INC Doug, Lorna, Ken & Jane Whitmore Santa’s a nice man, but you wouldn’t want to look like him. Okay, so he’s a ‘little’ overweight. Let’s face it, Santa can get away with a few extra inches, but you on the other hand, can’t fit into your clothes, feel tired a lot and wouldn't get into a bathing suit if they paid you. So why not do something about it now, when bathing suits are out and down parkas are in? We have the facilities and expertise to help you trim down and shape up, and have a great time doing it. 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