The Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-12-20, Page 5RARRIT MIT TIIRKIN 1.)onate to Mission .14.4 41"'9. 41"1 1."111":1711rOLIgh White Gifts: 1'4, White UM ktoP, Vic,: i• tines he li iii We United: Church Wonwrt'll In- 'art StInday Inalnina with the yam- ,aitul:e held it9 Christmas meeting, later, Key• la alaaltial, rte ,charge at the home .of the president, Mrs. of the tiervice. George Hetherington on Wednes- aangt s trout the Realma of day. The vice-president, Mrs. ;Barry ,joy to they World" .and ""Tin' fiarat Nowell." vane tin' carala sung by the roue:reit:dim and nom- liera ,it the School wire' joined for thin epiadia occaakna Mias Miry vrtig told the story of "The lidisaing Buttons" with a, a i ipeaI ta, 14111, t'von and fir v. Mr. Mitchell rrail a legend. of an old Fri mil shoemaker, ‘vhese ef- IS FESTIVE FAliE Elliott, conducted the meeting. A euchre party was planned for Christmas week and committeea named. The roll call was answered by each member bringing a Christ- Inas card fora shutin. Member.; also signed cards to be sent to several this week. Mrs. Alex Corrigan, Carl • Heat-flo Core-cooks like magic •t. Lifetime flociuty-insido 10) W..' 1-qt, Sauce Pan $ 0.95 r 2 -qt. Sauce Pan 9.10 3-qt. Sauce Pan 10.25 4-qt. Sauce Pan , . 12,25 11/4 -qt. Dbl. Boiler 13.25 2-qt. Dbl. Boiler . 14.25 Dutch Oven 17.25 8" Fry Pan 10.50 10"'Pry Pan 13.25 . • .eiai7".;.I.",ts,aaa,... CORNING WARE and out! STAINTON HARDWARE AND \FARMERS SUPPLY HOUSE- PHONE ;0 WINGHAM AND THE STAFF • d VANCE'S DRUG STORE, WINGHAM, ONTARIO $1, tanaPaTArlaanaMsna4741;VPia7a1NraPaiPanntaatZaila7.07.,;MV7P.PaMPlinZ;;:e0;1011§0-..lianasaaatWa'a., WIWIlagerfr 4"4K!N , M?Gm : M~•!f~'n° ."1"ClIRISTNIAS SOCIAL Breaks Hip in Fail at Home `Officers Installed Howick Branch 1i" KNOX Until „„B..._ ATVs. Mabel Stewart, '0 87, ..who lives alone in Carrie, fell BELUIPAVE---Rev. W. J. Mord- at her home...aier son, Oliver, found. MI was chairman for the 'Christ- her and mho was taken by =bu- m. urns social and program put on by lance, to Palmerston General Hes-p. members , of Knox Presbyterian •aii Church on Friday evening in the Phi:It:hien wher e liip She was larteevreatieracinSa- ; i . Numbers on the program loolio..!!erredto Victoria Tie,Spltal e London. community centre. r. aall Welcome, by Dant:an Anderson; finger plays by the nursery class, 'f, other recitations by Jillala Ander- directed by their teacher„ Mr's. Ted t'nelo'l,tt.ARle(cmnCieloak‘y, Beth and: hla Fear; recitation, Donelda anal Dan- A Pardon and George ny Lamont; a play by the junior vi Morrion. A skit about the Christ- . nuts story, with Maine Anderson, girls; a. number by the kindergarten class spelling out Christmas, with Janice Anderson, Mona Pardon, Brenda Johnston and Nancy Ander-.s Beth and Ila Scott. son, taking the duet part. They were Rosemary Morrison sang "Away accompanied by Mrs. George -Tan- in a Manger", accompanied by Mrs. ston, Recitation, "When Pap Is W. J. Morrison. Ann and Ross Sick", by Wayne Hopper, Is 'Wightman sang it duet, .accompan- The CGIT sang two carols, at:- .. , led by Margaret Wightman.; solocompanied by -Kra J. H. Anderson; i1 •i by Margaret Nicholson, accompan-Mrs. Clifford Logan .and her class 3' led by Anne Wightman; Fingerhad a play; Brenda Johnston and s; mays by th e primary class, directed Nancy Anderson sang a duet, "The by their teachers, Margaret ' and Bi ble Tells Me So," accompanied Anne Wightmart; piano solo byby Mrs. George Johnston; Mrs. ' marg.,ra Nicholson, • Ross Higgins' class had a musical Carol singing was .enjoyed by altnumber using flashlights, Christ- a lunch was served, and Santa naidmas Stars, accompanied by Mrs. 6 his visit to give out his gifts andGeorge Johnston. The Hi-C group candy. A ' ..... of young people's gave a humorous shit; the junior boys sang ""Christ- i • •,„ i Pa A 7oz,-,z170. ''Tit 141,94gbam. 40,11,44ce-13111tS, WalAvis.t4y, Ow, 40, 1.981 rags I IEV Al Tine amount of Mrs. Richard DeBoer. a native of • Holland, told in a very interesting. :'.;1,45 IvT1 ``)11°`'te`i 1•11P Ca utlffiall manner about Christmas customs '1411.11*1'.ir iPt:;, in II"' c"nvRM recent" in Holland. The day for gift giving 1: N time -ate teed vicinity. is St, Nicholas' Day, December .1,1 when St. Nicholas is supposed to t bring gifts to fill the chadren'ai itaiLAULW411.44 shoes around the fireplace. Rabbita Mr. ant ,1'l,. .fro Ilerlftdder, of not turkey, Is the special Christmas Toronto, wrelc-end at the fare. home of Mr. ana Mrs. Joa. Herten, Christmas Day is observed ns it, Al recent. viilor with Mr. and religious festival, with much sing- Mrti, Java Wieeste•ia we; their big of carols and candelight son-`nephew, Ermas NVickstead, from vices in churches, i Nianitoba. Mts, Craig conducted an amusing Mr. and "Ara IVIerivith oral Contest, aaaa:a ui aaaaa aa tateat Sunday The hostess was assisted dri sere., with Mr. and Mrs R. .1'. McKinnon- Ing refreshments by Mrs. W. J. Mr. rind .Jr,;. Yam Bejaia,. of Peacock, Mrs. G. C. Mitchell and Listia ael. vi iir t Mr. and Mrs, Joe Mrs. Edward Barnard. i Oreenti.way err Saturday. A4/5471a5 47 ley twits ad ia ow; Iliedo we 1111.5A a fidiatay wid yoy FROM LEE AND T11011/1 VANCE GOJIEJE ilowlek Branch No, ad7, Royal Canadian Legion, held its annual installation meeting at . Warta with District 'Commander, Comrade Jack Bateson, of Wing- ham, in charge of the installation' of the new UM officers, Twenty-five year pins were pre- seated to Comrades George Inglis,. James Vittie, Ed..Oilmar and (lord. Underwood. Past president pins and badges were presented to Comrades Ed. Gilmar and lien Galbraith. Also taking -part in tine installa- tion were Comrade Fred a.Brecht, of Durham, 1st vice-pros., Dominion Command, and Comrade Doug An- drews; of Clinton, Zone Commander, District Secretary and Zone Secre- tary and District membership chairman Don Adams, of Wingham, arm several other Comrades were present from Exeter, Clinton, Wing- ham and Durham. I'he 1961 ()Steers are• President, Centrade Fraser Lynn; .1st vice, Comrade Earl Ettinger; 2nd vice, Comrade Win. Smith; Sgt. at arms, Caimrade Thos. Ritchie; secretary, Comrade fleeter Hamilton; treasur- er, Comrade Jack Clarke; chaplain, Comrade :James Clark; welfare officer, Comrade Mel Allan; public relations officer, Comrade George Inglis; steward. Comrade Robert Harkness; color hearers, Comrades Gordon Underwood, James Vittie; executive cantle t toe • Comrades Ken Galbraith,' Md. Oilman and James Clark. fiORRIE Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stewart visit- cd Mrs. Mabel Stewart in Victoria. Hospital, London, on Sunday. Mrs. Burns .Stewart, treasurer of the Bible Society, reports the can- vass is slow in coming in and urges canvassers to complete their can- vass before the New Year. A~iTLN~NCE mar Bells," accompanied by Mrs. George Johnston; Clifford Coupes gave two readings; Calvin Robin- Arf ANNEJAL coNcERT Rossson, AlbdeeitrsoBnieamn.ca l nitottbil= formed a harmonica band and ren- I3FJL(iIIAVI' - A capacity crowddered. several lively numbers, go- of parents and friends gathered incompaniod by Mrs, Albert Bleman, tit: .Foresters Hall on Friday even- The final numbers were a play ing for the annual Christmas con-"The Photographer's Troubles" mat put on by the members of the with Mrs. Laura Johnston, Mrs. Sunday School of Knox UnitedRoss Robinson and George John- Church. Rev. J Anderson, wasston, and the closing chorus by the chairman. senior classes. Santa arrived to give Numbers on the program includ-out gifts and candy and the even- ed: Opening chorus by the janioring closed with the National An- members of the Sunday School;them. Johnston and Mrs. Mel Craig were . forts to ace the 'Master were at last conveners of the Christmas pro- rewarded, gram, which Included the singing! The choir a Christmas UtInt- of familiar Christmas carols. Betty her "that ti'ea the Hinz", directed Hetherington sang a solo. Mrs. by Mrs. alien ,Johnston, organist- Craig told the story of how "Little:. The Sunday Schwa pupils pre'. Town of Bethlehem" was written .1-ientud their eiftli, which will be by the famous American minister,. aent La the Fred Victor Home in Ray. Phillips Brooks, after his trip Termite iplp the ncedy who ge-t to the .Holy Land. Mrs. Carl J•ilia- ant ,. there. Donations of ston spoke of the hymn, "Gentle MOrivy Vit`ft• arl.aa remixed, Mary Laid Her Child", written by Rev, Jos. Cook, a former Method-' ist minister in Bluevale. itaolleCt -4,AVAKWAM.:eggir,Z4K-47,4g-Ag-e4o1 4ege.4g-e.Wt'CW.z-e44r,40.7.44AKWAKOMIrWAVACI,ZeZ-Al r'.4?4AK-;4147 ,,<?,:<:1-:,"?Fgew,FZ'Igir . THE AMAZING FREEZE . COOK SERVE ‘VAILE SAUCE PAN SET Shown $17.95 L., OTHER PIEUS From $4.95 (]Hoerr, front 'oar eninplete sleek of at DIFFERENT PIECES, SETS, AND ACCESSORIES GRONET STAINLESS S'ITEL COOK- WARE BY GENERAL STEEL. WARES SKI EQUIPMENT Toboggans COMPLETE WITH ,TO1V ROPE ' LOW PRICES GOOD QUALITY 4-ft. $5.49 6-ft. $7. 95 •. • 54t* $6 95 7-ft. $10.75 ALUMINUM 110110fifiANS • 5-ft, $7 .95 .6-ft:$9.98 m. 4,f GE TWIN BILUSH FLOOR POLISHERS $31.95 U. SHAW AUTOMATIC TOASTERS' Rog. $18.85 $12.50 • • AUTOMATIC (18W ELECTRIC, KETTLES V, ittag. $11.95 $7.95 PaatgWat7.00:00,;IN'tagalk., PRESTO STEAM AND DRY IRONS . Reg. $21.95 $16.95 GE PORTABLE ELECTRIC FOOD MIXER'S Reg. $25.95 $21.95 FOR JUNIORS SETS COMPLETE- ' WITH HARNESS From $6.95 ALUMINUM SHAFT SKI POLES Junior $2 .95 • Senior $4.95 Bamboo Pole $1.95 PHILISHAVE ELECTRIC RAZORS $19.95 Reg, $26.95 SUNBEAM The Most Powerful VACUUM CLEANER Reg. $104.95 , $89.95 6,,t1 AUTOMATIC COFFEE MAKERS FOR SENIORS quALrrr SELECTED HARDWOOD OUTFITS Complete with. CABLE HARNESS Pair $19.90 FOR SENIORS Pair Complete $29.95 A Ib BEAUTIFUL DOLL CARRIAGES by "GENDRON" ALL METAL BODY CHROME FRAME 29" Handle $16.95 24" Handle • $9.95 GUARANTEED AGAINST BREAKAGE WESTERN HARVEST PAT IERN Auxonmo ELECTRIC . FRY PANS $13.0 ' COMPLETE ,,,,,,Ar.mmrAngo..7ArAv.vRo=vompoz4A,vzs., with steel edges SAFETY RELEASE HARNESS Reg. $24.95 $21.95 207-STNI,TrIkPAW POWERFUL 1/2" DRILL with. REVERSE SWITCH $39.95 ri.gcuo4f.L%uumiN 'a" ELECTRIC . 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