The Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-12-13, Page 3$atureley Excursions to Good going and returning same Saturday only, Excursion return fare from WINGHAIVI. $5.0 Corresponding flares from Intermediate Points, NULL INFORMATION FROM AGENTS. WITH STRAP — $16.95 t:t ri For the Finest of Gifts BLUEBIRD and COLUMBIA TRU-FIT DIAMONDS •TIZO, Vri414'; rIvikAt041r4010', IVII*0043r, Roc, 1"0,064100,464.00000,00mor4 t Mi S eciais BULC.WA Pocket Tr.ausistor RADIOS Regular ;49.95 — ONLY $34 95 A • GENT'S WATCH SPECIAL r 17 JEWEL 'SWISS MOVEMENT M YELLOW CASE Abrn air,X„VANSliON SRACEIXT 8110C1c-PAGOV - WATER misiwrikNr ibiNBAINAKAIILE MAINSPRING - OVS, $ECQND 114N,0 ONLY $19.95 THIS 'I'M UNFORGETTABLE CHRISTMAS for HER, I , 11 A F ER M E1-1 VS EWELLERYI 0 WINGHAM. ONTARIO 4B at*alnay.17,1aV=10AanaralaarataWa'ir0Waa=20W070 .7,MataVra-Naga.4-, PHONE 250- a "lea and Crumpets at The Bank" from. 2:00 to iwo p.m., Saturday, December thth. We'd like you to share our pleasure in opening the new premises of "The Bank" in Wingham; Ont. We'd like you to meet our staff— if you haven't already met them—and be welcomed by Mr. J. B. Runstedtler, Manager. If you like "tea and crumpets"—or simply- like meeting people—drop in on Saturday. If you are unable to attend our open house, make it a point to visit. our new premises soon. We're immensely proud of them. They're coin- fortably furnished, completely air-conditioned and provide a bright, cheerful atmosphere. You'll like the service we have to offer,. too. It's the kind of attention only "interested" people can give. The Bank—Wingham, Ontario Mr.:I, E. Runstecitler,joined "The Bank" in Toronto'in 10/ isid'sinee 014. has bran manager of various branches in Ontario. He has served as branch Manager in Wingham since August :1957. At Josephine Street and John Street, Witiglion TORONTO-DOMINION WHEEE PEOPLE iamtk THE bllettEREHels happiest news yet ...for homes on the grow The Best, Most Modern Way To Heat. Recreation ROOMS ...Unheated Sunrooma —.Home Additions, Economically. Easily. f.3.:: I' now snakes it possible and practical 'to enjoy room.controlled heating comfort in the added living space you are planning, without going to 'the tioulite and expense of extending your existing heating system. Built-in electric Beating units operate independently of your main heating system—delivering almost instant heat, where you want it, their you want it ... without putting an added strain on yo #rfurnace ...without overheating the rest of your house. .t., „,.„ :.104 A is safe, clean, quiet. You enjoy a healthier atmosphere in an electrically heated room because electric heat does not deplete the important oxygen content of the air. Electric heat does not create draughts, drynes3 or dust. Individual wall thermostats may be turned up or down, at will. You control the heating comfort and the heating cost. ,.ii x ,,,.: ,,,-01T is easy and inexpensive to install. Electric wiring to the built- in electric heating units is all that is required. You can have the job completed quickly, even in midwinter—because there is no need to disturb your present heating system or make costly structural changes. Call your qualified electric heating contractor or your local Hydro for assistance in the use Of modern electric heating. For Comfort ...For Comenienee...lror Ease of Installation. Complete your home with electric heat. : R HYDO ts yiniell . :74 •••••• .11min =1,1 OM* WROXETER Miss Nancy Newton, London, spent the' week-end with her mo- ther, Mrs. Ii. Newton, and accom, panied by the latter, visited Mr. and Mrs, Carl Newton, laarriston, on Sunday. Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Brown were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fiddes, Bill and Bob of Brampton. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gold of Willo*dale called at the same home 'on 'Sunday. We are sorry to hear Mrs. V. Brethers.ivill,at her home and un- der the doctor's care, but hope for a speedy recovery. We wish to extend sympathy to the family cif.the late Mrs. Mar- garet McTavish, who passed away at a Milyerton „anrsing, home last Friday ,,and . was buried la Elms, Centre 'cemetery on Sunday: Mrs. MeTayish.was a, resident of Wrox- eter some years ago and is surviv- ed also by two sisters, Mrs. Annie Weir of Wingham and Mrs. Wil- liam Smith, New,Westminster, B.C. Those attending the funeral from this • district were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McMichael, Mr. and Mrs. Morley McMichael, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fitch and . Carl, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gold of Willowdale, ac- companied by Mr. and Jstrs. Wil- fred Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Harris Gold and David` of Scarboro, Mr, and Mrs; George Paulin of Clifford and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Paulin of Wroxeter.' Mr. and Mrs.,Louis Hutton and Linda of Wingham were Sunday .evening gunts at the, home of Mr. Jolur Hupfer, • • Mr. and Mrs: 'Gordon Gibson en- tertained their family, Mr. and Mrs. Gary 'Gibson' and family, of Wingham, Mr.land Mrs. Crawford Gibson and family, W-roxeter, .Mr. and Mrs,' Harry Reffell.and family of Byron,'• and Mr, and Mrs. Ron- ald alVfacDoagall of .London at a party on Sunday prior to Mr.. and Mrs'. MacDbugall's leaving by mo- tor 'for their new-home in Calgary On Monday morally, FINAL. W.A. MEETING MINISRIt--TELLa. OF NATIVE.-:-ROONGE FORDWICH---The final meeting of the Wdman's Association of the Fordwich United Church was held in the Sunday. School. room. There was a good attendance and the lad- ies enjoyed. quilting, The meeting, in keeping with Christmas opened with a Christmas hymn and Rev. Coln led in pray- er. Mrs. Wm. Wilson read the Christmas story from St. Luke's Gospel. Mrs. Clarkson read the meditation "The One Forgotten Child". Mrs. George Richards and Miss Minnie McElwain rendered a duet. "Hear the Bells", Rev, Coles was the speaker and talked about his native province, Newfoudland, tam's oldest colony and Canada's youngest province, John Cabot discovered • It some 450 years ago. It Was the, battlefield for the Eng- lish and French before the Eng- lish, Scots and Irish. The main in- dustry is cod fishing. The church was founded some 300 years ago by the Methodists, but when church union came they went Un- ited, Now about a fifth of its pop- ulation is, United- He said the work of the church was a challenge. - The minutes were read and ap- proved, Two committees. were named to see about buying new chairs for the basement and to see about new wiring in the kitchen, The meeting adjourned with the Mizpah benediction., Lunch was served by the committee in charge. Large Crowd At Card Social LAKELET---A large crowd was In attendance for thd weekly card social. The Whiners Of the euchre were, high lady Mrs. Gordon Wright; high gelitlenum, Stan DM- nis; low, Lloyd ,Ia.crpies, all of takelet. Solo whiners were, Otto Wilms of Mildinay, 1st; Elmer Haskins of Mantosh, 2nd and low, Miss Fran- ces 'highs of McIntosh, The special went to Mrs. Jim. Harper of Mild-Atty. The •committee- charge was Mrs, Arnold Gadke, Mrs. Eugene Metager and Mrs.. Gordon MeEee. 1 I 0 Hamilton of CKNX is at the right. The success, ful auction netted the club over $700.00 which will be used for public service projects.—Photo by Connell. A aQk .74 A Vr.10-7012%73`ii:POZ.517P-i ZAW.,77A 'PIMA PA-1-7107.A7..attMTrat MItSr:AAWAPALVNA-WParTAVPALVIPAIOMM Al-M-MWONA -21.7117A WfalOatarafaaWFLT.WalOwalaWUreg5410:1404..a4164111,14kratWW***404.141UMW.OZWU4:0040(-04 CHRISTMAS KETTLES Will be on the streets Fri. & Sat. Will you stretch out a willing hand to help the needy and unfortunate? "Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.!" —Matt. 25:40. Give Generously to Help Fill The Salvation Army Kettles Share your "Christmas Feeling" with the aged, needy and lonely of our district. Even in prosperous times there are many suffering from illness, age and misfortune. Through your generosity the Salvation Army will provide Christmas cheer and winter comfort. Let the ringing of the familiar Christmas bell be a reminder of your blessings and take time to make Christmas a merrier oc- casion for others, If you would like to make a donation to this Work, or the general work of the Salvation Army, contact or mail your gift to Capt. G. Stanley Newman BOX 105, WINGHAM, ONTARIO OPENS AUCTION—President of the Wingham Kinsmen Club, Dr. Stewart Leedham, is pictured in the CKNX studios as he opened the Kin Radio Auction last Thursday evening. Ross Howick Lions Hold Christmas Party WROXETER Members of the Howick Lions Club, their ladies and guests, numbering 65 in all, met at the • Hayward Suburban Restaurant in Listowel for the an. nual Christmas party, held last Monday evening, when a turkey banquet was enjoyed. - Lion President Warren Zurbrigg presided and the toast to the ladies was proposed by Lion Cord Moir, and responded to by Mrs. James Inglis. Musical entertainment was pro- vided by Mrs. L, Seifert of Ford- wich, Mrs, Ron McMichael of Wroxeter and Lion Bill Felkar. Lucky draw winners were Mrs. A, Ratan of Fordwich, Jim Mc- Nair, Gerrie and Lions Roy Hun. ter, Harold Townsend and Jim A Wylie. A number of skits and stunts t3 provided by various Lions provid- ed some very good entertainment, mi which was followed by square dancing, •wide Ron McMichael call- ing, and some card games, The evening came to a close with the usual Lions Roar. ruaufg=„www.am,g,r4rgAL-14 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION CHRISTMAS TREES ARE. HERE Best Quality SCOTCH PINES - SPRUCE COME EARLY AND GET YOUR CHOICE AT Legion Home, John Street FREE DELIVERY ON SALE — 2.6 P.M. DAILY SATURDAY — 2-8 P.M. kl Help the Wingham Canadian Legion 4 by Buying a Legion Christmas Tree 6-1.3b tiaMaataWaVattatIMPAataZaaa-Taarar,aaValrar.a.VaraathaMaaastalalaalProrraliA- Canadian. National 11,301 Si HELENS Mrs. Garden, McPherson spent the past week with her. daughter, 1111:rs. Fred Thompson, Mr. Tholin)- sou and family in Exeter, Mr. Ivan Mequillin of Elmira spent the week-end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Mogul', Next .Sunday, Dec. 1.7th, will be White Gift Sunday in. St. Helens Church, All gifts will be gratefully received, including auitable Christ- mas gifts for children 2 to 7 years, old. Mr, and Mrs. David Gilmour of Guelph spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Webb. FORDWICH Mrs, Gerald Martin and Mrs. Glenn Martin spent Thursday in Kitchener. FORDIVICH Mr, and Mrs. Jim Patterson. of -Galt spent the week-end with Mrs. Pearl Patterson. Misses Pauline Sothern and Dian e Carswell of Wingham Were week-end visitors at their respec- tive homes. Miss Pat Harris of Teachers' College, Stratford, was teaching last week at Kirton's school, north, of Wroxeter. Masters Douglas and David Har- grave spent the week-end • with 'their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hargrave in Listowel. Mrs. Stan Forester visited last week with relatives ,in Listowel. Mrs, Pearl Patterson, Miss Min- nie McElwain and Mrs. Emma Williamson spent one 'day last week in Guelph and, visited with Mrs. Patterson's daughter, Mrs. Wilda Campbell at St. Joseph's Hospital, Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Bride and Peter of Toronto spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Doig. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Tom McClement were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MeClement and little daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn MeClement and Paul of Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mulvey of Walkerton visited Sunday with Mr. and"Mrs, Bill Sothern. Messrs, Jack Foster and Doug Browne spent a few days last week in the States. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Miller spent one day last week in Stratford. Mrs. Carl Dickert spent one day last week in Kitchener. Mrs, Emma Williamson and Mrs, Sam Johnson were in Guelph on Friday, and brought Mrs, Herb Ro- gers from the hospital there, to a nursing home in Palmerston. • ,L41.11.a.