The Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-12-13, Page 1Wlth which is amalgamated the Gorrte Vidette and WroxeterN ew
WINGDAAI, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1,061 SINtalak-i COPT a — 10 eattll
a ... .'.....- .. . .
By The Pedestrian
octors, Board Members
arced to. New Committee:
At the regular meeting of the
Board of Directors of the Wing-
ham General Hospital on Friday
evening, Dr. W. A. McKibben, rep-
resentative of the Medical 'Associa-
tion, brought in a resolution from
that group, requesting the forma-
tion of a joint conference commit-
The committee, 'which is required
for accreditation of the hospital,
would consist of a. representative
number of doctors and an equal
number of hospital board members,
along with the hospital administra-
The purpOse of the joint confer-
ence committee is to form a liason
between the medical staff and the
hospital board, so that matters of
common concern to both can be
discussed. Resolutions or recom-
mendations from the committee
would go to the full board of the
hospital directors for final decision,
After discussing the suggested
committee for some time the hoard
agreed to its formation and named
the members of its management
committee and the board chairman
as members of the new 'body. The
Medical Association will name a
like number and a meeting is like-
ly to be -held shortly, at which ar-
rangements will be made for the
examination of any future problems
which concern both doctors arid
Bequest to Hospital
Vice-chairman R. B, Cousins, who
presided 'over the meeting in the
absence of Chairman. H. C. Mac-
Lean, who is ill, announced that bad received a bequest
of $1.047.00 from the estate of the
late Joshua Scott, which is to be
used for necessary equipment or
room furnishings.
MRS, N, D. CAMERON, president of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the.
Wingham General Hospital, presents the proficiency award to
Miss Doris Maitland of R.R. 1, Mooretown at the graduation
exercises for certified nursing assistants held in the nurses' re-
sidence last Wednesday,—Photo by Cantelon.
Public School
Board Met
On Saturday evening .a local re-
sident took delivery of a tall
Christmas tree, which he set up 04
his front veranda until he had time
to bring it into the house, Within
an hour the •tree was gone, despite
the fact that the veranda lights
were on all the time. It Is to be
Loped the person with the .stolen.
tree feels a real glow of Christian
joy on Qhristmas morning when he
views that stately tree.
u - a - LI
Proprietors of the two new bust.,
neeses which held formal openings
last week seem very pleased with
the attention they received front
he general public, The Red Front , ,rocery was a busy place for the
m ' A -days of their opening am
-dozens of folks from town and dis. •
trict called to see the new Wing-
laaan Motel.
U.- 0 - 0,
Though rio one has complained,
we should explain that the editoraa
page in last week's Advance-Times
was shifted out of its usual page
two position because of the rush
and pressure of an' extra-large edi-.
tion. This week you will find it
back in its usual spot,
0 - 0 - 0
With Christmas occurring on a
Monday this year, and the follow-
ing day a holiday' the . issues of
this newspaper at both Christmas
and Now. Year's may reach you a
.o bit later than usual. But cheer- up.
41It will be worse next year, when
hristmas falls on a -Tuesday. ,
0 -. 0 - 0
The last meeting of the year for
the Public School Board was held
on Monday evening, but business
was very light and confined for
the most part to routine affairs,
Principal T. S. Beattie reported
that attendance figures had climb-
ed during the past month, with 488
children enrolled at present.
A delegation of parents inter-
viewed the board, relative to the
possibility of establishing an op-
portunity class in the school. The
board agreed to investigate the
Joseph McGill was elected Master
of Wingham Lodge, A.F.&A.M. No.
286, when- the members met last
Tuesday evening for the election
of officers.
Others elected for 1962 were; Sr.
Warden, George Guest; Jr, Warden,
Alex Robertson; Chaplain, Gordon
Leggett; Treas., Archie Peebles;
Sec., Howard Sherbondy; Sr, Dea-
con, Ronald Lee; Jr. Deacon, Fred
McGee; Inner Guard, Bruce Mac-
Donald; Tyler, Alex Coutts.
C.G.I.T. Holds Annual
Yuletide Vesper Service
Son Is Named
Collingwood Clerk
Herbert H. Hornuth, clerk-treas-
urer of the town of Mitchell, and
son of Mrs. Bertha H01-flab of
Wingham, has resigned his posi-
tion. Hehas accepted a similar
post in the town of Collingwood.
Mr. Homuth, who has been a re-
sident of Mitchell since before the
war, takes up his new duties on
January 1st.
Awards Presented
Some 120 students at the Wing-
ham District High. School; were pre-
sented with honor awards on Mon-
day afternoon by District High
School Inspector D, W. Scott of
London, The presentations were
made during school assembly to
the students who had attained an
average of 75 per cent during the
1960-61 term.
P.C, John Parkinson
On Assoc, Executive
Constable John Parkinson of the
local detachment of the Ontario,*
Provincial Police was elected to the
senior executive of the Ontario Pro-
vincial Pollee Association.
His appointment was made at the
-association's meeting, which was
held last Tuesday and Wednesday
at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto,
Mother Passes
In Calgary
Mrs. D. Kennedy, of Calgary,
mother of Donald Kennedy of
Wingham, died on "Friday of last
week, after a lengthy illness, Mr.
and Mrs, Donald Kennedy flew to
Calgary for the Saturday funeral
services, and were expected back
on Tuesday evening of this week,
Reports indicate that there. is
drastic shortage of pennies rt thi
present time, caused no doubt by
the advent of the provincial sale:
tax. The situation ale so had, it it
understood the government hat
purchased a large quantity of Am
erican. coins tb relieve the shortage
Chartered banks are pleading tc
everyone with coppers in their
jeans to. get them back into circu-
was sung for Mrs. Cronkwright,
The firemen report that the mus-
-eular dystrophy campaign for
funds was quite successful, with
over $450 being raised. The
members of the brigade are grate-
ful to the residents of Wingham
for their co-operation and financial
The local fire brigade held its an-
nual Christmas banquet at the Le-
gion Home last Wednesday eve-
ning when the wives were enter-
tained. Guests at the dinner were
Captain and Mrs. G. Stanley New-
man of the Wingham Corps, Salva-
tion Army, and Mr, and Mrs. Stew-
art Cowan.
Capt. Newman spoke briefly,
thanking the firemen for co-opera-
tion and financial assistance given
to the Salvation Army.
The evening was spent at the fire
hall, when euchre was played in
the club room. Mrs. Norman
Cronkwright was the winner of
the high score for ladies and Mrs.
Mike Willie was low. Bill Bain
captured the prize for •high gentle-
man and Ken Foxton had the low
count, Fred McGee won the draw.
Chief Jim Carr presented Stewart
Cowan and Morris Swanson with
plaques in honor of their long years
of service to the brigade, Mr. Cow-
an served for 23 years and is now
retired...a (Naha
with the local fire department for
21 years.
Alvin Seli presented Mrs. Cow-
an and Mrs. Swanson with bou-
quets of flowers.
During lunch "Happy Birthday"
Peanut Blitz
Some 32 members of the Wing-
ham. Lions -Club hit the streets of
the town last Friday evening for
a fast, peanut sale blitz. The sale
grossed the club over $750.00. It
w54 „epasideted, a highly success-
lactaTaftiat'atiya tha larehaa wateraeaca
press their thanks- to the commun-
ity, Later, members of the club
also covered Bluevale and Belgrave.
Money realized from the sale
will be used for the Lions; child
welfare program.
-At the coninnolty 'halt; on Satur.
day, December 16 at ,2,3Q
p.m. lac
will have treats for the
and movies will be shown. F13h
At Legion Hall, Wednesday, De-
eniber 13 at 8,30 p.m. sharp, For
ree taxi .phone 862W.• F13b Reps from Three Districts
Talk Coth0Oite . School
I Mrs. I. .''Torrey, tile hospital ad.
minietratrix, reported that there
were 25 births at the hospital dur-
ing the month of November; 46
operations, 12$ out patients; 244
X-rays; 4 metabolism ratings, 18
!blood transfusions, 1597 laboratory
procedures, 27 electro-cardiographs,
and 51 at cancer clinic. Daily aver-
age of patients in the hospital was
The financial -statement for the
month was presented by the chair-
man of that committee, A, D. Mac-
William, and showed total revenue
at $49,903.00; total expenditures
were $49,025, Patient-day cost for
the hospital operation worked out
to $14.99,
Staff Reports
Mr, Cousins, chairman of the
management committee, read a re-
port front Mrs. Janet Fielding, dir-
ector of the training school for
certified nursing 'assistants, whirl'
showed 15 senior and 22 junior
CNA's on staff at the present time.
The senior girls graduated during
the past week,
Proceeds from a -Christmas ba-
zaar held recently by the trainees
will be used for a television set for
the recreation room. in the nurses'
Of the 15 girls who graduated
five will- continue their employ-
meat here, the balance leaving for
other hospitals.
The report of Mrs. Morrison, dir-
ector of nursing listed 23 full time
and seven part time graduate and
registered nurses on staff; 35 full
time and six part time CIVA's;
eight full time and 2 part time ward
aides; and five -orderlies.
At a recent meeting of the regis-
tered nurses a personnel committee
was namd, consisting of Miss Ruth
Pollock, Mrs, C. Shackleton and
, Mrs, Thompson.
Chairman DeWitt Miller of the
Property Committee reported that
decorating has been. completed In
some areas of the first floor: a
water -distilling, unit Wa-S...108;t40
as was a new dryer. Redecorating
was completed in Mrs. Morrey'S
, apartment where a leak in the roof
had left stains. The ice-making
machine was installed and is func-
tioning satisfactorily.
Mr. Miller stated that a fourth
engineer is required to augment
the boiler room staff, 'since there
is at present no licensed person to
take charge on holidays, etc. as
required by the Department of La-
The elevator had .been inspected
and is working satisfactorily. The
board discussed the possibility of
fire hazards within the hospital, as
well as escape routes in case of
emergency. The property commit-
tee will look after the purchase of
new fire hose to replace those sec.
Lions which 'have deteriorated. at
was also decided to ask Fire Chief
Jim Carr to fully inspect the build-
ing and make a report to the board.
Foresters Elec* t
New Officers
At a recent meeting of Court
Belmait 25, held in the Foresters'
Hall, Belgravia the following of-
ficers were elected and later in-
stalled by District Representative'
William Hawkshaw and Rev. T.
G. Russet'.
.I.P.C.R„ Alex Reid; CP-, Law-
rence Taylor; V.C.R., Norman
Coultes; Chap., Gee. Gregg; Cond.,
Harry McGuire; fin. sec., S. A,
Montgomery; treas., Calvin Robin-
son; rec, sec., George Robinson;
Saar„ Stuart McBurney; J.W., John
Nixon;' SJ3,, George Walker; J.B.,
Ken Barbour,
Regular meetings will be held
the first Wednesday of each
The fitting story, "The Messen-
ger", read by Mrs. G. W. Tiffin,
was written for the service by Rev,
Minton C. Johnston of Thornhill.
Following the declaration of their
purpose, the girls all became "light
bearers". Each girl had her taper
lit from the central candles dur-
ing the recessional hymn and
formed two lighted circles in the
darkened church. •
Rev. T. G. Fusser closed the ser-
vice with the benediction.
Following the service the girls
and their mothers and guests held,
a Christmas social in the Sunday
School room of the .church.
Bonnie Jardin played for a carol-
sing-soag,,Mrs. SaLe.edhariag group
coaduated a a aia'aiceT"talling of
Christian customs around the
world. Verna Hunter sang a car-
ol from Germany. A quiz was con-
ducted' on these customs and an-
other on our own Christmas wends,
Mrs. J. Goodall's group conduct-
ed a pantomime contest and "Away
in a Manger" was sun..
in honor of
baby.Mrs. K. Woods' new Mrs. J.
McKim's group had presented the
fantasy and Miss M.. L, Hollen-
beck's group served the lunch pro-
aided by the -girls, so every group
was represented in the program.
"The Legend of the Christmas
Tree" wee read by 13tenda Conron.
After the refreshments, Taps closed
the meeting. Before' the year clos-
es the girls plan to have a Christ-
mas party, make hospital tray fa-
vors and sing carols ,for the pa-
tients there.
The WInghain C,G.I.T. National
Christmas Vesper Service was held
Sunday evening at 7 o'clock in the
Grated Church. Over 60 girls in
middies entered in a processional,
singing "From the Eastern Moun-
tains" and took their places in the
choir loft, front pews and gallery.
Barbara Hall was the leader of
:he service, assisted by Sandra
......ameron. Bonnie jardin and Judy
-`-allan sang a lovely duet, "Infant
to Gentle",
The theme of the service, "Jesus
is the Light of the World", was es-
.ablished in the, candle-lighting
Jerertiony conducted by ;poetic
SchiPper, Ann Meraibbon and Linda
.• The :C;G:1:'1', choir sang "In the
Bleak Midwinter" before, a Christ:.
,nas fantasy based on the words
"Angels, and Archangels may have
gathered there" was presented.
This was directed by Mary Lou
Jamiesoh, Brenda Conron enacted
the archangel and the angels were
Mary Lou Jamieson, Esther Kerr,
Brenda. MacLennan, Sally Craw-
ford, Kathy Hodgins, Faye Yeo,
Mary Phillips, The part of Mary
was taken by Edna Mae Arm-
strong and of Joseph -by Lynn Par-
The offerings received at C.G.I.T.
vesper services support the work
of the National Committee
of the Canadian Council of Church-
es, Dept. of Christian Education.
This committee gives guidance to
the C.G.I.T. movement in all of
Canada in all the churches.
Bluevale and Kirton's Schools
will hold a Christmas concert in
the Bluevale Hall on Thursday,
December .21. at 8.15 p.m. F12"'
On Friday, December 15, at S.S.
No, 3,,
School. Turkey
draw and dange to follow. Ladies
please bring lunch. F13*
Will visit children of Legion
Auxiliary and Branch members or
Sunday. December 17, from 2 to
at the Legion Home. F13b
The annual meeting of the Wipe-
ham Recreation Committee in the
Wingham Council Chambers. Thurx-
I day, Dee, 14th, at 8.45 p.m. All ear-
ganizations in town and interested
citizens -are invited and urged to
attend this important meeting.
taking the general course and 45%
are taking vocational studies. How-
ever students enrolled for vocation-
al studies spend only 26% of their
time in these courses in the first
year, the figure going up to 45%
when they reach the fourth year.
It is not the intention of the new
program to forget the important
aspects of education which teach
children a sense of values, taste and
so forth that lead to the better
citizenship and enjoyment in life,
he said.
(Please turn to page Ten)
Over 100 members of councils
from municipalities served by high
school districts at Ripley, Luck-
now and Wingham met at the
Lucicnow District High School on
Monday evening of this week to
hear board members and Depart-
ntent of Education officials outline
a proposal to establish a composite
High School at Wingham. The
meeting was under the chairman-
ship of Mr, Hudgins, chairman. -of
I the Lucknow District board,
Robert aletacrmgton of the
Wingham board outlined the pro-
posal, covering in detail what the
new program of education would
mean and the reasons for suggest-
ing a composite school at Wingham.
He said the Wingham and Lucknow
beards -had interviewed Department
of Education officials in Toronto
where the proposal has met with
favour, He pointed to the fact that
federal grants will pay for 75%
of the building and equipping costs
of an addition to the Wingham
sehcol for vocational use, and that
the provincial government Would
pick up the other 25%. He main-
. hailed that in a short time both
Liicknow and Wingham would re-
quire additional facilities even if
Ithis new program were not cm-nil-1g
into effect, and that by working
together the additions to existing'
schools would not have to he m"
et the eapertse of local ratepayers.
He Went on to say that Ripley
had been invited to join the scheme
as transportation costs could prob-
ably be divided between Lucknnw
and Ripley for those students Who
would attract technical classes In
Mr. Hetherington explained that
if a technical Addition were built
Presented by the pupils of U.S.S
10, Kinloss (Whitechurch) will bi
held in the community hall. Wed
rliesday, December 20, at 8.30 p.m. .
ti.din., adults 350, children Irec
Everyone welcome. .F1.3b
- -- ---- -- -
Mr. and Mrs. William Straughan
Auburn, Ontario, will be at home tf
friends and neighbors on Wednes
day, December 20 •from 2 to 5 and 7
to 9 p.ln. On the Occasion at the),
golden wedding anniversary. Gifts
gratefully declined, F134-
The engagement Is announced of
Dorothy Sharon , Guy, youngest
daughter of Mrs, Ephraim Parish
of Wingham and the late Jordan
Guy, to Augustus John LtikIngs
youngest son of Ma An. J. Lukings
of London and the late Mts. tak-
ings, The marriage will take plact
in St Andrew's Presbyterial
Chtiaeli, -Saturday, December 30th
at three o'clock in the afternoon.
at Wingham, it would not be filled
Immediately,. and Costs would be
higher than in three or four years'
time' when more students would be
attending. Projected enrolments, he
said, were being taken into con-
sideration in the proposal. The sug-
gested plan of building at Wing-
ham, is due to the fact that it
would be more economical to op-
erate, because of transportation
cost involved, He said that none of
the three schools could build alone
as it required a school population
of about 1,000 students to make it
As to the breakdown of costs Mr
Hetherington pointed out that a
separate bookkeeping system for
the technical facilities would have
to be set up so that the other
boards would be paying tuition on
these costs only,
In closing Mr, Hetherington said
the meeting had been called to pro-
vide information to all the muni-
cipal councils involved as the
boards felt support sh'uld he ob-
tained from the nouncils before a
decision is reached,
t 0'-ant's Stles,lcor
William Stewart, assistant super-
intendent of e•ilication for the pro-
vince and district inspector of high
schools, D. W. Scott, were on hand
to answer questions.
I Mr. Stewart outlined some of the
benefits of technical education that
only the larger centres have had
in the past and suggested that, it
Was the hope of both governments
that these benefits eollid be ar-
ranged for the students of the
I smaller centres by the establish-
Iment composite schools.
He explained that In Toronto
I sehbols, 50% of the students are
Mr. and Mrs, Cedril Moffat, of
Wingham, 1, wish to annotate(
the engagement ot their daughter.
Mary LOttise, to Mr, Donald Ear
Green, son of Mr, and Mts, .Joseph
Green, TetsWate r. the ri ag
will take place January .13, 1962,
at 12 o'clock noon in the Wingluttn
United Church, Winghatn, Ont.
FIREMEN PRESENTED—Following the annual
Christmas banquet held by the members of the
local fire brigade on Wednesday evening, two
long-service members of the organization were
presented with plaques marking the esteem of
the brigade. Stewart "Zit" Cowan, left, secre-
tary-treasurer of the brigade, has served for
Howick Election Relurns
Our apologies to the candidates in the Howiek 'Township election
, of a week ago, The figures and results 'quoted in The Advance-Times
i were for one poll -only, mid the total figures for the seven pone in the
township were not given. Below you will find a complete poll-by-Poll
— I tally;
years and has now retired,, Morris Swanson, rfO l REEVE
right, has spent 21 years with the firefighters as rot .140. i. t s 4
a policeman, Grouped behind are Mrs. Cowell, 'I-TAARINS, IVAN (elected) . 95 89 103 93
Assistant Chief Dave Crothers, Chief James Carr HARVEY 11 6 39 45
and Mrs. Swanson, The presentation was made .scutoNt, irituWitals
by Chief Carr and Alvin Seli presented flowers JoinsisoN, IV1ORLEY (elected) 24 49 133 131 to the twe ladies.—A-T photo, RENWICK WALTER (eleeted) 88 12 Tia .12
14014.JITIN' 26 it 15 54
5 6 7 Total
38 22 43 483
''38 12 108 289 rIPTIET1-1 ANNIVERSARY—Captain and Mrs. W. J. Adams, Shuter
Street, marked their golden wedding anniversary on Tuesday of
45' 6 500 this week when a reception was held at their' home, The couple la 13 12 53 am were married at the bride's home near Orangeville on Decernber
37 11 113 382112th, 1911.—A.T photo.
During the holidntr
Wingham Library will be closed on
Christrnast Day, Bolting Day, and
New Year's Day, It Will be open
Wednesday afternoon, Dec, '21 only,
as Welt as Thursday; Vriday. and
Saturday afternoon aril evenings
Beginning Saturday, „Tait t, the
Library will be tIOaed tatuntlay
evenings, when the business places
are not Open, during the winter
iironths, P13:20b