The Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-11-08, Page 10Ladio' Guild Meeting T.3,0t,GRA.vr,---ws. Amide Mont- ifonlerY and Mrs. 'Bert Jackson were hostesses to the members Of the Ladles' Guild of Trinity Mg- liean Church on. Thursday after- noon. Mrs. Clare VarQarrip was in charge, opening the meeting with a hymn, prayer and the Lord's Prayer in Wilson. Mrs, Clark Johns- ton read the Scripture lesson, Mrs. Richard Procter rend the minutes, Plans were lingdo fog, the bazaar and bake sale to be held on Saturday. Plans were also made and committees-named for catering to the Soil and Crop Improvement banquet on November 28, The roll call was answered with a Remembrance Day verse. Rev. F. Mealey closed 'the meeting with prayer and lunch was served, SPORTETTES MEET AT BIGGS HOME. The monthly metting of the Wingham Sportettes was held at the home of Mrs. Don Biggs last Wednesday, The annual rifle competition for the T. W. Platt trophy will be held for members on Saturday, Nov, 11th at 2 p.m. at the Sportsmen's shooting range. The club is making arrangements to have indoor shooting for the winter months and an inetruetor will be present to teach beginners the handling of a .22 rifle, The raffle was won by Mrs, Jim Henderson and lunch was served by Mrs, Perrie Holmes and Mrs. Thelma King, The next meeting will he held at the home of Mrs. Jim Henderson on Nov. 28. Anyone wishing to join this sports club for women is asked to contact the president, Mrs.• 'Jack Henderson, Morris Directors To Hold Annual BELGRAVE— The 'directors of the Morris Township Federation of Agriculture met in the township hall on Friday evening. The pre- sident, Rosa Smith, was in the chair and minutes of the last meeting were read 'by the secretary-trea- surer, Earl Anderson, who also gave his resignation from that Posi- tion, which was accepted. Members agreed that $2,00 be given to each 4-H Club member who had completed one or more projects in 1961. It was decided to bold the annual meeting in the Foresters' Hall, Belgrave, on Nov. 21st and have a free euchre and lost heir party. R. H, Coultes, Ro- bert Grasby and Ted Fear were ap- pointed a committee to make, ne- cessary arrangements for the an- nual meeting and the ladies are asked to bring lunch. Richard Procter, Stanley Hopper and Ross Smith were 'appointed the nominating committee for 1962, and it was decided to pay expenses of one delegate to the Ontario Federa- tion of Agriculture annual meeting in Toronto. • Sixties" 'and "Hasten the Day", telling about taking the Gospel to those who for many reasons do not eome, out to hear of the love of God. She, summed at up with "What is the church in your community? A social centre or a power house?" She also told the story, "Outside the Structure", followed by prayer, The Woman's Association held its meeting on Saturday evening in the church basement to make -plans and name committees for the forth- coining bazaar to be held this month hi the church basement. There will be an afternoon tea in connection with the bazaar. PERSONALS " • ANNETTE'S NAIR STYLING P11.21 jPITNT:grliT. i0,0004100•001m.040,00 0M0•Ie00.000.0s00M000 0•00.0.=0101•0•01•00•10.0000•1000006 ,04100010.00e I COLD WEATHER COMFORT . . 1 ,at its Fashionable Best 1 COATS 8 II • After you've seen our wonderful selection of WINTER I COATS you'll agree .thero could be none finer. Tile exquisite i tailoring front rich luxurious cloths add to the appearance of . the many lovely styles noW on hand. Beautiful new Omits of beige, browns, gold antt blue. are 'popular this season« lour cellars are much in evidence toa, adding /Other to their al- ready sniart appearance. Price $29:50 to $79.50 0.0%;10.000;00000000000,-0,00000.0. MRS. E. ANDERSON CHAIRS MEETINti 13ELGRAVIS- Mrs. Earl Ander- son waa in charge of the Woman's Missionary meeting of the Knox United Church on Thursday after- noon, which Was opened. with A. hymn, followed by a. prayer for peace. Mrs. Willitird Armstrong read the Minutes and Mrs. George Martin read the treasurer's report. A card of thanks was read from Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Higgins, 'Mrs, .l 11. Anderson invited the group to her home for the December meeting, There were nine home and seven hospital visits to the sick and slant- ing recorded. Mrs. George Martin gave highlights of the morning sea- gen of the Sectional meeting held recently, Mrs. J. H, Anderson :and, her group Were in charge of the pro- gram with the theme, "What Is the Church?" Mrs, M. Coultes acted as leader, opening with the call to worship, a hynin and pray. et Mrs, Chris Neth4ry read the Seriptete learnt and Mrs. Laura Johnston led in prayer. Mrs. 3, H. l'Anderson gave a talk frail, the two study books, "Signals of the Mrire0. 7..70 NR,000,00000000300410 ,0•01,0,0 TT, "fwilNOci: rag wIng-144; Advs.r3cg,TImflz WO{ La • , STUDENTS ARE TOLD AMAIN VITAL FOR DEVELOPMENT DON T' Ota CALMAT WHEN 1,111; SNOW t'14111S. MOND IN YOUR WINDOWS NOW VOA EAST GLASS INSTEWANION Alexander's Hardware Students of Wingham District High School were told yesterday that unlimited opportunities still persist in this country for Can- adians. They listened while Miss Nasla L, Dane, in charge of the Wor'sen's and the Educational Divisions of The Canadian Life Insurance Of- ficers Association directed their •at- tention to "the opportunities for helping with Canada's growth, in such projects as the hydro-electrle developments going on and planned for in many parts of Canada; in the discoveries in mining proper- ; ties in nearly every section of Can- ! ada; in the improvements achieved, and hoped for, in farming, fishing, Lyceurii Theatre WINGHAM, ONTARIO 'Two. SUOWS EACH NjOIST VOMMENC1NO AT 7.00 rat. NIATINCV. SATURDAY AFTERNOON AT 2.60. SIX DAYS — STARTING NOVEMBER 9th Thurs., Fri„ Sat., Mon„. Tues., Wed, Nov, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15. OREGOIty rEeli, DAVID NMN, ANT.tIoNy QUINN -- in -- "The GUNS of NAVARONE" This is one of the greatest adventure stories ever filmed. This is the story of Allied Commandos and Greek resistance fighters in a :desperate raid, on a 'German-held, Aegean Sea island Special Prices for This Engagement ADULTS, 90e; STUDENTS, (5e; CHILDREN, 300 SATURDAY ILS.TINEE-25c THE. WEATHER WILL CHANGE ONE OF. THESE DAYS AND YOU. WILL .START TO THINK ABOUT Curling a a I The season is here. Very soon we'll be baek at the "floorhe Gam" MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE HARRY ,McAltTlIUlt, Lllairtlrau ANDY SLOSSEIL OMAR HASEEOROVE, FRANK MAPILL, ART WILSON, ROSS HAMILTON, JIM COULTE;S, GEORGE INGLIS New Members are always welcome Interested persons please contact anyonO On the Conunitteci for information WINGHAM CURLING CLUB T. A. CURRIE, President Gibson, of Brussels, spent the week-end at the same home, --Mr. and Mrs, P. U. Donahue, of St. Thomas, and Mr. And Mrs, H, M. Donkey, of London, spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs. T. A, Foxton. ---Mrs. Jean Howes visited. in London last week. —Mr, Fred Carbert underwent surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital, London last week. Mrs, Carnert spent a few days with him. —Mr, Clare Deneau, Mrs. Erma Lourie and Linda, of Exeter, and Mrs. Robinson, of Picton, were guests on Sunday with the former'a brother, Mr. Jim Deneau, Mra, Deneau, and family, —Mrs, Gary Leeson and Timothy flew from Ottawa to London, where they were met by her brother, Mr., Glenn Golley, They spent a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Colley. —Coast. Leslie Showers and I daughters have returned to Toronto after visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Showers, for the past two weeks. --Mrs, W, J, McKibben and Mr. Charles McKibben left on Saturday for Edmonton where Mrs. McKib- ben will spend some time. Mr. Mc- Kibben will continue on to New Zealand following a visit in Ed- monbon. —Dr. and Mrs, Stewart Leedham moved last Wednesday to their new home on Summit Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Moffat have moved into the residence on Leopold 'Street vacated by Dr. and 'Mrs, Leedham, --Mrs. William Austin celebrated her birthday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harvey Aitchison, on Sunday, —Mrs. G. W. Tiffin was the speaker on Sunday morning at Cor- m United Shurch at ten o'clock and at the Wroxeter United 'Church Inter the same day. This was the occasion of the WMS annual Thankoffering services In these ,chUrches.... • ----Friends will be pleased to know that Mrs. R. Wormworth, who spent more than a week in Wingham Hospital, was able to return home the latter part of last week. —SW. and Mrs, Jcffray Hawkins, Peter and Timmy, of Walkerton, Visited 'Saturday with her father, Mr. Stafford Bateson. —Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Schwleh- tenberg returned home at the week- end from a trip to Sault Ste. Marie. —Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wenger and family 'visited on Sunday with•Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jasper, Mildmay. —Miss Marjorie Mofilat, Miss Mary Evelyn Shackleton, Miss Lor- raine Dundas, Mrs. R.. Powell, Miss Catherine McCarthy and Mrs. Clar- ence Walker were lucky whiners in the Hanna, Ladies' Wear 'draw Sat- urday night. —Mr, ,and Mrs. Lyle Reidt and ',Stephanie, of•Willowdale, visited over,the week-end with her moth- er, Mrs.: Roy.MacDonald. and, Mrs. Roy. .glelland, of Guelph, :visited on • Saturday with ;Mrs.- Roy. MacDonald, and also visited with.. Roderick. McKay in Brookhaven Nursing Home. Cee. Walpole Aluminum SASH DOORS FLOOR WALL TILES Red Front Grocery Folding Aluminum AWNINGS LUMBER — Telephone 260 BUILDING — CUPBOARDS Wingham —Mr. and Mrs. Kirby of Cooksville, visited with Mrs. W, Haney over the week-end, —Master Carey MacDonald is spending a few days with his aunt, Mrs. Lyle Reidt, and Mr, Reidt, in Toronto. Mr. and MM. Bruce MacDonald have moved to their new home on Carling Terrace. —Mr. and Mrs. George Rintoul, of Detroit, Mich., spent the week-end with the former's stater, Mrs. Ann McNevin. —Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Hender- son, of Brampton, visited their grandmother, Mrs. C. R. Hender- son, over the week-end. --Mrs. Elgin Johnston, Mrs. Toni Metcalf and Miss Yerlie Metcalf attended the Alumnae Banquet for the graduates of Stratford Teach- ers' College on Saturday. Mrs, Tom Metcalf was the only one of the 1921 graduation class that was pre- sent. - Nieitins e' for the past week with Mr. and Mrs. L. Beirnes were their cousins, Mrs. C. J. Northeott and Mrs. R. A. Aldworth, of Stratford. They returned home Sunday even- ing, —Mrs. Harvey Niergarth, Miss Brenda Niergarth and Mrs, Irima Jenkins motored to. Guelph and Toronto and spent the week-end with relatives. Mrs. James Mc- Burney returned with them after spending the past week with her sister, Mrs. Robert Meads. --Mr. and Mrs. Will Frisken„ of Napanee, spent a few days recently with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McMurray and Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith. --Mr. and Mrs. Jack 'Galbraith and sons, Ian and Brian, of Tor- onto, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gal- braith and David, of Kitchener, spent the week-end with Mrs. W. A. Galbraith-. ---Mr. and Mrs, Jim Stevenson and Mr. arid Mrs. Lorne Gordon of Harriston, and Mr, and Mrs. Tom Hadfield, of Mount Forest, were visitors Friday-with Mr. 'and Mrs, N. T. McLaughlin, Mrs, Cora Phone: Our Prices Are Lower Free 590. We Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery COLD'WEAllip,R AHEAD .BRANo AN YOWL STORM- FRAMES MD NEW GLASS Aylmer TOMATO CATSUP, II-oz. '. , ...2/37c JAVEX BLEACH, 2c off, 32-oz. Supreme COOKIES (sev, varieties), pkg. 2.1/.2439: Johnson's KLEAR PASTE WAX, lb. tin , .59c CONNIE FRANCIS Long Playing Nog. $d.73 —,SPECIAL RECORD with Silvikrin SHAMPOO .. .$1.69 Salada TEA BAGS with free cutlery, 90's ..79c TWINKLE Panel Peek CAKE MIX, (assorted) 2/25c OXYDOL-12e off Giant POWDERED DETERGENT 75c YOU WANT TO PROTECT THEM ... Surest way to protect the future of those you love is through insurance. Their security, and yours, can be assured by a Family Life Policy , . , coverage for all, one unchanging premium. See us, lumbering; in the scope for Archi- tectural development in both pri- vate dwellings and business and in- dustrial premises. The subject of Miss Dane's address was It's Not All Glamour". Turning to the limitless oppor- tunities that are awaiting the boys and girls of today, Miss Dane drew on the life insurance business to illustrate the fact that the vast ma- jority of leading men and women had come up through the ranks-. Of these people, she said: "Almost without exception I found that these men and 'women were the sons and daughters of fa- milies of modest means, 'sometimes of less than modest means. They came mostly from farms and small- er urban areas. Some of them had to work their way through uni- versity. A few had to work their way through high school too." It is the experience of a great many employers today, Miss Dane told the students, that young people looking for jobs are preoccupied with "wages, shortness 'of working hours, rest breaks, holidays with pay and pension plans." While these things are important, she Called for initiative and vision as more vital elements of the devel- opment of both young Individuals 'and Canada itself. "If our ances- tors had thought 'only of security, this country would never have, been opened up or prospered as it. has,", she said. ' Speaking of the citizenship that is the heritage of all Canadians, Miss Dane said, "As citizen's we, should use our initiative and vision to help ourselves and not expect Government' to do things for u's. It's not too soon, for you, not.yeslak- payers, to know 'something. about Government faxing and "sPencling, "If 'we, in our separate and 'sev. eral interests, demand, more and more from Government, Govern- ment is going to have to give it to us—if it can get the money—be- cause we are the voters, Do you know where the Government gets its money? It comes from taxes. And' taxes come out of the pockets of your parents, your teachers, your friends, and out of my pockets-- because Government has no goods or services to sell. Arid it goes without saying that Government couldn't possibly give us back all the money we pay in taxes for the simple reason. it must pay its own expenses out of the money it col- lects before it can start to pay 'any back. Therefore, if we ask for more from Government, we'll have to pay still more in taxes." ii'a also handle lire. fire, storm damatm, all other forms of in- sui.ance coverage. Consult us on your needs, without obligation. York FROZEN PEAS, 2-1b. poly 45c BEEF, CIPICKEN or TURKEY York FROZEN PIES 2/49e- Devon Sliced BREAKFAST BACON . .1b. 69c' W. II. CONON, CLU, INSURANCE AGENCY JOHN ST.,, WINGHAM, PHONE 722W anufacturers Life. S. A, Scott, Salesman. BY SPECIAL REQUEST-5 to ii-lb. average Coleman's Smoked Picnic ShoUlder . . .lb: 39c PINK or WID[TE-95's Florida SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT ....7/39c McINTOSH. or ,SPY APPLES, 5-1h. cello :. .39c BENUE The Salvation Army Wingham Corps 75th ANNIVERSARY Nov. 11 - 12, 1961 Mr. Lyle, Hopper, ,and Mr. Robert Higgins; ;who have—been 'patients 'iii sthe Wingliam Ceneral.HoSpital for the. past few weeks, were able to return to their homes last week. Mrs, Laura Johnston and George visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, James Warwick and family at Blyth, Miss Lorna Bolt of Kitchener spent the week-end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bolt. Mr, and Mrs, V. Hrovat and Su- san of Zurich visited on Sunday swtirtohngMr. and Mrs. Mark Arm- Mrs. Charles D. Cox of Teeswa- ter visited one day last week with Mrs. Ralph McCrea, and family, Mrs. James Lamont and family and Mrs.' Thomas Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis 'Stoma-louse spent• the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stoneliotise at Lon- doe. Mr. and Mrs. John Nixon and fa- nifty visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mts. Carman Nixon arid family at Toronto, Mr. and Mrs., Bill Bolt and Mr. mid Mrs. Leslie Bolt visited on Sonclay with Mr. and Mrs. Mur- ray Pridham at S. Marys. Mrs. Orval Taylor has returned to 'her home after apending the past two weeks visiting in Sarnia with her soh and daughter-le-law, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Taylor and family and with Mr. and Mrs, R. M, Collins. .7a Mr. Mrs, Russel Walker of Ghhoeciruds8erm.leohthsePre,11t Mrs. Robert Stone- the week-end with Mr. and, 'Mrs, Alan MacKay and family of Wingham visited on Sun- day with Mr, 'and Mrs, Harry Me- C4Ilttl. Mrs,I Thomas Smith, Mrs. Doris Watts, Mrs, Ralph IVItCrea arid Mrs. Milani McNeil visited on Saturday everting with Mrs. Emily Liston, Wingham. Mr.. and Mrs. Gbildoli Pengelly and Mrs. :Floyd Campbell spent Monday With Mr. and Mrs, Allan CanaPbell and:Dean,. at Lendon. GUEST SPEAKERS: - CUL AND MRS. A. W. DIXON (Divisional Com- mander Southern Ontario Division) with You, get MONEY HATS Thereis a style to suit every taste, .and our' wondertiti selec. lion is WO and varied in both Style and colour. Price $4.95 to $9.9' 000.0.04:00,0400.•‘0.0 DRESSES As We festive "Sctigpit .draWs near 'you'll find need for gay new clothes. Do twine tit and see our lovely fresh stye& of pleasing slew styles. Priced front $15.95 461/. NIAGARA LOANS DANFORTH CITADEL -BAND, (TORONTO) SATURDAY, 8 p.pA.---W. D. H. S. AUDITORIUM ADMISSION sod SUNDAY, 11 ,a.ru.---HOLINESS MEETING, at the Citadel SUNDAY, 5.30 p.m.--SING.TIME at CKI'sX Studio SUNDAY, 7 pa. Winghait UNITED CHURCH EDIGHOFFERS (Wingham) Lintlteci • 4" liilN rittENots Smite» 14440iiiokiiiiio-aiwilio04.-01.1441144‘o10.0 when you 7\-, need itt. Up to $2500.00 $ornetirnes more. NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED 807 10th Sts Hanover 'Telephone 810 172 °Merin Street Stratford, 'Yell, 2'11-0010