The Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-10-18, Page 7DOROTHY AND IVAN HOWATT, Belgrave, won second place in the
dairy judging competition at the 4-H Inter-Club competitions in Guelph
last week, Which in competition with 79 teams from all over Ontario
was a particularly fine achievement, The brother and sister team are
members of the Blyth 4-11 Dairy Calf Club,-Photo by Don Grieve.
esISTRICT OFFICERS-F. John Bateson, centre,
of Winghain, was installed as Commander of District
0, Royal Canadian Legion, at Waterloo over the
yeek-end. John Pattison, also of Wingham, left, was,
installed as secretary. Right is Durward Preston, of
Waterloo, deputy district commtersae,s, vow i a forint,
er resident of Wingbam, and still has relatives :iving
here, About ten members of Wingham's Branch 130
attended the ceremonies.--Ritchene-Waterloo ktecord
The following is the complete list
of winners for the public school
field day, Pictures of the cham-
pions appeared In last week's is-
high Jump: Michael Fleury, John
ouglas, Douglas Ewing.
Relay race: 1st, John Douglas,
Theodore Saint, Michael Pleura,
Rodney Hickey; 2nd, Bill Deneau,
Allan Leggett, Bill Kerr, Ray Cor-
rin; 3rd, Kenneth Vogan, Nell
• Renwick, Peter Callan, Dean Bal-
Three-legged r a c e: Theodore
Saint and John Douglas; Harold
Jardin and Brian Carr; Keith Le-
der and Steve Gorrie.
Running broad jump: Allan Leg-
gatt, Rodney Hickey, Jahn Doug-
Softball throw: John Douglas,
Theodore Saint, Allan Leggatt.
75 Yard dash: Allan Leggatt, Bill
Deneau, Ray Corrin,
Standing broad jump: John
D uglas, Keith Loder, Bill Deneau.
Champion: John Douglas; run-
r-up, Allan Leggett,
75 Yard dash; Robert Armstrong,
Douglas Elliott, Paul Fleury.
Standing broad jump: Robert
Armstrong, Douglas Mowbray, Bry-
an Walden.
Relay race: 1st, Barrie Conron,
Paul Fleury, Douglas Cameron,
Robert Armstrong; 2nd, Douglas
Elliott, Douglas Mowbray, David
Langridge, Jim Henderson; 3rd,
Teddy Ahara, Joe Hall, Brian Mai-
ler, Bryan Walden.
Running broad jump: Douglas
Elliott, Robert Armstrong, Paul
High jump: Robert Armstrong,
Douglas Mowbray, Paul Fleury,
Softball throw: Robert Arm-
strong, DouglaS Mowbray,. George
Weirmler. ' - • ,
Three-legged race: • 1..s4
Fleury and Douglas Cameron;. 2nd,
Barrie Conron and Douglas .Elliott;
3rd, Robert Artnstrong and George
Champion, Robert Armstrong;
runner-up, Douglas Elliott.
Foot race; Grant 'Heywood, Mon-
ty Templema.n, Ross Caslick.
High juinp: Ross Caslick, Jim
Mink, Don 'Hastings.
Running broad jump: Bobby Ma-
jor,. Jimmy Mink, Bruce Cameron.
Softball throw: Jimmy Mink,
Larry Gordon, David Schiestel.
Standing broad jump:'Bobby Ma-
jor, John Rae, Jimmy. McCarter.
Wheelbarrow race:- 1st, Jimmy
McCarter and Ross Caslick; and,
Jim Mink and Mpnty Templeman;
3rd, Bobby Major and Randy Fox-
ton, Malcolm Galbraith and^•Don-
ald Beatings, tied; • •
Three-legged; rope; Ed Rosa, and
Larry Brooks; - Bobby Major and
Bendy Foxton; • Donald Collar and
Rickey Gaidner, • ^ •
Relay race:. 1st, Jim . McCarter,
Grant Heywood, Monty Templeman
Norman MacLennan; 2nd, Terry
Deyell, Roes Caslick; Brace Cam-
eron, Jim Mink; 3rd, Dayid Schies-
tel, Ricky Gardner, Donald Hast-
ings; Malcolm 'Galbraith,-
. • Junior Champion, Jim Mink;
runners-up, Bobby Major and Ross
Running race: Mary Ahara, Ann
McKibbon, Julie Dauphin. • s
hree-legged race; 'Linda. Schles-
tel and Wendy Fuller; 'Ann McKib-
bon ante Rae' Gurney; Pat Hotch-
kiss and Julip Dauphin.
Novelty_ race: Laura Wolper and
Anclray. Collar; Ruth Gibbons and
Ann McKibben; Mary Ahara and
Peggy :Rae, .Julie Dauphin and Pat
Hotchkiss (tied).
Softball ,thretW: Linda Sehlestel,
Ann McKibben„ Rae Gurney, „ •
Relay race: 1st, Mary Ahara, Ju-
lie Dauphin, Audrey Collar, Laura
Weeper; 2nd, 'Ann Mclailebon, 'Rae
Gurney, Peggy' Rae,' Marilyn Higs
gins; 3rd, .Linda Schiestel, Judy
'Atone, Wendy Fuller, Pat Hcitch-
else. . -
High .jui-frp: ;Mary, Ahara, Linda
Schiestel; Wehrle' Ellacott:.
• Running broad` jump':... Wendy
F tiller, Peggy Rae', Aida `Stolle:
aitanding beeleillifitist; Peggy Rae,
Sylvia Holloway,(tied), Linda
Schiestel, Julie Dauphin.
Champion; ,Linda Schiestel; run-
ner-up, Mary Ahara. „
Novelty "race.: Patricia Walker,
Debbie' Foxton,•Ja‘de Adams,
High jump: Sheath WilllicaMary
lnah Corrin; Marilyn 'Strong.
Relay ,price:„ 1st, , Debbie Foxton,
Anne Meyer, Joan Remington, Sha.
ron Willie; 2nd, Patricia Walker,
Blieila:Craw'ionr Melanie- Hafris,
Mary John COrrin; 3rd, Marilyn
strong, Mary • Lee ^ Wenger,' Jane
Adams, Heather Hueseore.
Running race: Patricia Walker,
Sharon Willie, Debbie VOrttOn.-
Softball throw': Debbie Foxton,
Sharon Willie; Anne Meyer. ^ • -
Three-legged , race: 1st, Sheila
Crewson and Mary Joan Corrin;
2ndi Patricia 'Walker and Melanie
Harris; 3rd, Anne Meyer and
Sharon Willie. . ,
Running broad jump: Sharon
Willieeleatrielet Walker, Mary Joan
Standing beead, jump: Mary Joan
Corrin, Patricia Walker, Debbie
Champion, Patricia Walker and
Sharon Willie, tied; runner-up,
Mary Joan Corrin,
Relay race; 1st, Ellen Cruick-
shank, Julie Mains, Judy Reid,
Donnalea. Hardie; 2nd, Bonnie Wil-
lie, Beverley Hastings, Nicki Jef-
frey, Linda Aitcheson; 3rd, Patsy
zurbrigg Linda, Parrish, Janne,
Ewing, Catharine Wenger.
Running race; Barbara Boyd,
Bonnie Willie, Judy Reid.
Softball throw; Judy Reid, Patsy
Zurbrigg, Beverley Hastings,.
Novelty race: Janna Ewing,
Nicki Jeffrey, Barbara Boyd.
Running broad jump: Barbara
Boyd, Judy Reid, Bonnie Willie.
High jump: Janne. Ewing, Bar-
bara Boyd, Patsy Zurbrigg.
Standing broad jump: Janne,
Ewing, Julie Adams, Beverley Has-
Three-legged race: 1st, Linda
Aitcheson and Barbara Boyd; 2nd,
Janna Ewing and Gayle Gannett;
3rd, Ellen Cruickshank and Judy
Champions, Barbara Beard and
Janne, Ewing (tied); runner-up
Judy Reid
Running Races
Grade I, Miss Williamson, girls,
Beverley Merrick, Sylvia MacLean,
Connie Burke; b o ys, Stephen
Cruickshank, Robert Vanderwoude,
Bob Seli.
Grade I, Mrs. Robertson, girls,
Kathy Ross, Sandra Carter, Carol
Higgins; .bdys, Ronald Perrot, Bob-
by Burns, Bill Brown. • •
Grade II, Mrs. MacKenzie, girls,
Kathie Seddon, Elizabeth Jacklin,
Julie Foxton; boys, Harry Bakker,
Brad Lewis, Russell Foxton.'
Grade II, Miss Johns, girls, Chris-
tine Kregar, Marlene Irwin, Shar-
on Orvis; boys, John Schipper, Jim
Brooks, Billy Hilbert,
Grade III, Mrs, Shera, (Mrs,
Hodgins), girls, Marion Willie, ,Ka-
ren Hastings, Jean Irwin; boys,
Barry Gardner, Glenn Dundas,
Wayne Carter.
Grade III, M123 Armitage, girls,
Luanne Lavergne, Sandra Tiffin.
Sally Lou Elliott; boys, John De-
neau, Steven Langriclge, Carl Mow-
Grade IV, ,Mrs. GoWdy, girls,
Gloria Lewis, Cathy Miller, Susan
Major; boys, Wayne Fainter, Bruce
Henry, Matt Richardson,
Grade IV, Mrs. Moffatt, girls,
Vicki Rosenhagen, Dianne Caslick,
Barbara Hetherington; boys, Peter
McCarter, Joe Kerr, Kenny Rae,
Skipping Race
Grade I, Miss Williamson, Sylvia
MacLean, Connie Burke, Barbara
Grade I, Mrs, Robertson, Olive
Lapp, Bonnie McTaggart, Dianne
• Grade II, Miss Johns, Marlene
,Irwin, Christine Kregar, Nancy
Gardner. '
Grade II, Mrs. MacKenzie, Kathy
Seddon, Geraldine Bennett, Eliza-
beth Jacklin,
Grade III, Miss Armitage, Sand-
ra Tiffin, Jackie Deyell, Adora
.Grade III, Mrs. Shorn (Mrs. Hod-
gins), Jean Irwin, Marie Whitby: • Jean Hunter,
Grade IV, Mrs. Gowdy, Gloria
Lewis, Susan Major,, Karen Rae,
Grade IV, Mrs. Moffatt, Sandra
Seddon, Dianne Caslick, Gail In-
Wheelbarrow Race
Grade I, Miss Williamson, Ro-
bert Vanderwoude , and Tommy Mc-
Laughlin; Stephen Cruickshank
and Roger Irvine; Bob Soli and
David Walker,
Grade I, Mrs. Robertson, Mark
Harry Sartsoto
Moves to Guelph,
FoRDwmi--piarry Serleorn Wea
Pleasantly surprised on Friday
night at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Lloyd Simmermaker, when neigh-
bours gathered to wish him fare-
well before he leaves for his new
home la Gaelph. lie was present-
ed with a dressing gown, bedroom
slippers and a tie.
Harry has lived in the commun-
ity for 50 years, but being over 80
finds the winter too severe to live
alone. He thanked everyone for
their kindness. Cards were enjoy-
ed and a social time spent,
W, A. Pays Tribute to
Departed Member
FORDWICH-The Woman's As
sedation of the Fordwich Linnet
Church held its October meetint
inethe church parlors. Mrs. Glen:
Johnston, president, and Mrs. Wm
Campbell, secretary, presided,
The meeting opened with, a hymr
and the Lord's prayer in unison
Mrs, Crosby Sothern read the me.
'Citation on Thanksgiving. A min.
ute's silence and prayer was ob
served for a devoted member and
past president, Mrs. John Winter
who had passed away since the las
meeting. Minutes Were read ant
It was decided to have the an.
nual bazaar the end of November
Final plans were made'for the fow
supper. The ladies .spent ehe after.
noon quilting and prepared patch
es for another quilt. The benedic-
tion closed the meeting and a so-
cial hour was spent.
Douglas and Doug Leech; Shawr
St. George and Bill Brown; Davit
riffin and Doug Elliott.
Grade II, Miss Johns, Johr
Schipper and Paul Douglas, Jin-
Brooks and John Stephens, Mita
ray Leggatt and Douglas Mason
Grade II, Mrs. MacKenzie, Lau.
rie Foxton and Larry Simmons
Billy Hammond and Harry Bakker
John Smith and Stewart Hunter,
Grade III, Miss Armitage, Car
Mowbray and Bob Shaunessy, Johr
Broome and Jonn Deneau, Davie
Gibson and John Leitch,
Grade III, Mrs, Hodgins, Barre
Gardner and Leslie Thompson
Brad MacKay and Wayne Carter
Glenn Dundas and Gerald Marks
Grade IV, Mrs. Gowdy, Matt
Richardson and Norman Gorrie
Stratton Loder and Lloyd Friden-
berg, Ken Aitchison and Michael
ja-Geade IV, Mrs. Moffat; Joe Kerr
and Paul Templerrian, Mark Fisher
and Steven Seli,, Kenneth Burns
and Brad Elliott,
three-legged Race, Girls
Grade I, Miss Williamson, Bev-
erley Merrick and Connie Burke;
Vacki, Taylor and Sylvia MacLean;
Barbara MacLean and Kristina
Msyk, , •
Grade I, Mrs. Robertson,. Bon-
nie McTaggart and Connie Burke;
Janet McGee and Joanne Marks;
Kathie' Pettison 'end • Dianne La-
vergne. • ,
Grade II, Miss John, Bonnie Fea-
gan, and Christine Kreger; Mar-
garet McLaughlin arid Marlene It-
Win; Kim Mellor and Helen Ann
Grade II, Mrs; MacKenzie, Eliza-
beth Jacklin and Jerry Bennett; El-
ien Gorrie and Julie Foxton; Kathy
Seddon and Beverley LaRose.
Grade III, Miss Armitage, Sally
Lou Elliott and Luanne Lavergne;
Judy Ohm and Jackie Deyell; Ruth
Anne Readman and Suzanne Bren-,
Gracie III, Mrs. Shera (Mrs. Hod-
gins), Marie Whitby and Jean Ir-
win; Marion Willie and Denise Sed-
don; Judith Scott and Sharon Lo-
Grade IV, Mrs. Gowdy, Gloria
Lewis and Ruth Currie; Karen Rae
and Joan Burehili; Cathy Miller
and Lyla Hickey,
Grade IV, Mrs. Moffat, Jennifer
Henderson and Gail Irvine; Bar-
bara Hetherington and Vicki Re-
sehhagen; Janice Carter and Fran-
ces DuCharme.
Three-legged Race, Boys
Grade Miss Williamson, Ste-
phen Cruickshank and Roger Ir-
vine; Stephen Tiffin and Stephen
Sallows; Eddie Whitby and Bills
Grade I, Mrs, Robertson, Jeff roe
Lockridge and Greg Peachey; Da.
vid Tiffin and Douglas, Ellacott;
Charlie Hopper and Bobby Burns.
Grade II, Miss Johns, Paul Doug-
las and JObn Schipper; Billy Ham-
iribnd and Billy Hilbert; Jim
Brooks and John Stephens.
Grade II, Mrs. MacKenzie, John
Smith and Stewart Hunter; Gordon
Smith and Douglas Casemore; Da-
vid Hodgitie and Russell Foxton,
Grade IL Miss Armitage, John
Hrooino and John Deneau; Randy
Hafer/add and David •Balset; Bob
Shaunessy and Carl Mowbray,
Grade III, Mrs, Sheera (Mrs
Hodgins), Wayne Carter, Brad
MacKay; Barry Gardner and Les-
lie ThOrtapson; Glenn Dundas and
Jerry Marks. .
Grade IV, Mrs. Gowdy, Wayne
titiotet and Bruce Henry; Stratton
Loder and Lloyd Fridenberg; Ken
AitchiSon. and Mattel Witidett,
Grade IV, Mrs. Moffat, Kenneth
Burns and Mark Fisher; F ul-
ler and Kenny Rae; Steven Sell
and Brad Elliott.
A letter of thanks for a donation
was read from the Sunday School.
Mrs. Cooper reported that Miss
a'race Bartja was to be the Fall
rhankoffering speaker at the.mor.
ling service on Nov, 5th. The sec-
eenal meeting is to be at Union
Miura; on Oct. 26th at which the
ordwich W.M,S, is to present a
;kit. The delegate is to be Mrs.
lack Wilson,
The community friendship cards
were sent to Mrs. Warrell and Ka-
herine, also Mrs. Glenn Johnston.
The worship service was in
;harge of Mrs. George Ashton, Mrs
lack Wilson, Mrs, N. Harding, Mrs
Clyne and Mrs. Graham, the theme
oeing "What Is the Church?"
,31. Anne's Guild Is
to Gorrie
FORDWICH- St, Anne's Guild
met Thursday evening at the hone
of Elva Foster, Mrs. .William
Sothern presided,
"My Faith Looks up to Thee" Was
sung and Mrs. Sotherh was in
charge of the study book, reviewing
a chapter on "Faith".
The minutes were read and the
roll call was answered by 14 mem-
bers and five visitors. The treas-
urer gave a report. The birthday
pox was donated.
Lois Simmons gave a reading,
''She Took the Hammer":
Rev, Attwell invited the mem-
bers to a missionary meeting in
Gorrie on Oct. 26. Mr.' Attwell
closed the meeting with prayer.
Lois Simmons conducted contests
and lunch was served by the host-
ess and Ruby Armstrong.
Harold Woods Dies
After Long Illness
The neighbors of Harold Tisdale
Weds, of R. R. 1, Belgrave, West
Wawanosh, deeply regret the loss
of a kind and helpful friend
through his death in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London, early Wednesday
morning of last week. Mr. Woods
had been seriously ill for several
He was born June 17, 1921, in
Vest Wawaresh Township, a son
sf the late Harry Woods and Maude
During World War If Mr. Woods
;pent three years with the Cana-
dian Army on overseas duty. He
was a member of the Royal Can-
adian Legion, No, 309, Lucknow
Branch, and attended Donnybrook
United Church. He had been a
farmer for the past eleven years.
Mr, Woods is survived by his
wife, the former Jean Dahmer, Of
Kincardine Township, and four
children, Betty Jean, 18, of London;
Bob 14, Lorne 12 and Murray 1
years, all at home. There is a
brother, George E. ',Tisdale; of Lan-
don. His parents and an infant
daughter, Nancy, predeceased him.
The funeral was held on Friday
afternoon from the MacKenzie
Memorial Chapel, Lueknow, with
Rev, C, Lewis, of Donnybrook,
officiating, The organist Was. Elnite
The pallbearers were Irvine,
Brown, Sam Thompson, Gordon
Naylor, Calvin Robinson, Maeoh,
Robinson arid Ted Robinson. Inter-
merit Was in 'Wed-thin Cemetery,
Friencis of Mrs. Den, King will be
sorry .to learn that at present she
is confined to Wingham Hospital,
suffering from,virus pneumonia.
Mrs, Joe, Bennett and Mrs, Man-
fred Irwin, of Gorrie, visited one
day l
i-twtiee.eit with -Mr. And Mrs.
Mr. and. Mrs. Roy Simmons vis-
ited Sunday with the former's mo-
ther •and sister, Mrs. C. Simmons
and Miss Luella in Clinton.
Mrs. E. b-Attwell and Mrs, •Pe-
ter Brown were in London Satur-
day attending a meeting of the
Junior Auxiliary of the Anglican
Mr, Murray Donaldson left last
week far the Western provinces,
where he will spend the next few
Mr. and Mrs. Don Doig and Mr.
and Mrs. David Aldrich and little
son of Galt visited Sunday with
Mr and Mrs: Ross Doig.
Mrs. 'Ruby Forester is spending
a feaadays with friends in Toronto.
Mies' Doris Leonard' of Listowel
sent the week-end With Mrs. Wil-
liam. Wilson, s.,nci.Phyllis,
Mr.."-and'IArd, Peter Cliiomey and
aaneY, oaaPert, Colboree spent the
Week-end , with Mr. arid Mrs. Alex
Keith., The latter returned to Port
Colborne end"' will, spend a week
there.' • . • '• .•
Mr: .and MrisHectOr BroWne vis-
ited Saturclay;,with Mr. and Mrs.
Kirby Willi:5We see.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Schaefer, Mr.
arid -Mrs:" Roy Simmons, Mr, and
Mrs., ,Bruce Sothern and Mr. and
Mrs Bill, Sothern were guests Sat-
urday at the' Zimmerman -Cook
Wedding Blyth United Church.
Mr. :William_ Wilspn left Thurs-
day for the .We§.torn: - Provinces,
where he aelll visit relatives' for a
few weeksie , • .
MrS..:Garn. King spent a few days
last Week with relatives . in Shel-
there're. „ .
Messrs. James Vittie and Mel
Allan 'attended • a district C zone
convention of the Canadian Le-
gion held Sunday in 'Waterloo.
Mrs, Percy Wilson is spending
two weeks with relatives in Ni-
agara Falls,
Mrs. Glenn Johnson suffered a
fracture of her right wrist while
helping her husband adjust the I
tongue on a wagon at the Erin fall
fair. She had a cast put on at the ,
Wingham Hospital. •
Myrtlle Wallace of Listowel
visited over the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Forester and at-
tended the anniversary services on
Sunday morning in the United
A very successful rummage sale
bazaar and tea was held in the
Fordwich community hall on Sat-1
urday, sponsored by the Howick
Ladies' Auxiliary. Winners of the
three draws were Ross Coates, of
Wroxettr, Miss Carol Loughran of
Fordwich and Mrs, William Sone.
ern of Fordwich.
Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Jordan of
Woodstock visited with Mr, and
Mrs. C. Jordan last week-end,
Mrs. William Wade, Mr. and Mrs.
C. Jordan Were guests of Mrs.
Mary Wade in Wingham on Sun-
Turkey Dinner at
Appleby Home
Glen Appleby of Glenannan held a
gathering at the home of his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Apple-
by, en Wednesday evening last, in
honor of 'the 40th anniversary of
their marriage. Many of the lit.,-
long friends area neighbors of the
cottple enjoyed the evening togeth.
Gathering at 7 p.m., all enjoyed a
delicious turkey dinner, with ail
the trimmings, and then sat down
to play earls or to reminisce. As
remertibranee they were present-
ed with a beautiful wall mirror,
In the past six years a total of
three-quarters of a million dollars
has been donated to UNICEF pro-
jects abroad by the children of
Canada, The 1960 contribution of
$260,000 made up of pennies, nickels
and dimes from over 300,000 young-
sters, reflected the tremendous
growth in interest and enthusiasm
which UNICEF has enjoyed since
the initial gift of $18,00.Was made
in 1955, This sum, corebitea wite
the donations of over; 100 °thee
countries has enabled the leark of
the United Nations Chlidre-'s Fun'
to continue to expand this year,
providing health and welfare sees
vices to 57 million. mothers and
.Because UNICEF 9pprtos
self-help basis with the . recip:eet
governments matching 'every $1,00
donated by the Children's
with $2.00 of their own, UNIC7F
coins gain in value as they t.-av-I
around'the world.
You might start gathering an the,
spare pennies or other srial) "lin -"k,'
now, so that you will' beaprepared
for the CGIT members Who wile
again collect for UNICalat: s tase
have for the past feereyeases
No place else- conlii•year
go as far-in satisfactiose IV' se-
tual value. Each penny is euffieleet
to provide five glasses: milk to
a youngster in India or to nrotoct
one child from TB 'iryot. Ten
cents would provicle,ssab,:'ivitamin
a •' capsules.
Mrs. I. Hawking
Dies in West
Word was „received eshere . this
week of the •death of: MaS. Isabel].
Hawking, in Killarney Heapital oh
Friday, October 13th. • ,
Mrs. Hawking, the faartrer
Robinson, was born -in 'praise:1i*
Township and had 'heart ,a "resident
of Wingham for many years, • s,
Mrs. Hawking leaves 0. coil and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. iiran
Hawking, and two grandchildren,
of Brandon, Man.; a brother,
Thomas, of Vancouver; and three
sisters, Mrs. Robert Johnston, Mrs.
Lillian Lamb and Miss Letitia Rob-
inson, all of Wingham.
Final Meeting of
London Conference •
Branch Executive
The final executive meeting of
London Conference Branch aVMS
was held last Tuesday in Metro-
politan United Church, London.
Officers from nine counties, in-
cluding Algoma, were present. At-
tending from this district were Mrs,
G, Michie, Belgrave, and Mrs. W,
B. Cruikshank, and Mrs. G. W, Tif
fin, of Wingham,
Rev. Clifford Waite, the guest
speaker, chose as his topic "The
Vocabulary of Gratitude." He point-
ed to the self-centredness of our
present age and stressed the need
for humility and unselfish deeds of
The treasurer reported $54,511.66
contributed to the Second quarter
from London Conference Branch
women. The allocation for London
Conference women in 1962 Is $231.-
000 and for Huron $27,$50. The
CGIT secretary repeated etteeta'ne
the National Leaders' conference
and a total of 6,000 leadoft and 51,-
000 girls enrolled in Carr in Can..
The executive members lenired
forward to the erganizatien .of The
United Church Women, when all
women in the church Will dedicate
themselves. to the total mission of
the church.
An old Indian Was 'standing on
the top of a hill with his son, look-
ing over the beautiful valley below
"Some day, my son, all this land
will belong to the Indiana again,
paleface all go to the illeart.4
Installer Ivan Gardner is one of the Bell, folks around Wingham
whose job it is to provide yOu With the best in telephone service.
When- you request any changes or additions to your Service,
Ivan, or one of his fellow craftsmen, comes to yotnahorne and
does the work skilfully and efficiently. We're proud of these men
and happy to have them represent ua.'As a representative of the
Bell, Ivan is more than an installer-he's an expert in telephone
service. He knows, for example, that the busy modern housewife
finds the kitchen one of the handiest• place for on. extension
phone. But more than that, lie can advise her. on the - best
location for such a 'phone, us well as the most Suitable style and
colour. He can elso suggest the type of phone that would lfo iffiest
suitable for any room, including the bedroom, where a bedside
telephone brings a feeling of security at night. Say•ehellna next
time you see Ivan, or one of his fellow installers, in youk neigh-
bekhood. know them by their familiar' green Bell truck).
Ask them to show you, the different colour and. styles of phones
that are available, They will be glad to talle it over with you. If
you Wish to order a handy extension phone for your home, simply
call us at 344 and we'll be glad to send one of our installers out
to see you,
It's that wonderful time of the year again when we all feel the
urge to don the old hunting jacket, pick up our trusty gun and
tramp off into the woods, Yes, .hunting is a grand sport! And
everyone in Wingham will get their
full measure of enjoyment out of It
provided we all Observe the rules of
good hunting, It might be worthwhile
to have a quick look at the following
few safety hints just in case some of
them may have slipped your minds
since last season: Keep your shooting controlled by a bill or
other back stop; identify your game before you shoot; keep your
barrdl clean and free from mud, 'eneav and other. obstructions:
allow only Misty grille in tare, trucks, boats, camps, and homes;
and' Make sure the safety catch Is psi; never leave et, loaded gun
unattehded and carry your gun so you control the muzele at all
times, . . . May we also remind you, net to fire iiithe'direation.
. of wire and cables, glass insulators, or microwave towers.
be helping to protect services that Ore Vital to you and, people
you know, Enjoy happy, safe hunting this season,.
here's one thing Weal like ,to remind you of those handy
YELLOW PAGES,la the bads of your telephone directory. With
house cleaning in full swing, Ws the greatest Way lee !'hunt"
all over town for 'Whet you need. Clettilitig supplies, paiht,
people you Mune it Mid yeti% find it In your "YELLOW
PAGES. Yen save time and steps when you Use them.
Xtie 17/111103am Zibi3ancr=Zriiiirs
A REEF JUDGING TEAM from the Dlyth-lBeigrave 4-0 Beef Calf
Club, teptasentihg fluron County in the 4-H Inter-Club earlipetitielle
tie Guelph last week, topped a class of 41 other tennis, Murray Cemitee,
Wingintin, and &Wray Scott, Belgrave, proudly show the Ontario
Beef Cattle IiiipaaVeitteat Association trophy. The last time Huron
County Wolk: first Pike at the Inter-Club was iii 1955,,A1'9iote by Don
FORDWICH-The October meet-
ng of the W.M,S, was held in the
Sunday School room. Mrs, K. Gra-
eam, president, opened the meeting
with Psalm 103, followed by a pray-
sr of thanksgiving. The roll call,
'Gratitude", was answered by 21
nembers and four visitors.
Mrs. Jack Wilson sang a solo
The second chapter of the' study
took "Is the Church a Social Club
tr a Power House?" was given aria
'dm Ashton closed the meeting
with the benediction,