The Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-10-04, Page 8G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrick Ste, Wingham Phone 770 Page Eight The winginun PEITSONAlf„, PENSION POLICIES ASSCRE COMFORTABLE RETIREMENT Consult— FRANK C., HOPPER RepteSentatiye— 'Canada, Life WINGfIAM, ONT, Phone 402 dranceaTiiiies, Wedneeilese .Vet. 4, 1941, ill LARUE ATTENDANCE AT A.Y.P.A. DINNER 'ON PARADE' With the 99th lity, By R. Bdwarde Wormworth "Battery ready for inspection". greeted the inspecting officer, Capt. Thompson, as the Battery Sergeant Major, turned the parade over for inspection, Following his inspec- tion, Captain Thompson compli. meuted the men on their excellent dress for the first parade in battle dress. The men, then, were fallen. ..out to their respeetive courses. The recruits' coarse had :trill for the first two period:a under the able instruction of Bombardier Lockridge. As they were in front of the fire hall they had an inter ested number of spectators from the firemen. But it was apparent that everythingmet with their ap- p The Gunners manhandled the guns outside and hooked into the truck one at a time to cheek the air pressure, It was a pleasure to see the gun crew working together as they hauled the guns back into the gunnery shed, They then pro- ceeded with a mere difficult part of their training, recording at centre of arc, which is necessary to fire the guns accurately. Inside the main building the sig- nalers were hard at work„ as were the Tech Able's or Technleaf As- sistants in eivy street, The Tech Able's are responsible for the pin- pointing of the target and relaying the information in degrees to put the guns on target. Needless to say, the signallers provide the all- important communications between the guns and the observation post. In the final period the recruits were hard at work cleaning the FN rifles. This necessary mainten. ance also gave the men the oppor- tunity to familiarize themselves more thoroughly with their wea- pons, At the dismissal parade Captain Thompson relayed the news that there will be a gun deployment this month, probably the 22nd, at Walk- erton, Recruits who have paper work to be completed are asked to be at the Armouries on Thursday. All Militia men are reminded that, due to Thanksgiving, the next par- ade will be on Thursday, October L Mshmar DRIVE-IN THEATRE LISTOWEL ..emissions iiika Children under 12 in ears Free. lioa: Office Opens at 8.00 o'clock First Show at Dusk ,o Shows Nightly, Rain or Clem FRIDAY-SATURDAY OCT. 0-7 —a Double Feature — "THE ANGRY SILENCE" Richard Attenborough "FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE" Colour Scope Richard Basehart - Rex Allen The A.Y.P.A. of St.Earl's Ang, livan Churett got off to a fine start for the fall season on Sunday eve- ning when 40 peonie enjoyed a din- ner meeting in the parish room of the ehurch. Guests at the dinner were out-of- town members of the Deanery ex- ecutive, which had met in the af- ternoon to make plans for Dean- ery activities. These inelutiod Miss. Shirley Browne„ of Auburn, Miss Marie Brown, Fordwich, Robert Daer, Auburn, Nk'n Pollard, Bros-. sets. treasurer,. and Rev. B. C. Att- well, Gorrie, Deanery chaplain. Whighana members of the executive are Dianne Doyell, president, and Linda Tonaplcritan, secretary. Rev. Attwell spoke briefly during the dinner and expressed their pleasure in being invited to remain with the local group for supper. Rev. C. Johnson, rector of St. Paul's, ad, tressed the gathering and welcomed the guests. He voic- ed his pleasure in the large atten- dance and in his Imes for a very active and successful year with the. assistance of the two new counsel- lors, Mrs. -fames Deneau and Mrs, Robert Ahara, A short worship service was held in the church, the theme being Thanksgiving. A hymn was sung and Mrs. Ahara gave the medita- tion, Thanksgiving prayers • were offered. Dianne Deyell, who is president of the local group, as well as the Deanery, Pres.dcd for a business meeting when the young people returned to the parish room. Linda Ternpleinan, secretary, asked that she might be relieved of her duties since she found the similar office for the Deanery AYPA demanded considerable time, and Brian Doug- las was elected to her stead. Bar- bara Hall gave the treasurer's re- port. Plans for the year were discuss,- ed. It was decided that the group 'would meet every second Sunday evening except on special occasions, the first of which will be a wie- ner roast at the home of Mrs. Den- eau, Minnie St., a week from Fri- day evening. An invitation was accepted to meet with the Brus- sels AYPA at the end of October, In regard to the work program, it was agreed that members would make themselves available for odd jobs around the church and the rectory at the call of Mr. Johnson. Rev, Johnson Closed the meeting with prayer and everyone helped to clear the parish room. 1 The new Mercury Comet —the compact Mercury. Built _1 for the family who wants a compact car that doesn't look it or act it. The new Comet is a Mercury, with fine car stylinfr unsurpassed among compacts. New rear deck with dual tail- lights provide a flair unique in Comet's price class. And Comet's look of success hasn't gone to its price. Cornet still only looks expensive. SPECIAL FEATURES: New 85 hp or 101 hp engine.,New 6,000 mile oil change cycle. New coolant lasts u - to 30,000' miles. Six people ride in comfort. Vacation planned "big car" trunk. 9 models, including the "personal" compact, new Comet S-22, with bucket seats and special appointments for an added dash of luxury. Compact! Medium! Big! The choice is yours. Mercury is now a family of three, sized to suit you, Now, your Mercury dealer offers you power, room,. economy and price, sized three ways. With Mercury, you choose a car tht fits your needs precisely. Take the time to size up MercUry for yourself -and see why Mercury has the best buys in every size for 1962, LEU37B is METAL ORK-a-.- 141.2,55 WINGNAM LILLOW'S GARAGE 01 luevale, Ontario Size up Mercury yourself — at your Mercury dealer today 1111,111111111111111IIIIKIIMIIIMINI111111111111111111 11111111.1111111111111111111111111111111121111111111111111111) AtigenMaiiMMENUMMIEN111111111111111EI6 HARRISTO that it wasn't I THEATRE It's hard to believe until the latter part of the 19th century that yeast could )De bought in stores, Early North American settlers used. to grow their own yeast, starting with a small amount given them by a generous neigh- hour. Each time the 'bread was made a bit of the starter was used. Those lucky enough to develop a good yeast starter treasured it, and often gave part of it to their daughters when they married, be- cause they knew how essential yeast was in making good bread at home. CROWN Drive a In Continuing WEDNES,-THURS. OCTOBER 4-ti "BY LOVE POSSESSED" in color — starring Lana Turner, Efrem Zirnbalist Jr., Thomas Mit- chell—The Pulitzer Prize Novel be- came the Dramatic Hit of the screen year — 7.10 arid 9.18 p.m. AtrmtrtANce THEATRE FRIDAY-SATURDAY OCT. 04 "DOCTOR IN LOVE" n color—Starring that very funny group from The Doctor Series 2nd feature — "BLUE PRINT FOR ROBBERY" You are there at one of the world's greatest robberies SPECIAL GAI,A THANKSGIVING WE'EK.END HOLIDAY SHOW The last late show of the season Starts 1E00 pin., Sunday), Oct. 8 "I BURY THE LIVING" TO ptIzSdniS I! YEARS oF AGE OOVft -N7 MY LITTLE OnikinLE FROM HEAVEN ItatP5 'HAPPY WiTii BABY NEEDS NUM VANCE'S DRUG STORE and also made a fruit cup combina- tion, 0 - 0 Bell-note Group The Belmore 4-H homemaking club opened its fourth meeting with the pledges and roll call. Marg. Jeffrey read the minutes of the previous meeting. The girls were shown how to sec- tion a grapefruit for use in a fruit cup. Some of the topics discussed were "Fruit for Breakfast" and "Fruit with Cereal." For lunch the girls were served fruit cup and grape sparkle by their hostess, Mrs. Harper. The next meeting will be at the Haskins home on Thursday. 0 - 0 - 0 Hold Two Meetings The second meeting of the Bel- grave Fruitettes Was held at the home of Mrs. Harry Rinn and open- ed with the pledge and motto, The roll call was answered by eleven Members and the minutes were read by Marjorie Hopper, Linda Johnston discussed the making of apple salad mould and Mrs. Rine told the girls about fruit in season, Marjorie Hopper read about the grades of apples, Mrs, Clark Johnston gave notes on care and storage of fresh fruit, types of apples and using fresh fruit. Miss I. Gilchrist, home economist, was present and talked on menu planning and menu building With fruit, Linda Johnston demonstrated peach short cake. Pruitettes was held at the home of The third meeting of the 13elgrave Marjorie Hooper on Thursday evening, Tie pledge and motto were reheated and Betty //inn read the Minutes. The roll call was answer- ed perfectly, DIM Nethery demonstrated fruit pudding. The girls Were Chown three types Of earthedpetteltes, thelce, fancy arid grade, Mrs, Clark Johnston gave notes on canned` FRIDAY-SATURDAY OCT. 84 "CRY FOR HAPPY" Starring (Jaen Ford and Donald O'Connor-It's ,the happiest solution to a housing shortage In military history — On the same "SILENT CALL" A true story program a a, boy and his 40g "SIIANT CALL" for Sat, Matinee fruit, frozen fruit, grades of fruit, and juice and dried fruits. The sing- ing of "Taps" and a dainty lunch closed the meeting, 0 - - 0 Fruit lanasies The fourth meeting of the Wing- hem Fruit Lassies was held at the home of Isabelle Mctfay on Mon- day evening with the usual opening ceremony and minutes by Mary Joan Lapp, The roll call was Fruits we freeze, can or dry at home and state if any of these are grown on your own farm. Record books were idle- cuSsed. Mrs, Lapp then led in a discus- sion of "Fruits for BreakfaSt" and "Points for a Good Fruit Cup." Ruth Taylor demonstrated the right way to cut grapefruit and oranges. Home assignments are to prepare and eerve the family fruits for `breakfast at least once before the next meeting and report in record book; plan two breakfast menus one with fruit at the beginning of the meal, and one inchtding fruit later in the meal. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess which included the fruit cup. 0 - 0 - 0 Lucky Lassies The third meeting of the Lakelet Luekey Lassies "Featuring 'Fruit" was on Thursday evening at the home Of Mrs. Lloyd Jacques. The ,meeting opened with the pledge. The roll call, "My favorite variety of apple and why" was answered by eleven members. The Minutes of the last meeting were read, The discussion. Of last Week's assignment, "Serving ap- pies to your family" brought tame interesting recipes. Mrs. Jacquea discussed the uses of canned, frOteri and dried fruits, also how to buy and how to store them. 'The members brought sam- KEN'S ALIONMENT SERVICE PtIONIN s55 DIAGONAL *OA Ifs ChI1AM aa, elk,. :Sae: a aaaa • • a. e{ ..„44.3aeeseiaaraiseeaaareaaaa lealeaearalataaasataeatatiegea Vie a -4 Ear "aaaseataaa •:•;4A.7•••'•••••••••,,,,,,,•• >4^^"'"•-'4"...X4v4,4:1,4,4•:,44^4-4•44..v4,45.45c4 nM3 • • A'ilaaalsaaia eat ea Seeaaateaiieeesaaaakeheases ...... -'"•7•.«1.4•>•:•!••• aa*:!..S'aeaSaaeaeaeaeaS,ifaeaiaa.V,.5a:a?aaki. *%P• I Will 11,1111 III 1 1111111,1114111; \1•,. ‘1,.!1 •••• ••••." """' .... "a,a, aaaaasaCata• -••••••••••.4:,,,,,:;.`V4,::;;;4•414,44 by three sizes of A ufferin from a case. of E. 4t4 eRreS AS a result oPeortStalltly drieviemilO /A ee Wig pies of dried fruit, these were exhibited along with three grades of canned peaches, the grades be- ing Canada Fancy, Canada Choice and Canada Standard. Mrs. Gadke demonstrated an ov- en steamed pudding with a fruit sauce made froni the juice of can- ned fruit, The pudding was served to the members and two visitors arid the comments were given on whether they enjoyed it or not. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Arnold Gadke's on Thursday. The fourth meeting of the Lake- let Lucky Lassies was held tat the home of Mts. Arnold Gadke on Thursday, The roll call which was "Fruits we freeze and can and dry at 'home", was answered by 11 Members, The home assignment was to prepare and serve fruit lot* breakfast to the family at least once before next meeting and to plan tWo breakfast menus, Notes were taken on: Beginning the meal with fruit: fruit cup poira tors, fruit containing vitamin C, serving cereal with fruit, ending the meal with fruit. Mrs, Gadke demonstrated the Making of fruit cup which the members enjoy:11/n much, Spare Fan Belt Vital to Trip A fan belt IS a small, itiexpen-. siVe appendage to the working body of an automobile, Try to drive Without it! This tough, sinewy little belt of rubber and fabric is doing a giant job under the ear's hood. Generator, fan and cooling system depends on it, If It fails (and it MI), a vehicle's lights, heat .and power can fait With it, The Cana- dian ,Highway Safety council urges every motorist to carry spare fan belt, always. 1111111111P11111.1.111111(11111I15111121111111‘111111111 6-0-___WASTER PLUMBER A COLD-COLO HOUSE "COULD SE TRAGIC!" OUR HEATING UNITS "MEAT LIKE MAG.ICr - TOPS IN'Sfpwo etallI1111111111111 1112111111111/1111111IIIIKIIIIIII Brownie's Drive-In LIMITED CLINTON, ONTARIO FRIDAY-SATURDAY OCT. 6-7 — BARGAIN NIGHT — Three Big Features "THE LITTLEST HOBO" (Shown at 8:00 only) Buddy Hart - Wendy Stuart "BULL WHIP" (Colour) (Scope) (Shown at 9:30 only) Guy Madison - Rhonda Fleming "SPEED CRAZY" (Shown at 11:00 only) Bret Halsey - Yvonne Lime (One Cartoon) SUNDAY MIDNIGHT OCT. 8 — Double Feat re — "HOW TO MAKE A MONSTER" Adult Entertainment Robert Harris - Gary Conway "TEENAGE CAVEMAN" 'Robert 'Vaughn - Darrah Marshall (One Cartoon) Sample Cherry Pie The fourth meeting of the Bel- grave Tutti-Fruittis was held at the home of Mrs, 'Clifford Logan on Wednesday last and opened with the pledge, motto and roll call. The next meeting will be at Mrs. Clif- ford Pardon's on Wednesday. Mar• ilyn Campbell, Lynda Coultes and Donna Grasby are to have their books checked at this meeting. Mrs. Pardon demonstrated mak- ing cherry pie, Mrs. Logan explain- ed to the girls about fruit for din- ner or supper, fruit appetizers, fruit in the main course, a fruit salad plate, fruit for dessert, serving fruit desserts and fruit in the lunch box. The meeting closed with lunch of cherry pie. 0 - 0.- 0 Mrs. Musehied Hostess The fourth meeting of the Fruit- ettes opened at the home of Siebje Muschied on Monday with the 4-H pledge and motto. Mary de Yong read the minutes, Eleven girls an- swered the roll call, "Fruits we may can, freeze or • dry at home." -The next meeting is to be at the home of Dini Nethery on October 7th. They discussed their Achievement Day plans. Wendy Fear and Mary de Yong demonstrated sectioning fruit for cocktail. Mrs. Clark John- son discussed and gave notes on fruit for breakfast and fruit cup pointers. Siebje made a fruit sauce for apple upside cake and Dial made apple bars. A delicious lunch and "Taps" closed the meeting, 0 - - Baste-'n-Stiteh Meet The 4-H girls club met on Friday evening with full attendance at the home of their leader, Mrs. Ezra Seholtz. After the opening exercises the election of officers was held, with Beverley Soloman, president, and press reporter, Margaret Moore. It was adopted that the club name be Baste-'n-Stitch. Leaders discussed the work from now to Achievement Day on January 3rd, telling of the work to be entered in the record books, and gave a guidance talk on proper individual clothing styles for dress and ma- terial. The next meeting will be held at the home of the leader, Mrs. Carl MeClenagfian, when girls will come with sewing supplies, pattern and material for a skirt, 0 - 0 - 0 The Frilit Fans The fourth meeting of the Ford- avich 4-II Club was held at the home of Shirley nurig, opening with the 4-II pledge, followed by the roll call, The new name se- leeteci for the club was "The Fruit Faris", Doris Carswell demonstrated the proper way to peel and Wee cit- rus fruits. The girls all sampled a broiled banana and each meme tier made an individual fruit cup, The discussion was on "Fruit far Breakfast". meeting closed with the benediction, 4 - - Club Pleke Name The fourth meeting of the Blue.. vale 4..11 Club was held at the borne of Nancy Taylor on Tuesday eve- ning and opened with the 4-11 pledge followed by the roll tall. Elaine Stull read the minutes of the previous meeting. The club was named 'the "Bluevale Blot- soma". Nancy Taylor demonstrated how to prepare a grapefruit and orange 4710ASAV#4° 04fieltr drive in for... Bear: Wheel Moment oadvertliod in the MON.-TUES.-WED, OCT. 9-10- 1 "ALL IN' A NIGHT'S WORK' ,Adult "Iritertainment bean Martin and Shirley MaeLaine in a sparkling comedy full of fun for everyone. It's in color too, Starts /.15-9.15 "MENACE IN THE NIGHT" Adult Entertainment 1010111.1111111111011111111.110111MIMMIlly