The Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-09-20, Page 4gether. "My life as one of Jehovah's Witnesses has been filled with pleasant experiences like this one," he said. AdItlineee Wednetaar, Sept. 20, 1961 -OYER 700 MEMO CONVENTION HERE H. Hilbert Dies Suddenly William Henry Hilbert died at his home 104 Tuesday ,evening from a sudden heart attack. He was -62, and, had been a, men-wiser of Wingham United Church and Blair Masonic Lodge, No. 314, at Palmerston. 'Mr. Hilbert was- born, in Gowans- town and was educates In gowenS, town and. Listowel schools. He was. lrutterratiker 'by trade and had; been employed at the Palmerston. Creamery and the Helg:tale Cream- ery, Wingham, since 1935, He married Melia Brown, of Mount Forest, in 1923, who survives with three sons, Bill, of Wingham, Ross, of -Guelph, and Jack, of Sarnia, There are six grandchildren. Also surviving are three brothers, Jack, Arthur .antr'Edmund, all of Gowanstawn, and a sister, Mrs. Eldon Fischer, of Listowel. Funeral service was from the R. A, Currie & sons funeral home on Friday afternoon, with Rev. T. G. Husser officiating, Interment was in Wingham Cemetery. Pallbearers were 'Archie Courtney of Amberley, Hiram -Collins • of Lucknow, Marshall Storehouse, Mil- lar • Davis, Bill Young and Fred Ohm. J. W, Buelifield, J. Roy Adair, Harvey girth -of Listowel, and Jim Rintoul were the flower bearers, Friday evening .389 heard- the dress of welcome And key-note speech by T. R. Jones, Which was followed by a study course in .ml*- lsterial activity and a discussion of practical application of Christi* Principles. 'Mr. Falconer, .presiding minister of the Winghain _congregation said, "All the convention delegates en. joyeel their stay in Wingham, We received :some wonderful counsel for future Christian living and hoph to put this into .ally practice for 'ail to see,", "Those who look to the Bible in hope of finding encouraging facts about the future should not be sur- prised to find eritleal times includ- ed in its forecast 'for the twentieth century," an attentive audience of 758 was told last Sunday afternoon. in the Wingham. District High School auditorium by T. B. Jones, travelling representative of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, Mr. Jones, a visiting •minister, spoke on the subject "The Twen- tieth Century in Bible Prophecy." "Wars, food shortages, earthquakes,- increase In crime and a collapse in morals are all prophecied for this generation. But it also speaks of a group of people preaching about the righteous Kingdom. of God, a war of God against ail wickedness followed by a paradise earth with- out death—all to be realized in the twentieth century." He also, related, that it is not material possessions that can fill one's life with love and a purpose in 'living that brings true happiness, "Science does not have 'the answer," he said, "You must look elsewhere, to God's Word the Holy Bible," The assembly's Saturday evening program instructed 497 delegates with the theme "Reaching Out For a More Complete Ministry," Sev- eral ministers took part to demon- strate the need of Bible students becoming aware of the Christian's responsibility to be a teacher of others, Saturday afternoon ten new min- isters were ordained in a baptism ceremony. Each one baptized be- comes an ordained preacher. This has made Jehovah's Witnesses the largest body of ministers in the world, Before one is baptized, a period of study brings each one to a full belief in Jehovah God and His purpose. In turn such individual begins to live in 'harmony with God's word and also desires to teach others. Watching the baptism brought tears of joy to 78-year-old William Gray, convention delegate from Owen Sound. Mr. Gray well remem- bers his own baptism in 1921 at Toronto during a convention that brought nearly fifty persons to- TENDERS WANTED FENDERS FOR SNOWPLOWING TOWNSHIP OF Hovom 1 Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 4:00 p.m, Tues- day, October 3rd, 1961, bar ,snow-, ) Plowing in the Township of Rowick i for the Year 1961-62. t Tenders to be submitted on Town- i ship tender forms •to be obtained l front the Road Superintendent, i Anson Galbraith, R. R, 1, Goirie, Ontario. Lowest or any tender not neces- I sarily accepted. i Jr, Harold Pollock, Clerk, I Township of Howick, Gorrie, Ontario, 20-27b I NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS' ] IN THE ESTATE' OF ROBERT t GORDON HASTIE, All persons having claims against l the estate of the aboye mentioned„' late of the Township of Turnberry, ' in the County of Huron, Retired I Farmer, who died on the 29th day I of June, 1961, are required to file -' proof of same with the undersigned ' on or before the 30th day of Sep- ' tember, AD, 1961. i After that date the executors 'will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of I which they shall then have had notice. ' I DATED at Wingham, this 11th I day of September, AD: 1961. CRAWFORD & HETHERLNGTON Wingliam, Ontario, Solicitors for- the Executors, 3 13-20-27b : NOTICE TO CREDITORS i IN THE vaqTATE OF ANDREW ' DOUGLAS, ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above I mentioned, late of the Township of Howick, in the County of Huron, Fernier, who died on the 15th day ' of March, 1961, are required to file ' proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 7th day of Oc- tober, A.D. 1961. After that date the 'Administra- tor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the ' claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 18th day of September,' A.D. 1961. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administrator. , 20-27-4b AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Household Effects will be held at the home of. Mrs. R. A, Mc- Kenzie, William St., Wingham, on Saturday, •Sept. 23rd at 2 p.m. Terms cash. L. G, Bryce, auc- tioneer. 20* LIVE POULTRY Picked up Monday to Friday, in- clusive. Weighed and paid for at the farm, CLOYNE MICHEL, GORR1E Phone Wroxeter 21R21 4-13-20-27* Will HERBERT • Organist accept big Telephone mornings students organ of United in 258 or C. TRENEER and theory. in piano, 422W 6-13-20-27* Church the sing-. I `RURAL WOMEN' Christmas selling starts early ' with AVON. Turn your spare hours into profitable ones. Ina- mealnate openings in East and i West Wa.wanosh and Turiiberry 1 Townships. Must have car. , Write MRS. E. BELL 8413 ALBERT ST., WATERLOO or phone collect r SH, 5-0751 before 8.30 a.m. (.FAROS O1 THANKS • CAR FQ4 SAM, .COMJ,,N. EVENTS FOR SALE 1958 VOLKSWAGEN for sale. Must sell for cash by October 10th, Owner going to England, so a jolly good buy to you. Wm. Bry- son, phone 121W. 20* The family of the late Sarah'. ood would like to express their incere thanks to all those who ere so kind during their recent ereavement. Deep appreciation felt for all the acts of -kindrie4S, lie beautiful floral tributes and the nany cards. Special thanks to ev. F, Taylor and to all who help- d in any way, 20* C. will address the Winghern, Women's Institute on Thursday, September 21st, at 2.30 in the Council 'Chamber. A good program is being prepared. Lunch served. Evvatone welcome. CE20b 10 ACRES of silo corn for sale. Phone 507W12, 20* NO. 20 MASSEY-HARRIS tractor for sale. 1,956 Meteor sedan. Phone 713W12, Lynn Merriaon, 20* OIL SPAQEHEATER for sale, oil furnace, coal and wood furnace, Phone Fordwich 59R21. T. W. Wilson, Newbridge. 20b • CHILD'S large chest of drawers for sale. Baby's high chair. Mrs. Betty Feagan, phone 980W. 20d LIVESTOCK FOR SALE. A SERIES of prenatal classes will begin Wednesday, Sept. 20th, 1961, at 2.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. in the Therapy Roorn, downstairs in the Wingham Hospital. Those in- terested are invited to attend on the above date or write to the Health Unit, Goderieh. ce20b HOLSTEIN HEIFER for sale, vac- cinated, due to freshen. Harry Bateman. Phone 737W3. 20* CANADA NEEDS YOU NOW ACT IMMEDIATELY The family of the late Mr. Wil- iam Hilbert Sr, wish to express heir thanks to friends and neigh, ours for the many kindnesses hown at the time of their bereave- ent, 20* ONE HEREFORD BULL for sale, 136 to 2 years. Noah S. Byler, R. R. 1, Wroxeter, 20b PUREBRED-SUFFOLK rain year. GIRL'S 3-pee, red winter outfit for sale, size 3. Good condition. Phone 138R. 20b ling for sale, Good size and con- MALE HELP WANTED dition, Cecil Grainger Gorrie. We wish to thank the neigh- MOBILE ROME for sale, 41 ft. Phone 486R for information. 20-27* MAN for part-time help wanted, for school caretaking. Apply Box 75, Advance-Times. 20* 20b ours, relatives and frier)* for the elp, kindness and sympathy re- 25 CHUNKS York-Land race pigs for sale; also stack of straw. Joseph Moir, phone 512J2. 20b eived during our recent bereave- ent. Special thanks go to Drs, orrin and Fetterly, and to the urses, ,who have, from time to ime, given my wife and our ma- her the kindest medleal care. To hose who visited her during her iospital stays and at home, we vish you,to know how much it was ppreciated,—Thosa la Abraham nd family. 0 20* COAL or WOOD Circulating Beat- er for sale. Apply Percy Harris, phone '886W. 20b See your Canadian Army Recruiter, who will be at the ARMOURY EMPLOYMENT WANTED Cecil Falconer Was Life=Long Resident William Cecil Falconer, 63, of Whitechurch, died in Wingham general • Hospital on ,Tuesday, September 12, after a short illness. Mr. Falconer was well-known in this district and had been an in- surance agent for the past' 14 years. He was born in Culross Town- ship, a son of the late John, Fal- doner and Hester Quinn. He mar- ried Catherine Purdon, of White- church on December 8, 1920, and they farmed for a number of years. Surviving are his wife, 'two sons, William 'Rellson, of Sarnia, and John Angus, of Wingham; two sisters, Allie (Mrs. Elgin Wellwood), of Caledon, and Nora (Mrs. Arthur. Cronin), of Orangevill, and .a brother, James, of Wingham. There are four grandchildren. • • Mr, Falconer was a member of the Presbyterian Church, Masonic Old Light Lodge in Lucknow and th .LOL in Wingham, ' Derwyn J. Hill conducted the ser- vice on Friday from the R. A. Currie & Sons funeral hdine, Wing- ham, with interment in Wingham Cemetery, Gordon Leggett sang '''The Lord Is My Shepherd," Pallbearers were ,Andrew Gaunt, Joseph Tiffin, Bert Irwin, John McInnis, James Powers and Garnet Farrier. Tom Morrison, Dustin Beecroft, Bill ,Stacey, Archie Montgomery, Jim Cronin and Marius Moolen- burgh were:the flower bearers, HANDY MAN would like odd jobs. Phone 714J. ' 20* POULTRY roil SALE LARGE DINING ROOM table for sale with 4-leaf extension and 6 chairs. Mrs.. W. A. McKibbon, phone 54. 20b McCLARY KITCHEN RANGE, like new,, for sale. Westinghouse re- frigerator, writing desk and basinette, Phone 438 after five. 20b 200 PULLETS, 41a months old; also a quantity of baled straw. 20b WOMAN would like housework or baby sitting while mother works. Have references. Box 76, Advance- Times. 20* in 1 ny 450 LEGHORN Sussex Red pullets for sale, five months old, de- wormed and starting to lay. 47 pigs;• nine to •eleven weeks old. Robert Kreller, phone Wroxeter 19R211. 20b WHOM! LOST Many thanks -to all friends and neighbors for their expressions of ove and sympathy, by cards, flow- rs and other acts of kindness at he time of our bereavement.—Art Moore and family. 20* on LOST—A white rope, about 35 ft. long, in vicinity Charles Street. Award will be offered for return or whereabouts. George Cameron, Wingham. 20* THURSDAY ONE DOUBLE porcelain sink with swing top for sale; all in good shape, Also National cash regis- ter. Phone 490. 20b SALES HELP, MALE or FEMALE 21 SEP 196i from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. - or contact the Recruiting Station in the OLD POST OFFICE BUILDING KITCHENER open Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and from 1 p.m. to RAWLEIGH BUSINESS N 0 W OP EN in several townships around Wingham. Trade well es- tablished. Excellent opportunity. Full time. Write at once. Raw- leigh's, Dept. 1-453-189, 4005, Richelieu, Montreal. 20b I wish to, thank all those who re- nembered me with cards and flow- rs while a patient in the Wingham eneral Hospital. A special thanks o the nursing staff for their vonderful care.--Rennie Goy. 20* FRIGIDAIRE 4-burner range; Westinghouse refrigerator; boy's 2-piece fall outfit size 1-2; child's veranda gate. All good condition. Mrs,' Walter Pickford, phone 76. 200' STRAYED STRAYED from lot 1, con. 8, Turnberry a 1100-1b. steer a week ago, Contact John Lane, phone Wroxeter 14R12. 20b • I wish to say thank you to the Ions Club, Dr, Crawford, Mrs. orrey and all her staff at the hos- ital and' everyone else who made y stay in hospital such a PleaS- nt and happy one.-a-Fiona Edward. 20* GLOVER HONEY for sale—in own container 23c lb„ 30 lb. or over, 20c. Also honey comb. Rdssel Pear, 725W2, or Otte Jouwsma, phone 583. 20* WANTED TO RENT NOTICE WANTED TO RENT — 3 bedroom house or lower duplex, preferably near public school. Available Oct. let or 15th. Phone Teeswater 392-6140. 20-27b I will not 'be responsible from this date for any debts incurred 'by my wife, Mrs. Beatrice Finley. — Ed- ward Finley. 13-20* STACK of clean; 'Mixed straw for sale. Approx. 17 loads, Would bale if wanted. Apply Jack Stone, R. R, 1, Bluevale, phone Wingham 424W4, daytime. 20* Thanks to my neighbours, friends nil relations, doctors, and nurses, or all' their kindness, cards and reats while a patient in Wingham ospital.—Julie McNeil. 20b HOUSE or 2-bedroom apartment wanted to rent immediately, or by October 1st. Elvin Harild, phone 383' or 4983 at night. 20* MISCELLANEOUS FOUR PART PERSIAN kittens, free. Phone Wayne and Larry Gordon, 576. 20b ONTARIO SALES TAX Exemption rubber stamps (required for use on orders placed under blanket exemption certificates) available at Advance-Times office. $3.00. 20* NOTICE TO We wish to express our sincere thanks to all our neighbours and friends who • called -on ' us Friday evening and presented us with a lovely Westminster Chime clock and a utility table,' on the occasion of our 35th wedding anniversary.-- Della and Morley'McMichael. 20b WANTED Water Consumers SALES TAX PROBLEMS? Simp- lify your buying of non-taxable items by using a printed pur- chase order form. See Advance- Times for details. 20 SECOND-HAND metronome want- ed. Phone 635J. 20* SPRAYED Wealthies and St. Law- rence apples are ready now. Tak- ing orders for McIntosh, Snows,' Spys, Tolman Sweets and pears. Any quantity, $2.00 a bus. Free delivery. Phone 618W2, Harry Brydges. 20* PRIVATE SALE of household ef- fects, drapes, lamps, tables, chairs, dishes, etc, These can be seen any afternoon or evening at my residence on Frances Street. Mrs. M. 1VIacTavish. '20* WOMAN WANTED to stay with elderly lady 'for company, Good home, near main street. Phone 9923 or Mrs, Jessie Louttit. 20b The hours for watering lawns and gardens are from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., and from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. This will be strictly enforced. An ANNUAL charge of $4.44,gross, less prompt p ment discount of 10 percent, is made for the use o 411 hose or outside tap for the above noted purposes. PIP Anyone found watering lawns or gardens, who has not paid for this service will be billed accordingly. TV ANTENNA and installation Year round service. Phone Dou Harker, 392-6140, Teeswater, Ont 22rr1 Kinloss Farmer Dies at 63 Years Friends in this district were sad- dened to learn of the passing of William John Henry, at his Kinloss farm home, R. R. 5, Lucknow, on Saturday. Mr. Henry had not been well for some time but death came suddenly, Deceased was 63 years of age. Mr. Henry was the son of the late Francis Henry and his wife Jenny Simpson, and was born on the farm where, he passed away. He is mourned by his wife, 'the former Florence Regina Wadel, whom he married at the Sacred Heart R. C. Church, Teeswater, on October 30th, 1939, One son, Wayne Alexander, at home, and one daugh- ter, Prances Carolyne, of London, are also bereaved. Also surviving are three sisters Miss Annie H. Henry, Wingham; Mrs. C, H Hinde, (Elizabeth), Wingham; ' Mrs. Malcolm Green, (Robina), of Vancouver, B.C. One brother, Alexander Bruce, was a casualty in the First World War. The deceased received his edu- cation at S. S. No. 10 Kinloss. He operated the family farm and took up cement contracting in 1945. Funeral services were 'held on Tuesday, September 19th, from the Sacred Heart Church, Teeswater, at 10 a,m., with Father 0% G. Freker officiating. Interment was made at the Sacred Heart Cemetery in Teesteeter. Pallbearers were Johnson Conn, Russell Ross, John Gaunt, Joseph King, John McKinnon and Edward Wadel. STANDING HARDWOOD timber wanted —Preferably hard maple and basswood. We also buy logs and. limited quantities of other species. James T, Craig & Son, Auburn, phone 526-7220. 6-13-20* BIRTHS SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R. R, 2, Brussels, Phone 442W6, HAMILTON— At the Wingham General Hospital, on Saturday, Sept. 16, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. George Hamilton, R.R. 1, Wrox- eter, a daughter. WHARTON— At the Wingham General Hospital, on Saturday, Sept. 16, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. David Wharton, ' RR. 2, Wing- ham, a son. WHITE—At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Monday, Sept. 18, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence White, R.R. 4, Brussels, a daughter. STOREY—At thd .Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Monday, Sept. 18; 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Gary Storey, Wingham, a daughter. Brussels. M8rrOc4 ROOM and BOARD required for D.H.O. employees. Please reply in writing to Mr. L. D. Barrett, District Engineer, Department of Highways, Stratford, stating• ac- commodation available and rates for room and board for 5, 6 and 7 day week, and daily rate for room only. 20:27b WHITEWASHING — Barns an poultry houses cleaned, disinfect ed and whitewashed. Carbol sprayed if desired. For price phone J. (Mac) Baeker, 95, collec or Box 138, Brussels, Ontario. 26-Sp271 ELECTROLUX SALES AND SER- VICE—Authorized dealer, H. A. McDermitt, Fordwich, phone 59-31. Contact Mrs. L, McDoug- all, phone 553W, Wingham, for service, Arrange for free demon- stration. 29rrb Wingham Public Utilities Commission FILTER QUEEN Sales and Ser- vicel repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Used cleaners of all makes for sale. Robert K. Peek, Varna, telephone Hensall 696R2. 16rrb CURRIE HEADSTOCK WANTED AMBULANCE C. E. SHERA. Superintendent. DEAD ANIMAL Disposal Act—We ,have been licensed to remove your dead and crippled farm ani- mals under the above Act. For free rm:ntovale call' collect, Wing- barn 378, Palmerston ,k3.23W or Elmira, MOhawk 9-556 Gordon Young (Elmira) Limited. License 100-C-61. rrb WINGHAM ••••••••••••••••••=1.•••••••••••=111110mon Day 51; Night 636 or 71 SINGERSALES & SERVICE—Re- pairs to all makes of sewing machines, vacuums arid floor polishers. Used machineS for sale. Phone 665, Wingham, George Henderson. larrb Cement Septic Tanks STEEL RE-INFORCED AND WATERPROOFED MADE AND INSTALLED Backhoe for digging holes and drains and other excavations Pumper for cleaning tanks RONALD FORSTER PHONE 29 - LUCKNO S13-D27 AMBULANCE Service J. B. ACTESON, D.C. Dr. of Chiropractic WROXETER Phone 210R1 Hours: Monday to Friday, 10' 130 Evenings: Mon., Tues. and Thurs., 7-9 . WANTED LIVE UHT FOR DEAD STOCK WANTED CALL -- S. J, WADER FREE PANT SALE Isere it is men, during the annual Free Pant Sale at Armitage's in Wingham, You may purchase your new fall suit, for as low as $55.00 with extra pants FREE. yes, it's true—until October 6th you can order your new fall suit in any pattern or style you prefer— from Bonds full range of 100% pure British made woollens, and extra pants Free. You don't have to take delivery of your suit right now—you can take it in Oct, Nov. or Dec., if you so desire—but you must get your order hi before Oct, 6th, the -closing date of the sale — at Armitage's, Wingham, 6-13-20-21b FRESH, DEAD, DISABLED COWS, HORSES, $7.00 each MINK HORSES, * 40 lb. PHONE 106 Day — 189 Night A. LORENZ ANY QUANTITY CAMPBELL SOUP Company Ltd, LISTOWEL, ONT. Phone 900 Collect DURHAM Call long distance DURHAM 493 collect F15rrb BUTLER, DOOLEY - and CLARKE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Trustee in Bankruptcy . Licensed Municipal Auditor 39 West Street IA. 4-8253 GODERICH, ONTARIO CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON • TRUCK LETTERINfi • COMMERCIAL SIGN COX SIGNS II 41C.17,T;„,szat.ac) ACHESON'S Dead Stock Service ST. HELENS Barristers, Solicitors, Eto. Wingharn, Phone 48 J. R. CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. S. HETHERINGTON, 41.0. $1.00 per 100 lbs. plus bonus for dead, old or disabled horses and cattle. Please phone promptly to Atwood Zenith 3-4900 (no toll charge) or ATWOOD 356-2622 COLLECT SEVEN DAY SERVICE License No. 103C61. Mts. Lorne Woods spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Ray Hawley and Mr. Hawley of Oshawa. Mrs, Verna Myers of Kicthener Visited during. the week-end with her cousin, Miss Beatrice McQuil- lin. Miss W. D. Rutherford is spend- ing 'two weeks vacatlort with Miss Florence Stewart in Evanston, Ill Mr, and Mrs, George Stuart and Mr. Joe Stuart moved to Lucknow this past 'Week, They are living with Mrs, Stuart's sister, Miss Ca.. tharine IVIcdregor. Anniversary services Will be heir) on October 15th at SC Helens Church, Rev,' Kaiser and Rev. Strapp will have charge of the Services. Mrs. Elwood Barbour Is a pa- tio:it in vintnrits, kospital, where She underwent major surgery on thursdaY. We Wish her improved health. Birth 1/08E—t3ii Sept, 15, 1061, in New- market Hospital, to Mr, and Mrs. Dan Rose (Ruth Webb) of New, Market, a gal, REAL ESTATE FOR. SALE A. H, IFTAVISH THE WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE J T, WOE* FOR SALE At▪ tractive 2-storey red brick home, good location; in excellent condition, living room, dining roorn, Modern kitchen and bath, 4 bed- rooms, recreation room, 2-ace, bath in basement. Fall 'possession, 6-acre farm at edge- of Winghatn, 5 room brick cottage, hydro, fur- nee°. Pell price, $4,500.00, SeVeral farina for sale with eX. eeilent tering. WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate Broker Phone 292M - Wingham 20b AT BARRISTER. SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Tel. 392-7373, Teeswater Wroieter—lEvery Wednesdto afternoon, 2-4 p.m., o* by Appointment JOINSMA'S MARKET GARDENS BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, Etc. Wingham- PHONE Office --Meyer Block, 14 INSURANCE CO. Head Office, Dtinganamii Established 1878 , BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Brown Smyth, R, R, 2, Auburn; Vice-Tres,, Pierson Belgrave; Directors, Paul Caesar, R. It 1, Dungannon; George C. Feagan, Cioderich; Ross. McPhee, R. R. 3, Auburn; Donald MacKay, Ripley; John F, MacLennan, R. 8, Goderleh; Frank Thornpsen, H. 1, Holyrood; Wiillem Wigging, R. A, 3, Auburn, Per Information on your Izmir- ante, call your nearest director who Is also art agent, or the secretary, Durnia Phillips, Durigannea, phone Dungannon ..1"ne15/62 MARLATT'S SPRAYING BACK FORMER BEAUTY Clive your nate a new lease-on" looks with our expert paint job What a fabulous difference it snakes The cast? Less than you'd think, Very fast service, too. MARKS BROS. Dead Stock Service PHONE 583 $1.00 per 100 lbs. Paid for Dead Coves and Horses over 500 lbs. lore fot sick and disabled Cows and Horses adcard Ink to Size and condition. FOR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE CALL COLLECT Bruce Marlatt Brussels Phone 133 24 HOUR SERVICE LICENSE No.83-0-01, 54-R,1'a01 11~•••••••••••16mnrori..•=106..wo...••Wana...... RIPE AND GREEN TOMATOES RED BEETS CARROTS PEPPER sqtrAsn MUSKMELONS PUMPKINS COOKING ONIONS P(AATOES CITT PIA/WEBS NEW AND COMB HONEY Frederick P. liomuth Phrn.B., R.O. Carol E. Honuith, R.O. Mrs. Viola IL Bernath, R.O. OPTOMETRISTS PRONE 118 IL C. MACLEAN General Insurance and Real Estate Broker JOSEPHINE STREET" Phones 115 and 31 FOR lIt1E1T AUTO BODY McKee Hattester Josephine Street PlioNE 19 WINGIIAM 34/001+,1 APAR7=NT for 'rent. Avillable October 1st. Phone 438. 20* Harriston, Ontario t