The Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-08-30, Page 91' Tha, WI-14140i..400E•111;00.,. W•4004•70 *or, Sch 1.96/. Itttor iV mil, now uni tsi mil IC \\CiMLUAMSEIT EE RR FRNDS! WE CAN IE 'T HAKE II RAIN BUT YOU SHOULD SEE OUR PSNOWERe. 11011-a:00 Lowit ica' = R DISPLAY 7 Advance Sale Tickets Available at MASON'S BOOK STORE "ADVENTURES ON ICE" 4! R.C.M,P. MUSICAL RIDE WESTERN FAIR MORE TO ENJOY MORE TIME TO ENJOY IT SHOW 2 SPECTACULAR GRANDSTAND SHOWS FRIDAY, SEPT. 8, AND' SATURDAY, SEPT. 9, AFTERNOON AND EVENING _ "Adventures on Ice", a spectacular ice show pro- The 45-voice "Ulster Girls' Choir", direct from duced right on stage in front of the grandstand, Ireland, and the fabulous "R.C.M.P. Musical Ride". MONDAY, SEPT. ,11, TO SATURDAY, SEPT. 16, EVERY EVENING "And Away We Go", a star-studded show'featuring of the country's top variety acts, plus the sensational the.famous "June Taylor Dancers", and a selection "R.C.M.P. Musical Ride". AFTERNOONS • WEDNESDAY, Sept. 13th, THURSDAY,/ Sept. 14th, and SATURDAY, Sept. 16th — Matinee Harness Racing. • FRIDAY, Sept. 15th — Junior Olympics. HORSE SHOW — ONTARIO ARENA — FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY EVENINGS, SEPT. 8 to 12. MONDAY — SPECIAL LADIES' DAY SHOW September 11th. • TUESDAY — SPECIAL TEEN AGE VARIETY SHOW September 12th. RESERVED SEATS $2.00 AND $1.50 — GENERAL ADMISSION $1.00 W ESTERN Et,111ttlst— FoAr14111AARIrCIATION, I Please send me..... - . ...reserved seat tickets I to the evening Grandstand Show on I Sept. My cheque/money order for ,..is enclosed. ' PT 16 I Please send tickets to: 8 ,•••••• .. . ......••••••••14 ,••••••••,....1•••,.....,• Special Showing: FRIDAY & SAT. AFTERNOONS SEPT. 8 & 9. Rush Seats $1.00 Children 50c. FAIR NAME ADDRESS LONDON, ONT, • "AWAY WE GO" .VARIETY SHOW' $2.00/$1.50 0ll vsk!im WATERLOO UNIVERSITY COLLEGE AN INDEPENDENT DEGREE-GRANTING INSTITUTION OPERATING UNDER PROVINCIAL CHARTER "A QUALITY EDUCATION IN A CHRISTIAN ENVIRONMENT" PROGRAMS OFFERED • FOUR-YEAR HONORS B.A. COURSES — Business Administra-' tiop, Economics, English Language and Literature, French, Geo- graphy, Geography and Planning, German, Greek, istory, Latin, Philosophy, Psychology, Politics, Spanish. THREE-YEAR PASS B.A. COURSES — General B.A., Pre-Theo- logical B.A. SPECIAL BURSARIES AND SCHOLARSHIPS FOR QUALIFIED STUDENTS APPLYING BEFORE SEPT. FIRST ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS: Pass standing (505 minimum) in nine Grade XIII papers gives applicant admission to the First Year of a Degree Program. REGISTRATION OF NEW STUDENTS takes place September 19 and 20 ; Lectures begin on September 25. FOR INFORMATION, Calendars and Application Forms Write or Telephone (SHerwood 4-8141). Dr. H. L. Schaus, Dean, Waterloo College, Waterloo, Ontario. Dependable Farm Service For Car, Truck or Tractor ! When you order CO-OP Gasoline from your local Co- Operative, there is no long delay t . you get -fast, depend- able farm service, always. And you can be assured that when you buy CO-OP Gas°< line you are buying Gasoline second to none. With CO-OP Gasoline in your tank, your car, truck or tractor will give you the best possible performance at all times, plus maximum mileage for your money. BELGRAVE CO-OP — BELGRAVE, ONT. Phone Wingbarn 1091; Brussels 388W10 O 4ANCE'S DRUG =Re IS MY CHOICE FOR Ttir FAmit-y ,5 PRESCRIPTION INIKEDS,, I KNOW "CHAT I, ;AN, DEPEN ON TN EN* A7IF.111 4,1 / e LOCAL TRADEMARKS, last Grade XIII June Results Al Wingham District N. S. Angus, Robert J.--Eng Comp 65; Zool 66; Chem 51. Bennett, Paul D.-Eng Comp 66; :Eng Lit 54; Geam 50; Trig & Sta- ties 75; Phys 66; Chem 69. Burrell, glizai)etA-1;:ing tiornp 62; Eng Lit 63; Fr Auth 53; Fr Comp Campbell, John R.- -Eng Comp 51, Carnalehael, Peter-Eng Comp 52; Sig Lit 54; gist 53; Zool 52, Cronin, Mary J.-Eng Comp 74; ng Lit 53; Alg 58; Bat 61;. Zool 15; Lat Auth 73; :Let Comp 69; Fr Auth 55; 'Fr Comp 63,' Dallimore, William • Eng Comp 5,2; Eng Lit 59; Zool 53. i•Douglas, Anne-Alg 55; Bot 58; Zopl 71; Let Auth 58; Lat Comp 65. Gaunt,' John D.-Eng Comp 60; Eng Lit SO;.Fr Auth 61. Gowing, Thelma-Eng Comp 74; Eng Lit 74; Bot 77; Zool 84; Chem 79; Lat Auth 82; Let Comp 78; Fr Auth 72; Fr Comp 72. Grainger; Ruth - Eng Comp 53; Zool 51, Henderson, Ruth-Eng Comp 57; Eng Lit 68; Bot 71; Zool 83; Chem 09; Lat Auth 80; Let Comp 68; Fr Auth 66; Fr Comp 71, Hubbard, Sharon-Eng Camp $1; Eng Lit 51; Bat .61;,,Zovi 63. Envies, 13rencia-rmg --;*41111) 91; Eng Lit 57; Alg 60; Bet 66; Zool 69; Lat Auth 76; Let Camp 69; Fr Auth 54; Fr Comp 69. *Ja-rdin, Lyman-Hist 68; Bot 58; ,Zool 50. Jones, George - Eng Comp 52; Mist 54. Kirkton, Elaine-Eng Comp 56; Alg 63; Geom 62; Lat. Comp 52, Lockride, Douglas,- Eng Camp 57; Hist 57; Phys 53, a MacInnis, Eugene Eng Lit 53. MacKay, Malcolm - Eng Comp 51; Mg 53, McBurney, Grant-Eng Comp 64; Bag Tixt 55; Alg 71; Geom 70; Zool 51; Phys 74; Chem 50; Fr Auth 51; Fr Comp 51. McDonald, Elizabeth-Eng Comp 50; Eng Lit 57; Alg 79; Georn 68; Zool 59; Chem 55; Lat Auth 58; Let Comp 51. ,McDonald, Karen-Eng Comp 52; Eng Lit 63; Alg 53; Bat 68; Zool 75; Let Auth 55; Lat Comp 53; Fr Auth 51; Fr Comp 50. MoKibbon, Walton - Eng Comp 59; Phys 51, MeTeviSh, Alan-Eng Camp 50; Eng Lit Si.; Alg 55; Trig & Statics 43; Bot, 63; ZOO1 61; Phys 80. Melvin, :Marilynn - Eng Lit 66; Hist 70; Bat 78; Zoo' 76; Litt Auth 68; Let Comp 76; Fr Auth 63; Fr Comp 73, MerkleY, John-Eng Lit 56. Mil' .n, Donna - Eng Comp 58; Eng Lit 70; Bat 77; Zool 74; Lat Auth 5'T; Let Camp 66; Pr Auth 53; Fr Camp 60, Miller, Linde-Eng Comp 51; Eng Lit 70; Hist 57; Bat 51; Zool 53, Murray, Donald - Mg 66; Geom 65; Trig & Statics 04; Phys 67; Chcm 60. Porter, Pamela - Eng Camp 74; Eng Lit 76; Hist 91; Alg 63; Zool 82; Let Auth 77; Let Comp 81; Fr Auth 77; Fr, Comp 84, Reid, Robinson - Eng Comp 61; Hist 75; Mg 55; Chem 60. Sanderson, David -Eng Comp 66; Eng Lit 54. Scott, Murray-Eng Comp 58. Smith, Donald - Eng Comp 57; Eng Lit 54; Hist 63; Bot 64; Zoo], 66; Chem 56; Fr Auth 52, Smith, Lyle-Eng Comp 54; Eng Lit 63; Alg 73; Geom 66; Trig & Statics 65; Phys 66; Chem 69; Fr Auth 54; Fr Comp 59. Statia, Paul-Eng Comp 61; Zool 51, Stuckey, Lawrence -Eng Comp 78; Eng Lit 63; Alg 75; Geom 73; Trig & Statics 81; Phys 83; Chem Serni.,Annual Event Will Be Held Here Ernest Falconer, presiding rain-, inter of the Wingham congregation. of Jehovah's Witnesses, announced this week the coming semi-annual circuit convention to be held in the Wingham District High School in. mid-September. Mr. Falconer has just returned from a meeting Of 36 ministers held in the Durham Kingdom Hall in connection with this event. During the three hour session Winston Peacock, circuit Supervisor of Jehovah's Witnesses, gave final instruction, which brought to frui- tion two months of planning for this gathering. "It is expected that 18 departments will function to make the assembly a succeas," said Mr. Falconer. 76; Fr Auth 57; Fr Comp 53. Thompson, Jean-Eng Comp 62; Eng Lit 52, Tolton, Sheila - Eng Comp 73; Eng Lit 67; Hist 65; Alg 61; Bot 75; Zool 64. Vivian, John-Phys 56, Wightman, Margaret-Eng Comp 66; Eng Lit 51; Alg 53; Bot 54; Zool 59; Lat Auth 53; Let Comp 57; Fr Auth 50; Fr Comp 63, Wilkinson, Thomas - Phys 51; Chem 62. Woods, Elizabeth-Eng Comp 57; Eng Lit 56; Trig & Statics 50; Bot 51; Zool 61; Phys 55; Chem„161. Woods, Keith-Alg 77; Geom 57; Trig & Statics 69; Phys 67; Chem 64, Wormworth, Edwarde - Eng Comp 71, Zinn, Elizabeth - Eng Comp 57; Eng Lit 55; Zool 51; Fr Auth 57; Fr Comp 58. Grade XII students writing Grade XIII subjects: Byron Adams, Zool 60; Douglas Coultes, Zool 77; John De Yong, Zool 60; Paul Galbraith, Zool 84; Eleanore Goy, Zool 82; Mark Ham- ilton, Zool 92; Jane Hetherington, Zool 84; Ruth Hodgins, Zoo]. '82; Pamella Husser, Zool 74; Shirley Johnston, Zool 53; Barbara Xing, Zool 81; Bruce MacDonald, Zool 81; Glora MacDonald, Zool 58; Sue Ne- smith, Zool 77; Patricia Norminton, Zool 62; Michael O'Malley, Zool 53; Brain Schaefer, Zool 81; Susan Sellers, Hist 81; Lois Simmons, Zool 72; Lynne Stuckey, Zool 52; Neil Turnbull, Zool 76; Roy Vivian, Zool 68. Barry McQuillin Wed in Kitchener Pink and white gladioli formed the setting in St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church, Kitchener, when Marriage vows were exchanged by Susan Margaret Scott and Barry Lane MeQuillin, Saturday, August 19th, Rev. Chester Lewis officiated at the double-ring ceremony. Mr, and Mrs. Harold F. beat, Waterloo, are the bride's parents. The bridegroom is the younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J, McQuillin, R, R. 1„Lucknow. The bride, given in marriage by her father, chose a silk organza gown, with daisy appliques accent- ing the sabring neckline and the bouffant formal skirt, Matching ap- pliques trimmed the fingertip veil which was caught to a tiara of seed pearls and crystals. She carried white roses with a white New Testament. Miss Lyall Scott, of Waterloo, was maid of honor for her sister, and Miss Marilyn Hall, of Kitch- ener, was bridesmaid, Their gowns were pale pink dotted nylon over white silk, styled with scalloped necklines and short scalloped sleeves. They wore veiled pink nylon bow headdresses and car- ried nosegays of pink and white carnations, Ivan E. McQuillin, of Elmira, was his brother's groomsman, and guests were ushered by Murray A. Gaunt, of Wingham, and Lee Ruppel, Waterloo, a cousin of the bride, Bruce McTavish, of Toronto, played traditional wedding music on the organ, For the reception at Berkley Steak House, the bride's mother re- ceived in a jacket sheath dress of sea green linen with white acces- sories and a corsage of pink roses. She was assisted by the groom's mother wearing a sheath of mys- tique cloud organza with taffy coloured accessories and •a white gardenia corsage. Following a wedding trip to the Haliburton highlands the young couple will reside at 16 Admiral Road, Kitchener, The bride and groom are gradu- ates of the Stratford Teachers' College and are members of the teaching staff of Waterloo Board of Education. Barry is a graduate of Wingham District High School. Marg. Jamieson, J. Keith Moffatt Exchange Vows Port Elgin United Church manse was the scene of a pretty wedding on Saturday, Aug. 5th, at 2.30 p.m. when Margaret Anne Jamie- son„daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mof- fatt Jamieson, of R.R. 4, Port El- gin, became the bride of John Keith Moffatt, son of Mr, and Mrs. Burns Moffatt of Bluevale. Rev. J, H. Slade officiated at the ceremony. The bride chose a street-length dress of white silk bombazine with short sleeves and hand-appliqu- ed motifs. The fitted bodice with scoop neckline was trimmed with irridescent pearls and sequins. Her veil of silk illusion with embroid- ered edge was caught by an aurora borealis •crown with drop pearls and she wore jewellery to match, a gift of the groom. She carried a cascade of red roses with white stephanotis. Lois Jamieson attended her sis- ter and wore a dress of yellow or- ganza over taffeta with bouffant skirt, featuring a shirred bodice and cap sleeves. Her headpiece was of yellow tulle flowers and she carried a semi-cascade of yellow and white carnations. Harold Johnston of R.R. 4, Wing- ham, attended the groom. Following the wedding a recep- tion was held in the church par- lor, at which the bride's mother received guests in a dress of blue and white silk jersey with white accessories, and a corsage of pink carnations. The groom's mother assisted, wearing a dacron floral sheath with pink accessories and a corsage of white carnations. For a wedding trip to the eastern States, the bride chose a blue and white printed silk dress with mat- ching blue duster and white ac- cessories, She wore a corsage of pink and white carnations. The young couple will reside in Wingham. .11 Br, Mortgage Opens Office at . Hanover A new branch office of British Mortgage and Trust Company was opened this week in Hanover. Lo- cated in the Schlegel block, this of- fice will provide temporary quar- ters until the new British Mort- gage •building is erected one half- block west of the post office. Plans for this building are in progress, and it is expected that tenders will be called for early in September. A full range of financial and trust services will be available, in- eluding •mortgage loans on first- class residential, commercial and farm properties; trust and agency services, estate planning, British Mortgage retirement savings plan, guaranteed investment certificates and a savings department. Founded in 1877, British Mort- gage has assets of Over $47,000,000 with paid-up capital of $1,058,400 and general reserves of $1,700,000. Head office of British Mortgage is located in Stratford. A branch of. flee will also be opened shortly in ListoWel. Brides Attendants Are Three Sisters Rev. K. Griffiths officiated on August 12 for the wedding in Brussels Baited Church of Mary Maxine Meehan and Ernest Lynn Morrison. Baskets of gladioli, dah- lias and other assorted flowers dec- orated the church. Miss Marion Hoover played tra-' :talc::: wedding music and Miss Mary Lee Hollenbecir sang "0, Perfect Love" and "The Wedding The bride .j.5' the daughter of Mrs. Lawrence Machan, of Brussels, and the late Mr. Machan, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Morrison, R. R. 5, VVinghatra. Clarence Machan, eldest brother of the bride, gave his sister in mar- riage. She chose a floor-length gown of Chantilly lace with fitted bodice and lily-point sleeves. The neckline was trimmed with seed pearls and irrideseent sequins. Tiers of Chantilly lace formed a bouffant skirt. The bride's head- piece was a queen's cornet of pearls intertwined with crystal beads, with three crystal drops in front, It held the imported silk illusion re-em- broidered circular fingertip veil. The only jewellery worn was a set of crystals, gift of the groom. She carried a cascade of red roses, stephanotis and trailing ivy and white mums,, Mrs. Joan Barwick, Trenton, was matron of honor, and Miss Gail Meehan, Brussels, was bridesmaid. Miss Patricia. Meehan, Brussels, was flower girl. All •are sisters of the bride. The matron of honor and brides- maid wore identical silk organza dresses with colored flowers em- bossed over satin skirts, pink flow- ered headbands with pink and white accessories and carried cas- cades of pink carnations and white stepahotis. They wore pearl neck- laces and matching earrings. The flower girl was attired in a White silk organza.. over taffeta dress with printed flowered cum- merbund and a pink flowered head- dress, Her accessories were white and she carried a basket of pink carnations and white stephanotis 41A1000,. and moans. Carman Hown.tt, of Blyth, was the beat man. The ring hearer 'was Lawrence Machan, of Brussels, brother of the bride. Kenneth. Me- Kenzie, of Toronto, was the usher. The church parlor was decora- ted with pink and white streamers and bells and summer flowers for the reception which followed, Guests 'were present from Trenton, Lucknow, Toronto, Blyth and Wingham. The bride's mother wore a black and white checked arnel sheath with matching jacket, Meek and white hat and green accessories. The groom's mother was dressed in a brown printed silk ensemble with, green accessories and they both had red rose corsages. For the trip to the Thousand. Islands and Niagara Falls the bride chose a powder blue linen suit with white accessories and a corsage of red roses and blue cornflowers. They will reside on the groom's farm, R. R. 5, Wingham, Mother Buried in Conestoga Cemetery Mrs. Clayton Schiefele, 67, of R.R. 2, Waterloo, died Saturday, August 12th, at the Kitchener-Wa- terloo Hospital after a brief ill- ness. The former Nora Rosenberger, she was born April 24, 1894, in Wil- mot Township, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Abram Rosen- berger. She was a resident of R.R. 2, Waterloo, for the past 45 years, and was a member of Benton Street Baptist Church, Kitchener. Surviving are her husband, to whom she was married June 28, 1916, in Kitchener; two sons, Bruce of •Kitchener and Glenn of Wing- ham; two sisters, Mrs. Cecil Ma- this of St. Cloud, Florida, and Mrs. Myra Fiser of Pomano Beach, Florida, and three grandchildren. The' funeral was' •held • Unz'Trues'i' day, Aug. 15th, from the Rats- Bechtel funeral home with Rev, Leander Roblin officiating. Burial was made In the Conestogo ceme- tery. tl PERCY CLARK PLUMBING-HEATING'- SHEET METAL W011L-a.- _PH,2,55- WINGHAM 111111111111111111111111N11111111111111i1111111111111111111111111 • PH E 320 011111111111111111111111111111.1111111111101111111111111111111111811I 1111M11110111141111011111111111111111111111111,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111•11111111K1111111111E WHY a a a U U U U U 30-6-13-20 51I11511111111111111•1111111111111191111111111111111M13111101111111 0111111111111111111IIMIII1111111111111111111111IN111.11111111111111111I1111111.1111111111111111111IMIKIMIIIIIWI THE LOWESTyv PRICES IN WESTERN ONTARIO OPEN UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK EVERY EVENING Mardon Aut® Body Service LUCKNOW - '.WHERE WE' STAND BEHIND OUR WORKMANSHIP EXPERT PAINTING - COMPLETE COLLISION SERVICE FOLLO 4iYOUR. NEIGHBOUR AND HERE IS HE GOING? BODY AND FENDER REPAIRS