The Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-08-30, Page 8140 Ehliat MilAkalsO1 Agt'Aft•keesThaae$, WelTaes54,16 • t11101Incing a a a THE OPEN OF IN THE P.U,C. BUILDING MAIN STREET, WINGHAM TUESDAY, SEPT, 26 PERMS, TINTS, HAIR SETS HAIR TREATIVIENTS A SPECIALTY Appointments - PHONE 1098 I I Place the cucumber "boats" on , ' lettuce leaves. Lightly toss two: i cups of flaked canned saftrion ta one-pound cans with half pocup of finely diced celery, a quattrer of a 1 cup of chopped green onifire, two chopped hard cooked egg's, two , tablespoons of lemon juice and i, enough mayonnaise to thoisters - Season to taste with salt and pep-' per. Heap the salmon mixture inro to the cucumber boats and corn- ,. i plete the picture with potato salad' land sliced tomatoes. . ERONTIM OIRL-Anne "lender- son was named Frontier Bari fol- lowing the children's pkrade on satigdoy, She received her prize - the park were oil costumes were judged,-A-T Photo. Salad Boats SPECIAL ',SUNDAY HOLIDAY SHOW AT II P.M. "TERROR OF THE TONGS" Plos- 'THE ELECTRONIC ;MONSTER" rz.-tt - di-SEPT- sysoo...,, sey hjsZe g yesor choice ef 'SINK THE BISMARK" rhe-,s rya - spools in the fat in which e-seh mato_ Dana 'IBS ores ehtzket: is fried This will give ;dellinate tavour that delightful. "TAMANGO" THUR.- kor Erne° "y Yead flavored fried FRE a-Ver hY ham Advance-Times -t School is where the homeis... and the parents' attitude is at the heart of the matter. For the home life of a child witA 3ntatent e and, to a Large extent, determine his attitude toward school and life in general, Parents and teachers have a job otteaching to do. And the happiest solution for doing tip it joh well is to establish a clear line of communication betneeli the parent and the teacher, The happiest pIac,"e to achieve this communication is at your local Rome and School or Parent-Teacher Association. Join and actively support car Association. 'Write today for the booklet listed below.' ritEr_-"cur pestedi. of an interesting and iqcrnialive toe,klet, "Vacation at the 01:14tik, Crrssradi% .twists az:up-cads, Bcx 200,, Statien Ottatar. • The ,strt. Itirrt&-111,,Skt ai *PRETTY BOY FLOYD" NUDE IN A WHITE CAR" SISbc.:Itator who 0413 rkItirned rtio h4'./4 W O t-1,omo fin -4 $0C131 tA-VP117A% .P!ti''11LW!`71 34r. and V.Los. t", ,S, who are ttog: *""344 11;4° 4:4" f;Ve e, tvero tx;rn !;31 Scotland, and 0'16 t°1""- IvIre niartiod th-'.-re in 1911. fie'. Third itranual. Meeting Roos eanse to Conadn. the foliPivio$ it tr 4n fr." • I :t ' Year ostaii icars.raniwrawtj, . - .4.4...5„.•at:ori )01:413,-' triertgi$ laTre welcomed at I011ND I IfMr N BlitISSELS 1,«QP-Its of f,Tro and WM 14.17 4-v: 1.$4',CZW' fZe,tiR3 lif4'1110,10- 1.4-311' the InkiP141.411. "Cb° Fri0V , AtLgUSL 11, liar r3 thry H°-tel 1111.5 .1'1..;4' then' teeth wedding onmver )14tt44.'_‘114:te char]rag re. f 4ry *Impf,t, wiaN nosattoos is the hliI0,15rfr. Rt. et"• ;,4,4,;i1e/n, fieme t o ssrooy aeo .03 0:el race lo1l!, olvert1siF:s races 'r 'n' in 1678' WI" re- 3Irs'If"8°$1'0140 114 E BILL I 1114orica 0 1'4ars stator cidess.0 :51;a4,, hari; in 'SI );land. r What Ur. Ross first toime to. Caue.ia wclaii.-d 04 4 faran for V-tosisono. r becs'ame statist- 1(4V." cur J. P. Ifenoisay oral D. Margaret :.'alticr in 1913 and Ual.'4" NO. 4-Fanners' Ran. Purse 41.3"6* .;;;:1:4Ce t`,J;ere Riau-setts VOX- Ond asoo for Fa era ”aorocsise Ooin. 1144S 1;c 2: clorIC):,%-•;1 at John as -1ossols,e1 vothi2 4V:s32i1=32. tied that posocaon until Ia 4. 1-1.? M;:a• !1-5,: vs rats Stowe as today. and a$.e.o eirst 9rize ated the :Lardy prat room for iiVe Ra.,4 3.: , For hares eao of At :tie out.13,realt of Nvar in 1939" May, 1S T& si-lthin 12 ro'lleS §3f R.tiS iwi p3 the 17th Feed treat.i ham, and that ra•ver 34).' at L,',$*-0",vel and served in ennasin •Ol000 • tow too., ood RCA. ORATED t ricycle prize's-as v,-on Pura- 'stole:de ,intordav afternoon. Picky Foxtoni left, won and L7.1igland until 1945, He larsr :Co. 3--re:,; Roo gio.,,okoop_ eta Templensan, right, at the Lions Club Frontier second prize.-A-T Photo. tvs.trked for five years for NelsOn reu Them and Sell Them In The Advancellme$ =e1r.;1!lit'strTo'n:7:7. Their five elaiddreat mad their , tcti • sveelts course at Waterleo FOOT RACEZ , quick, dog or witch grass. ;1 1.7ni -,srsily College. organized by es, CLINTON, ONTARIO 1st $O l'ntl SI, ArG" SI-SEPP' SEPTEMBLI1 BRIDE - • Nancy Sotit- ebtese races wall be charoeil an en. "If b, Miss Cook spoke on such sub- moral of this storo might be. 'ICOModyw Adult Enteetaitament Ted Ray Jean Keot 11i'soettiooal Student" and ''Trerds • , at eannly Life with wide-soreo.ding, jointed roots, All races to be governed by Do-1- - Education:' minion Turf Club Rules, with the 1 it forms large, matted beds in the exception that no time will be .‘",.; 'The teachers also enjoyed' trips, soil. New plants spring up front takers_ Entrance fee 10 percent of to the Stratford Festival for the, each root faint aosi• even a small, i V111, Pir-E bogie root seetion may reAnfest • the. iarse, and must aceompany all 'perforroances of Henry entries and be addressed to the 1ates of Penzance, Loves Labour's , a -garden or field. Four horses to enter and three to Jerry Lewis r for a miscellaneous shower. 'The guest of honor was also pre- name and color f horses. Any per_ .- Adultr,tertairanent 'TUES.-WED. -SEPT. ;5- 1Tt "SIGN OF THE tc GLADIATOR" Ca:Stle C-rge Marshal' One Cartoon 5:221ZAI Zit II ".11E .1111 HARRISTON THEATRE FridaY. boa?: 204 utvaa If,rtlidnyx 1$7.13 $... 'ea be of.1cre- 141 Prfncs ratree.s. cs forosys; Liashma DEIVE-111 THEATRE LISTOWEL TRt•Ri-FRI. AVG, 43,-;SAll'T. Double Feature "LOVE IN A COLD FISH BOWL" Adzi2t Entertainment, Colour, Scope To= 2..4".. -Jan .Rterling • “BLUEPRINT FOR ROBBERY" Jay Barney, J. Pat O'Malley SATURDAY ONLY SEPT, 'DOliNe Feature "'TEN WANTED. MEN Cololoor ResodOiPh Soott, .20YuelYn Brand "YOU CAN'T RUN AWAY FROM IT 'Colour, Scope Zack Foorarnon. June AUyazm $1.7:N. Midnight-MON. SEPT. 3-4 Double Feature. 'MODEL for MURDER" Ketz And , Hanel Court "FEMALE FIENDS" 33arker. 41.!arole AdtP444etn4..44 P5ilarea under ca.0 Eno- Rax •Offiee OW45 $.0. a'clae,k Doable Featuire- I - First ,,V^.iow st Dtolt INVI) Shows MAW+ na* Qr. t1"-4 PLEASE TURN OVER err:, brit eeeleet of September 9th, was entertained at several show- 401111111111111111111111.1.11111111111.11111111M. and ti:asses ;sere held eash mar ing, ltrzsrlday to Friday, for seven weeks. I!, Of a c5ss of .75 beginners 55 rsewe-s! tass, et...ere m- tested, the, • anY paint to NVingham !ter .22 rout of 2t1 Reees at RediZzed Rates. attermszatates were saeiressiul --d rive . n be presented CROWN nine senins_ Wointsday evenIng at the water Chow at Riverside Pool. THEATRE Robert Vaughan -'Merry *teldels f graciousiY thanked her 10-3•1'3 power to call on foot races between , N. 3lldrsight-MON. ;E PT. S-41 '1105 Pass Red Cross - Double, Feature- 4 `HIGH SCHOOL EXC./id/la/1072S Here Toro Pitteson. - Virginia okldrege onJ August IS when about eighteen BIG SH01"%. Loter-port „.sestoptl-iitioris were held 4 1Vingar4 swimmers; met at the "T=BIRD GANG" I TeL'-svat*7.r 7,--tzs Pool and were de- 1 Ed Nesz,--1 - Pat Geczge :jested on final points. The 'Tees- -g water group chalked up a total of t One Cartoon da. 25 cents: Carriages, 25 ceotts. ',,%-.i points with Winglosin trailing Budae -David Shaw. Teeswater: "CARTHAGE IN FLAMES" sColoor) aScopei Alatae Heywood - Jzis•-oe Sourer One 01.3.t+3,cia -SATURDAY ONLY SEPT, 2 - Double Feature- "VISIT TO A smALL PLANET” l as''',Isted- Mrs- Renwick. - star;, 1-N-iten only three horses are ttertained at Mrs. A. Keith's home . • - • entered ins zu-aney 'teal. be govern Parties entering hone -es must give-, "NO TIME TO BE YOUNG" were present for the haPPY tit JENd 1 is is wit VIIII1C2.1 eocasion.Enzaheth tarry, Joe Piuookett), of Auburat; Harry, af. Tht Owi sek S osi t,ss London; Charge and Harold, of WinE,11 am and Isobel (Mrs. Roo $prcottle 4 , of Gocierieb. Drive, In Mr. and Mrs. Ross.received many lovely cards, gifts and messages. on a 256 score, On ,Thesiday, Aug. Don :inn. Parker, Brussels: Sextets Rt-tt, • • Irnehara. ARRY TEAGHER-%1R,.?.3 Cross tests. Mr. Hickey ws.s 4'="zewar- Jchn D5r-d-een 5 ey Clizttan was examiner for the ..,es oo, more than rleased with the pro- Pialt72''S".'" '33rne5 D'314-acls'rel Kenneth Cron or $,..z5"1`,1 ,igMFS the 0:3.,SS,.'S had Made and Edwin :r`*--'11t- . A Balloon 3szers..1 tai rare in the evening. B. Willson, Presi_dentt Vice Pres,: H. W. C. Meyer, See: Treas.. Special arrangements have been made with the Great 'Western Ra1l- wae.- Company to Ossote Tio'kets from 1 orse races. e EV. Sion c a: -es One C.artoon frierd's for al.? the lovely gifts. h d J win be final. The Assoolation re- serve to- thernseloes the right -of postponing the races. or any of them in the event of unfavorable weather. No Pool Selling. Stir t. oz.= Liquors wIll not be so21 an the ground. RACES TO COMMENCE AT ONE O'CDOCF. PAL Admission to Razes --- grand Stand and Quarter Stretch for the ors recent ly. Airs. Berne Von, of Katenener, was hostess for a rois, .11•70Sraeous shower. „ The stiff -of Seim A. foang i!e Son, il Kitehener. where the bride is ern- played, enjoyed a monk wedding. 1 '-at a picnic when they presented Nancy with a card table aod'four chairs., Mrs, Douglas- Wildfang. of Tor- i onte, and Mrs. Carl Stewart, -of Listowel. entertained at the latter's home far a grocery shower. Mrs. li Scott Keith and Mrs. Alex Keith seated with a bride's book- COn-: Vests and games were enjoyed at - ea.:rh shower and a delicious lunch sold It was one of the, most sun- e1ssf:•4 etintus he had ,E- is he iso....roctors were Ruth Notch_ kiss. &sae Cro1losItank. and Bob son protesting any horse will hare to deposit 70 percent of porsoro if they fail to prove protest will for-served hr the hostesses. •N"4.y f elt it to the drib. Judees ve.21 haveo, ' , trance fre of 2-5 CentS; RoFs 1.2c. :jezts "-Helping Teenagers yon can't beat it, eot to 5 weeks after applicatlon of V Values in Horne and Family. • these •ebearticals. Depending on the PULAR RFr•I`LATIONZzt Seriou.sIy speaking. couch grass situation, chemicals may be too costly for over-all field application, but are ideal for eradicating small • patches before they have a chance to spread. For further information, follow the manufacturer's direc- tions and refer to Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture Publication Secretary before 9 ei-c?osok azaa. May;'and Cor:olonals. On Samdae4 According to the Field Crops. No. 75, "19&1 Guide to Chemical 241th at which time all entries close the5- travelled to Doon to visit the., Branch, Ontario Deportment of Weed Control". available from the except No. 1 and foot races. which fazon Sehool of Fine Arts and ., Agriculture, couch grass can be , County Agricultural Represents- will be left open until i2 eielock.IPicr.eE-r ;(43,r,,tra'aed by frequent plowing and tire. erV Purse., Goen to 4:2. Patser First prize 2nai 6.11. 2zo $5. " 4 Rake Na. +-Own Trot_ Purse 4,=1. tencis Course for :roLrp FRAss usEll tSO. Oosen to all. 1.%rst Pr:ze Vii=, • 3r4 $1.0. /3.41-2e 14"o • 5-T" '''''''"";;StaltCSh ' :L?. Dorothy. Comber attended a FOR i'urse raid. Far Ent.-hi::s at;- Bak- rs. First pniae Men's Race, half-nti:e. 1st ?graze Vin.s Mabel Cook, Nr.A.,, of ssooto_e 1St?). century England. The Brij - rive. t If.issouri State College, Mary- tish botanist Withering wrote:. applied in the env spring wren •Ornatio Eduentlonal Association. viii U, god $2. Srd $1.years. Amino triazole ordpiapo Boys24li ttsSorsa wars, 5..Z.? yards, Missouri, was chairman. About "The roots, dried and ground to the couch is about. 6 inches high, at tg!sellers had paid fees in ad-g Irlea have "" s to la a rate of la to 13 pounds in 30 gal- which iodis bread in years of scarcity;' Other Ions of water per acre, and follow- Fo.t Moa's Raee, over 2ffis as., Va.& vorco of registration, th f t medicinal va2ues ed two weeks later by .plowing„ To take a satad on an outing break, up all the fresh:ly-wa.......f., greens into bit_ :,e pteess - bat Chem in a polvtle-rte bag, Cho:. tho hog et 53l3.11-roakiogs. :h.]. refrigerator and take it a1ong the wifr.1 the. dros..sing as trash:naZ A few rnitratf.s ?.p-,frre tate. prrir the s-t.rg ris"1: the bsg, lass ar4.1 men.s Racen pike hen.te economies teachers of the', although a uroblein weed in On- .lace a new plant. Chemical control taro, was used for bread making has taken great strides in recent n 11.1.f.t% "Hone Economics for the Winghorn Races is hard to beat- A hardy perennial, Home Ec. Teachers MAKIN4 BREAD Conch grass_ sometimes (tailed lengths. each of which may pro- I thorough cultivation with a spring- ' harrow or eultivator, in hot, dry weather. It is not wise to use a disc as this implement cuts the underground roots into short MON.-TUES. . SAYA'ES Abin'etzs r4o-sot*sts t.loWt EnOLT..ett:'eole,"t- wag ritr,Jtity Nte:".".44.1.rie Estitttlttm xt,r ats Arse flftt Peas in the tiassayrrtilictk: for rzvIty csostotte pales at The Liscsas- Frekilitt- Days *rade wit Saber they.--A-T 'twit tog FIRST Plat_E-Nheitiit Crow** sir/ 4aly ett-ed Salmon Salad Boats Can ita whipped together from ingredients • always on hand at this - season. They mate salm=on and cucumbers, a flavor and color duo as- iefresh- ing as an elusive etumner -breeze. This recipe makes 51x servings, Cut off a ls.egthavise., strip from the 0., , yards 1st $.4. 234 $2. 1 cates the interest in the etnalasel 'DTS ° 1-• _ gises remarkoble control. Another One side of each of six washed un- Diseussion groups were held and ;C ,4vcourcaltr.dop2caeltharlsvtasrueetthionstheogf grin the same way, Chemical tailed anutrol T. used in at 2 gaionS Per seed - prize el.:,, 2nd $4. Wornera's Raee, 10s.) yards. 1st hy the teachers, peeled cucumbers, Scoop out the seassng thick shell of the Men conapetiog for either of the • oelooss and workshops' ping rains of the stomach." The acre !s also effective. Warning: s vegetable. C-o, should not be slanted until 4 trunriV MON.-TUES.-Nt SAT., AUG. -` .t, T. tt thIsITeC:k•-+-S,,-Lt dt,Y5i Starring Ft'ed jelserMorray swami Olson - lieemsan Wystat - WIT.- It's ;Mt. traa'e.5 is as s a Featitii.e shams al 1-15 !oil, pis i 3IATLVEE SATURDAY at • mvt,t th,,a Datrostiny Dandridge - Cart Zw.-gens S.ATILIIDAY ONLY SEPT. -CRU1SIN' DOWN THE RIVER"' "ALL THE THE YOUNG MEN" z.ta St.ittes- Petoielr