The Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-07-26, Page 1OINGLE COPIES xo dent
With which is amalgamated table Gcrrie Vidette and Wrozeter News
By The Pedestrian
ne Dead, 8 Injured
In Morris Acci
at 10.25 Sunday evening last,
The deceased man's wife, Mrs.
Mary Vincent, age 75, was critical-
ly injured, She suffered lacera-
tions and contusions to the fore-
head, fractured right leg, left hip
and both knees,' Suffering from
Roland Vincent, age 73, of Beyth,
died instantly es the result of a
two-car collision at the intersec-
tion of the sixth concession and the
10th sideroad of Morris Township,
two and a half miles east of No, 4
Highway. The accident occurred
The past week has seen this lo-
cality thoroughly drenched on sev-
eral occasions, Thunder storms
have, been frequent and on Mon-
day afternoon there was consider-
able hail mixed in with the rain.
Crops in the area have suffered
heavily, Fall wheat, which is just
about ready for cutting, has been
badly flattened, and in some sec-
tions oats and mixed grain are a
sorry sight,
The Ontario Department of Ed-
ucation has announced the promo-
tion of Robert E, Secord, BA.,
from District Representative in the
Lake Huron area to the position of
Supervisor of Field Services for
the Provieee of Ontario in the
Coy-nitie',,y Programmes Branch,
been an active member, as well as members of the Provincial force
from 'Toronto and District No. 6. Three members of the Royal Qanad.,
ian Mounted Police from Owen Sound were also present.-,advance-
limes Photo,
HONOUR GUARD of policemen who attended the funeral of the late
Police Chief Gordon Deyell are shown as they took their positions
at the funeral home, The large funeral was attended by policemen
from the Grey-Bruce Police Association of which the 'deceased had
The Community Programmes
Branch, provides advice and assis-
tance to Municipal Council, Recre-
ation Committees and community
organizations and agencies in the
development of leisure time activi-
Mr, Secord has been the" district
representative in the Lake Huron
Zone for the past ten years and
leaves to assume his new responsi-
bilities on August 1st, His suc-
cessor has not yet been appointed
but the district office will remain
in Hanover.
Children under eight years of
age must be accompanied by
an adult or RESPONSTRLE
older child at the Riverside
Swimming row,
Such large crowds of , child-
ren ;have been attending the
pool during the afternoons and
evenings that it is almost im-
possible for the supervisors to
handle all the younger non-
. swimmers, who sometimes go
beyond their depth and get in-
to difficulty. „ .
To data the supervisors have
done an excellent job, and of
course will continue to keep a
Watchful eye on all swimmers,
but they ask for this co-opera-
tion from the parents as an ex-
tra safety precaution to avert
any chance 'of accident.
istriet Police Form Honor
0 - 0 . 0
I 'A new curb .has been completed
liraleng the 'south side of John St.
from Edward to Leopold, and since
' the former boulevard between the
walk and .the .street has been re-
moved, the roadway is now con-
siderably.wider, At present work-
Men are tearing out the old 'curb-
ing between 'Edward 'and Josephine
S.ts. en John to complete the same
The unusually rainy season has
been the means , of providing a
little extra pleasure for those who
have taken to the Maitland in their
boats. With good ,facilities for
launching- and docking at the 'Park,
it is possible to take lighter •boats
well up 'the river, -recalling the
good old days. Heavy rains; too,
have provided enough flow,tcekeep
the water fresh in the swimming
1*area below the dam.
NEW MOTEL. SITE Guard . at Chiefs. Funeral
severe Shock., she was removed to
the Wingham General Hospital and•
later was transferred to Victoria
Ilosnital, London. . .
The accident occurred when, the
Vincent ear, which was travelling
north on the sideroad, was 101 silk"
iision with aeether vehicle ,driven
by Mervyn MeCauley, ae,:e f3; of
R.R. 4, Brussels. The twn ve-
hicles met at the centre of the in-
tersection. The MeCatiiey can was
travelling east. Both machines
came to rest in the north-east
ditch with Mr. Vincent being
thrown from his car and 'trapped
beneath it. The car had to be ov-
erturned before the body could be
Passengers in the Vincent car
were: Leonard Cook, age 75, of.
Biyth, who suffered lacerations. to
the left side of his face and cbri,-
tusions; Mrs. Ethel Cook, age 65,
painful knee injuries; a grand-
daughter, Susan Warclia,w, age 10,
of Brantford, and Dr. Le A. Ward-
law, the child's -father, who suffer_
ed a fractured clavicle,
The driver of the second . car,
Mervyn McCauley, had knee: in-
juries, and his wife, Dorothy, re-
ceived lacerations to the right eye,
contusions and suffered Qom
shock, Barrington McCauIek,i
passenger, age 10, suffered from
a painful back, and Terry Rut-
ledge, 10, son of Stanley Rutledge
of Brussels, another -passenger, al-
so received chest injuries, •
The. Injured were treated at the
Wingham General Hospital.
The accident was investigated by
Constable M. Fridenburg of the
Wingham Provincial Police De-
Dr. W, A, Crawford, 'coroner, of
Wingham, attended the accident
scene and will call an inquest into
the fatality,
Conservation Clubs
Plan Wiener Roast
School and later was employed
at, the Wingham Cemetery until
1940, when he became night con-
stable for the town,
During his 21 years as a police
officer he spent three and a. half
yearn as night censtahle in Wing-
on Edward Street and died about
4 a.m, Friday at the Wingham
General Hospital.
He wag born: in Turryberry Town-
ship; a son of the later Robert Dey-
ell,. and Jessie Deyell, who sur-
NlYes,eHe attended,, Lower Town
Many people in the' community
and, surrounding district were
shocked on Friday morning to
learn, of the -passing of Gordon W.
Deyell, 54, Wingham's chief of .
lice.. He suffered a stroke about
045 '1111,1.r-*S4Y. 'eYeq-111.11. Sei4
ham, four years as Huron County
constable, and six years as chief
of police in Southampton. In 1953
he returned to Wingham as night
constable and has been chief of
police here for the past three years,
Chief, PeYell„..Was..,.Aopeallzer. of
the Grey and Bruce Police Associa-
tion and a past president of that
Organization. Ile was keenly in-
terested Iii the Welfare of youth in
the district and was organizer of
the annual minor hockey chatn-
pionship tournament, sponsored by
the Grey and Bruce Pollee Assoc„
in which many teams from a large
It' is true that originally the
age for parent supervision was
set at six years, but there are
so many youngsters between
the ages of six and eight who
require constant • watching to
keep them close to sluntei that
- The members of both the Wing- those
in charge find it
ive overall attention hard
to the '' ham Sportsmen's Association and - entire swimming areas -a:. tbeqUnior •COnseeVation. Club; aleng•
with wives and families are Invited I The Kinsmen Wading Pool in
to a monster wiener roast at the
club grounds in Lower Wingham
next 'Monday evening,
, On Monday of, this Week pre-
Vvorle was started on the
construction of a new motel south
of the teWe. " •
ilornean .J, Welwood, who recent-
ly 'Sold his variety store 'in
.a 12-unit motel of
10,6 south dr• the Johnston farm,
'act. side of No, 4 Highway, and
ahOut ,a south of the town li
The building will be of masonry
Voelt construction with a brick or
sfene facing, and will contain 12
01.test units, as well as breakfast
fiteilities for the guests and living
Auarters, The building will be 245
feet long and the rooms will be
electrically heated.
:Mrs. Lawrence Meehan wishes to
annb'unce the engagement of her
daughter, Mary Maxine, to Mr. Ern-
eSt-Lyrin Morrison,' son of Mr. and
Oheeter. Morrison; :of R. R. 5,
Wingham, The marriage will , take
plane in Briessels United Church on
.Ali:gitat 12th. F26"
Mr, and Mrs. G. IV. (Bert) Arm- MINOR INJURIES
strong announce the engagement of IN TWO ACCIDENTS
the town park is supervised and
open to ,ehildren up to eight
Years at 2.45 ettch afternoon, If
youngsters Of this age cannot
be accompanied to the River-
side Pool, it to suggested that
they go to the wading pool,
The event is one of the highlights
of the club year and a full even-
ing has been planned. Films on
various outdoor activities will be
their eldest daughter, Mary Alice,
to Mr. Harold Smits, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Jan Smits, of Volkel, Holland.
The marriage will take •place in
August. F26*
Two accidents during the past
w,eelc caused considerable damage
and resulted in minor injuries to
two men,
Wayne Sanderson, 13, son,of Mr.
and Mrs. Ross -Sanderson, R. R. 2,
Wroxeter, was admitted to the lo-
cal hospital on Friday following an
accident at his farm home. Ex-
amination disclosed a fractured
right arm,
Len Conley, of St. Marys was ad-
mitted to the Wingham General
Hospital following a car accident
north 'of Wingham. He suffered
a, scalp laceration and concussion.
Kept in hospital, his condition was
described as satisfactory.
Frank Bell, R.R. 2, 'Blyth, receiv-
ed painful injuries to his right
hand when it was caught in the
mechannism of a hay mower. The
end of one of his fingers was lost,
but his general condition is satis-
Following an accident on Sunday
Miss Muriel LaPointe and Miss
Beverly Steel were given first aid
treatment at the hospital here be-
fore being transferred to the Clin-
ton Radar Base Hospital.
Former Manager
At Belgrave Co=op
Ross Robinson, who has been
manager of the Lucknow Co-oper-
ative for the past two or three
years, has taken over the manage-
ment of the Belgrave Co-operative,
succeeding Bud Orr, who goes to a
similar post in Wiarton. Ross, who
is a former resident of Wingham,
will manage both Lucknow and Bel-
grave branches, but expects to
move his family to Belgrave. He
was manager at Belgrave before
going to Lucknow.
Mr. and Mrs. Orr and their
family will be missed in Belgrave,
where they have been active in
community affairs.
Ross Wormworth, district con-
servation officer, reports that two
wolves have been shot recently in
Huron County, both of which show-
ed evidence of rabies.
Ross Feagan, of R. R. 2, Clinton,
destroyed one .ef the animals on the
Colborne and Goderich Township
boundary, The head was sent in for
analysis and a poSitive report of
rabies was returned. The second
animal, shot in Huron Township,
was not subjected to test, but bore
all evidence of infection.
Librarian Appointed
Last Thursday evening Elmer
Sellers of Bluevale was travelling
west on No. 86 Highway when his
car went out of control at the
Junction and landed in the north
ditch after turning over. The car
was badly damaged, and the driv-
er was removed to hospital suf-
fering from a broken rib and pos-
sible internal injuries. It is report-
ed that he is making favorable
progress and will be released short-
ly. The accident happened about
11.30 in the evening. Heavy fog
was prevalent at the time. No
charges were laid.
In another mishap last Friday,
two cars sideswiped on the curve
three and a half miles north of
Wingham on No. 4 Highway. The
vehicles were driven by Hilliard
Glen, 29, of London and Harvey
Conley, 40, of Teeswater,
Conley suffered from shock and
minor injuries. He was treated at
the Wingham Hospital,
Charges are pending. Both ac-
cidents were investigated by Con-
stable Murray Fridenburg of the
Wingham Provincial Police De-
Mr, and MrS, T. W. Platt, R. Ref
3.. Orangeville, .announce the en-
gagement of their daughter, Pa-
theta Mite, to Mie 'Carman Richard
Plestpr, son of Mrs. Martha Pies-
ter, and the late Mr., John Plester,
of Ceylon, Ont.' The wedding will
take place the latter part of Aug-
1pst. F26*
A reception will 'be held in honor
of Mr. and Mrs. Mel McCutcheon
(Leis Mae Fitch), Friday, July 28,
in the Delmore Community Hall.
Music by Garnet Farrier's or-
chestra, Everybody welcome, F26b
Miss Mary Lou Stirling has been
named by the Library Committee
of Huten County Council as librar.
ian for the county and her assis-
tant will be Miss Nora Hazlitt,
Both appointments are effective
I Aug, 1st,
Golf Club Invitation Tourney Draws
Twenty-eight More than Full House
EATATATV SCENE-42.oland Vincent, of Myth, Wits Of Morris ,Toivitahlm The upper photo shows the
instantly killed early Sunday evening when the bvo drthillge to the Vincent veliele. The deceased was
car's pictured in ihe lower photo Collided at the Wee- thrown from the ear and trapped beneath.--Phott*
section Of the sixth Concession and the 106 sideroad by Connell,
Low gross Flight C Morris
Wright, Owen Sound 81, D. Coghlin
• ;tratford, 83; Frank Morris, Owen
'ound, 85; S. Patterson, Coiling-
wood, 86.
Net winners in Flight C - Bill
Gardner, Goderith, 58; Carl Larsen,
Walkerton, 60; Jerry Crawford,
Goderieh, 61; Alex Potter, Sr„ St,
Thomds, 63.
The following special prizes were
;Iven out: Longest (MVO, Walter
Wosital, Hitchencr; closest to the
hole on No. 9, prank Beyrion, Moe-
ford; most honest golfer, Sam Ger-
)fskii, Mitchell, 116.
'The tournament committee would
like to thank the tOwn buSineas-
Men for their -Support in donating
prizes which made this tournament
a success.
Wingham Men's invitation tour- Low net in Flight A-Tony Mat-
nionent was held lost Wednesday I lock, Ritehenet, 63; Bill Robinson,
at the Wingham golf course. A I Owen
G oderich, 66
Sound 66; Bruce Erskine,
: thunder shower marred the day's , ,
aetivies resulting in 23 'of the en-i 4,,
tries being refunded, However, 1451 Gress winner in Flight B----Dui golfers played and a total of 170. Smith, Sauble Beach, 72; Alex Pot-
sat down to a barbecue steak ter, Jr„ 'St. Thomas, 73; Wilfred
supper prepared by Ross Dundas,; 1.`'rench, Wingham, 74; Jack George,
Jack Lloyd and Dr. E. F. Shaun- ! 'SouLhampton, 76; Jack Diesing,
essy, with the 'remainder 'of the ' '
''olkuampt* 76; Frank Beynon 1.4,4 4
The golfers who won prizes are 77; Ralph Kingsvvell, Goderieb, 7t
77; J. W. Callan, Wing- meal being prepared by the ladies' -'"-eas*°ru ' Wing-
club. halt, 77; .'Ross Hamilton, Wingham,
as follows: Low net winners in Flight 13
The low gross winner of the day Tan Maclaurin, Wingham, 60; Den ,
was Bev. Boyes, of Clinton, with a,1 nis Colettan, Toronto, 60; Al DoWda,
67, The loW net winner was Bill I Gederich, 61; J. Dansant, Hamilton,
Gardner, of Goderieb, with a 68. 62; Diek LeVan, Winglikin, 64;
Low gross in Plight A - - Bev., Glen Madill, Witigharn, 64; J. Wil.
Boos, Clinton 67; Frank Reid, I kinson, Goderich, 65' Harry Spry,
?cohd,071,31e.h, 80; lane Bedard, Giuder-IWinglutin, 65; joint 'Madill, Wing-
' ham, 65.
A reception, will be held for Mr.
and Mrs: Ivan Laidlaw CCec. Crow-
aton) in the Whitechurch Memorial
Hall ,on 'Friday, July, 28th. Music
by Tiffin's orchestra, Ladies please I
bring sandwiches. Everyone web.
conic. • F26b '
Percy. Cleric's pluMbing and heat-
ing shop will be closed from July
24th to July 30th, inclusive. F26b
Browne's Shoe Repair Shop will
he.ciosed from 'August 7th to 12th,,
inclusive. 26-2b
Bill's Beauty Salon will be closed
from July 31 to August 8, F26*
HOWIC`K T tiyee,% C' via
The HowIck Lions 18th Annual
Frolic will be held in the Wreutetet
Community Park Thursday and
Friday, August 3 and 4. Thursday
night: TV stars Mercey Bros, and
Brenda Allen, Dance to music of
Mercey Bros, Town and Country
Boys, Friday: Comedian and 'Scul-
Omer of Balloons, George Currie,
Hamilton, Dente to Jerry Rever'S
Orchestra, Midway, Bingo, Gaines,
Penny Salta, Adm. 25c, children
free, Draw for 20 prizes valued nt
$210.00, Plan to attend both nights.
district participated. He was also
active in the preparations for the
annual police‘curling bonspiel, and
a member of L.O.L. No. 794, Wing-
Surviving are his wife, the form-
er Lillian McEwan, whom he 1118,r-
ried in Belgrave October 31, 1028;
three daughters, Mrs. Erie (Made-
line) Schatte, Greenwood, N.S.,
Mrs. Hawley (Judy) Staight, Ot-
tawa, and Miss Marie Deyell of
Kitchener; one son, Robert Dey-
ell Jr., of Wingham; four grand-
children, Pamela and Janis Schatte,
Bill Staight and Jimmie Deyell;
his mother, Mrs. Robert Deyell;
brother, Charles, of Owen Sound
and a sister, Mrs. George (Gert.
rude) Scott, of Wingham,
The funeral was held from the
R, A. Currie & Sons funeral home
on Monday afternoon with Rev,
C. F. Johnson officiating. Tater..
meat was in Wingham cemetery.
Members of the Grey-Bruce Po-
lice Association from Many .coin.
munitica in the area were honorhry
pallbearers. Members of the Pro-
, vincial Police force 'from Toronto
and District No, 6 as well as three
members of the Royal Canadian
Mounted Police also joined the
honor guard, Active pailbearett
were EntersonShera, ttenwIelt,
Clare Cantelon, Jim Miller, Bill
Templeman and Bert Platt. The
flower bearers were T, A. titrrie.
George Fowler, George Veva. and
I Harold Cantelon.