The Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-07-19, Page 3The Wingham Advance-trimes, Wean, JttlY 1:981 rage TOW*
-- • '
MR. AND MRS. KL'NNE'llf EARNEST ALTON, who• were married
July 8-th in Belgrave United Church. The bride is the former Ruth
Marie Procter.—Photo by McDowell.
For the Finest in
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Capt. and Mrs. G. S. Newman express to the people of
Wingham and District their sincere thanks for the gen-
erous response to this year's Red Shield Appeal. It is
their sincere hope to be able to better serve•the corn-
munity in the future.
To this end they appeal to those who were missed by the
volunteer canvassers to send in their donations without
delay. These may be mailed direct Lto.P. 0. Box 105,
Wingham, or left at the local branch of the 'Canadian
Imperial Bank of Commerce for deposit to the Red
Shield account.
Reductions up to 5
Summer's loveliest Dress Cre-
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TRAVEL .FARTHEST .01* 1.TWO. WEEKS' CQURSE ' 14HPERSON RN:MN naci4 tie raeo, Nan Gaunt
Russell three-legged ram
john and Fred, Phillips; wheel-
barrow race, Jim Aitchison and
Murray Gaunt,
Mary Phillips Niron. the, prize for
having her 15th birthday nearest
the 15th Or July and at the 145th,
Mrs. Sank Parnin, who, was cele-
brating her 82nd. birthday'Saturday
won the prize for the eldest lady,
while Thomas Gaunt was the eldest
gentleman present, Mrs. Durnin,
the former Kate Gaunt, has .been
Patient in Winglkarn and London
hospitals during the peat year with
a fractured hip and is at present
living with Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Magoffin, at •Lucknow, A. barge
birthday cake was cut In her beam:.
Mrs. Annie Keene, of Owen Sound,
came the farthest and 5-weeks-old
Betty Jean Errington was the
youngest and.
Several contests wehe enjoyed.
Mrs, George Phillips won the prize
.for ,guessing candles in a jar. A de-
,licious picnic supper was served
. following the games and the busi-
ness meeting was held, President,.
.Lenard. Phillips; vice-president,
'Mrs. Annie .Keene; secretary, Mrs.
Pon, ROSS,
All joined in a hearty vote of
thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Gaunt and Murray for their hos-
pitality, and Mr, and Mrs. George
Phillips invited the members to,
+heir home for 1962 reunion, to be
held the third Saturday in July.
13elmore had as their
guests the members of the Lake;
let and Teeswater branches and
other ladles of the community.
Each branch contributed one aim-
her to the program. The hostess
branch served a delicious lunch.
The Belmore ladies acted .en
hostesses at the Log Cabin at the
Southampton museum on Friday.
BET-GRAVE — The 1301.. annual
Gibson reunion was held at Lis-
towel on Sunday with approximate-
ly 150 persons present, Due to. wet
weather the reunion was held in the,
Armouries, The afternoon was
spent renewing acquaintances,
Mrs. David Armstrong and Mrs.
Elmer Williamson were in charge
of registration, Archie Mitchell
presided for the business. session at
which the following officers. were
elected: Past prsident, Archie
Mitchell; president, Victor Gibson;
vice-president, Howard Harris; sec-
retary-treasurer, Mrs, Doug Holt,
The following prizes were given
out: For coming the farthest, Mr,
and Mrs. Campbell Gibson, of
Athens; the oldest man, David
Armstrong, Belgrave; oldest wo-
man, Mrs. David Redpath,, of Lie-
towel; wedding date closest to ,InlY
16th Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gibson,
of Carrie; largest family, Mr, and
Mrs Tom Molalement and family,
of Garrie; lucky cups, Mary Gras-
by, Mrs. Harold Doig and Mrs,.
Don Gibson; the „youngest child
was thr son of Mr, and Mrs, Clara
ence Gibson of FordwiCh. The ex-
ecutive will .decide or the place and.
date of the next ' reunion,
Reception Held
BELGRAVE—The Foresters ball
was the scene on Friday evening
for a reception and dance honoring
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Leudke, Mrs.
Leudke was the former Lillian
At intermission Jean Hanna read
an address and Joan Bosnian pre-
sented the young couple with a gift
i of money. Lillian and Harold both
replied, Tiffin's orchestra supplied
music for dancing,
Members from the three churches
in Belgrave and their ministers,
Trinity-Anglican with Rev. F. Meal-
ey, Knox Presbyterian with Rev,
W rt..) and Krox United
wish Rev, J, II, Anderson, have
ep raany evenings panning this
Eebla "•• "col f children in th
crai-r'et from four yearfato 13 years
,of age Ninety children have regist-
er'ge theme of the Bible School is
"L" With Jesus.". Mrs. George
Michle is the general director and
Rev. J, H. Anderson is the busi-
ness administrator.• Opening exer-
cises and worship service are held
at Knox United Church with the
ministers of each church taking
turns leading the service, •
Tht Beginners class, "4, 5 and 6-
year-old children not attending
school Will .be taught by Mrs, Ted
Fear and Mrs. Harold Vincent, with
Mre, Roy MeSween and. Mrs. Sam
Pletch as assistants, The helpers
will be Helen Anderson, Karen An-
derson, Ruth 'Coultes, and Linda
Primary claes, 6, 7 and 8-year-old
children will be taught by Mrs. Bud
Orr and Mrs. Clifford LoganaThey
will; be assisted by Mrs, Rqy Patti-
eon and Mrs. Robert Grasby. Their
holpers will be Marie Coultes, Ruth
Michle, Margaret Wightman
Linda Johnston,
The Juniors, 9, 10 and 11, will be
taught by Mrs. Earl Anderson, Mrs,
Leslie Bolt, Mrs, Clifton Walsh and
Mrs. .trtirhard Procter, Their' h.elp-
ers will'be Marilyn Campbell, Joyce
Armetrong, 'Mary Isobel Nethery
and. Joyce Procter.
The Teen-Age class, 12 and 13-
year-old members will be taught by
J, 1-1, Anderson and Miss Stella
Nethery. Mrs. James R. Coultes is
the secretary-treasurer, registrar
with Miss Jean Hanna as assistant,
In charge Of refreshments, Mrs.
Lewis Stonehouse and Mrs. Laura
YU Reunion
In - .Morris Twp.
BELGRAVE -- The annual Yuill
reunion was held at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Robt, McMurray on
the 2nd con, of Morris Township,
Sunday afernoon, when about 70
members registered. A. social time
was enjoyed while the children
played ga.mes.
I New officers elected were: Presi-
dent, Bill 'Peacock, of Bluevale:
Seeretary, Mrs. Bill Peacock; lunch
committee, Mrs. Robt. Procter, Mrs.
Alex.Rebertson and Mrs, Jim War-
wick; sports committee, Mr. and
Mrs, Donald McMurray.
The afternoon activities ended
With the serving of lunch. Guests
Were present from 'St, Catharines,
Bluevale, Whitechurch, Brussels,
Blyth, Wingham and BeIgrave.
MrS, J.,Young visited last week
with her son-in-law and daughter,
Mr.-and Mrs, Eugene Armitage, and
family at London.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Beyers and
Miss June Beyers, of Royal Oak,
Mich., and lames Bell,' of St. Paul,
Minn,, visited last week_ with their
'brother-in-law and sister; Mr. and
Mrs: Carl. Procter.•' - •
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Reza.nsoff,
Gail and Heidi,' of St. Catharines,
visited over the week-end with Mrs,
Laura Johnston and George and
other relatives in the district.
Mr, and Mrs. William Kelly, of
Wingham, visited with Belgrave
friends last week.
Miss Lorna 13(4 of Kitchener,
spent the week-end with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Bolt.
Miss Marlene Walsh, of Kitch-
ener, spent the week-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Walsh.
Miss Marilyn Taylor spent a few
days last week with Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd .Taylor and family at their
cottage at Bruce Beach,
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Walker, of
Goderich, spent 'Saturday with Mrs.
Robert Stonehouse,
Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Anderson and
family and 'Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Shaw and family, of London, visit-
ed over the week-end with their
parents; Mr. and Mrs. John Ander-
son, and attended the Anderson
Mr, and Mrs. Jack King and
family, of Wingham, visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Members of the :Belgrave Evening
Auxiliary of Knox United Church
and their families enjoyed a picnic
at the lake last Thursday at Ash-
field Park.
Members of the Belgrave We-
"teen's Institute and their friends
enjoyed a bus trip to Midland last
Tuesday. One of the points of in-
terest was the Martyrs' Shrine at
Mr, arid Mrs, James Anderson
and family, of Guelph, Mr, and Mrs.
Ed Hartlin and family, of Toronto,
and •Mr. and Mrs. Keith Anderson,
of Toronto,. visited with Mr. and
Mrs, Earl Anderson and attended
the Anderson reunion,
Mr, and Mrs. Alan Campbell and
family, of London, were guests with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Floyd
Campbell, and Mre. and Mrs, Gor-
don Pengelly,
Mr. and Mrs. d'ame's Lailiont and
family and Miss Wendy Pear to-
turned home after spending the
viva tOro weeks with 'the arfrietaa
Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel La-
mont at Mansell, Manitoba,
'Mr. and Mrs, RaymondPetrie,
Of Ilerkihier: N.Y., and "Vries Mar-
"taitrat Wain, Ottletonlitea,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wright spent
the week-end visiting with Miss
June Wright at Honey Harbour.
Mr. and Mrs, Joe Thomas and
family, of Ottawa, have been va-
cationing with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Haskins and Mrs. Wes. Haskihs
and other members of the family.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ellis and'
family and Mrs, Paul Ward, of
Hamilton, visited with Mr, and
Mrs. Gordon McKee on Sunday,
Bible Vacation School commenced,
this week at McIntosh United
Church with a good attendance.
Mr. Glen Reidt, of 'Guelph, visit-
ed at hiS 'home here over the week-
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Metzger at-
tended the 25th wedding anniver-
sary of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew
Bremhill, of Palmerston, on Sat-
Sunday visit-ors with Mr, and
Mrs. Eugene Metzger were Mr, and
Mrs. Gordon Metzger and Laverne,
Mrs. Esther Smith and Wayne,
Billy and Marion, Mr. Maurice Dick
and Mrs. Wm. Sarin, all of Palmer-
Mr., Mrs. Thomson
To Live in Toronto
LAKELET—Rev. Paul Hostletter
officiated at the wedding ceremony
in Donlands Brethren in Christ
Church on Saturday, July 15th,.at
2 o'clock when Barbara Alma Eliza-
beth Byers and, jpshua Valentine
(Tiny) Thomson exchanged vows.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, Levi Byers, of R. R. 1,
Clifford, and the groom is the son
of Mrs. Clara Thomson and the
late Mr. Thomson, of Gravenhurst.
The bride looked lovely in an
ankle-length gown of white bro-
caded satin and carried a bridal
wreath of pink flowers and a white
Bible. Miss Ethel Byers, sister of
the bride, was bridesmaid and was
gowned in an ankle-length nile
green gown and carried a bridal
wreath of pink flowers,
Mr. Neil Thomson, of Graven-
hurst, brother of the gaaom, was
best man, Organist was Miss Bar-
bara Winger, of Toronto.
Supper was served to the wedding
guests in the basement of Donlands
Brethren in 'Christ Church. Friends
of the bride, Miss Joan Heitman
and Miss Elaine Cassel, served.
Mr. and Mrs, Thomson will re-
side at 534 Pape Ave., Toronto.
ST, HELENS — About 70 were
present for the 15th annual Gaunt
reunion which was held at the
farm home of Mr. and Mrs, Andrew
Otaint on Saturday, with ideal
weather conditions, An interesting
game of softball was played dur-
ing the afternoon, and the follow-
ing races took place:
Girls, 6-8, Verna Aitchison, Chris-
tina Russell; boys, 6-8, Terry Reid;
girls, 8-10, Nancy Mole; boys, 8-10,
Tim Keen, John Phillips; boys, 10-
12, Jack Aitchison, Dave Button;
boys, 12-16, Don 'Gaunt, 'red Keen;
young ladies' race, Mrs. Jean Er-
kington, Mrs. Cecile Aitchisen, Mrs.
'nay Russell,
Couples' pie plate race, Mr. and
Mrs, Jim Aitchison; Melt the slip-
per, Mrs, R. Russell, Mary Phillips;
ed last week with Mrs. Laura
Johnston and George, and other
Mr. Bud Orr, who has been man-
tiger of the Belgrave Caa'OperatiVe
for alnabet three years has been
moved to manage the Co,-Op at I
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller and
Larry, of London, visited on Sun-
day with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. I. Miller and Mr. and
Mrs. 'Chester Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. TOM Todd and Miss
Isobel Miller spent a few days in
Eastern Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Laidlaw and Jamie spent the week-
end at the Todd home.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin McCabe, of
Windsor, and Mrs. Carl Johnston,
of Bluevale, visited on Saturday
with Mr. and Mrs, Frank McQuillin
and Mr. and Mrs. Fred McQuillin,
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs, E. W. Rice were Mr. and
Mrs. Wilson Bryan, of Orange-
ville, They also visited 'Mr. A. G.
Webb in 'Wingham Hospital.
(Too date for last week)
Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Fred McQuillin were Mr. and Mrs.
'Harold Scott, Sue and Lyall of
Waterloo, Mr, Ivan McQuillin of
Elmira and Mr. Barry McQuillin
of Waterloo.
Mrs. Annie Irwin is a patient in
Wingham Hospital. He wish her
a speedy return to good health,
The sympathy of the community
goes to the family of the late Mrs.
Margaret Purvis, whose burial
took place Thursday last at South
Kinloss cemetery.
Mr, and Mrs, Ernest Gaunt, Don-
ald and Karen spent Sunday with
Mr. William Knott and family at
Elephants are oiled from head to
foot at the first approach of winter,
so that their hides will not crack.
'The July meeting of Belmore,
Women's Institute was held in the
community hall, Belmore, last
Wednesday evening.
, Miss. Anna McDonald of OKNX
gave a very interesting .anl hu-
morous talk on her work as wo.
men's, editor,
ESELGRAVE — After severall BELGRAVE — The fifth amnia
months of Planning and. prepare,- i Anderson reunion was, held on Sat-
tion by a group of interested pee- urday in Belgrave. This was one
pie in 'the community, the first] of the largest gatherings yet with
Bible Vacation School for Belgrave, almost 130 registering. The day's
and district commenced. in Krieg activities commenced with a dinner
United Church on Monday morn- at Knox United Cilirch served by
lag. Classes will be held there, also I the South Village WA group. Fol-
next door in the ForesterL Hall and I lowing dinner Rev. Frank Ball, of
the Orange hall for the next two ;St. 'I limas, led in li. sing-song and
weeks every morning from 9 to 12 a short program, of musical num-
bers and S0104 was enjoyed.
'11 he smaller children enjoyed
games and races outside during
the business session when the fol-
lowing officers were elected; presi-
dent, John Anderfon, Jr., Prince-
ton; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Ted
Bunking, of Auburn; historian,
Charles Anderson, Teeswater;
sports committee, Jim Anderson,
Kenneth Wheeler, Lloyd Anderson;
program committee, Rev, Frank
Ball and Mrs, Jean Crice; regis-
tration, Howard. Anderson and
Keith Anderson; reception com-
mittee, Mrs. John Anderson, Sr.,
Mrs Jerk Gordon and Mrs. Gerald,
The next annual reunion will be
held at Princeton the third Sat-
urday in July, 1962, Plans were dis-
cussed about making a family tree.'
Prizes were given for; Oldest lady,
No, 1, Mrs. fames Tay'or, Wing-
ham, and No, 2, Miss Minnie Ander-
son, Weston; oldest gentleman, No.
1, Jim Anderson, Belgrave; No, 2,
(Jaen Anderson, Teeswater;
youngest baby registered, Joanne
Carter, Brussels; coming the farth-
est, Mrs. Millie Rogers, Vancouv-
er, B.C.; birthday nearest July 15th,
Mrs. John Anderson, Belgrave;
those with the most grandchildren,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderson, Brus-
sels; novelty prize winners were
Mrs. C. R. 'Coultes and Mrs. Leslie
For those interested a ball game
was played at the arena grounds.
Supper was served at the church
at 5 o'clock. Guests were present
from Vancouver, Sarnia, Oakville,
Toronto, Weston, Milton, Guelph,
London, Auburn, Teeswater, Wing-
ham, Lucknow, St. Thomas and