The Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-06-28, Page 9ML61.13 The man from Mutual Life You may know him well. Perhaps he lives on your street and Your'ebildren play with his children. He's aware of the problems and responsibilities you face in bringing up a family. He has them too. At work lie's an expert a life insurance counsellor. A valued friend. THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE; WATERLOO, ONTARIO The company with the outstanding dividend record Stratford Branch Office; Bank of Montreal Building, Stratford; C. W. Leach, Branch Manager, 71 I/Pt I I I If you have a car problem, we have the answer. McCutcheon-Fitch Vows vougum 404now4rinsi, VAKInoclayl litute X' germ, ;,heath •cirese with embroid- ered top with cocoa mid white ac-1 pessories and a corsage of pink mems. The couple will live ixr rt13154‘13. aliteate atter.fica frq,n vvelisa4p ".1.'oront.o, 1;i-rt!o• llruss"ls, t;ornore, rind vliguy. DRIVE IN YOUR. TROUBLES and smile — smile smile! We replace broken auto glass, grills, bumpers, Smooth out wrinkled genders, restore factory finish. EXPERT BODY REPAIRS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS. FREE ESTIMATES, W1NGHAM BODY SHOP PHONE 746 Sid Adams WINGHAM —Photo by Russell The United Chureli, Delmore, was; Given in marriage by her father, the mina of a pretty wedding on the bride was lovely in a floor- Saturday, June 17th, at 2 o'clock, E length gown of white Chantilly lace when Lois Mae Fitch, daughter of I and tulle over satin, styled with Mr, and Mrs. Carl Fitch, Wroxeter, lily-point sleeves and sweetheart and Melvin Keith MeGuteheon, son neckline. Inserts of lace and ruffles of Mrs, Harry McCutcheon and the of silk net from the waist line ee- late Mr. McCutcheon, of Brussels, center' the bouffant skirt. A crown exchanged vows. headdress of seeded pearl held her Rev. Howard Puce officiated at shoulder-length veil and she car- the double-ring ceremony. The vied an arrangement of white church was nicely decorated with mums and rod Sweetheart roses baskets of white and mauve mums. with satin streamers. Miss Velma Ballagh, of Tepswater, The maid of honour was Miss was organist and her sister, Miss Muriel Haskins, of Clifford, in yel- Lavonne 13allagh, sang "The Wed- low nylon. Junior bridesmaid was Wag Prayer," and "Today, 0 Lord, Miss Sharon Pitch, sister of the We at Thine Altar Stand." bride, in mauve, and carried bou- quets of shasta mums. Little Miss Log McCutcheon, of Brussels, was flower girl, in green nylon, and carried a nosegay of white baby The June met Ling of the. Knox mums. The ringhearer was Master Presbyterian Church W.M.S. was held at the home of the president, IBlaMe MeGuteheon, of brussels. t Mrs. Alvin Mundell, last Thursday Bob McCuteheon, brother of the afternoon. groom, was best man, The guests The meeting opened by singing "Where Cross the Crowded Ways ofLife" with Mrs. Curie at the piano, Passages of Scripture from Mat- thew and Luke were read respon- 'eively, Mrs. Mundell gave tne me- ditation and offered prayer. The topic was ably handled by Mrs. Ralph Dickson. It dealt with the refugee 'problem and took the cfleosiseaeits lr voinPielLe mauve andwhitelvith aancd- her corsage was yellow mums, The groom's mother selected a mauve floral organza dress with blue ac- A highlight of the meeting was eessories. Her corsage was white the presentation to certificate Mundell mama. of a life membership certificate and For the wedding trip to the States the bride wore a mint green or- Brownie's Drive-In Theatre Limited, CLINTON THURSDAY-FRIDAY Double Feature "TIMBUKTU" Victor Mature - Yvonne DC Carin "THE INVINCIBLE MIMS" John Agar - Jean Byron (One Cartoon) SATURDAY ONLY Double Feature ;`WALKING TARGET" Ron Fos ter "THE POLICE UN STORY" Merry Anders , (one Cartoon) SUN. MIDNIGHT & MONDAY Double Feature JULY 2-3 "Mil SCHOOL CAESAR" John Ashley - Garry Vinson "HATE BAIT" (Adult) Garry Clark - Marto Ryan (2 Cartoons) TUES.-WED.-THUIL-FRI. Double Feature JULY "THE FACTS F LIFE" (Adult Entertainment) Bob Hopp Lucille Ball "OKLAHOMA TERRITORY" Gloria Talbot - Bill 'Williams (One Cartoon.) sageetaaveat ,,.eprietettie else's:at H A CROWN 1ST :vein THEATRE .:1ST NIGHT — WED., JUNE 28 "PILLOW' TALK" plus °SI:SAN SLEPT HERE" JUNE 29-30 'BECAUSE THEY'RE y•UNG" 'isle - it from Diek Clark Thie is the whole hit about today's a one gore, - Plus "SEX KITTENS GO TO COLLEGE" A Science Fiction thriller of gigan- tic proportions Shows at 7.15 and 9.15 Matinee--Saturday, 2.15 pan, -- • -- • — - MONDAY-TUESDAYi-WEDNES. JULY 3-4-5 "THE HOODLUM PRIEST" ' The most fantastic story the screen has ever told COMING — THURS.DAY-FRI-SATURDAY JULY 6-7-8 "TUNES OF GLORY" NININIONIMMORIMatt. BEL MORE were ushered by Elwood Fitch, or Wroxeter, and Fred MeCuteheon, al Welland. The reception was held in the Belnaore hall, which was decorated with mauve and yellow streamers and white bells, The bride's mother received the guests wearng a pure silk mauve form of an interview with Mrs. El- mer .Teffray asking qpestions and Mrs, Dickson supplying the infor- mation, gold pin. Though taken by sur- prise, Mrs. Mundell thanked the members, remarking that she rdidia't know whether she had earn- ed it or not. The bnoks from the literature department were on dis- play, in charge of Mrs. William Darling, Fortune Reunion Held at Waterloo All present at the Fortune re- anion held at %Valorise> Park ,in June 17 spent a very interesting afternoon twi.Ii eked weather con- ditions prevailing, Under the cap- able leadership of Roy Fortune. Burlington, there was enthusiastic co-operation and competition in the races and contests. Following the singing hf grace, a delightfu, picnic 'upper was en• joyed and the 1m:quoits session eta - lowed . with Ray Fortune mettle as president. It was decid-ed to have tile reun- ion next year at Waterloo Park on the third Saturday of .Tune, The officeit are; Pres., lto.e Fortun e : vice-pros., Woodburn Fortune: sec. treas., Ealeit Fortene; S01 tal comm., Jean ,Wilton, Isabel Fortene, Con- nie McCallum, Ruby Hi itson and Kay Cowing. Ida Harvie will be convener of the sports ereamittee and will se- lect her own helpers. Prizes and special awards were given. Two' minutes' silence was ob- served in memory of three depart- ed members, Dorinda Meeker, Ed- ith Nalneh •tud Clara Rudolph. Edith Horne tendered hearty thanks to all those who had con- tributed to the afternoon's enjoy- ment, partk•nlerly to Roy Forbin( for his pleasing program. Follow- ihg this the meeting adjourned with the hope that all would renew fel- lowship next year. Gladys and Allau anti Mrs. Sam Reid of lam-know recently attended the baptismal service in Blake's Church when Janes Charles. son (At Mr- end Mrs. Keith Cranston, Was baptized. JUNE 29-30 JULY 1 THEATRE LAST TWO DAYS En. TEIUItS. JUNE 28-29 "THE MISFITS" starring Clark Gable Shows at 7.15 and 9.15 FRI.-SAT. JUNE 311-.JUIN "GORGO" FRIDAY, JUNI; 301h ONLY Special clink to dawn show Coon` early - Stay late — Free ()flee - Free Donuts-3 Features eVITIMAY ONLY iHILY Tito Three Stooges' in ' STOP-LOOK-LAUGH ' --Pius - "SWORD OF SHER- WOOD FOREST" SI'N, JULY "12 HOURS TO KILL" Flits — "THE FIEND WHO WALKED THE WEST" (Adult, Enteratinment) MON.-TI'ES.-AVED. JULY 3-1•5 "DUEL IN THE SUN" Adult Entertainment) lash ar HIVE-1N THEATRE LISTOWEL Admissions 65c, Children under Ja in cars Free. Box Office Opens at 8.00 o'clock First Show at Dusk Two Shows Nightly, Rain or Clear THUR,-IERL JUNE 29-30 Double Feature "THE NIGHT FIGHTERS" Robert Mitehum, Ann Haywood "THE GUN FIGHTERS OF ABILENE" Buster Crabbe, Bart MacLean SATURDAY ONLY JULY I Double Feature "OKLAHOMA TERRITORY" Bill Williams, Gloria Talbot "TIMBUKTU" Victor Mature, Yvonne De Carlo SUN. MIDNIGHT ONLY JULY 2 Double Feat ore "THE SPIDER" Adult Entertainment- -E4. Kommer "THE BRAIN EATERS" Edwin Nelson, Alan Frost MON.-TVES.-WED. JULY 3-4-5 'The HORSE SOLDIERS' Colour Jelin 'Wayne, William Holden 4 MEW Vieiting With Mr. and Mrs. Art .49•11441.134 for eeveral weeks are Me, and Mrs. Y. Dykstra and Linda, et groninyen, North Holland. 'Miss June Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 'Wright, left Saturday for the London YMCA "queen glizabeth" Simmer camp at Honey Harbour, where she is em- ployed for the (rummer months. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Dickert and family and Mr. and Mrs. liaree3r Hatifille41, and family attended the D'eltert reunion, which was held -Porefield on Sunday, The old- person present was Mrs. Peter .iekert, of Harrteton, and the youngest was Mrs. Roy Murray's baby, of Kitchener. ,Mr. and Mrs. Percy Huth and Mr, and Mrs, Arnold Kreller and David spent Sunday at Kincardine. .Mies Wilma Haskins, of Kitchen- er, is spending a few weeks' vae I Purchase ft.0100 LAKELET—Mr., and M. ;Fug ene Metzger, of Iartrrietorf, have l iirchased, the house of the late, Mr.. / and Mrs.,Harry Raven, of Lakelet, I Mr. Tone Altleata. Peat estate agent, of Harrigan, transacted the deal, cation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Haskins. Mrs. Gordon McKee and family atte inded the McKee picnic, which was held at the 'reeswater Park. Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKee were Mr. and Mts. jack Kelly and family, of Weston; Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Hose- well, of Guelph; Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Avery and family, of Fergus, end Mr, and, Mrs. Bob Nichols 'and family, of Guelph, GRADUATES FROM HAMILTON GENERAL LAKELET Miss Faye Jack, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Jack, of Listowel, and formerly er Lekelet, was one of a curls of 01 graduating on June 7th at the Hamilton General H.espital. Faye wee also the winner of the Surgical Technique 'A.werd. Miss Jack attended peblIc school at Lakelet and the Wingharn Wet High School. Lakelet Ladies. Plan Bus. Trip LAKELET -- The Ladies of the Lakelet W.I. have planned a very interesting bus trip for Tuesday of this week to. the Owen Sound dis- trict, WOMEN'S GROUPS, JOINT MEETINfi GORRIE—The Woman's Assoc- iation and Missionary Society held a joint June meeting in the Gor- rie United Church on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Allan. Hyndman presided for the worship service and read the Scripture. Mrs. A. L Stephens gave the topic, "A mo- mentous Decision", a. medication from Joshua, This Scripture is applicable to us, as it was to the Hebrews in those days, Mrs. Gordon Edgar, president of the WA., had charge of the busi- ness, Mrs. Elmer Parrish, treasur- er, reported a successful garden party. The kitchen committee re- ported a propane gas stove had been installed in the church and two canners. Mrs. George Brown, president of the W.M.S., conducted the business for her group, Mrs. T. L. McInnes was instructed to write a letter of appreciation to LisLowel .ransport Lines for delivering overseas hales valued at over $500.00. Two par- cels were also sent to the Fred Victor Mission, The meeting clos- ed with the Mizpah benediction and lunch was served by the commit- tee in charge, Iz.v. F. W. Taylor, BA., Fele, of Golborne United epoke Thuredey evening to the congregations of (lorries Wroxeter United. Cliurcluei. On Frinuy Rev. Tayloe apeepted the call nail will commence his new duties on Sept. 1st. IiORRIE. Mr. and Mr;;, William Latronica Were Palled to London on S rturday owing to the serif/ter condition -of their son, Ross, in Victoria Hospi- tal. Visitors at. thn home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dustow on Sunday wi re Mit and Mrs. Hervey Robb, Eatine and Deugaes of Amberley1 Mr, and Mrs. Harry Helium Doro- hy and Graces Meleswoeth; Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Vines and Blaine, Listowels Mr. and nee, peed Nt and Frenvera Mr, and Mr: Rus- sell Chat-idiom and Mrs. C. A. Neill, all of Weodetork. Mrs. C. A, Neill remain al for a longer visit, Mr. end Mre, Raped, -Stephens were in London on Wedneeday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert talechner and Lonny spent Sisley with Mr. and Mere „Tolle Muller of Carling- ford. Mrs. Direr Carson. Mrs. Sam Timm and Miss Arlene Timm spent Wednesday. in London, Mrs. Charles Lawrence is vis- iting hea denghter, Mrs. Gerald May, in Toronto. Mr. May is in hospital, Mrs. Lauri)) Pickett, Warren, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. Harry Donnelly, Toronto, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Bennett, Mrs. Ben- nett is a sister of 'Mrs. Pickett. Members of the Cs'orrie-Forde wieh Anglican A.Y.P,A, spent Sun- day afternoon in Brantford and visited the Mohawk Chapel and other places of interest, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Strickor, Kitchener, spent Sunday as guests of Mr ,and Mrs. Chas. Koch. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gowdy and Mrs. Raymond Gowdy attended the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Gathers, Wroxeter, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Gowdy also attended the surprise gathering in Delmore community centre on the occasion of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doubledee's 25th wed- ding anniversary. Mrs. Sarah Hicks, Kitchener, vis- ited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Pred.Hynelman. Mr. and Mrs. El- don Wallace of British Columbia called at the same home on Mon- day. The former's parents lived in that home a number of years ago. Mrs, Mary liesselwood spent tni week-end with relatives at Stoney. Creek. Mrs, Eric Johnstone, xrr Hamilton, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John Baylor. Mr, John Strong is a patient in Palmerston General Hospital. Bruce Grainger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Grainger, successfully passed his first year at Western University. Mrs. Roy Gowdy is a patient in Wingham General Hospital and Mrs. Percy Ashton is in,Listowel Memorial Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Neilson at- tended the funeral of the late Hen- ry Cullen at Listowel on Wednes- day. Mr. Stirling Finlay attended the Admiral dealers convention and banquet at Vineland in the Prud- homes on Wednesday. • Gets New Zealand At Ham Field Day GORRIE—A field day of activi- ties tor amateur operators in. a 2.1- hour test was held Saturday and Suuday near Mildmay, There were 16 Ham operators participating, All power used was from portable power plants. Sterling Finlay, •Gorrie, brought in New Zealand on his met, the, farthest contact reached. Raymond Gowdy also attended the field day. ------ • ST. HELENS Mr, and Mrs Dan Rose of New- market spent the waelr-end with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Webb. MT. and Mrs, jack Sparkes of London and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Miller of Strathroy were guests at the Durnin - Miller wedding mid visited with relatives in the com- munity over the week-end. . Mr. and Mrs,. William Pardon, Mary Bea and Barbara Ann and Miss Beatrice McQuillin were re- cent visitors with Mrs. Robert Me- Quillin, George and. Marilyn of Hamilton. 'The sympathy of the •vommunity goes to Mr. William Robb and Judy Wardell in the loss of his wife and her grandmother, Mrs. William J. Robb. Pit. Lieut, anti Mrs. "Keith Black and sons of Ottawa were week-end guests of Mt and Mrs. Gordon MePherson. Kevin and Gordon re- • trained for • some holidays. On Saturday Mrs. Black attended the 1951 class reunion at St. Joseph's Hospital, hi London. Little Billy Thompson spent the past week with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McPherson. Mrs. Thompson visited here on Sunday and Billy totalled home Mr. and Mrs, Charles McDonald, HE I R I I I i tI AL I I 11 A1 G ;i n ;1 1 r i1 1 1R ! u ! t i 1959 a 1 U PHONE 237 1952 Ford, Real snappy Clean inside and out A real buy CHEVROLET SEDAN in good condition, a real buy.- A. D. MaeWILLIAM 4-1111111111111•11•II•ISIINAlsiminimumixilimiwis?•1•Intimintimlinit•Ititii•li•111•1•1 1WIlsiilmatimm • • The BEST BUYS 1960 LARK. FOUR.DOOR SEDAN Very low mileage U U 11 YI 1959 CHEVROLET COACH 1958 FORD CUSTOM 300 SEDAN 1958.. FORD CUSTOM 300 TUDOR COACH U P . WINGHAM • FORD FAIRLANE BLACK SEDAN 6 cylinder, low mileage Monarch, Falcon — Ford and Fordson Tractors DOMINION DAY Saturday, July 1st IS A PUBLIC HOLIDAY Stores in Wingham will remain Closed All Day To PROVIDE FOR WEEK = END SHOPPING, WINGHAM STORES WILL BE OPEN Friday &ening, June 30th WINGIIAN BUSINESS ASSOCIATION Accepts Call to Gorrie.Wroxeter