The Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-06-14, Page 8Our skilled mechanics are experts at making those
dents and scratches disappear.
Glass replaced. Auto painting.
0 0
Yes, this could be very true, and may apply to
your herd if you've been feeding them well dur-
ing the winter months.
dairy cattle and one of the best, but don't be
misled. Pastures are
high in Protein but
low in Carbohydrates
and Energ y. (The
most important simple
need of the dairy cow)
SHUR-GAIN Pasture Dairy Ration is high in
Carbohydrates and thus provides the energy
lacking in lush pasture.
Call in and tell us your situation, we will be glad
to show you just how little Pasture Dairy Ration
you really need.
Wingham Feed Mill
Sid Adams
Et you have a car problem,
we have the answer.
At Bert Armstrong's_
There are rto short cuts. to
longer car life and lower
operating costs. Expert
maintenance, our kind of
car care, is the only way.
Try it ... see how you save,
Foresight beats hindsight every time.
Periodic check-ups keep got! driving
safely always,
BleuKarALF, The WITS met in
Knox Presbyterian Church on June
7th for their quarterly meeting,
Airs. Itertatrd 1 homes presiding.
Mrs. Thames opened with the quo-
tation, ""To show thyself approved
of God, a workman that need not
to be ashamed,"
Mrs. Harry Elliott gave the Bible
study And comments. Mrs. Olen
Snell led in prayer, After the ratline
tee and treasurer's report were ap-
proved the offering was dedicated;
by Mrs. Thomas,
Mrs. Wm. Mundell gave the topic
"Together We Provide Christiana
Literature." She explained many •
• ways Christians of the world work
tagether to provide Christian lit-
erature and this enables us to have ,
a share in carrying the good news
of the Gospel into places beyond'
, where our missionaries have been
i able to go. As the women of Can-
' ada participate in the World's Day
of Prayer, their offering goes to-
ward providing Christian literature
for many parts of the world,
t The president closed with prayer.
Recent visitors with Mee. W. J.
Johnston were Mr, and Mrs. Lyie
Watson, of Gorrie, and Mr, and
Mrs. Henry Watson, of Blooming-.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ralph, of
Mitchell, were Sunday visitors with
Mrs, Jos, Curtis and Miss Margaret
Alex. Corrigan, W. X. Peacock,
Carl Johnston and Jim Johnston
spent the week-end at Iilgin House
in Muskoka, attending the Men of
the Church conference.
Miss Emma Johnston and Mrs.
W. J, Johnston visited Mrs. Silas
Johnston in hospital at Clinton on
Ericson Isles and Maurice Gurabs,
natives of Trinidad, who, have com-
pleted a year in pre-medical studies
at Berrien Springs College, Mich.,
were visiting in the village at the
Mrs. Margaret Ogram, and Miss
Reta Ogram have been visiting
Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Greenaway,
Terry Waddell and Jim Schiestal,
of Teeswater, visited at Mrs. Ed-
ward Barnard'.
Mrs. Arnold*Litlew and Barbara
visited at King City on Sunday.
telephone calls,. .$3.75; Receiver-
General, atafape, $4,24; Salvation
Army, grant, $25,00.
Stewart Procter, Reeve
Gee. C, Martin, Clerk
Ladles' Aid
BLUEVALE The meeting of tee
Ladies' Aid t followed the WMH•
meeting in Knox Church. The pcesi,
dent, Mrs. Harry Elliott, read pot.
tioria 'row the Preverbe, followed
by prayer.
Reports from the Circles were
given and items of business dit„
cuesed, the president giving, the
closing prayer.
Attend Open House
At Parkhill Home
BLUEVALE----Mr. and Mr, e,
don Hall, Mr. awl Mrs. 'MI it
and Airs. W. S. Johnston site ed
Amen house" at the home of Mr,
at Park-
ahnildl Monrs j meujnaels't:,lays:lifl'eln Mr. and
Mrs. Masters celebrated their
„olden wedding annivereary,
Mr, and Mrs. Mestere (formerly
Almetta Hall) were married in
Bluevale Methodist Church in 1911
with the late Rev. S. W. Andrews
Mr, Masters retired in 1953 after
serving as station agent on the
Canadian National Railways for 48
years, part of that time at Bluevale,
There are two daughters, Mrs. W,
R. Dorman (Hazel), of Parkhill,
and Mrs. S. A. Biller (Evelyn), of
Grimsby, and one son, Robert, of
Hamilton, also four grandchildren,
1 Canadian Women
Help to Contribute
INVESTORS GROWTH FUND combines the advantages of a diver-
Pified stock investment and full-time professional manage-
Assets of the fund are invested in a wide range of Canadian
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For complete information contact
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-.Mat PREetENTED-Alisa L McGregor, Vito service, a joint gift of the staff and board. The pre-
.•bas. been on the staff of the, Winglulan District high sendation was made by Principal F. E. Madill, left,
stallool for 28 years, was honored by members of the and. Beard Chairman A. D. MaeWiliitim, right.-
staff and the board at a gathering in the school last AeT Photo.
Thursday eaenine, She is shown with a silver tea
Eleanor Gedcke
Gorrie Residents place on Saturday at 3 pan. at the
GORRIE-The monthly meeting Evangelical United Brethren
of the Gorrie Women's Institute Church, Idurtzville, when Joyce was held at the home of Mrs. Eleanor Gedcke, daughter of Mr. Cecil Wilson Mrs Glenn Johnston •
Stewart Collect.
Mrs. Glad Edgar gave a few of
the interesting pointers of the dis-
trict annual held at McIntosh
Church with the Lakelet Institute
members as hostesses,
honor, and Miss Patricia Reid and Mrs, John Vande Kernp. • half lot 30, Concession 8 including Miss Judith Hobbs, her bridesmaids, The bridesmaids were Miss Don- the lots in the Hamlet of Walton. were gowned alike in romance pink elda Deckert, Kitchener, and Miss Shortreed -Elston- That we ap-
sheaths of organza over faille, with , SCOUTS, CUBS Charlotte Deekert, Palmerston, prove the petition to have the en- full overskirts of organza. Their cousins of the bride, who wore dineer make a survey and estimate
the ushers were Mr. Jim Lunt an dmerstem, nephew of the groom, was
Mr. George- Reilly. held in the Gorrie community hall
on Monday night. The chairman ring bearer.
At the reception at Casa Loma,' of the Group Committee, Harold The best man was Mr. Ronald
, the bride's mother received in a Ha-adman, introduced the guests at Mann, Gorrie, brother of the groom.
gown of aquamarine organza with the head table, District Commis_ The ushers - were Wray Gedcke,
matching flowered hat and wearing sioner Clarence Ha dd ock of pat_ Fordwich, brother of the bride, and
a corsage of gardenia and stepban- ' merston; Assistant Commissioner Jack Mann, Gorrie, brother of the
otis. She was assisted by the . Madge Leake, Harriston and Cub grcom•
groom's mother gowned in a beige Master Evelyn Nosefrorthy of Pal- The reception was held at 5.30
'sheath with am-telling three-quay- mcrston. pan, in the church parlour which
• ter length coat of organza and hat The toast to the Church was pro- was decorated with yellow and
to match. Her corsage was a green
eymbidium orchid.
The young couple will reside in
Toronto. The bride is the grand-
., daughter of the late Mrs. Laura D.C. Clarence Haddock. P.L. Brian The bride's mother received paid: Mrs. John. McNichol DRO,
Wylie, of Gorrie. Sanderson proposed the toast to iwearing a powder blue embroider- $8.00; Mrs. L. Scott, PC, $6.00; Mrs.
t the parents and Alex Graham re- • ed organza over taffeta dress with P. Walters, DRO, $8.00; Mrs. A.
plied, white accessories. The groom's ; McCall, PC, $6.00; Mrs. Plchard
Gordon Moir thanked the Even- mother assisted wearing a aqua Procter, DRO, 88.00; Mrs. E. An-
Mrs. Gerald Galbraith entertained . ing Auxiliary of St. Stephen's embroidered satin dress with white derson, PC, $6.00; Mrs. E. Pletch,
Church who catered. A e.ampfire. accessories. Both mothers wore DRO, $8.00; Mrs. S. Smith, PC, $6.00 in honour of the bride-to-be, Miss
Lois Fitch, 13elmore.
Friday program was held upstairs in the corsages of white baby mums and • Mrs. AL Fraser, DRO, $8.00; Mrs.
hall under the direction of Rev. sweetheart roses. The bride cites-- B. Garniss, PC, $6.00; Mrs. G. evening. Thirty-six friends gathered E. C. Attwell. There was a vio- for travelling a blue organza over Campbell, DRO, 88.00; Mrs. H. and presented her with a /Mace- lin duet by Ronald and Roland taffeta dress, push up sleeves, V • Wright, PC. $6.00; C. Martin, RO, tanecus shover. A bride's book was neckline with "White .acetessories an; finished, poet:rd. was composed and - Bennett, skits and songs by the 7,25.00; Advance-Times, advertis-
' a sing-song enjoyed. Cubs and Scouts. Cub Master Eye- 'hcoornse7Ine000fn e.trhriitve tto-a;znmitueamsstafotresa. .g3 75. rer f 8_04a. ing, $33.60; Brussels Post, adver-
Mrs. Frank King, Mrs, Gordon • lam Noseworthy showed movies or , account, .a . ,
G. Martin, hydro for hell, $19.12;
Pearson, Edwards Co., auditing,
$325.00; postage, $5.82; Belgrave
Co-op, warble powder, $301.08; Cal-
lender Nursing Home, $185.50;
Brookhaven Nursing Home, $185.50; '
Pineerest Nursing Home, $92.75;dI
Victoria Hospital, $18.90; Gordon
Nicholson, spraying, $153_00; Cecil
Wheeler, fox bounty, $4.00; Win.
MeArter, fox bounty, $4.00; Chas.
Soueh, warble fly inspector, $142.94
bard and Miss Sharon Hubbard
were guests at the Schmidt-Allan
wedding in the Eaangelical United
Brethren Church, Clifford, on Sat-
Mr .and Mrs. Huctwith, of
Thronto, were week-end guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Graham,
The Woman's Auxiliary of St.
Stephen's Anglican Cnurah I
{ meet at the borne of Mrs. Chas.
Lawrence on Thursday at 2.30 p.m.
Roll call - quotation of St. PauL
The Junior Auxiliary of Gorrie and
Fortiwich attended service in St.
Stephen's on. Sunday morning. The
girls received their stripes,
Mrs. Mabel Stewart was pleasadit-;
ty surpritstal when friends and
neighbours gathered at her home
on Wednesday afternoon and even-
ing to bonear her on her birthday.
She received Many gift.; and cards,
enti tart coining froth California.
age IN The NS-WalsallValteeeTinles, 4Iu-Ie 1,., 1341
FINA SERVICE - "Where you never have to
blow your horn".
Phone 1St Wingham Marriage Rites
A pretty spring wedding of 'local
interest was solemnized in Leaside
United Church on Saturday, 'May
13, when Nancy Elizabeth Wylie.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James P.
Wylie, was united in marriage to
James Otley Hobbs, son of Mrs.
Hobbs and the late Mr. James 0.
Hobbs Both families have been
long-time residents of Leaside.
Rev, W. George Wylie, uncle of
the bride, and Rev. H. T. H. Steed
officiated at the marriage cere-
Given in marriage by her father,
the bride wore a floor-length gown
of gardenia white organza and
Chantilly lace. The fitted bodice
featured long lily-pointed sleeves
and a bateau neckline. The full
organza skirt was detailed with
twin panels of lace down the front
and tiny organza roses gave added
interest to the skirt and chapel
train Her fingertip veil of tulle
illusion was held by a crown of lace
and pearls. She carried a semi-
cascade of pink chiffon sweetheart
roses, stephanotis and trailing ivy.
Miss Martha Colby, as maid of
Are o Interest to COURSE ON FOOD
Weds C. G.
p y g took GORRIE--A
presiding. There were eighteen and Mrs. Elmer Gedeke, R. R, 2,
members present. The meeting Fordwich, became the bride of ;
opened with the Ode and the Mary Clarence Gordon Mann, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Mann, R. R.
2, Gorrie.
The Rev. J. R. Culp, R. R. 1,
Gowanstown, officiated at the
double ring ceremony. The church
was decorated with mauve lilacs, Airs. Clifford Dyke presented the yellow tulips and candelabra.
in the' "Everydaydktl way snow; be careful every step The bride was given in marriage
will show. The short course to be by her father. She looked lovely
held within the year will be "Food in a floor-length gown of pure
Makes the Difference." white silk peau de sole, basque
Mrs. Norman Wade, the guest waist line, sabrina neckline, lily
speaker, told of the history of point sleeves, front panelling of
Huron County. The first Huron French lace. She wore a finger tip
council was held in 1841. In 1871 the veil of French illusion, daintily held census showed a population of 5,417, by a tiara of seed pearls.
which is nearly doubled now. Mrs.
Glenn Johnston thanked Mrs. The maid of honour was her
Wade. cousin, Miss Donna Deckert, Kit-
The next meeting will be held at chener, who wore a street-length
the home of Mrs. Harold Keil and dress of white lace over mauve
will be a shower of small articles taffeta and net cap sleeves with
for the Children's Aid Society in scalloped neckline, mauve head-
Goderich. dress and accessories and carried The hostesses were Mrs. E. H. u a nosegay of mauve and white
Strong Mrs. Stewart Strorag and
The Morris Township council met
on June 5th with all the members
present. The minutes of the last
meeting were read and adopted on
motion of William Elston and Rose
Shortreed - Elston-- That we do
not concur with the Canadian Pa-
cific Railway Company to take
away the station agent at Walton
and replace with a caretaker.
Elston - Smith - That James
Mair be appointed as commissioner
on the Mustard drain.
Shortreed - Elston e- That Ross
Smith be commissioner to look af-
ter the Bone drain and 'Purvey
Ratepayers from the vicinity of
Walton presented the following pe-
tition to the council: "We, the un-
dersigned, are in favor of with-
drawing from our present school
area and request permission to es-
tablish a central school at Wal-
ton, Ontario."
Mair - Smith- That We concur
with the petition of the ratepayers
in the vicinity of Walton and agree
to the proposed school at Walton
and adjust the boundaries as fol-
lows: Lots 16 to 30 inclusive on
Concession 10. south half 9, north
half 9, south half 8 and north
bows of organza and veiling and ' WET honor. Miss Barabra Mann, R. R. ,
matching headdresses were double HOLD PARENTS v identical dresses to the maid of . on a repair on Branch 1 of the
Hopper drain. , they carried old-fashioned nosegays AT uoRR
over taffeta with head band of tiny! superintendent be paid.
flower girl, dressed in yellow* white shoats daisies and Moms, • w nylon
1, Gorrie, was a winsome little Smith-hair- That the road ac- of
Night of the Gorrie- basket of mauve and white baby
yellow rose buds and carried ae
counts as presented by the road
Shortreed - Smith- That a
centered by sweetheart roses
matching the pink of their gowns. : GORRIF- The second annual spec- Mr. Donald J. Wylie, brother of ' parents' cal meeting to deal With the 1,Val- the bride, acted as best man, and ' Wroxeter Cubs and Scouts was mums. Little Kenneth Connell, Pal- ton School By-law be held on
posed by A.C.M. Thelma Bennett white streamers and white wedding
and teplied to by Rev. J. E. Clarke. bells. The bride's table was centered
Toast to Scouting, -by Sixer Car- with a three tiered wedding cake.
man Hamilton arid replied to by There were sixty guests.
Thursday, Juhe 8;1961 at 8.30 p.m.
Elston Smith- That we -give
the following grants: Brussels
Fair, $200; Blyth Fair, $100; Bel-
grave Fair, $35:
Mair-Smith- That we give the
Salvation Army at Wingham a
grant of $25.00.
Smith - Mair- That William Els-
ton be a. commissioner on the•Hop-
per drain.
Shortreed -Mair- That the meet-
ing adjourn to meet. on July
3 at 8.30 p.m.
The following accounts were
Underwood, Mrs. Harry King, and
Rey. E. C. At es•-• I a#tended the
annual meeting of the Huron Di-
ocesan Chancel Guild at St. Paul's
Mr. and Mrs. William Stinson, of
Detroit, visited Miss Etta Burns
and ether relatives over the week-
Mrs. Elsie Gordon, Canton, Ohio,
s. Viniet .Sorarners. Mr. Dale
Sommers, of Mastilon, Ohio, were
week-end visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
Hartwell Strong. Sunday visitors
! at the same home were Mr. and
Mrs. -Stewart Witherow, Durham;
• Mr and Mrs. Waiter Ifertnesten
and Mr. and Mrs. 'Raba. Witherow
and family. ail of Mount Forest:
Air. and Mrs. Claude Witherow, • "dorm:army Toamasina and Mr. and
Mrs. Stewart Strong and family.
•, Miss Alta Ste-turger and Miss
Katharine Lapel, of Midland, Mich.,
are visiting et the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Koch.
Mrs. jamas .C.'reetth. and children,
of Ottawa, visited Saturday with
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gowdy.
M. arid Mrs. Harold Grant,
EITtiraterry TownShip. spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Petrie.
Recent visitors at the smile home
.', were Airs. Ruth Faust, Guelph, Mrs.
Margaret Ecr.vers, Harriston, and
Pearl, at Galt..
Mr. and Mrs. lastin Will spent
Mat week-end at the homes of Glen
and Allan Will, of ining,aille,
lie. and Mrs. Thres. Abraham and
Atr. Hatt: lit teatife, Itelintre, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Searson, of Kitch-
ener. visited with Mr. -and Mrs. Roy
I Gowdy on Saturday.
Mrs Pearl Patterson, Mrs. Elsie
Strong, Mrs, Verna Galbraith, Mrs.
Martha Baker, ail of Fordwich,
, Mrs. Carl Pennington, Teeswater,
' Mrs. John Craig and Mrs. Jennie
ttlraig, of Fordwich,' visited Wed-
nesday with Mrs. Frances Strong.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Renwick,
of coal/ten-eine. Manitoba, visited
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Charles on
;1 Mr. Harvey Sperling and A
Clarence Sperling are visiting the
former's brothers, Messrs. Richard
and Bert Sparling, of Vancouver,
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Tiffin, Ur.
and Mrs. Joseph Tiffin, Joan and
Shirley ail of Whitechurch, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. L, Mc-
Times on Sunday.
Mrs. Hilton Ashton is spending a
few weeks at her home in the
Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Pyke spent
the week-end With friends at
t Wiz ea t•I ey.
!I Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Edgar visited
',Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Short, of
''erg's, on Sunday,
Miss Etta Burns; 1LIr. Bert -nub-
e district church parade.
Ninety-three were in attendance.
The lenders and boys recently col-
lected nine and a half tons of pa-
per in a drive. There are 25 Cubs
and 17 Scouts in the two groups.
They will reside an the groom's
farm on Concession. C, Howick
Out of town guests were from
Georgetown, Galt Kitchener, Palm-
erston, Listowel, Fosdwich, Gorrie,
Atwood, Milbank, Wroxeter and
Mount Forest.
Misses Donelda and Donna Deck-
ert entertained in honour of the
bride-to-be a t a miscellaneous
shower last Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Robert Gibson, Con. 2, How-
ick, held a linen shower at which
29 friends attended on Monday
$2.00 to $2.50
JUNE 18th
Sweaters Sox
$5.95 up $1.00 to $1.98
$1.00 to $2.50
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T Shirts
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Dress Shirts
$4.00 up
$6.99 up
Shop where Dad shops and where
Mother shops for Dad
Hanna's Men's Wear
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