The Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-05-31, Page 4PERCY CLARK PLUMBING - HEATING SHEET METAL WORN:-.- PH.255 - WINCHAM BUTLER, DOOLEY and CLARKE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Trustee in Bankruptcy Licensed Municipal Auditor 39 West Street JA. 4-8253 GODERICH, ONTARIO 71 work being to train national girIS as nurses, and of her williagness to again undergo sacrificial exper- iences in concentration eanips to aid Christ's mission on, earth, Mrs. Feagan and Mrs, Day aaf Weigh:am sang a duet. Mrs. Henderson invited the mean- hers of Presbyterial to meet in Laeknow next year, and after Mrs. Mackay of Ripley closed, the 'meets ing with prayer, there was a social hour spent in the Sunday School room of the church. bromeht, greethigs and showed- the necessity of recognizing Christ's open, deer, "We must have a one- ness With Christ, thereby keeping our doors open, enabling UN to en- large our work." interesting and concise- reports !were •given 'by 'the delegates from '.the Sarnia ,Synodical meeting. Miss Marion. Williamson paid a laving tribute to the departed' mem- AterS Of the Presbyterial,. and, Mrs, , J MeKinney of Teeswater clos- ed` the, morning meeting 'with -pray- Ma : At the evening session, the de- votions were taken by members of the Kleeardirie Evening Auxiliary, Mrs. jack Pym, Mrs, James Reid and Mrs. Jack Normal), who pre- sented many interesting facts about the Good Samaritan. A welcome to this: session was given by Mrs L. Phillips, president of !Wingham Evening Auxiliary, -and the Wingham Junior Choir , sang a pleasing. nomber, Mrs. Raison Introduced it most. enlightening message by reading from -Romans 12, B. Phillips' version. She spoke of some prob- lems in our time, such as the lack of consecration, of the Sabbath, the use of alcohol becoming common and the result of exploitation of sex in .•ferns. 'l'he church must tli„ytiung -people and give thein eninething the world can't -give. IS Christ satisfied with the way our organizations carry on 'their work? What does our -church .look like -to Him? To- help us give our best„to- the church, Jet us have e 'quiet -time with God every day, practise'regular church attendance, .have regular Bible study and prac- tise the 'presence of Christ in com- munications with others, Mrs. W. Ballagh of Teeswater held a .graduating class for a C:G.I,T, group. Mrs; J. Pollock, Teeswater, re- ported on the 'Evening Dept. Con- ference in New St James' Church, CL-ondon-, telling particularly of Sar- ah Perkins, who had served as a. missionary in- China, her special *ow .eRESH moos .11011ERATOR EXTENDS: 'fiREETINOS. Tit WIMP Tllie 1'i iuglaaiut Advance-'*nee;, Weineailinv, May 31, twit teArtel7Seetellt4; t of lealir14111M6.Sr.. Orefs1)11Ye. PreebYterian, Church in Canada wee held in $.t. Andre w'e Church- on 'Thursday with Mrs, F. Moffat, pre, eident, presiding at both' afternoon- ;and evening sessions. • The theme ;of the meetings- was "Oar Chid- Tn the afternoone the devotional' Messages were given' by the Dun, ;gannon. ladies, Mies Iva Carl: Mrs. Robert McAllister' and Mrs, F. Jones. The ladies were asked to accept the challenge which Christ gave to His disciples; using their time, talents arid treasury as Chris- tian Miss stenncls should.a,on icins on, president of the Winghaln Afternoon Auxiliary, gave a cordial welcome to- all pre- se t. with an 'Honorary Life.wi Mrs, Morgan Henderson, Leek- riow, presented- Mrs. Sam Robinson, ,F Membership certificate, comment- ing on her faithful work in the Society throughout the years, Mrs, John °stream. Wingham, was soloist and H. V. Pym, church or- ganist, presided at the organ chin, ing both meetings. Mrs. Victor Raison, Dundee, brought an inspiring message, in- troducing it 'by showing charts de- picting the trend of membership the church through the years, 'and disclosing the deplorable fact that there is such a lack of interest In so many places. Remedies she ad- vised to relieve this illness are household visitation, -proving the power of prayer, deepening the roots, reading about missions, us- ing duplex envelopes and reaching more women, Rev. Neil McCombie, Ripley, as Moderator of t In e Presbytery, CARDS Or THANKS 111 1'illf9MORIA111 TAXI SERVICE FOB SA,LE. CARS VOR SALE - _ 19.53 PONTIAC convertible for sale. Also Willys jeep, Both in good condition, Wingham, Body Shop. 31b 19 57 PLYMOUTH for sale. Excel- lent condition, automatic push- button drive with radio. Con- tact Barrie Machan above Simp- sons Sears week days after 5 p.m, 31.1' 10MP:LF,TE. OLITFIT-Boat, 1110- tor,. trailer, tarp far sale. Can be seen at •Lillaw's .Garage, Eine. Veda, nettsorkgbk, 31b PALE BLUE. brocaded taffeta aerat-formai gown, size 12-14. Also pale binft taffeta street dress. Mono .01041. - Sib -LAI:MAW :In loving memory .cif Mrs, Herb Laidlaw, who passed away three years ago, June gild, 1958. Always remembered and sadly Missed by bet heehend and family, 31h We wish to sineetely thaelt all those who contributed to the puree of money which was presented to us on Wednesday night. Hen and Arlene Calkinson. 31" LEE'S TAXI SERVICE and Hunt- ing and Fishing License Issuer. Phone 185. 3rrb Horticulturists of the Ontario Department of Agriculture say:' that 'the bloom is .eilt off Easte), lilies after they flower, and thee bulbs arc planted outdoors when the danger of frost is over, they May bloom again in the fall and sometimes oven winter over,. If pre- teetee. • RC;oimoszO lE1vENTs wish to thank my friends and neighbors for lovely treats, cards and flowers sent me while a pa- tient in IVingharn Hospital, Spec- tat thanks to Mrs. Morrey and her, nursing staff, Fr. Vivian' and Dr. YreKibbon. Mrs. lad. Fitzpatrick. 31b CORRUPT UNITED CHURCH gard- en party Wednesday, June 14th. Supper 5-8. Admission, adults $1.00, public school children 40e, ('E31-71) AUCTION: SALE • AUCTION SALE of farm stock and implements Will he held There- day, ,Tune 1St, at one o'clock sharp at the Mont of Cletus fiela 'Unger, B Line, Ternberry, Ter me ,All sums $25: and under, cash; over that amount 6 months credit on approved joint notes et 6% per annum. -Cletus Rettinger, Prop,; L. G. Bryce, Auct. Sib CLEARING AUCTION SALE for Mrs. Margaret lefeKercher, Wrox- eter Arena, Friday, June 2nd, at 2 p.m. Terms-Cash, Large size spaeeheater; rangette; small frig; kitchen cabinet; chroMe table; an- tique cabinet; chesterfield suite; antique lamp; 2 cedar chests; an- tique dishes and glassware; set of dishes; kitehen table rand chairs; bedroom suite (antique); quantity of bedding, cooking utensils and many other articles too numerous to mention. L. G Bryce, Auction- eer. 31b /14•140,-. DOZEN; quart sealers for sale, 95e dozen, 6 dezeir pints„ 75c doz. 1085W. 31b USED! ehn and hemlock lumber for ,safe. James Devereaux, R. R. 2, aeknow, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ONE HEAVY DRAFT MARE' for sale, S years olii, Also one pony. W. J. Clark, phone 141. FOR RENT toi( MASTER PLUMBER I wish to sincerely thank all. those Who romeraborea me with, cards, visits, and treats while re- covering from my accident.- Geo. Richardson. 311' I wish to thank my friends and neighbours for cards, treats and visits while a patient in Wingham General Hospital. Special thanks to Mrs. Morrey and her nursing staff and Rev. C. F. Johnson.-•Mrs, In, Barnes. 311, Mrs, Peter Gowans, Minnie St„, wishes to thank all her dear rela- tives and friends for making her 90th birthday on Saturday, May 27, a very happy and memorable oc- casion which she will not soon for- get, 31,* ONE APARTMENT to rent, on main street, Phone 008 or 207. 31b I li'MO.Va‘al ER, studio couch, 2 chesterfield chairs, automatic washer for sale, Phone 945. 311' CEDAR, POSTS for sale, also buck rake for Ford or Ferguson trac- tor. Raymond Neill, R. R. 1, Wroxeter. 31t FRESH YOUNG COW with calf at Not 'for sale, Phone A, Jacewicz, 632W4, 31b YOU'LL SAVE A LOT -YESSIREE INSTALLING-OUR SATI-I UNITS OF QUALITY ; wANyrni) 2-3 BEDROOM HOUSE or apart- ment wanted to rent. Phone 332J. 31." 10 WEANLING PIGS; 18 chunks for sale. Stanley Marks, phone 729.14. • 311' POWER LAWN Mower, reel type, 18 inches wide, or sale cheap. William Meritley, phone Wrox- eter 7121, 31b S 2 YOUNG SOWS for sale, due to farrow in - ten days. Also 3'S month old' Collie pup, good heel- ing strain, Phone Brussels 378W6. 31b . . MALE HELP WANTED . -• - HIGH SCHOOL BOY for work after school and Saturdays at Ad- vance-Times office. Start at once. Apply at office, in person please. REGISTERED Beagle for sale, 2 years old. Contact Barrie Me- ehan above Simpsons Sears after 5 p.m. week days. 31° DURHAM CONCRETE BLOCKS now available at H. N. Gowdy & San, Carrie. Tile 'of all kinds. Prices reasonable. 31-7.14-21b rocamwe FOR SALE 350 RED HONNEGER, pullets for sale, • started to lay, Phone 618W21, Wingham, or apply to Norm Cook, Betgrave. 31b TEACHER WANTED I wish to thank my friends and neighbours for the cards and letters and a special thanks to the Home League ladies and Capt. and Mrs. Newman for the flowers sent, while I was a patient in Victoria Hos- pital.----Mrs, Alvin Bannerman. 31b Qualified ProteStant teacher re- quired, starting September term. for S .S. No. 4, St, Helens; by the West Wawanosh Township School Area. Please give salary expected and qualifications to IV. A. Stewart, Secretary, Dungannon, Ont. 31b CLEARING AUCTION SALE on Saturday, June 3 at 2 p.m, for MRS. GEORGE GLOUSHER, Lower Wingham TERMS-CASH Kitchen Stove, Kitchen Table and -Chairs, Electric Washer, West- inghouse refrigerator, nearly new; Electric Stove, Kitchen Cupboard, Day Bed, Antique Clock, Gramaa phone and records, Coal or Wood Heater, Singer Sewing Machine, 2 Beds with spring and mattress, Cream Separator, Studio Couch and 2 Occasional Chairs, Radio, Space Heater, Dishes and other articles too numerous to mention. Mrs. George. Glousher, Prop. L. G. Bryce, Auctioneer, 31b FOR BEST BUY in New or Re- conditioned Sewing Machines visit Smitty's Shopping Centre; Hanover. (We service all makes). 17-21-31b 'SUMMER PROPERTIES FOR i SALE, RENT OR WANTED :REDDI-BUILT homes and cot- tages, prefab and erected. Free literature. Easy terms: See our samples, Genoe Lumber, Orange- ville, Ontario Phone 990, M3-Ati30b BIRTHS FEMALE HELP WANTED 4111•01111144144, MISCELIAN'EOUS USED CHESTERFIELDS - Four front which to choose. All in good condition. Prices set for quick sale. Hurry. Don't miss these bargains at Walker Home Fur- nishings, phone 106, Wingham, 31-7b COMPANION - HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Good wages, Apply Box 45, Adva.nce-Times, 31b Rotary Hog Feeders SPECIAL AT $ 3 5 .00 ea. BAKER-At the Wingbane General, Hospital, on Wednesday, May 24, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Ba- iter, Lucknow, a son. HAVENS---At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Thursday, May 25, 1-981, to Mr, and Mrs. Roy Havens, Lucknow, a son. SCOTT-At the Wingham. General Hospital, on Thursday, May 25, 1961, to- Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Scott, Beigrave, a daughter. ERRINGTON-At the Wingham General Hospital, on Friday, May 26, 1961, to Mr. -and Mrs: -Harold Errington, R.R, 2, Auburn, a son. RIDNIVIOK-At the Wingham Gen_ era) Hospital, on- Monday, May 29, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Renwick, R.R. 2, Teeswater, e daughter. LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED and sharpened. Borden Jenkins, i0rrb RELIABLE WOMAN wanted to assume household duties and care for children, age 2 and 4, for two weeks beginning end June. Phone Brussels 38R6, 24-31° CUSTOM PLOWING, cultivating and harrowing. Call Harold Den- nis, 658W2, Wingham. 24:31b SALES HELP WANTED, MALE — FEED UP TO 35 HOGS----- RAWLEIGH BUSINESS NOW OPEN IN Townships Tiirnberry, Wawanosh East and West and Ashfield. Trade well established. Excellent opportunity. Full time. Write at once, Rawleigh's, Dept. E-453-189; 4005 Richelieu, Mon- treal. 31b . TV ANTENNA and installation. Year round service. Phone Doug Harker, 392-6140, Teeswater, Ont. 22rrb ELECTROLUX SALES AND SER- VICE-Authorized dealer, H. A. Mepermitt, Fordwich, phone 59.31, Contact Mrs, L. McDoug- all, phone 553W, Wingharn, for service. Arrange for free demon- stration. 29rrb 17 Cu. Ft. CHEST FREEZER $239.00 EVERYTHING IN DURO PUMP, FOR YOUR WATER SUPPLY. Barb Wire = Woven Fence - Steel Posts. COME IN AND LOOK AROUND STENOURANIER" WANTED FOR GENERAL OFFICE WORK State Qualifications SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R. R, 2, Brussels, Phone 442W8, Brussels. 1148rrOc4 5 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING' HOWICK. TO,WNSIIIP The regular June meeting of the Howick Township Council will be held on Tuesday, June 6th, 1961. Please note the change of date. Sib J. H, Pollack, Clerk, QIJANITIIV of light red concrete (double) brick for sale, ideal for remodelling store front, porch,. plantem.patio„ etc, Algo Apnr,rr for Cline's Ornamental Wrought Iron railing and lamp posts. Con- tact Earl Heywood, Wingham 104/ 311' • TRUCK LETTERING • COMMERCIAL SIGNS COX SIGNS HEADSTOCK WANTED CHAMBERS HARDWARE DEAD ANIMAL Disposal. Act We• have been licensed to remove your dead and crippled farm ani- mals under the above Act. For free removal call Collect, Wing- ham 378, Palmerston 123W or Elmira, MOhawk 9.5564, Gordon Young tElmira) Limited'. License 100-0 61, rrb - PHONE Oil WRONCTER rrb. Apply Box 46, Advance-Times A COMPLETE SIGN SERVICE PH. 518, WALKERTON nrata QUEEN Sales and Ser- vice, repairs to, all makes of vacuum cleaners. Used cleaners of all makes for sale. Robert K. Peck,, Varna,. telephone I-Tensall 696R2. Vtrrb BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY RAINY DAY BLUES? Don't let it get you clown. Have a Craft Master Paint By Number set on hand and watch the hours fly! You can even paint while watch- ing TV. And Msyk's on Josephine Street have the biggest selection of paint sets in Wingham, And •we handle artist supplies and brushes of every kind, 111h DIED • GIRLS! YOUNG WOMEN! Here's an interesting, well-paid job: HEWER, Mrs. Laura"M„ 88 years. Resident of Galt the past 14 years, native of Delmer, resided in Wingham, Tillsoniyurg' and Woodstock before -going to Galt. Survivors, son, Lloyd B. of Wind- sor; daughters, Mrs. Ron Har- rison, Mrs, John McCartney and Mrs. Irene Cronin, all of Galt. Funeral on Saturday, May 27. 0 - 0 7 0 WESTLAKE, FRED ASHTON, 74, Listowel, Monday, in Listowel Memorial Hospital, Native of Turn- berry Township, employee Spinrite Yarns and• Dyers Ltd. Survivors: Wife, former Luella Hopf; son,. Stewart, Rockcliffe; daughter, 'Miss Marjorie Westlake, -at home; bro- thers, George, Wroxeter; Goderich; Frank, Vancouver; Rob- ert, Moose Jaw; Charles; Tugaske, Sask.; Arthur, Toronto; sisters, Mrs. W. 3. Maxwell, Wroxeter; Mrs. Harry Pflance, Stratford; Mrs. A. Meehan, Windsor, Service Wednesday, 2 p.m., at the Me- 'Laughlin and Reed- funeral home, Listowel. Burial 'in Wroxeter Cem- etery. DEAD STOCK WANTED 111.111111i1111111)11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 . TEESWATER FRESH, DEAD, DISABLED COWS; HORSES, $7.00 melte • MINK HOR,SFS; 46 lb, A. LORENZ' DURHAM • Call long distance -DuitilAlif 493 collect Major Oil Co. interested in establishing a Farin Agent to distribute petroleum products to Farm Trade and Heating Oil Customers in the Wing:- ham and Teeswater area -reasonable initial investment required -financial assistance to responsible appliennts -good commission rates and popular franehise -Will develop' into a strong, secure business of your own INTERESTED PARTIES- PLEASE PHONE W. WYLIE, SEAFORTH 567 FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS SINGER SALES & SERVICE-aRe. pairs to all makes of sewing machines, *vacuums and floor polishers. Used machines for sale. Phone 665, Whighara, George Henderson. larrb- ASSEMBLY YARD O.H.P.C. Monday 8 a.m.-3 p.m. flogs ,delivered-only deduction 40c Pickup Service-50e per hog-maxi- mum to any producer $4.00 Phone Collect: Teeswater 3924514 (Res.) or 392r7361 (Yard)" ICLAIR M. GRANT, Mgr. -.Ate Co-shipper of CAME each WED- NESDAY at 85e cwt. to U.C,O., Toronto. 31* Company of Canada 0111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111•1111111 Wingham }fours: 8-12; 1-5 TELEPHONE OPERATOR CURRIE Flarth AMBULANCE OWEN SOUND Typewriter Co., Authorized dealer for Olympia typewiltbra. Complete service' on MI Makes of typewriters, adding maehines and (lash registers, For prompt and efficient service phone FR. 6-4841, 13rrb NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED FULL PAY WHILE TRAINING GOOD STARTING SALARY REGULAR INCREASES PLEASANT OFFICES: FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE APPLY Now The Bell Telephone ACHESON'S , WINGHAM Day 51; Night 636 or 716 Dead Stock Service $1.00 per 100 lbs, plus hotels for dead, old or disabled Mirses and cattle. please phone promptly to Atwood Zenith 3-4900 (no toil charge) - or ATWOOD 356-2622 COLLECT SEVEN DAY SERVICE License No. 103C61. 15rrb FOR FIRST-CLASS Carpentry Work Masonry Home Renovations Phone 23r12 Brussels GERALD EXEL MirrbSnei* REAL ESTATE FOR• SALE ONE AND A HALF storey brick house for sale. Apply P.O. Box 457, Wingham. AMBULANCE SERVICE CALL TAXI BUSINESS for sale. May be purchased with or without cars. Terms can be arranged. For more information call Charlie Lee, phone 185. 24rrb 31h S. J. WALKER - MARLATT'S PHONE 106 DAY 189 NIGHT letiO41111.1.11•C•1111.114.11.41/11•110,1••••114111•1.1.11•0, Dead Stock Service BOXED ' PLANTS FOR SALE PETUNIAS MARIGOLDS SNAPDRAGONS ALYSSUM PANSIES TOMATOES ASTERS ZINNIAS Hybrid TOMATOES CABBAGE Struthers Transport DWELLING for sale in Teeswater. Brielt. All modern conveniences including new oil furnace, Four bedrooms. Low ceilings. Easily heated. Well located. Priced to sell. Apply to Grant MacLennan, Real Estate. Phone 92 Listowel or 392-6332, TeesWater. Sib Department of Highways, Ontario AUCTION SALE OF LAND Property Sale No. L-0221 Approximately 9/10 01' an acre at land, located at Pt, Lot 11, Cou- ceasion I, Township of Turnberry, approximately 1,Vi miles East of Winghain, fronting on' the east side of Highway No. 56. Sale will take place on the property, aft 1:30 P.M., E.D.S.,T, TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1961 • TEnsis: "Cash" at time of sale. Purthee informs:thin may be oh, tainted from: The Ailetioneer, Mr. E. °Bitten, Ontario. Telephone: 1111 2-9001. OE The Departinent of highways, 581 Unroll Street, Stratforit, Teiepitram: Stratford e71-4550, Sale snialetit to reserve bid. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO 31441 J. Gordon MacLean Died in Toronto A native of Wingham, John Gordon MacLean, died in Toronto ;on Saturday at the age of 65. He was born in Wingham, a son of the late John A. MacLean and Sarah Gray. He received his edu- cation here and -while a resident of Wingham was widely known as an entertainer and singer, •and a man of pleasing personality, He moved to Toronto Several years ago, whet he had since resided. Mr. MacLean is survived by four brothers, Fred MacLean and H. C. MacLean, of Wingham; Charles, Sarnia; Frank, Toronto; and five sisters? Mrs. Harry (Annie) Bay- liffe, London; Misses• Margaret end Sara MacLean, Wingham; Mrs. Dudley (Helen) Holmes, Goderich, and Miss Agnes MacLean, Reg.laT,, Toronto. Service was held at the It , Currie & Son funeral home;: Wing- ham, at 2 pab., Tuesday, With in- terment in, the Wingham Cemetery, Rev. Thomas McKinney, of Tees- water, eondueted the service and the pallbetteees votre Rownrd handy, Crawford, A. iJ, Mac- Atther Wilson, Dr, Ceerge Howson And A, M, reenleg, The floral tributes :vete ,borne by A, M Poniv:5, Johtv erfeKihhon, Sohn W, Ilittnea and aktge $1.00 per 100 lbs. Paid fer Dead Cows and Horses over 500 lbs. More for sick and disabled Cows and Horses accord ing to size and condition. FOR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE CALL COLLECT CRAWFORD & BELMORE For all your' CElifENT NEEDS Special prices on all truck load lots - CONTACT Struthers Transport Phone Teeswater 392-6423 17-21-31b HETHERINfiTON Barristers, Solicitors', Etc.. Wingham, 1Plione,a8 4. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. - R. S. HETHERINGTON, Q.O. JOUWSMA MARKET GARDEN Bruce Mariatt Brussels Phone 133 24 HOUR SERVICE LICENSE No.88-0-61, 54-11.P.-61 8 ROOM COTTAGE far sale in Bet- grave, including lot, 66'x165'; gar- den and fruit bushes. A paid Share in BeIgrave ,commtnity well system. Closed in porch, Used at present as 5-room and 3-room apartments with separate en- trances. Contains one 3-piece bath, brie 2-piece bath, 2 eomplete Sets built-in cuplarrds, Could be Used ins income property or single house. Ralph McCrae, phone truss ela 37235, 24-31* WINGHAIIT - PHONE 583 24-31-7b asaaaaassesa,.....assaassasa,,sathaaaaaseas A. Ilea IFTAVISH ill1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I J. T. GOODALL - TRADE IN LICENSE Na 123 C 61 For your best prices on dead and disabled cattle and horses $5,00 each — 3%c a lb. for good live mink horses. 24 HOUR SERVICE Call Collect 79434, Walkerton FR • ITZ DEAD STOCK REMOVAL 'WALKERTON BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC ItESWATER ONTARIO Tel, $92=1373, Teeswater Viltuteter-,-Every Wednetaluf aternoton, p.m:, or by appointment. BAIIRIS911M, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, Etc. Office-Meyer Blocky Wingliiitri PHONE 14 NOW...with Pon sAtz o ItENT e teem house. situated near main Street. 'Intmediate possessian, 6' acre fern/ for sale at the edge of Winghtara, 5 room Irrielt cottage With farriadte hydra, small barn, Iran Pelee $4,500,00, 90 kvtro 2/h. Milea from Wirletata, brick haute, large barn, hydra arid water are pressure thiteghdlit, hied °ley loare, spring cre ek, nearrier of farlia. Fall price $9,000.90', atrith $4,000 dawn. WILLIAM S. BEE% Reel Eifitte• iiroltea ?liens 29e14 or Whlailnenif Sltr EASY TERMS sit — CURRIES FURNITURE WELLINGTON FIRE Frederick F. Homuth R.O. Carol E. liornuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola Br Homuth, R.O. ' 'OtornmArtinsts P110Mii• 114 rio rnournnem Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company ivId011 lids faithfully served its oolioy udders for' over a tentury. Head Office * Tetalltft YE a lafaeLeart Institatete,aleti*al Wingham (We will appreise Veit Suite today) THREE FLOOIIS Finrwrrung H. A. CURRIE & EONS Wicsamam*Ammmsmimimma ..'4'Y ff, A- A * * 4•4 A 4 A,. -.•AAAA , 4. A „, k M * * ..i****4.*AP* A I A *.X IR 444