The Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-05-10, Page 1A proposed plan to build a +com- posite school to teach vocational subjects, which is being promoted by municapalitlee in- south Huger, got a cool reveation at a meeting 'held in the Wingham District High School last Thursday evening, The meeting was called by the Wingham District High School Board as a result of a meeting held in Clinton three weeks age, at which the plan vvae outlined by De- partment of Education officials and strongly supported by Charles. McNaughton, M.P.P. for South Hu- ron. The Wingham gathering was attended by members of the board and representatives from each of the +municipalities which belong to the Wingham school district. A. D. aVfacWiIllam, board chairman, was chairman of the meeting. As outlined by the delegates from the board who attended the -Clinaon meeting, it was learned that considerable pressure is being exerted in the southern part of the, county to erect a school, which wou'cl - he a composite institution and would require the financial support of a number of high school The purpose of the school would be to provide a form of vocational education that Cannot be taught in the present high schools. De- paetment speakers at the Olinton meeting indicated that such a school could be appended to an ex- isting high school, and pupils from 'the surrounding districts trans- ported daily to the new institution. The pupils enrolled would be those who are not interested in ae- ademic training past the 10th -grade, but who would have the ability to make the most of shop training or commercial, On a more extensive basis than that being taught at present with limited (Please turn to Page Five) LIONS CLUB TORONTO NEW FOR LAMES' NIGHT Norman Foreign News editor of the Toronto Daily Star, will be the guest speaker at the annual Lions Club Ladies' Night. which is to be held on Friday eve- ning at the Wingham District Riga School, Mr, Phillips will be remembered as the newsman who was imnris- oned for a Lime last year by. the South African authorities; who ob- jected to his coverage -of race dis- turbances in the Union. He is also the author of several well-known books on foreign lands and- our re- lations with them, His wife is known to radio audiences as Mon- ica Mugan. Lion President Bill Cruikshank will preside at the gathering. With which is amalgamated G Pti orrio Vidette and Wroxeter Vi+VAI WINGUAM, ONTARIO, WEDIY,ESDAY, MAY 10, 1901 ALONG THE MAIN DRAG By The Pedestrian omposite School Ippoition Is Met With Cool .Reception. NAMED PRESIDENT OF ONTARIO GROUP W. B. "Bill" Conran of Wingham was elected president of the On- tario Recreation Association at the annual conference of that organl- eatien in Hamil-ton last week-end. Bill, who has been active in recre- ation circles in Wingham for many years, will head the Association in the 1961-62 year. PRESENTATION OF COUNTY HONOUR Certificates and pins for completion of six 4-H Homemaking Club' projects were made at the annual Achlevement Day at the high school on -Saturday. Receiving this recognition were: back row, left to right—Catherine Craig, Blue- va'e 1; 7...Itizebeth Stokes, G-crrie; Ruth, Midhie, Belgraye 1; Barbara Nelson, Colwanash; Edith Shaw,, Bluevale I; Nancy Taylor, Bluevale 3; Rose Marie Nicholson, Bluevale 2; front—Mary Andrew, Colwanash; Linda Johnston, Beigrave 2'; Pat Gadke, Lakelet; Mary Doig, Moles- worth; Lila Black, Belgrave. and Jean Siefert, Fordwich. —Advanee-Times Photo. Hikes to Goderich Bob McIntyre struck off on a hike last Thursday afternoon with Goderich as his destination. He' left his car at the farm of Ernest Beecroft and set out on foot along the Maitland, arriving at Auburn for the evening. His intention was to make camp, hut the weather. seemed rather chilly, and remem- bering an earlier experience when he. was covered with Snow in the morning, Bob decided to stay at the home of an uncle. He carried a 30-pound pack• on his back and cooked his own Meals along* the way. On reaching God- erich Friday Bob was content to hitch-hike back and was relieved to be offered his first lift from. Dunlop's Tomb to Lucknow. He arrived • home about 7.30 Friday night. SATURDAY MORNING MUST REGISTER FOR SWIMMING LESSONS TWO MEMBERS ARE RETURNEE) IN MORRIS SCHOOL M. WINO His election follows five years as -chairman of the Wingham Re- creation Council and two years as president of the Lake Huron Zone Recreation Council. Ile has been on' the board of directors of the Ontario group, four of them as vice-presialent. The Ontario Association is corn. -prised of 'membership by local councils across Ontario from 18 zones which represent over 350 communities. The primary efforts of the Ontario Association are dir- ected towards advising local coun- cils and the sponsoring of the an- nual 'con'ference at which local groups exchange ideas and study new recreational activities. The Association sparked the study which • resulted in a special pro- gram at recreation for retarded children. The annual -conference this year had as its guest speaker the pro- minent Jewish leader, Rabbi Fine,- berg of Toronto, The Wingham Recreation Couneil met last Tuesday evening when plans were made to organize the summer activities. It was also an- nounced that Water Safety Week will be observed from May 14 to May 20, All children eight years and over, who wish to take swimming in- struction in Wingham must register at the council chamber on Setur- -day morning of this week between 9 and 11.30 a.m. It is felt that tire swimming les- sons will likely commence the first week in July, with instruction given in the mornings. A Red Cress representative will be in town the -latter partsef May to in- spect and aptrove the faeilities and Afetaaequipmant. The following teams have been entered for WOAA competition, junior ladies' softball, bantam, miraget and juvenile baseball.. All boys 8-12 Interested in play- ing baseball, and girls 8-12 inter- ested in softball, are to register at the council chambers between 9 and 11,30 Saturday morning. Those interested in both swimming lessons and ball may register at the same 'time, The $1,50 fee for insurance, as in the past, covers all recreation ac- tivities for one year, including hockey, figure skating, swimming, ball, etc, This -fee is payable .on registration if not previously -paid this year to cover hockey or figure skating. Saturday was election clay in Morris Township when the rate- payers went to the polls to elect a new school board for the public school area, The election was made necessary when the former board resigned following petitions from the rate- payers opposing a plan to add two rooms to the Walton school. Nine men qualified 'for office fol- lowing the nomination 'rheeting and five were elected, %They; In- cluded two members of the former -board, James Elston and Carman LADIES PLAN SPRING GE SALE - NEW 111111)6111.— We had the ,pleasure last Satur- day of attending for a alma time a session of the Turnberry Goan- ell at !Thievele and listened in as they talked over Department of aIighway plans for a new bridge art Zetland. The new span will be a cement structure over 300 feet long. Work will eonamence In the near future with the erection of a temporary Bailey bridge over the Maitland to provide for detoured , t raffle. 0 .0.0 NEW IIOAD— On the same theme, it Is tilaler- stood that preliminary work will start this year to re-route No. 86 Highway across the prairies pat south of Wingham, Ito avoid the two, narrow bridges on the present -mite. It is believed that a cause- ay type of construction will - be used with one new bridge over the river, Eventually this will mean that the road will he :straight and. will by-pass the town completely, thus eliminating the had intersec- tion aft the corner of . Victoria and Diagonal Road as far as throat,' traffic is concerned, 0 - 0 - 0 FOUNDATIONS .POURED— Worlr is progressing at a rapid pace on the new Toronto-Dominion Bank building on the corner of Josephine and John Streets, The (basement floor is completed and workmen are now setting Up' the .Dorms for the main foundation. 0 - 0 - 0 LCBO STORE --- Speaking of buildings, the new .1-iquor store is nearing completion, and the grounds around the build- a'arig are being leyelled and made -4eady for sodding, No word is forthcoming on when the Store will be officially opened. 0 - 0 - 0 HOUSING ACTIVITY— From rumours circulating h would appear that there will be a bit of a boom in housing in Wing- ham this year and next, It is Un- derstood that a number of pro- perties have 'been sold both in the area immediately north of the high gehool and also near the Berry. Patch, SEEDING SLOW— . PROVINCIAL HONORS were won by eight girls the annual Huron County 4-H Club Achievempet Day held in the Wingham District High School on Saturday, The girls have successfully .completed, 12 homemaking projects daring the year. Included .in the picture are: from left to right, back row—Mar - jorie, Alien, Colwanash; Yvonne Sparlbige ,Carrie; Kathryn Simpson, Molesworth 1; Dale Macaaurchy, Molesworth feent—Elaine Kirton, Bluevale 3; Norma Ilarprfr, Belmore e; Shirley.Templeman, Bel- nore 1, •and Joanne Crozier, Cohvanash. ' —Advance-Times Photo. . . Farmers are beginning to wonder when they will finish up seeding operations. Wet weather has de- layed their work considerably but if things dry up shortly it will pro- bably be a good season after all. -Kturtilav coNctatT eVe Bel raveForesters Hall on Friday, May 12th, at 8.30, featuring two 1-act plays and other numbers. Draw for dryer will be made, FlOb VARIETY CONCERT - DANCE concert and dance in Wroxeter community hall at 8,30 - p.m., Fri- day, May 12, with Farrier's- Or- chestra providing the music for your dancing pleasure. Admission— ed by the Hall Board. Flab _ ..• Haines, which leaves any plans .RummA for expansion still up In the air. James Elston led the polls With 365 votes, Ross Turvey 294, Car- man Haines. 267, Gordon Nicholson 235 and Bert Elliott 223. Defeated were Emerson Mitchell with 1-84, Clement McClellan 182, Wilfred Shortreed 176 and George Michie 137. Mr. Michie was the former board chairman. The top three, Messrs. Elston, Turvey and Haines will serve the balance of the year and next year, while Mr, Nicholson and Mr. El- liott will finish out this year only, fight r espite ccidents REV. A. W. DOWNER LEGION SPEAKER The Ladies' Auxiliary to Wing- ham General Hospital held the regular meeting on May 5 with the president, Mrs. N. Cameron, presid- ing, A report was received from the marathon bridge committee, showing that as a result of these games $316.00 had been added to the Auxiliary funds, The sewing had been well kept up, a total of 398 articles were completed and placed on the shelves during April, These included 108 sheets and 28 adult gowns as well as other supplies, There were also 305 articles cut ready for sewing, the whole taking 266 hours of wo- men's time. Final plans were made for the spring rummage sale which will be held in the Wingham Armouries on Saturday, May 13. There will also be a tag day in the town of Wingham in connection with the rummage sale. MARATHON DANCE, ATTRACTION AT [All CHURCI-I PAR4DE .10 ME INVITED TO ANNUAL INSPECTION An emergent meeting of Wing- ham Lodge A,F, & A.M. 286, Will be held Sunday, May 14th. Lodge will convene at 6.45 pan. at the Masonic Hall, their proceed to Bluevale -United Church, to attend Divine - Service at 7.30 pan. Rev, Lloyd jlea• town, of Brussels, will deliver the sermon. A`I Brethren welcome • Alex Corrigan, W.M. FM CONCERT AND DANCE In Whiteehurch hall, Friday, May 12, at 9 p.m., under auspices of softball committee. Music for danc- ing by Tiffin's orchestra, Adm. 50c, public school pupils 25c. Booth in hall. - Floe Chairman Cy Robinson of the Kinsmen Trade Fair to be held June 1, 2, 3 in the Wieigharn Arena, announces that a marathon dance will be one of the features of this year's Fair. The marathon dance will begin Saturday noon and will continue until the last couple remains on the floor. The contest will be open to mixed couples of all ages and will be to an assortment of modern music, The -contestants will remain on the dance floor and anyone Inqir- ing the floor will be disqualified. Kin Bill Connell is in charge of the rules, and any couple interested should contact Bill 'for full -particu- lars. This event will take place in the large tent which will he used this year giving 6,000 square feet under canvas. Opening night, Thursday, June 1st, will be officially opened by the aresideut of a Kin. Club arriving in Wingham first, pushing a baby buggy from other Kin towns in this district. This will be a. race among the different Kin clubs In the district to the Wingham Trade Pair with each president pushing a baby bue,gy, the winners to re- ceive a substantial gift and the honor of opening the Fair. northbound Cardiff vehicle, when the latter made a right turn. Darn- ages amounted to $150 and charges are pending. Constahle 'Parkinson also investi- gated an occident on the 8ali of Morris at 10, pan Friday evening (when a ear driven by W. H. Govier of R.R. 1, Auburn weed out of -con- trol and rolled over twice. The driver was 'proceeding west at the time and was not injured. The car suffered damage to the tune of $800, Charges are pending. On Saturday, just a few minutes before the Vegan boy was injured In the accident which involved James Thompson, the latter's bro- ther, Robert Glen Thompson, was driving on Highway 86 and his car went out of control at -the railway -crossing near the Junction, jnea east of Wingham, and rolled over, as- It was crossing the tracks Cause of the accident was a flat tire, The driver was not Injured but the car was daniaged to the leaxitdent of $300, No charges will be The same -day Ken -Coulter of RA, 1, Gerrie, was travelling east on No, 86 Highway in a pink-up truck and blew a tire which threw the vehicle out of .control and it took out 10 guard rail posts, result- ing in $150 damage to the truck. The driver was trot; Injured. This mishap was investigated by- Cfni- stalde M. i"rldenburg of the Wing- ham detachment. No 'charges were .„—._ Member at Mee-tin s 60 YEAR JE%VEL 'for long service in Masonry Was presented to Very Wet Bee. W. J. Adams, of Winghani, at a -spectral tetemetty in the Whighain lodge rooms last Tuesday evening. Mr. Adams, left, is plant- ed just after he had received the jerVet from Rt. Wer. Lire, W. Van Wyck, Mr. Adams Milted the Masons et the Ilarrk Lodge, Orangeville, in 1908, end affiliated With tile IYinghttin Lodge hi 1925. He was Master of the Winghana Lodge in 1941 and 1012 and one of the highlights of his Masonic service came, when lie oblielited his son, ARM Marna, in all three degrees mid installed hint as Master of the lodge hi 1.06/.--.4 Advil-60'0411ms mob, BELMORE W.I. MEETING Will be held Thursday evening, May 11th, at 8.30 p.m. in the com- munity hall, Mies Keough, Huron County public health nurse, will be special speaker. The girls, the Cotten Cuties and the Belmore Sewing Seven will model the dresses they recently completed. All the ladies of the community are cordially invited, Fl ih + SPRING- RUMMAGE SALE On Saturday afternoon, May 18; at two o'clock ia the VVingham Armouries, the Ladles' Auxiliary to Wingham General .hospital will hold their spring rummage sale. 'Phis Is housecleaning time arid everyone can send something which can be sold, furniture, clothing, shoes, hats, dishes, novelties, etc, Start now to make up a box and please have all -donations at the Armouries oh Friday, May 12, so that they can be sorted and Mark- ed, If you wish your articles called for, phone Mrs. 3, H. McKay, 118; Or Miss M. Johns, 20S. The proceeds from these sales are what carry the Auxiliary along in its Work for •the Hospital, and the whole roue, triunity is asked to eo.6opetate, lie- Menrber° the date, May 13, In the Wingham Ai-Mot:He% 14434101) Kinsmen and Kinette clubs of Tim- or' County, that of purchasing -an organ for religious end entertain- ment purposes at, the County Home at Clinton. A donation from each of the ten clubs in. Huron is re- gnested, The Kinettes -decided to leave this matter until the next •ineeti4g. Mrs. Stewart Leedharn turd Mrs. Jack Walker were appointed vot- ing delegates to the district con- vention to be held in May. Peso- littiorie to -be voted on at eneven- tion were diseuseed, A $10.00 dona- tion Was voted to the Mental Rea,lth Association. Plans for the -draw -to be made at the anneal fall ten were made and a, cominittee appointed to price some of the suggested items. Mrs, David Cameron was the . win- ner of the lucky draw. Mrs. Maur- ice Stainton and 1\11..8, Murray • &Maori: served a delicious lunch at the close Of the Meeting% John 'W, Hann-a, M.P.P., attend- 'ed the annual banquet of the Maple Leaf tall Club, Toronto, last Tuesday evening, 'as guest of the Seagram Company. Over 1200 dignitaries and sports officials Were on hand for the annual ev- ent, which opens the ball season in Tomlin. Other guests included famous hail players, jeekie Robin- son and Verson "Lefty" Gomez, who were guest speakers. He, also attended the nhnual meeting of the :Hawn County Lib- rney Co-operative on Wednesday evening at GederIch. A Tiverton woman and a Wing- lam boy received minor Injuries In separate accidents, two of e rash 'of mishaps that occurred during 'the past week. Mrs. Alex Bowes', a passenger in a -car driven by her husband, was. hospitalized until Sunday with head injuries suffered awhen the oar In which she was riding was in collision with another driven by Dean -Holborn of RR, 2, Harriston on the Zetland Bridge west of Wingham. The accident happened at 11,45 last Wedneaday morning, Damage to ,the ears amounted to $1200. The accident was investig- ated by Constable Jack Parkinson of the Wingham (1,PP. detach- ment. Charges are pending, On, Saturday Ronald Vogan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Vegan, had a narrow brush with death when he was struck by it car. driven by James Thompson of Blurivale, as he was walking home on the left shoulder of the road just at the eastern outskirts of the town, The accident hdppened as the Thompson car was pas-slag another vehicle on a curve at 5.30 in the afternoon, The boy was hospitalle. ed, suffering from shock and ab- rasions, but fortunately was not seriously injured. He was releas- ed from hospital on Monthly, The Mishap was investigated by Police Chief Gordon Deyell of Wit:ghee:. Charges against the driver are peedieg, On Tuesday of last week at 0.30 in the evening Constable Parkineon aleo investigated an accident which occurred, ;lust south of Hargrave on No. Highway when Morgan Sutter of Tara was attempting to ease a. car driven by Harry Pethiek •of RR. I, Beigrave and collided with the northbound Pethick ve- Mole. Damage was estimated at $200 arid charges are pending, On PhilirSday OP same officer in- veetigaled another -accident at 1.40 a,,re. when Douglas Nesbitt of Wingham was in <1°11.1s-ion with a 'car driven by 'Prank B. Cardiff of R.R. 3, Tees-water, on No. 4 High- way, just to the south of Wieg-. ham, Nesbitt was also -attempting -to pass, on the right side of the. Phe annual inspection of the 21 Fd. Artillery Regiment -ROAM) will he held on the athletic field of the Wingham District High School On Sunday, May 14th at 10.30 a,m, Truing part in the par- ade will 'he the 97th Battery of Walkerton, the 99th of Wingham and the 100th of Listowei. The bugle band of No. 543 Winghutm District High School Cadet Corps will provide the mimic for the march past. Taking the general salute will be Honorary Lt. Col. E. D. Bell, E CD.. of Exeter, Accompanying the inspecting -officer will 'be La, Col, W, P, Doohan, an., 18th Militia Grotto representative. The 21st Ind. Regt. will he commanded by La-Col, 4 G. Vickers, the com- manding officer of the regiment. Prior -to ithe Inepection a -church parade will 'be held on the school geounds. The unit padre, Capt. Bruce Miles -of Lietowel, will -con- duet the service, commencing at 11) a.in, Following the formal inspection demonstrations of gun drill end national survival training will be held, in the event of inclement weather the inspection will be 'held' indoors at the Wiaahma The public is cordially invited to attend. -- Welcome Visitors At Kinetic Meeting The Whigham ICl/retie Club met on Mondey eVPIllinl• 1.110 Scout now,. -110, president, Mrs. Cal Burke, urelcoined two Kin wives,. Mrs, Devid 'Cameron and Mrs, Don - ItaAtIniter , from the o r of Zone B Kinsmen Clubs was read. It described a project for the + All-out aid for the world's under- privileged nations was urged Mon- -day night by the Rev. A. , W. "Wally" Downer, MPP for Duffer- in-Simcoe, and former speaker of the Ontario Legislature. 'Rev. Mr. Downer, who is now a member of the Ontario Liquor Control Board and who is widely travelled. stated in his opinion that the future fate of the world lies with this uncom- mitted and underdeveloped one- third of the World's people. He was speaking at the annual VE Day banquet of the Wingham Legion, He stated that the West and East now seems very evenly bal- anced with the underdeveloped na- tions coatroliIng the destiny of ail Western peoples and +Canadians in particular. Whether these people choose Ceimmunisrn or Democracy is up to us he said, and we must make certain to raise their stand- ards of living. He pointed out that Canadians have a per capita 'in- come of 15 ahndred dollars a year —the second highest. in the world, while, for example, the people Of India have a per capita income of only 50 dollars. Mr. Downer went on to explain Canada's aid to these underdevelop- ed nations last year alone, when aaareaimatelv 300 million dollars was sent through the Colombo Mee, the largest per capita con- tribution of any 'nation of the world. The speaker reviewed the years mime the second world war, and in his opinion stated -that modern rids- siles--nUelear weapons and other hideous weapons of war would not 80 long as the Western powers keep up their guard and tirrininisnhi VP likened these wean- ens to polSoh gas that was available during the second war---but used by ties" tier side The banquet held in St. Padre Anglican Church. was attended by Legionnaires, veterans And their wives. Guests included John W. Ilenne. MLA for Ifuten-Britee, who introduced the truest speaker., and Mayor R. M McKinney, of Wing- ham, as well as visiting members of Legions and, Atnnliaries from Walkerton. Clinton, HOwick and other points, George Brooke, the president of Wingham. Branch 180, acted as Chairritati.