The Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-05-03, Page 101.7.70777." two rule to help protect 700q, fMrt the invisible :murderer: .First—Itave, YOM. exhaust system checked regur larly. Second—never drive youf car, or sit in It with engine row. sing, with windows completely shut. It's the rich man who doesn't hesitate to ask the store clerk to. show hint something cheaper. 1. ;CHANNEL MASTER PORTABLE TRANSISTOR, or 2. DELUXE MAXWELL BARBECUE, motor and spit, or 3. la" OTACO POWER MOWER, recoil start, or 4. FIRESTONE HI-SPEED BICYCLE, boy's or, girl's The Rules Are Simple! 4. Every buyer of a new used ear receives absolutely free his choice of one .of these four valuable gifts, worth $50 or more: B. Offer., good only until present supply is exhausted — and they're going lost: c. Offer is not restricted to any minimum price or any minimum difference on trade-in. ApPlies to cash or trade-in purchase including I'carson's famous 10% &inn .payment plan. E. Doeis not. apply to commercial vehicles. Biggest Selection of Used Cars in Huron County jeet, Reeve Roy Aclair reported that the end of the town shed has been closed in anal loose Meta on the town hail tower repaired. He also reported that the Winglaum Le- gion has agreed to take over the responsibility Of looking after the cenotaph property, with the town contributing $200 towards the work, Councillor Lovell McGuire re- ported that the fire committee has investigated an emergency tele- phone system for the fire brigade and recommended its installation Monthly cost would 'be about $30 Council_ agreed. '60 PONTIAC STATION WAGON Equipped . with Strato-Flash 8-eyl. autontatic, power steering, poWer brakes, radio, windshield washers, wheel discs, new car warranty. Sells new for $1,340. '2,450 LYCEUM Theatre Wingham, Ontario Two Shows Each Night Commencin g at 7.15 p.m. ADMISSION-65e - 45e - 30e MATINEE Sat. afternoon at 3 p.m. THURS., :Mt, SAT. MAY 4-5-6 Van Heflin Charles Laughton • un "UNDER TEN FLAW" A naval war picture full of suspense. FOR TAKING SUCH GOOD CARE. OF ME WHEN I WAS SICK ! IT WASN'T SO HARD AFTER I FOUND ALL THOSE SICK ROOM, SUPPLIES AT VANCE'S DRUG STORE '56 OLDS 88 HARDTOP Thsi lovely sports model, finished in turq uoise and ivory, with matching interior, has hydramatie, custom radio and is a local, one-owner car. $ 8 7 5 Bad Accounts COLLECTED On any accitunt over $5.00 regardless of age we pay you 70% if we collect. If there is no collection there is no charge by Canada's oldest collection Agency. KELLY & AIKEN Box 239 ' ORANGEVILLE - ONTARIO '54 FORD VICTORIA HARDTOP Automatic transmission, radio, power steering, refinished in delightful Marlin blue. 4 9 5 1.11M111141111111111I111111111111111,1111111111111;1111111431E1 <,/// \ FORTHATRIOEVENT NOT TOO FAR AWAY, MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT WITH US ittr. SPOIAIIZINO AltrYNS "T" SHIRTS . . . A brand new selection 'has arrived and the choice couldn't be better. There are several styles in a white terry cloth attractively trimmed, others include the popular new green tunes and gold. Plain Whites at $1.25 and Fancy "T" Shirts from $2.95 SPORT SHIRTS . . . Exceptionally smart styles hi the season's Most popular shades, Short Sleeve Shirts $2.98 Long Sleeve Shirts from $5.00 Starting Friday, May 5th OPEN HOURS WILL BE AS FOLLOWS: MONDAY THROUGH. FRIDAY 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. SATURDAY-11 a.m. to 1.30 a.m. S'UNDAY-12 a,m. till 12 p.m. Drop in to the Frosty Queen for a delicious treat from the fountain — such as a TEMPTING MILK SHAKE mode thick and creamy with our famous soft lee cream; a DROWN DERBY, lir a TASTY SUNDAE or try one of our famous HAMBURGER, 01111ilkiStIRIMilt111, or FOOT,* LONG HOT DOGS. Whatever you try, we guarantee It to Satisfy. Also coming soon at the Frosty Queen SOUTFIVRN FRIED CHICKEN, FISH AND CHIPS and many more tasty dishes WE GUARANTEE TO MAKE YOU A SATISFACTORY DEAL or Free Gas Home! earson MOTORS LIMITED Photwe .608, Exeter e Phone 78, Zurich ...riti4,..T0,4 The Whipattn. Advice-Timer, 4, 1061 ........, I We Id ."Unsolved nattrderu. could be the verdict on many people found 444 in. crashed' .automobiles. The uncle» teeted killer—carbon monoxide. A defective exhaust system that al- lows carbon monoxide to seep Into the ear can gradually .stupefy a driver without his becoming aware that he is b”ing slowly poisoned, if he lows conteol, at speed, crashes and dies no clue to Indicate the killer is left-behind. There are T WE EXCEEDED OUR SALES QUOTA OF 100 CARS FOR APRIL! IT WAS ONLY BY ONE BUT, IT REALLY PROVES PEOPLE LIKED. OUR "RANSOM' OFFER. AS A RESULT WE HAVE PURCHASED 50 MORE GIFTS AND YOU. TOO, CAN GET ONE . . . Wingham Kinsmen Paper Driv.0 Saturday, i M.:ay 6th - HAVE YOUR PAPER BUNDLED AND TIED AND ON THE STREET FOR PICK-UP STARTING AT 10.00 A.M. PAPER WILL ALSO BE PICKED UP IN BELGRAVE, BLUEVALE AND WHITECHURCH, DURING THE DAY. -611[011r.Malaaerfacama.111M1111INISMENG alial=1=4111., Red Front grocery peochey and Mrs, Bob Irvine; seated are, Mrs. Jcil u s. Strong, captain of the wining town, and Mrs. Allan Hafermehl.—CKNX photo by John Strong. TROPHY I\ NLRS— tcun af bowlers from the Ladies' Auxiliaty to the Legion, Nu. 180, Wingliam, won the Luella Hart Trophy for Zone at a sports tournament in Walkerton recently. Standing, left •to right are, Mrs, Jack Orvis, Mrs. Helen Casemore, Mrs. Mae Phone: Our Prices Are Lower 590 We Keep Down the Upkeep Free Delivery Delegation Seeks (Continued from Page One.) plan had been to charge only half the length of the read to the school and the other half to whoever else purchases land • when the area is developed, The council also agreed to offset the street survey to pro- vide enough land for the school, Before the delegation left Father Freker said, "All we want Is to he treated justly and fairly and ac- cording to our legal council we are not going to he treated 'fairly. We again ask to be treated in this way." After the delegation left, council went into committee of the whole for a discussion of the matter. The committee's report, adopted by council, resulted in the decision that a letter be mailed to the board, stating that the council could not provide or agree to take over any portion of the cost of providing services to the school, due to the regulations • stipulated in the Act which governs areas under sub- division Control By-law. Other Business, On routine business the council passed the minutes and accounts and gave the Hospital Auxiliary permission to hold a tag day on May 6th. A letter from the Wing- ham District High School Board requested council to attend a meet- ing in the school on Thursday to discuss plans which are being for- mulated in several parts of the county relative to a proposed vo- cational school for this area, A letter from the Ontario Water Resources Commission was read to council. It discussed' a report which covered the inspection of the sewage problems in the commun- ity. The report outlined a num- ber of things that should he done, with total cost running in the neighborhood of $140,000. The matter was loft in abeyance for the time being. 'Council agreed to purchase a new pump for the sewage station at the foot of Carling Terrace. The present pump does not have enough capacity for the load it is required to handle. It was also decided to proceed with the work of moving fill at the easterly end of the old C.P.R. right-of-way to join. it with the extension of Wilfred Street, as part of the Riverside Park pro- SAVE 1.6e—SOINEIDER'S TINNED PICNIC SHOULDER, 1'/2-1b. SAVE 13e— KLEENEX—Economy. 400's 3 for 79c SAVE 13e—CHECKER CHOICE TOMATOES, 20-oz. 5 for 85c SAVE Ile—YORK PORK AND BEANS, 20-oz. 6 for $1. SAVE 13e—AYLMEIt TOMATO CATSUP, 11-oz , 5 for 85c WESTON Brown-N-Serve TWIN ROLLS-4c off 25c ---Don Hawthorne, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Carmichael, and Mrs. Hawthorne and Susan, who have been visiting here, returned home with him. and Mrs, Frank Balfour had as their guests last week Rev. W. C, Parrott and Mrs. Parrott, of London, and Mrs. C. V. O'Con- nor, of Fort William, —Mr. and Mrs. William Westney, of West Hill, visited with the Wenger families one day last week and with Mrs. Westney's sister, Mrs. R. Wagger, in the hospital. --Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Vogan, ROYAL GLORY FANCY SOCKEYE SALMON, 7%-oz. ....57c BLUE BONNET MARGARINE (Quik Bag) 2 lbs. 65c 2c, OFF—ROYAL INSTANT PUDDINGS, 3%-oz. for 23c SPIC AND SPAN-7c off Giant 80c Registrations are now being accepted for lessons leading to JANUARY, 1962 THEORY 'EXAMINATIONS ALAN D. BENNETT Phone: 879 - Wingham /1110,' 7c OFF 15e COUPON OXYDOL DETERGENT ...... —Giant 84c of Moncton, N.B., were visitors with the former's mother, Mrs, Joe Vogan, for a few days. Mr. Bruce Vogan, of Toronto, also spent the week-end at the same home,. and Mrs. Roy Bennett and family visited at the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ben- nett, London. --Mrs. D. S. Charlton, of Galt, and Miss Phyllis Black, Reg,N., Superintendent of Nurses at the Freeport Sanatorium, were Thurs- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Fielding, —Mr, and Mrs. Robert Martin, Stephanie and Blake, of Toronto, visited over the week-end. with Mrs. G. H. .Ross. • • —Mr.. and Mrs. Bill MeCarbuf and Julie., and Mrs. Art. McCart- ney, of Ajax, were week-end visit- ors with the latter's sister, Mrs. Gordon Davidson, and Mr. David: son, and visited with their mother, Mrs. Mae Douglas, of Lueknow, a patient in the Wingham General Hospital. —Mr. and Mrs. Barry Wenger were in London on Saturday for the Kretchler-Wenger 'wedding. Lee and Catharine Wenger spent the day with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Litt. —Mrs, Remy Itavelle and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Zimmer, of Grand Bend, were Sunday visitors with the former's neice, Mrs. Ken Carter, Janice and Dale. ---,Miss Sylvia Alexander, student at London Teachers' College, who graduates this month, has accepted a teaching position in Kitchener, her duties to commence with the fall term. and Mrs. John Loekridge and Peter, of Watford, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Plourde, of Sarnia, visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lock- ridge over the week-end. --Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Collins, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs, James H. Campbell, and Mr. Campbell, and visited with her mother, Mrs. Roy Cantelon, a patient in Wingham Hospital, --Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Carmichael spent last week in Ridgetown and Windsor visiting relatives. --Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Finale, Vickie and David, of Toronto, were Sunday viistors with her sister, Mrs. Donald H. Biggs, Mr, Biggs and family. Mr. and Mrs. Finnic were godparents at the morning service in St. Paul's Church when Rev. C.' F. Johnsen officiated for the baptism of Valerie Lee Biggs. Brown Bear CREAMED HONEY ...2 lbs Maple Leaf SKINLESS SAUSAGE lb. 49c MAPLE LEAF SWEET PICKLED 'COTTAGE ROLL . lb. 49c We have CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES— Cobblers, Sebago and Katandin—in Stock NOW — This is a CKNX Win-a-Dryer Store — Our selection is just right for sports or casual wear, smartly styled too for that dressed up look. One number is particu- larly good for golfers. Price .$11.95 and $12.95 •••••••••.... S pringy and Summer Beckons the Sportsman JACKETS ... LEISURE PANTS . . There's nothing more relaxing than casual slackS, and our fresh new sleek consists of a very handsome group. Shades of green, gold and beige. The Frosty Queen DRIVE IN Price $5.95 wILL BEGIN ITS SUMMER SCHEDULE PUPILS TO NAME CENTRAL SCHOOL EDIGHOFFERS ANNETTE'S HAIR STYLING P 11121"ZiTIPNitilitt ASAT (Wingharit) Limited "THE FRIENDLY STORE" 4.4141101itittil. AplielS415.1644142111141111111401111411111111{ The teaching staff for Ole new central school to serve portions of Kinloss Township has been ap- pointed. John W, Bushell of Kin- cardine has been named principal and will teach grades 7 and 8, Other members of the staff are Mrs. Lou Parker, Lucknow, grades and 6; Miss Lois MacLeod, of Brantford, grades 3 and 4; Mrs. Allan Madrityre, Lack/low, grades 1 and '2. Pupils who will attend the new school in Ashfield School Area NO, 3 are being given the opportunity of naming the school and have been asked to submit proposed names to their teachers. The new school will serve seven school see. Lions. it is expected that the op ening enrolment will be abed 10. • • — a e. 4..0..1,1 a a 4'14'4 '..15o1, ta. — a e. 4..0..1,1 a a 4'14'4 '..15o1, ta. •