The Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-04-19, Page 1With which is arratIoarrlatea tINS Gerrie Vifiette awl Wroxeter News
PINOT:Xi COME.% — 1A cello
Binevale Men, Tom•MeGlyint. and -•
• Murray .Chapnaitn received injuries late Thursday
evening, When •this oar missed a turn as it reached
the jimetion ,of Concession 1, Turnbefry and the
B-line and rolled on its side into • the (Melt, Both
mete who were passengers, were ihespitabzed. • Me4
Glynn was not seriously hurt, but Chapmaa'Srfeked
a broken wrist. Damage to the • car anaminte4
$1,090.00.-7AtlYance-Tinies photo,
,At a. /heeling of over 100 rate-,
payers of Morris Township, held in
the township hall last Thursday'
evening, the Township School'
Area lOottrd resigned, when peti-
tions from the various school sec-
tions, except Walton, were eead.
Opposing the board's proposed ,
plan, to' build two new rooms at rooms to the School and when the
the 'Walton school, provided two accommodation became available,
notions in Grey Townghip would to close several of the surrounding
join the plan. o one-rborn schools, which have a
.70epayers Frrole0
Hlan Area 1 oard
Attending. Sessions 1.11111GADE ANSWERS In London •Church
The board's action stemmed
from a study of school attendance
problems In the Walton 'school.
In its opinioe the board felt the
most eoonomical answer to 'the .ov-,
ercrowding at the 80091 was t a
joint effort with two of the Grey
Township sections, to hitild two
The home of Mr .and Mrs, Gib-
son Rintoul, John Street 'suffered
heavy damage In a fire which
-broke out about six o'clock last
Tuesday evening. •
Apparently starting from un-
know cause at the rear of the
dwelling, the flames gained .,such
headway that by the' time the fire
from 'the peak of the main roof. In
order to get water .onto the flames
between the roof and the ceiling
the firemen had to open the roof
in several places.
Damage to 'the home and its con-
tents was very extensive, running
to several thousand dollars. Mrs.
Rintoul's clothes, which were in an
upstair closet, were destroyed when
the 'hones (took that course in
their climb to the roof. Much of
the furniture was carried out by.
neighbors, but a great deal of it
was seriously damaged by Smoke
and water. The roof, of course, is a
total loss and plaster is down in
several places. A new chesterfield
suite was badly datnaged.
Since're sympathy is extended to
the Rintoal family, for the loss will
he a heavy one, being covered only
partially by insurance. The Rin-
On Tuesday evening, April 25th,
at 8, a Meeting Will be held in the
cannel' chambers of Wingham, for
the purpose of 'forming Business
and Profeasionelo WOmeti's pub.
Women who are actively engaged 61TLBBORN BLAZE—The Wingham Eire Brigade is Abeam shertis.
In 'either business or professional after it got into action Tuesday of last Week When the IMMO of Gibson
life hi the teiWil Or Surrounding Ittritoul took fire, The blaze apparently started at the fear of this
area, Are invited to Attend. PM I home and then got into the roof. ExtensiVe damage Was done to the
By The Pedestrian •
rain returning from Flan-
Ida have told tie repeatedly-of the
very poor delivery eervice on the
.Wingham paner this year. We t) ea
assure them that their copies went
out of itere at the regular time, but
there appears to have boon ,, a.
'change in the American postal de-
livery schedules.
0 0stl•
Speaking to Crallisha oh last
Friday evening we asked whether
Iii' had been .flying that day. Ap-
parently lle had been, He slipped
down to Toronto after lunch, did
some business and was back in
ample time to preside at. the Lions
collecting that evening. , •
0 - 0 - 0
We were going ' refrain from.
any further comments on the wea-
ther, but on Monday it gOt so
rqugh that we cauet'stell.yee about
it. One party to whom we were
speaking Monday afternoon had
started for Stratford, hut Welled
back the other side of Listowel 'he-.
cause there.,was such a heavy
snowstorm in progress that driving
'became dangerous. Ah, to be fn En-
land, now that April's here,
Carl Laybourn, Director of Safe-
ty ,Promotlon "tor the Ontario De-
partment of Transport, 'strongly
urged the establishment of driver.
training course's in an address to
,day eV en " VCrayboiferi, 'Who
has silent 30 years in safety pro-
motion 'work both in Canada and
England, said that the figures for
At ,the April meeting of the I
Winghain District High School I
Board, last Thursday evening, 'the
board approved the budget 'for the
coating year,' as estimated .by the
finance Committee,
Finance chairman Les Fortune'
stated that the budget will mean
an increase of two mills on the
ernialized assessment as it applies
'to the sehnol district.
Normal costs are running about
the same amount, he said, but next
year it will be necessary to hire
two more teachers to cover the
constantly increasing' attendance
figures, As well, transportistion
costs have gone up. it was noted
that the staff did not request an
across - the - board increase this
year, However, an increase was
granted la8t year, which is only
coming into effect now, plus the
annual increments, will also mean
extra cost •of operation. •
Board lnember' R. S, Hethering-
ton pointed out that the budget
covers the education of nearly 750
students, instead of the 500 taught
a few years ago, and that this
means an increasing levy as the
assessment figures do not change.
William King remarked that the
increase is going to mean a hard-
ship for the 'farmers of the area,
but agreed with Dr, W. A, Mc-
Kibbon that the. board was 'doing
the best it could, and that the bills
have to be met.
The Management comniittee re-
cot/Amended a $500.00 increase to
the earetalting staff to covet added
emits, and reported 'that floor tiles
which are coming loose in one
renal would be replaced by the
caretaking staff during the sum-0
Di' McKinnon, reporting for the
eafeterle, committee, said that some
250 pupils per day 'are being fed
and that the cafeteria is breaking
even, ,othet than for cost of labor.
In his report, Principal 'Frank
Madill said that attendance aver-
aged 06,06 percent with an aver-
age enrollment of 629,4 during
He ;told the board that the in ,*
Spector will he 'at the school short-
ly. 'The board derided to POI a
special Meeting When the inspector
1960 reveal the startling fact that,
one-third of, all fatal apcidents in
Ontario involved drivers between
the ages of 16 and 24. •
'Tile 'speaker ,did not lay all the
'drivers. themselves, 'but said • that
their fathers'and other member's of
the older. generation .were in part
responsible,. since they were the
visited the school; in 'order to hear
his report.
Mr. Madill said that Dr. Stanton,
of Waterloo University, would ad-
dress the students on "The Need
for Excellence." Er. Stanton Is a
professor of mathematics.
'Regarding staff requirements tor
the•1961-62 term, the prinicpal said.
that two teachers have been hired
to fill positions where there had
been. resignations. One teacher has
been procured to fill one of the two
new positions, Three more are still
required, two as replacements and
the other for the second new`open-
ing on the staff,
On the recommendation of the
principal, Miss Sells was appointed
as head of the history department.
Budget Figures
The following are the estimates
which were referred to earlier, and
which received the board's ap-
Cash on hand, Jan. 1, '61 $ 10,759.02
Grants---'Dept. of Educ. .. 199,905.22
Dept. of Educ. special
per pupil ........ 2,842.80
Cadets ...... 516 00
Thition, other Sch, Bds. 416 00
Miscellaneous 35,00
Please turn 'to Page Twelve
Two Cars Damaged
Saturday AfternoOn
Cars owned by Clarence Roy Mc-
Kee, of R. H. 1, 'Teeswater, and
James Falconer, R. R. 3, Wingliarn,
were damaged to the exent oT
about $700 when they collided at
the intersection of Piltfiek and
Josephine Streets at 1.45 p,m, Sat-
erday, •
Mr. •McItte was attempting Ito
turn east Off the main street When
he was in With the Fal-
coner ear, 'driven by Miss Lois
Valooner, 'The McKee ear, a 1958
Pontiac, and the PalcOnet Vehiele,
a 1953 Plymouth were daretiged
around the front*, 'fenders, Neither
driver was injured'.
Chief Cordon Deyell, of Wing-
barn, investigated. Charges will he
said Against the Teeswater driver.
driving instructors, and had pass-
ed along their own bad driving
habits to their mils—without, bar
ing able to pasts on the truit• of
their own 'experience to provide
natural .deterrent fop „ those -4*
are aceident-prone,
the job who knows 110W:to do it
"It is time to get aomeOn'e to do
properly," said Mr. Laytieu tn.
Outlining •the detaliss,of a driYer
training .cdurse, the 'sneaker said
that 25 hours are ap'ent in the
classroom, six to eight hours in the
cal' 'taking actual' instruction be-
hied the wheel and about 18 hours
in the car- as an observer, The
Department of Education pays re-
gular night -school grants to the
schools in whieh.•. the course is
taught. -He atteeaed•the fact that
the, course must be taught as an
extra-ourricularl :subject, so that
no time is lost from, regular class-
es. The teacheistrilist have the ap-
proved training course as a sate
(Please turn to Page Twelve) , HOSPITAL oi ILL
Friday evening's meeting of the
directors of the 'Wingham General
'Hospital was one of the briefest
on record, duet chiefly to the ab-
sence of several committee chair-
men. The board chairman, H. C.
MacLean, presided.
The administratrix, Mrs. I, R,
IVforrey, said that the hospital is
still badly overcrowded, as it has
been most of the time since the
first of the year. On Friday there
were 138 patients in care. The
daily average fot the month ' of
March was 120. During the month
there were 31 'births, 71 opera-
tions, 136 outpatients, 221 x-rayA,
18 blood transfusions, 6 blood
bottles sent out to other hospitals,
1443 laboratory procedures, 44 at
cancer clinic.
The ,chairman of the finance
committee, A. D. MacWilliam, sub-
mitted the financial statement for
the first three Months of this year,
in the form now required by the
Hospital Services Commis-
In reply to :d question about the
new ruling for non-admission of
visitors under 12 years of age,
Mrs. Morrey said that the rule
applies in the itetiVe wing only,
and resulted from the prevalence
Of colds and flu during the past
few weeks and the possibility that
such infections might be spread
to hospital patients.
Two Bluevale men, Thomas Mc-
Glynn and Murray Chapman, were
injured late Thursday evening
when the small imported car 'in
„which they were riding overturned
at the junction of • the B-line and
Concession 1, Turnberry, The car
was driven by Joseph Demeny of
Teeswater and was 'owned by Mc-
Chapman received the worst in-
jury, when he suffered a broken
left wrist. McGlynn was removed
to the hospital by ambulance,
,where it was found he' was suf-
fering from shock, bruises ,and ab-
The 'accident occurred when 'the
small car failed to make the turn
from the concession road onto the
B Line and overturned into the
bush on the south side of the road.
The car Was damaged to the ex-
tent of about $1,000.00.
Constable Murray Fridenburg of
the Wingham Provincial Police
Detachment investigated, Charges
are pending,
At a gatheritili Of Over 'thitt-orr
members of Huron in North Street
United Church, Coderich,• Satur-
day, a graduation service took
place for nine girls. Three Wing-
ham girls graduated, Jane Hether-
ington, Ruth Hodgins and Eleanore
Goy. Eleanore Coy was valedictor-
ian for the class,
• Entertains for
Mrs. G. flastie
-On Monday evening Mrs. Thom-
as Henderson entertained 17 la-
dies in honor of Mrs. Gordon Has-
tie, who has moved to her new
home on Edward St.
A social evening was enjoyed
and. Mrs. nestle was presented
with a pop-up toaster from her
neighbors. Games were played and
a delicious leach was served by
the hostess.
The Local fire 'brigade has answ-
ered four fire alarms within the
'past week, The first was at,6 p.m,
Tuesday to the home of Gibson
Rintoill on John Street, where
damage was h extensive,
At 11 p.m. Friday the truck was
rushed, to the Foundry property
where a fire in the weeds along the,
river bank and railway tracks
threatened to spread to the adjac-
ent buildings.
About three o'clock Sunday af-
ternoon a run was made to the
home' of George Johnston where a
chimney fire had caused consider-
abel alarm, since a high wind was
'blowing at the, time. No damage
At 6.30 Monday morning the boys
were out again, this time to the
new iaundramat building on main
street, where a broken connection
of 'the „propane gas installation had
permitted gas to escape. The fire
was out side the building and the
flames were shooting into the air,
The' Naze was extinguished with-
out serious 'damage to 'the build--
lag and the :pipes weres.repalred
the 'game- cliTy„" ,
It Is believed that with the frost
coming Out of the ground the con-
neotion was disturbed and the
break caused.
A number of leading business
...and profession women from Luck-
, . tow and Wingham met-tin Thurs-
• •
gday night to diseues the formation.
' • of a Business and Professional
Weinicree Club in Wingham,
Mrs, • E, Armstrong-Cabine, na-
tional field secretary of the Cana-.
• dian 'Federation of Business and
Professional- :Woolen's ; Clubs. ,gave
an, informative talk on the setsup;
alms, °Wet:lives and advantages to
members, in these Clubs, of which
there•are 166 across Canada. After
considerable discussion it 'wad felt
that more publicity was required,
'in. order tp, reach Mani ethers,:wha.
would; wish to join,s and all organ-
meeting Was arranged for ,
April Oth, In the council chamber;
to which all women in business and
profesidonal Iife are invited.
The Canadian Federation of BP W
Clubs is affiliated with, the Inter-
national Federation of Business
id Professional Women, with •na-
io al organizations in 26 •free
countries. It is an active, vital and
influential organization compond
of 'employers, employees and self-
employed women, who want to im-
prove themselves and conditions in
the business world,
BasicaliY neither a social ner
service group, many Worthwhile
friendships are made with interest-
ing women all over the world, afid
through its efforts improved legis-
lation has been obtained on pro-
vincial, national and international
levels, where it has consultative
status with the United Nations.
The Wingham Kinebte Club met
On the Scout House on Monday
night with' the president, Mrs. Cal
Burke, in the chair. We welcomed
several Kin wives who were guests
at the meeting.
It was announced that Brownie
Cookie Day will be Saturday,
April 29. Mrs, Stewart Leedham.
and Mrs. Max 'McCarter volunteer-
ed to help serve chocolate milk to
the Brownies at the town hail,
Mrs. Murray Taylor was the
lucky winner of the draw.
A motion was passed. to hold
Kinette meetings on'the Monday
following the Kinsmen, meetings in
the futiire.
Mrs, Jack Walker introduced
Miss Anna McDonald, of CKNX,
who told of the work that goes an
bellied the camera when a program
- • is televised. She relates seveyal ,
' , • ' fttfululetrig Ineidhita. which have hap. .„..101
Spelled tiering the presentation for,
or the preaentirg of, a program.
Miss McDonald displayed a small
model of a TV camera and by
, means of a portable receiving set
Showed the Kinettes how they
would look on TV. She also out-
lined some useful tips on clothing
and make-up for television appear-
s ancea.
Mrs. .Terry 'l'i'nen thanked Miss
McDonald 411A presented her with
a gift on behalf of the Kinette
The next Meeting will he May 4
When. Mrs, Freddie TeMpleman and
]Mrs. Merv, Templeintol will be in
charge of the program and 'lunch
Will be served by Mrs, Murray
StaintOn and Mrs. Maurice Stain-
11 2-Mill Increase for 1961
High School Budget Sets
aker Advocate
raining of Driver
London Conference Branch of FOUR FIRE CALLS the W.M.S. of• the United :Church, • •
of Canada is holding its 36th an-
nual. .meeting in Trinity United
Church, Landon, this week. The
sessions yesterday and today are
for the public,
Mrs, W. B. Cruikshank and Mrs.
G. W. Tiffin of Wingham and Mrs.
George IVIlehiesof Belgrave are on
the executive and attended the
sessions from Monday to Wednes-
day.' Mrs, Jack Reavie and Mrs.
Ross Vogan of Wingham,.' Mrs.
Gilbert, Beeeroft, ,Mrs. Norman
Coultes and.Mrs. Harold Anderson
of Belgrave' attended on Tuesday
and ,Wednesday.
Euchre Realizes $10,
Fund for Retarded
'; The Canadian Order of Foresters
sponsoted another euchre party in
aid of the Retarded Children's
Fund, held in the council chamber
last Wednegday evening. There
were ten tables in play and the or-
ganization realized another $10 for
the land.
Mrs. George Deyell won the prize
for, high lady with Mrs. Stewart
Cowaniholding the low score, High
touts are staying 'with friends until, for men was Oscar Leaver and Ro-
their home can be re-occupied. bert Moffat was low.
Financial. Report
Balance at Jan. 1 . .$22,203.20
Grants . . .... 25,519.63
Tax Levies ..... 24,008.89
Other . 350.56
Superannuation deducted 2,029.11.,
Salaries . ...... $34,405.00-
Instructional, Supplies 3,31e141
Administration ..... . 1,645.49
Operation ' 7,122.01
Maintenance, Cap. outlay 3,095.76
Transportation . . • 1,050,00
Other . . 508.75
Balance at Dec. . 22,073,97
Actual cast to the ratepayers for
1960, $24,494.68 (after grantsriare
Cost per pupil, $116,00.
b S ti it ' "'"•
Under the solution propogetl"bY the
board the following „figures woilld
school would have served
most or all of four former school
sections with an assessment -of
more than $800,000, and a school
enrolment (at present). of 93. To
operate this school with transpor-
tation of pupils who should be
transported, the following budget
Cost of operation . .,416,500
Refund on Texts 370
Average attendance 2,520
Transportation . . 1,500
Township Area .. ....... 2,000
11,190 Tistal Grants
To be raised by taxation...4 4,310
(Please turn to Page Twelve)
small attendance and transport the ratepayers the board reggae-4. The
students from, the latter sections motion to do go was approved by
to the enlarged Walton school, three members and opposed by the
This • plan was approved by a remaining two,
Majority vote of the board, and As a result of the resignations,
presented to the ratepayers. Tice a nomination meeting has been
various school sections involved called for the township hall on
vigorously objected to the plan on Friday, April 28th from S to
the grounds that it would be o'clock in the evening. If re-
costly, -and that a number of the, quired an election will, be held on,
existing schools would be closed. Saturday, May 6th,
As a result of the protest by the At the ratepayers' meeting the
board handed out mimeographod
sheets which contained the , folio:W-
ing information, relative to, the
operation of ,the schools in 1960:
Assessment of Area,-Township of
Morris, $2,089,719; .Grey, $70,064;
Hallett, $120,170; McKillop,. $111,-
200; Total, 12,400,763.
Enrolment, Sept. 1960--No, 'Z, 12;,
No. 3, 25; No. 4, 17; No, 5, 23; No.
6, 8; No. 7, 27; No. 8,19; 'No, 10,
22; Union No. 11, 43; 'Union No, 12,
awoutig front bah fire Mid Wider, The. fire got into the attic and
fireinett had to OA a number of holes in the rod •to get at tite source.
the Wally lost most of their futiliture and Clothing. The,honie was
only partially .covered by insurance,