The Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-04-12, Page 7laingbarn RbbaurttorZitnro ELM HEART PARISH; Wingham, celebrated its 50th anniversary letinesday with a parish dinner staged at the LeglOrt Horne. A it/i0or of guests were present for the occasion, including, Mayor R. E. McKinney, left and Mr. and Mrs. John Hanna; right. Centre are Mrs. Shirley Crappe and V'tither Freker, parish priest:4%NX photo by Strong. WIN(nUAilI, ONTARIO, TED S1f)AY, ; HOLD SOCIAL EVENING COUNTRY CURLERS PRESENT PRIZES BLUEVALZ—On Friday evening- the Country Curling Club held a meeting in Bluevale •Community Hall when prizes were given „out and the evening was spent in play- ing euchre with, 24 tables in play. Mrs. Cathers and Robert Powell held high points for the evening's play, while Mr. anti Mrs. Ttoss Gray were low. Mrs. Eldred Nichol and Harvey Robertson, received the prize for having the most ""riven" in their add-up. Mrs, Orr' and Al- yin Orvis won the novelty prizes and Mrs. Nichol the lucky chair prize, Eldred Nichol, presidents pre- sented the prizes to the skips, and members of the ten teams plaiitig during the winter. The skips, in the order of awards, are; W. J. Peacock, S. R. •Cointes, James Adams, Earl King,' Rdss Turvey, Cecil ICoultes, Eldred Nichol, Grant Wilton, Ken Wheeler; , Alex. Corrigan. W. S. Peacock and his tank Were presented with the H6Wson 'Ittaphy as first place winners in the seas son's play, Mr, and Mrs. Elwell Webster, Wingham, were in .Kitchener on Friday to attend the wedding of the latter's niece, Miss Grace Lor- raine Huston, who is known to many friends here, Her father op- erated a store in Lecknow before moving to Kitchener. The details of the wedding follow: Honeymooning in .Waseingtoll and Virginia are Mr. and Mts, Frederick Earl Prange, who were wed in evening vows on Friday at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, On their return they will live at 402 Fountain St., South, Preston. The bride is the former Grace Lorraine Huston, daughter of Mr, and PUS. T, Wesley Huston, 35 Irvin St„ Kitchener. The bride- groom Is a son of Mr. and Mrs, J. Harry Prange, Preston. Very Rev. Finlay G. Stewart per- formed the ceremony. Large bask- eta of spring flowers made the setting. The bride wore a classic gown of white delustered satin, The neck- Nue and front panel of the gown 4ag—'eInbellished with seed .pearls. The skirt shaped to a chapel train. Her coronet of seed pearls and rhinestones held a fingertip -veil of nylon tulle. She carried a crescent of gardenias, stephanotis, lily of the valley .and ivy. Mrs. Herbert Schmidt, R. B. Preston, a sister of the bridegroom, was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs. J. A. Ball, of Kitchener, and Carol 'Hertz, of Galt. They were in gowns of alelustred golden haze satin fashioned with scoop neckline and shaped bouffant skirts. Their matching headpieces had trimming of bows and tulle. They carried white roses, stephanotis and gold leaves, PlosiSer girl Linda Prange, of Montreal, a. niece of the bride- groom, was in white embroidered nylon with headdress of flowers and tulle. Her flowers were replicas of 'the senior attendants' bouquets, Ross Prange, of Preston, a broth- er of the bridegroom, was best man. Ushers were John. Prange, of Montreal, another brother, and Dr. Donald Johnston, St. Catharines. The reception for 120 guests was at the Breslau Hotel. Diocesan Meet GORRIE—The annual meeting of the Huron Dioceslin Woman's Aux- iliary of the Anglican Church of Canada will be held In Kitchener on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 25 and 26 at the Church of St, John the Evangelist. Neighbors Present Couple with Gifts GORRIE A quiet presentation was held at the home of Jason Lambkin, Con. 2, Howicis, on Fri- day for Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Car- ter (Daisy Lambkin), of Lticknow. They were presented with a table- cloth and a set of dishes from the neighbors of Con, 2, Howick.. Gifts. Presented To Young Couple (Too late for last week) LAICELET—Newlyweds Mr, and Mrs. Murray Wright were the re- cipients of a shower on Thursday eVehing arranged •by the local young people-, which was held in the Gorrie community had. Music was supplied by Jerry Rever and his Ontario Playboys. The address was read by Bill Taylor and the yowls.; couple were presented with a bridge sal. and Ft sum of money. A large crowd WAS in attendance, The good wishes of the conlinunity go to the young couple, Mgat TIFFIN :SPEAKS Tirst. Youth Conference Was Kr MISSION BAND i Attended by .114 Teenagers Mission Banc( Met on Sunday $.1,45VV.Alogr---The- 1Y,fiiniton .FAA#1.4 1404 its rrieeting in the T,104,4, Church during the ohulolt per*" on Sunday with an nagit.diDtoe qt at. The president, Wriene son, presided, Atter reciting the Mission P-ang purpose anti singing a INIIPIA .044 Members responded tn. the -MR ,t s11 by naming. a -spring MEd. Then' the minutes were read. Piveree, broken homes, bit:40ring 4114 fl;hting, and all Um often neglect of children, were narned .as the ntqfit cornMon prollierns arising The collection was taken by Cindy Thornton and Donna MIL The Scripture was read by Tlesintin Johnston. MM. George 'Fischer led the seniors in a study of the hook, 'IAdventures with the Bible"; Ws, Fleming% Johnston led the juniors, The Spring Thatiltbffering meet- ing .of St. Andrew's Preabyterian Mission Bandlivaa held in the Sun- sdcaoyttSeRheoiodl wroeolernonolen4Mthoneti may. otMher. rs and friends. The meeting opened with the hymn, "Hosanna, Loud 'Hosanna," and the Mission Band prayer was recited by the entire group. Every. one sang the "Welcome Song" for the visitors, Ronnie Perrott then gave a reci- tation entitled "Easter Time", The children sang the birthday song to all the children with April birth- days, Marlene Jamieson and George Malcolm took up the offer- 'log and, Jane English gave the offertory prayer, 'IA Missionary Creed" was sung by the ehildran, Mewed by a recitation by 'Ruth Ann Currie, "Folded Hands", The Sing" hyin n was sung, "Come, 4Clilidren, Join to' The guest speaker for the occas- ion was Mrs. G. W. Tiffin. She was welcomed by Mrs. aen Leitch. Mrs, Tiffin spoke about the chil- dren in different countries around the world. Mrs. Ken MeKague ex- tended sincere thanks on behalf of everyone present and Nancy Mae- Auley presented Mrs, Tiffin, with a gift, The roll call was taken. The Mission Band closing hymn was sung and Mrs, Scott Reid gave the benediction, 'An enjoyable social time followed, Niece Married in. Kitchener Church probably during a health period when through films and talks the young people could see what they may be getting into if they 'begin to drink. The hot and most important way teenagers can help solve the drink- ing problem is to set an ocample for others, Was the decision of the groups. it was felt they should do their best to stay away from temp- tations and to try to persuade others that it is not a healthy practice. Since the young people Kn xLadies Sers, 'Supper BLIJEVALS--An interesting ev ening was spent In the school room Of Knox Presbyterian Church on Wednesday, when the Schneider Company of Kitchener, with the co-operation of the ladies of the church, gave a fine supper. This was followed by the show- ing of two film; one presenting pictures of lovely scenea in the Carribean, the other ahowireg a contrast between =thistle-oaf food preparation in the past and •M the present, A highly successful Youth Con-, period, to cope with alcolsel, ference was held :on '`tidily at the United Church when V.f Ming people were registered. The ten- agers were from Huron, Perth •and Bruce Counties and reprefiOiltefl in communities from drinking. It Listowel, Seaforth, Naeter, Was; ,also 'felt that there is t Place water, Durham, PlYt11). liarrieten, tor alcohol education in the school, Walkerton and Wingham, While the conference .was apon- sorest by mernhera of the Hi-C group, it was open to all teens agers of the various communities in the interests of Toe Alpha, a, non-denominational •organisation founded in Ontario a couple of years ago for the purpose of edu- cating young people on the use of alcohol. This was the first Toe Alpha Youth Conference to be held in this district. Thomas A. Knott, director of Toe Alpha and the Ontario Tem- perance Federation spoke on the .are the future generation that will hold all the major world post; the magnitude of .the alcohol problem, Eric W. Smalley, B.A., a gradu- groups thought. it was Important ate of Loma Linda Institute of that they should not become alco- Seientifie Studies for the Preven- holies but should help curb the tion of Alcoholism California, gave tPoroablern, so prevalent in the world basic alcohol information, He ex- dy, plainecl what various alcoholic bev- In regard to liquor advertising erages consisted of and the amount it may effect some people In their of alcohol content in wine, brandy, _decision on whether or not they whiskey etc and described how drink, but the majority said they each is made, In pointing out the pay little attention to the adver- effect on the personality Mr. Smal- ley drew a picture of a brain and' from this showed the group .-the effect alcohol has on the senses, such as sight and self control. Film Shown "To Your Health", .8; color car toon film, depleted a man faced was the speaker at the banquet, with a. drinking problem. It point- His theme was "I Have the Right cane h ed out °ue t temhe preatillyarilyays how h a peercsaona.• to Drink". Bertha Blue of Ripley beccme a prisoner to alcohol if he' continues to drink, The cartoon showed that medical help cart assist the persbn to overcome his' problem if lie will earnestly seek aid, led in a sing-song, with Mrs. Mc- tieing, "Pay the Piper', a very effective film, was shown to conclude the afternoon's activities. Banquet Held Rev. L. G. Stapleon, B.A., B.D., minister of .Listowel United Church Exhibition. Games In Belmore Arena LAKELET The Belmore Pee Wees met the Gorrie Pee Woes on Monday evening in the Belmore arena in an exhibition game. Bei- more came out the victorious team with a score of 2-4. The lads that scored -the goals were Haelzle and MeKttgue. The Belmore goalie was Glare :McKee, of Lakelet.. The Belmore Squirts played the Gordo Squirts the same evening, also in the Belmore arena, with the Belmore team the victors by a score of 3-1, teen-age drinking. He said that in some cases the ten-ager uses al-. eohol as a -crutch to try to over- come his defects. One example, OORRIE Attend Directors' Meeting in Brussels LAKELET—Mrs. Gordon McKee and Mrs. Lloyd Jacques attended the district directors' meeting of the East Huron W.I. held -at the home of Mrs. Gordon Knight, of Brussels. ..;This meeting was for the purpose of planning the 59th .annual meet- ing of the East Huron Women's Institute, which is to he held on May lath at the McIntosh United Church. Of the.parish for Name years, they are. Mrs. jesenk Brophy, Mrs. Anna Forgie and Miss Annie Mc. , i Mud r. CK NX'" phateq'by -Strong ' ATTEND IHNNER.—The 50th anniversary Of Sacred Heart parish was marked last Wednesday • evening -at banquet lit.the"Leglini .1-tomes -,Attendings were - three ladies who have been faithful members LAKELET Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sewers and family visited on Sunday With Mr. an I Mrs. Harry Sewers, of Green- Howick Men at Gardbri Hamilton, and Mr. Hamil- toi; Hertsall. ' ' lean Harms Los Angeles, Evening AuxIllarg Calif leyv'ta 'Melton airport by Sat- tid 'was rrief. Mr. Archie Continues Study rday ari -:- „ Irwin and her mother, Mrs. Fred GORRIE---The Evening.Atikiliati Irwin , Ir arid- Mrs. -Manfred. Irwin spent the week-end with Mr. and Bawer •Famish, Goderich, and' attended hockey games be- Toronto Meeting LAKELET--The first meeting of the shareholders of Farinera 'Allied Meat Enterprises, • Ltd., was held in . Toronto last Frida.y. Those at- tending from Howiek Township were Mel Allen and Norman Hard- ing, of Fordwich; Elmer Kaufman and Warren Zurbrigg, of Clifford. The by-laws of the organization were explained by H. K. Harris. Q.C., of St. Catharines, A board of eighteen directors was elected rep- resenting alt parts of the province, of St. Stephen's Anglitau Church met Wednesday evening. 'at the rectory. Mrs. Edwin Dik,' Presi- dent, opened the =heeling prayer and read Scripture,. Mrs. Ed. David read theirlinitkds: Mrs. Harry King 'give telitiiter1 of the study book, gether." "Johnnny Entertainbi" humorous reading was; given by Mrs. Jos, Bennett. Mrs. Wm. Nato sidllanern'guest speaker at the May meeting at the home of Mrs. Harry King. A de- licious lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs, Frank King -and Mrs. Leonard Sanderson. Good Crowd Out For Card Social (Too late for last week) LAKI)LET An excellent crowd was present for the weekly card social: The solo winners' were, 1st high, Jim Inglis, of Lakelet; 2nd high, Gordon Wright, of Lakelet; low, Miss Frances -Inglis, of Mc- Intosh, Jack Inglis. The Lakelet W.I. had a, booth at the shower which was held for Mr, arid Mrs. Mul.ray wright at the Gorrie community hall on Thurs- day evening. There was a large crowd in attendance and the local ladies did a brisk business in the sale of hot dogs, coffee and pop and as a 'result a nice sum of money was realized. Mr. and Mrs. 'Irwin Dickert and family visited with Mr. and Mrs Norman Dickert at Kippen on Good Friday. Miss Lois Eltdtmicr spent the Easter week-end with her grand- mother, Mrs. Minnie White, of Hanover, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gadke and family visited with Mr. and Mrs Red MacDonald, of Wingham, on Good Friday. Mr and Mrs. Tom Edgar ant. family, of St. Thomas, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jacques on Sun- day. Mr. W. a Edgar, of Gorrie, also visited at the same home. The euchre winners were high lady, Mrs. Mabel -Gilkinson, of Gorrie; high gent, Jim Harper, of Mildmay; low, John Ferguson, of Clifford. The special went to Otto DaInns,• of Mildmay, The committee in charge were Mrs. Arlo Eickmier, Mrs. Allan Wylie and Mrs. Stewart Douglas I CAN'T MNORE LOCAL NEED Demonstrations Given CAPT. 6, S. NEWMAN To Lucky Lassies TALKS ON MISSIONS (Too late foe last week) Charles of Ripley as accompanist. Mayor R, E. McKinney extended ,greetings. and spoke briefly. Other head table guests were .Mr. Man- flings, chairman of the Huron Tem- perance' organization, Capt. and Mr. Smalley also addressed' the Mrs. G. Stanley Newman of the gathering on pectiliar problems of, Salvation Army, Rev, Peter Renner 'of -Teeawater, Rev. J. Huether, Lis- towel, Rev. J. C, Britton of Sea- forth, and the afternoon speakers. Mis.ses Julie .Cruiltshank anti is the very shy boy who Might be: 'Sandra MacLennan' co-chaired the tempted to drink in an effort to. 'banquet. Miss Pamela Husser was gain courage to attend dances and in ; charge of the discussion groups Other social functions. and Miss Barbara Krug was regls- Constable L. J. Chapitis, Guelph' trar. detachment of the Ontario Pro-. • A dance was held in the evening vincial Police gave a demonstratioa ta records, when both round and on the use of the breathaiizer,'.a 'square dancing Were enjoyed. Mrs. comparatively recent method of John Wriiy was the caller for determining the alcohol content 'square dances. the bloodstream. • • .Erorni Discussion Groups Ten:discussion groups were forst,' ed, the leaders beirig Eleanor Goy,' a Lynda Mirka Cathy- Hodgtiss,•pant. ,Mrs-.;, Archie., -Irwin . underwent Hutton, Wayne -,,,Cgslick;. :1,fatys Surgery hi Wingham General Hos- Shackleton, - Thomas' Pelt=ed,.-Panass pitalaorisFriday. • de, Maser, Betty Ann;aRapp, dnd Thomas. Elliott -Visited sev- Elizabeth Burrell, S• ' erb,1 days With - his daughter, Mrs. rn answer to the questran'''of whether a .party aledhol_ could be as much fun as; one witeA it was permitted, the genera" 'feel- ing was that it could bess There may be occasions:When ,tt teeri,:ager, is exposed to the Offer of tie'vein,6s at a party •and.•rie conscious about reftising,..butilin-th' losses run he will be more: respected. Some felt that. abstinerieksebnid be difficult, and that Aleolinlandiald iskieeis'adoderibh• All ',Stars .and be a temptation,' but otherA..soltiltriql: . - . is extended to Mrs. Harr Ithamosin the. passing. of her inttther Mrs Ethel Rayner. Rev. Mr's.; -Rapt er • were. form- . E. di...Strong visited the latter's brother, Claude Witherow, and Mrs. Witherow, of Normanby Township. They also called on Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Witherow of Durham. Discusses Plans for Achievement Day GORRIE — Mrs. Dale Miller, home economist, ,of Clinton, attend., ed the eighth meeting, of the "Gorrie Cotton Gals," which was an all-day meeting at the home of Mrs. Clarence Spading Yvonne Spading read the minu- tes and roll call was answered by each girl showing a bound button- hole she had made. Discussions were on preparation for Achievement Day, to be held in Viringliam District High School on May 6th, and on judging a dress and material and preparing a dress,. for exhibit. Record books and: dresses were to be completed by April 14. The girls continued work on over casting of seams and hems, Mrs. Clarence Spading and Mrs. Russell Adams are the leaders. BRANCH CONTRIBUTES TO JAMAICA FUND LAKELET Laltelet Lucky .Lassies 4-II Club held their Meet- ing -at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gadke, The president, Chrystal Gadke, opened the meeting with the 4-H pledge. The roll call "Why I chose the color of my dress," was answered by six members, Three visitors were also present, The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Faye Sewers. Discussion was on posture, and on belts, and how to put in zippers, DemOnstration was how to cover belts and sewing on but- tons. LAKELET—The annual meeting of the Lakelet WI branch took place on Thursday evening in the Institute hall. The president, Mrs. Cliff Hallman, brought the meet- ing to order with the Opening Ode and the Mary Stewart Collect. Devotions Were read by Mrs. Allan Wylie, This was followed by the payment of fees. Mrs. Harold Wallace, secretary- treasurer, gave the'minutes and fi- nancial report of the last meeting and then the, annunal report. This was followed by the auditor's re- port, given by Mrs. Harvey Wright and the reports of the ednveners of standing committees. It was decided to give a donation Of $5,00 Ito the Jainalett Lund, which is the Women's Insti- tute project this year, The 11)61 slate of Officers is as follows: President, Mrs. Cliff. Hall. man; let OM Mrs. Jack Yergeson; 20,d vice, Mrs. Arnold Gadke; see- retio-y-treasurer, Mrs. Harold Wats late; assistant, Mrs. Harvey Wright; district director, Mrs. Gordon McKee, The meeting closed with "The Queen" and ItUrch was served by the committee in charge, Mts, Stan Dennis, Mrs, Elmer Greenly and Mrs. Stewart Douglas. The next meeting will be at the Jack Ferguson home on , Friday evening, April. 7th. Euchre Winners WIN PRIZES AT CARD SOCIAL Surprise Party, 'GORRIE TwetitysfiVe friends, and neighbours gathered at the- home of 'Mr, and. Mrs. Ernest Har- ris for a Attridge patty oil the be, casion of their 25th wedding an- niversary on April 44th. They presented them with a table ' lamp, alturilimni trey arid chrome' teapot. The Finlay families had also presented theirs With an an- niversary clock. The evening was spent playing euchre and the ladies served lunch. Lti.KELET --A good crowd was In attendance for the weekly card Soelal. The solo winners were: !first high, Gordon McKee, of Lakelet; second high, Leonard Harper, of :McIntosh; low, Stan Donna ,of Lakelet. winners were: High lady, Mrs, Jim Harper, of Mildmay; high gent, Mr, Jim Harper, of Mildmay; low, Mrs. Lloyd Jacques, of Lake- let, The special went to Mrs. Stan Dennis, of Lakelet. The committee 10 charge was Mts. Arnold Gadke, Mrs, Bert Wylie, Mrs, Bob Allan and Mrs, 0011d011, McKee, Members of the Moleswbrth and the Goforth Auxiliaries were gutsts of the Women's Missionary Society of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wingham, on the occasion of their Easter meeting, on April 4. In the absence of the president, Miss C. Gilkinson, the vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Jobe Pollock, opened the meeting with a call to worship. Prayers were offered by Mrs. N. L. Pry and Mrs. W. Keith, The Scripture lesson from -St. Matthew's Gospel was read in uni- son with Mrs. L. Palmer as leader, Mrs. Leslie Portuhe directed thoughts to Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today and forever, His redeeming love on the cross and the surety of our salvation, quoting a. poem, "0, Death,' Where Is Thy Sting," The guest -speaker. Capt. G. S. Newnaap, was introduced by Miss V. McLaughlin in a few well- chosen words. Cant Newman of- fered his syrimathyain the death of Dr. A., IsTinnno, In his 'Address Ile emphasized the social wect of our Christian witness. Foreign missions are a goal before us but there is also notch 'need ill our own area which we cannot ignore, Mrs. T. A. Carrie expressed the thanks of all present for his message. A duet, "In My Heart There Rings a Melody," sung by Misses Ruth Aim and Gail Henderson, AC- Cornpanied by Mrs. W. K. Pord, was Mitch enjoyed and Mrs, J, -Pollock Closed the Meeting with prayer, The social committee, -convened by Mtg. It V, Pym, served tea, GORRIE—Winners at the 40.1L, euchre party on Wednesday even- ing were, ladies` high Mrs. Mabel Stewart; atien'S high, Mr. burns Stewart. George Timm, Wallace Township. Miss Patricia Nelson, Weston, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Edwards. Mrs. Roy Gowdy, Mr. and Mrs. Harty Gowdy spent Sunday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doubledee, Belmore. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Woods, Misses Lorne and Jane, were also visitors at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry flastle visit- ed Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Moffat, of Wingham, on Saturday. Mrs. Andy Edgar, Mrs, Archie Irwin, Miss Sandra Edgar, of Guelph, spent Wednesday with Mt. and Mrs, Bower Parrish, Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hatknosi and family, of /vIcIntrish spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Underwood. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Horne, Peter and Roger, of Toronto,, spent the week-end with Mrs. C. Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Mitchell and family, of Molesworth, visited Sun- day at the same home. Among these attending the 36th' annual WMS Presbyterial in 'Wing- harn United Church Were Mrs. E. S. Clarke, Mat. Harold' Robinson, Mrs. Hector Hamilton, Mrs. Gannon Edgar, Mrs, W. C. King, Mrs, Glad Edgar, Mrs. M, D, Irvin and Mrs, • Geb. Brovini. Mr. and 'Mrs. Clarence Grainger, Gregory and Janet, of WallkeebUrg, spent Friday aticl Saturday 'With Mr. and Mrs. Coen Grainget, Miss Nancy Elliott, Belm,ote, spent the week-end With MIAs Gwen Hyndinan. Birth /CARSTEN — In N-W Hospital, Kitchener on Friday, Apell 7, MI, 'to Mr, and Mrs, Harty kat-- -sten (Christina Donketsgoed) 1120 Guelph St., If:A-cher:et, a daugh- ter. that they distill; feel that oaets• ed much threat neestitA., good tasting. However, theSe*Pelsnlb said if by chance 'a taste forAt. tills acquired theY,InT9old.haVe.4-Ofight it with conscience: .. s • A good dear of- disenSSIOrii-Was held on why the law makes it an offence for minors to drink and the conclusion was that minors are incapable, mentally and physi- cally since they are in their growth Ronald Parrish, Goderich, spent the Easter holidays with relatives here. Mr. .and Mrs. Arthur Field, Lam- beth, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Cameron Edgar. Easter holiday visitors at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Spading were Miss Mary Culley, Port Elgin; Miss Sandra Lemmex, Atwood; Miss Sally Barker, Wil- lowdale; Mr. and Mrs, Lenwood Edgar and Dale, of Mount Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mastic, Mr. arid Mrs. Thos. O'Kraflta and Barry visited Sunday with Mr. and .Mrs Wm. Otto, Minim. Miss Yvonne Sperling spent a few days with Miss Ruth Wade, of Ancestor. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Jardine and Mr. -and Mrs. Alvin Moffat, of Wingham; Mts, John Hodgins, David and Karen, of Montreal; Master Paul McDonald, Brussels, Were guests of Mr. anti Mrs. Harry I-Tastie on Thursday. Miss Wanda Spading visited a 'few days with liars. Lida Balfour, of Listowel. Miss Shirley Eurig, Fordwich, visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs., Frank King. Mr, Harty nestle attended the bus drivers' convention at the Sea- way Hotel, Toronto, and visited a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Mastic, Toronto. Miss Sheila Burrell, Exeter, Spent the teeter vacation with her grandparents, Mr. mid Mrs. Ed- ward Behlder. Miss Maureen Buchanan and Mr. Kelvin Buchanan, of Ayr, spent Saturday with friends in the vil- lage. Mr. and Mrs. RaYinond. Gowdy spent the week-end at the home of Ma and Mts. Donald Sindrey, Tor. Onto. Mr. and WS. Charles Koch vlalted Sunday -at the home of Mr. t)' 'and Mrs. Stan Dennis and faittily. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,: Roy Burchill, of Wingham. The occasion was the celebration of the birthdays 'of. Mrs. Stan Dennis and son, Douglas. Mr.. and MrS. Lloyd Noble and futility, of London, and Mrs. Corky Clarke, of Mitchell, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Greenly for the week-end. Brian Clarke, who spent the Easter holidays with his grandparents, returned home with Mrs. Clarke, Mr. Glen Allan, son of Mr, tole] Mrs. Bob Allan, left by bus from Wingham on Thursday for Calgary. Alberta, where he is seeking em- ployment, • Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith and fam- ily, of Campbellville, visited on `Wednesday with Mr, and Mrs. Bob r, and .• 'Mrs. "ack Ferguson lisited with 'Mr. and Mrs, Stan Wolfe and family at Harriston on Saturday. Mr, Jim Inglic, of Guelph, spent the Easter holidays with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Inglis, Sr. Vernon Inglis, of Georgetown, also spent the week-end with his par- ents, Mr. 'and Mrs. Gordon Wright spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Evers, of Kitchener, Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Harding and family, of Fordwich, visited with Mr. and, Mrs. Bob Woods on Sim- day. Mr;, and Mrs.. Irvin Dielcert and family visited with Mr. and Mra. Ale* Murray, of Waterloo, on Sun- day, . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wright, of teiet, and Miss Jennice Markley ci Mr, Doug. ibavidson, of Whig- Inetored to Buffalo, N.Y., en Sunday. (Intended for last week) Mr„. and Mrs, Melvin Kraft and family and Mr. and Mrs. Arn- old IS:teller and David visited with Mr. and Mrs, Henry Kreller, of Clifford, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Ross McGregor and daughters, Mary arid Margaret, and son, Charles, of Seaforth, visited With Mr. and Mrs. Percy Huth on Sunday. Mr. arid Mrs. Gordon McKee and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Louis iDahmS, of Milditay, on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wright, Gayle and GlOria, of Paris, .sperit the Week-end with Mt, and Mtg.