The Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-04-12, Page 17,1 With which is anniigarnated the i~ipr.rie Vishtte and Wroxeter New WINQUAM, ONTARIO, WI DNESDAt t APRIL IA Mil SINGLE 'COPIE.S e.e4A0- 34th MD FINAL A WAIL MEET Wt( ONO THE MAIN DRAG By The Pedestrian AIL TQ PACIFIC LOCAL FIRM MAKES ODORS FOR BOUNTY s. Tiffin eturns uron'resident and this was used to present the departmental secretary's reports in symbolic form. AR each secretary gave her report she was given a I streamer so that when all the re- ports were presented the streamers encircield a lighted globe and the communion, WEATHER 1tEPOILT-7 We're' not talking. Let's jest tete- it looked a little better on Tuesday. 0 0 LOTS OF WILIWOWLe-- We had two visitations during the past week. A flock of wild ducks spent several days on the trtilkpond at Blutivalq, and on Mon- day three outsize birds landed on the lower pond in Wingham, Art E'urness says he IS pretty sure they were White swans,, a comparatively rare bird. Then again; some of the Other observers thought-they were e ge geese. What was really peed- Was an expert on the subject. h cases' the' A-T Man or with the camera, hut the birds were too far. eway. ... .......w tin film. 0-0-0 pAcw• tiortm.-.. • •• • • 'the 30th Annual meeting of 'Huron Presbyterial Woman's Mis., sionary Society was held in Wing- ham United Church on Thursday. A record attendance of over 300 marked. this historic occasion for it was the last Preebyterial under WMS auspices. By 'January 1,1.962, the United Church Women will come into being, amalgamating the WA, WM8 and other women's; groups of the United Church. The general session °Polled at 'MO after the Presbyterial exedie Live meeting, At this meeting the president, firsie vice-president, cote responding secretary, and treasurer were appointed as representatives of the WMS on a provisional 'come Wake foe Huron Presbytery. The theme of the day's meeting was "Into All the World Together" The reports revealed steady growth in youth groups, a worthy interest in reading materials, re- potted by Mrs. S. E: Lewis, and a membership of 2121, wonted, report- ed by Mrs, G. Beceroft. Some of the supply work included 89e1 for overseas -contaieing 193 quilts, and 19 layettes, 627 lbs. for Canada containing 76 quilts and 5 layettes, Over-$944 was contributed in carry- ing charges for the supply work. The treasurer, Mrs. J, A. Suttyr, reported $26,341.00 contributed to Mr. and Mrs. Art Wilson and Mr. and Mr's. W. He Freneh are. erpong those who recently returned from the southland, 0 (1 - 0 :KINDNESS PAYS 0.1.0I— Mad an interesting talk with Charlie Moore, formerly of White- church, who is now it guard at the reform institution at Burwash in the Sudbury district. Charlie,; former employee at the Lloyd plant, says he likes the work very much, and has found that roc psy and kindness pay big ton, Larry Eastie, Durham and Gerda Christensen of Seaforth. Seated is the registrar, Muriel Moore of Whitechurch.—CHNX photo by Strong, REGISTER AT CONFERENCE—Visitors from a wide area attended the '.lot Alpha conference last Friday, held the United Churele Wingham, Reg- istering for the event are Lenore Bowman, Harris- aster Seal Fund till elow 1961 e rteci ective wh o are intereeted in . wrath history are MM./liar with the thou of the mutiny on the Bounty. ItridPiY UfTrnfied tole of British liettnlen NOW releched against the tyranny of their captain during a Voyage in the western Pacific about 160 years ago. The %seamen, led by the first mate, 'Fleteher, Christian, overpowered Captain Hindi anti those who rem:tine-1 loyal to him, tette, them nitrite In largest boat., and •eyeete_ ally tett lip . a colony on lonely Pitrairn Leland. Patinien Beta Sinre heeoute a :mot of great interest., for fire rtetteentlan tit of the mutineors mid their Polynesian wives he(.0 developed ;t :peeity almost unique in Modern Weeny. Fee/prat boolce have been written ah(lui the mutiny and the settle- ment on the lonely island, and fif , t0011 Or twenty years ago a film was made. This year a new movie is being ntath. tied this time many of the scones will actually he shot iu the islands where the story or- -iginated, lit only,. to maintain com-pote authentieity tile film company Commissioned a firm of shipbuild- ers in Lenetthing, Nova Scotia, to build ;tn, exact replica of the old sailing vessel. Perfect in every de- tail of construction and rigging the ship willed some months ago for the location of the film opera- tion. 11. was with considerable interest that we learned this week that the cabin doors for Gm vessel were made by C, Lloyd ter Son in Wing- hem. They were lint, of any com- plicated construetion, as might he ituagined from the tee, of the or- iginal ship, but were coneiderahly emitter than Bogie which are nor- mally nettle for commercial use. the WMS brand] treasurer ht 1000, which was $841.00 over the &Mee,- ' eion. Mrs. E. McKinley announced, the allocation for 1961 to be $26,- 900,00 and this was accepted by the meeting, The ladies were extended. greet- ings from Wingham United Church by 'MO. Cohn FIngland, and Mrs. T. G. Ulmer dedicated the year's work. Mrs. Arthur Jackson, of Atwood, presented forcefully the cage of the United Church Women before Rev. T. G. Fusser conducted the Communion service, During the dinner hour greetings were extended by Mrs. Harold Phillips on behalf of the WA, by Rev, Grant Mills on behalf of the Presbytery, and Mrs, Harold An- derson thanked the ladies for the splendid banquet. The three WMS Auxiliaries of the church co-oper- ated for this under the leadership of Mrs. Hugh Carmichael. Seven departmental coneerenees were held for special groups, Mrs. 0. Harrison led the presidents' group; Mrs, W. B. Cruikshank and Mrs. G, Michie led the secretaries; Rev. C. Ferguson, of London, led the group for leaders of younger groups; Mrs. S. E, Lewis conducted one on literature; Mrs. E. McKin- ley led one for treasurers anti Christian stewardship secretaries; Mrs. Rex, Harmer, of Platteville, led one for supply work and Rev. L. Brown conducted a large group interested in the mission of the church. The four vice-presidents con- Please turn to Page Twelve dends In his relations with the pr liners. Though he didn't men- tie it We would guess that • his abounding sense of humor is a big asset too, 0 - 0 - 0 FOR CANCER Cu' HOSPITAL AUXILIARY WHEEL CHAIR WILL BE PRESENTED. HERE 0-11;i t CANCER COLIKTION • „poi, M. Myers, B.A„ DeV1.11T, (Eng.), of • the ta Cancer Foundation in London will be the sitealter at the meeting on IS FARTFll IN COUNTRY _ Friday evening in the COUPeij SPRING CONFERENCE TO BE IN LONDON TeachersRe=hired At a brief meeting of the Pub- lic School Board on Monday even- ing the hoard received the report that all teachers on the staff had signed contracts for the 1961-62 term. Other business was at a mini. mum, with routine accounts and the minutes being passed. LLOYD EXECUTIVES TAKE NEW POSTS At the Ladies' Auxiliary to Wing- ham GeneralHospital meeting held on Friday plans were made for the final Marathon bridge to he held in the council chambers on Friday evening, April 28, at 8 o'clock, The spring rummage sale Was discussed and the date will be an- nounced later. An invitation was extended to the members to attend the :Exeter Auxiliary meeting on April 11th at 2.30 p.m., when Mrs. J. C. Macatick- hug, of Markham, convener of the provincial public relations commit- tee, will be guest speaker. The Easter Seal imarmiletee of -the Wiregintin Lions .ClUbereporte that the objective for - While-ham. and district has not -been reached, Those who intend to assist in this very worthwhile project are asked to send in their donations without delabO About le,000 children In the province are aided by the funds collected through the sale of Easter Seals. In the jurisdiction of the Wingham Lime Club alone seven children are under direct care and are benefitting immeasurably from the support and treatment which the Easter Seal fund provides.. If you c-an no longer locate the return envelope which was mailed to you some weeks ago, please mail your donation to Mrs, W. J. Greer, Wingimin, Ontario. . In- clude your name and address so that -receipt may be sent out. STILL INTERESTED— The Goderich, Signal-Star notes that Gavin Green celebrated his 99th birthday on April Rh,' Mr. Green, who is stilt izlort, has spent a long and interesting life. Many will, recall visits to his antique shop In the county town, where he. Was the unofficial curator of hun- dreds of objects which held great historical interest. Deeply interest- ed in the history of the town and the county, he was a most interest- ing conversationalist. Mr. Green has been confined to the Goderlch Isleeiital for two and a half years. - 0 - 0 Ill[ AS DOOM— Some time before long, when tin town feels a bit affluent, the coun- cil should visit the hospital in e. body—at 9 p.m. The street In front of the building, which is travelled by hundreds of persons every evening, is so badly lit that visit- ors could well arrive as stretcher cases, Only three tiny bulbs in old- fashioned fixtures light the entire block. Surely we aren't that hard up! - (1 - 0 BIGGER POOL-- Many of tile homes in the rural areas around Wingham have al- ready been canvassed by members of the Federation of Agriculture on behalf of the Canadian Cancer Society, The collection will be corn- I piked within the next two weeks, In Wingham and Lucknow the house-to-house canvass will be car- ried out by students of the two distriet high schools. It is expected that the collection in Wingham will take place on Friday, April 21ste DeWitt Miller is campaign chair- men for Winghtem and district, which includes the Lucknow area. bast. year the entire canvass ' • this district was carried out by the students of the two high schools, and was the most success- ful in the history of the organiza- tion. chamber, sponeored by the local branch of the Cancer Society. Dr. Myers is an associate of Dr. Ivan Smith, of London, WIln lots been Winghath on previous occasions,. anti comes highly recommended by him, -Some of the me mbers of the Wingham and District High School Glee Club will sing and David Adams, of Witte/et, will give violin spin. John. Donaldson, of Wing- ham, will be the vocal soloist for the evening. It is expected that Were will be members of the Goelerieh branch at the meeting and Dr. Ross will present a wheel chair on behalf of his branch to the Wingham group. This will in turn be presented to Mrs. Moiety 'for use at the cancer clinic at the Wingham Hospital. Everyone is invited to hear this excellent speaker and enjoy the program. There is no admission. The local firm of C. Lloyd & Son has announced several changes in , the executive officers of the company. 'Re H. Lloyd becomes chairman of the board. W. H. French, who was formerly vice-president and gener- al manager assumes the post of president, and C. W. Lloyd be- comes vice-president, D. C. Nesmith, who has been the assistant general manager, will be- come general manager of the firm. and James Hamilton, previously treasurer, has been named secre- tary-treasurer. FIREMEN DONATE—The Wingham Fire Brigade presented the Golden Circle Scheel for retarded children with two trieyeles this week. Fire Chief Jim Carr and his assistant, Dave Crothers ate shown as they presented the toys to the school's teacher Mrs. T. Q. Husser and three of the pupils, The latter were immensely pleased with the equipment. In New Quarters Mr, ettel Mrs. Robert Henderson and baby daughter, of Chesley, moved into the apartment on Fran_ TEENARILS INJURED IN CAR ACCIDENT The president announced that the will be held on Tuesday, April 25. Several F spring conference of Region No. 2 Families at St. Mary's Hospital, London. Registration will begin at 11 a.m., followed by a luncheon, conducted tours of the hospital and a work- shop explaining various types of auxiliary work. Anyone wishing to re;; leteept owned by Mr. and Mrs. attend was asked to contact. Mrs. Jack Seeker and recently vacated Norman Cameron before April 20. by Miss Anna. McDonald. Mr, The Riverside Park committee is getting ready for action as soon as approval is obtained for their 1960 plans. It is likely that the pool be- low the CN bridge will be enlarged deepened to permit diving ,n the board which will be erect- ed on the concrete foundation poured last year. Incidentally, the area above the 1-Towson clam which was levelled and seeded last year is greening up and makes an un- believable improvement in an area which Used to be a prominent eye- sore. U - 0 - Mrs. Gordon Godkin, reporting for the sewing committee, stele(' that 347 articles had been rid nut, 579 articles had been made nail t hin' mending had been completed to date, Three crib quilts had been made by the ladies of Belernee. The preektent, Mrs. Normae Cameron, was in rharge of the meeting, The next one will he he'd on May 5th, when final ()tails for the rummage sale will he made. William Jamieson, 17, son of Mr. mid -Mrs. Lawrence Jamieson, Whitechureie and _Ronald Jacklin, its, were injured last Wednesday when the ear in which they were travelling left the road in Lower Wingham, striking a cement pillar., Both were removed to hospital Here, where Jamieson was found to have suffered shock and con- tusions, jarklin suffered several fractured ribs, shock and con- tusions. Both are in satisfactory creediticin1 Constable. Ron Bell, of the local Provincial Police detachment, in- vestigeted the accident. Henderson is a fieldman with the United Dairy and Poultry Co-op- eraUs:PR. Miss M.e.DOnald has moved into the apartment, formerly occupied by rz. K. McKinney in the Ron Dundee residence on John Street. Mr. McKinney has moved into his apartment above the coin laundry building which he has erected. Mr. anti Mrs, J. T. Goodall are hiking up residence this week on ,John l- trees, in the apartment at the hove of Mrs. B. Homuth. Mr. sod Mrs. Goodall come from Fere els. Mi. .tioodall purchased the ion' practice of J. W. Btishfield, te, few weeks ago. Miss Mary 'Harman met • George Stokes. -of the Ten-into- orrN eliseeeleede Mary Gibbons, Arthur Affleek And • Dominion Bank staff, "W-111"1 'Xi:wham and District Cancer udirtioneLtwolgee atpuit:edsai...0, nuiglIU.hfs,1 will hold an mien meeting marked-the conclusion of a series 'e'rrieli(;:e;•''. April 14th, 8 p.m., in the during the winter months for eta- ph t.,..mrcr. Everyone welcome, of night classes held in Kitchener i. Lo is et ployees of the various bronchi-.r-eomiell 01%31111On Entertalmnveit2ttb. the bank in this area. COIN LAUNDRY WILL OPE\ THIS WEB DONATE TO RETARDED— Following a recent euchre party .the Canadian Order of Foresters donated $20.00 to the Wingham and District 'Retarded Children's As- sociation. Another euchre will be held tonight (Wednesday), pro- ceeds again to be turned over to the satire worthy cause. & 1I ." liAGEMENT iil r. and Mrs. Norman Thomas, of Fort Erie, Onterlo, are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter, Norma Arlene, to Mr. Kenneth Gilkinson, of Kitch- ener, son of it and Mrs. Harold Gilkinson, of Wingliahe The wed- ding will take place early in May F13* Bankers Attend Dinner in Preston Town Apy,oints New Solicitors Winehamel newest business en• terprise, a rein operated laundry service, is expected to be ready Th e business later this week, The 'laundry will be located in the building erected during the .winter end owned by Mayor R. E. Mc- Kinney. The business will be operated by a Kitchener Britt Early this week 'workmen were puttfeet• on the final coat of interior finish. The mayor lies already moved into. one of the two apartments -on the :second floor. The new building is located Immediately south of the enreing rink on Josephine Street. The exterior of 'the building pre- sents a refreshing modern appear- ance and adds a distinct improve- ment to-the general appearance of the business •section. Ott Monday of tine the town council received and accepted he resignation of ,1. W. •Bnolifield, as town solicitor. Mr. Bush- leld is the newly-,appointed crown -ittorney for the County of Uurnn. At a special meeting on Monday the epithet' appointed the Wingham 'aw firm of Crawford & 'Hethering. ton as solicitors for the muniel. ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs, Nelson Pickell wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Doris Eilleen, to Mr. Eli Kristeneen, of London, (formerly of Denniark), The mar- liege will take place its St. An- elreW's Presbyterian Church, Wing- kiatm, on Saturday, May 9, 1061. F12b potilt-E WARNING All children in town, as well as their narents are warned that it it. illegal to discharge firecrackers or wiy other tree of fireworks in isle 'mwof 'Whigham other than in the period of seven days preced- ing May 24th. Verthet warninp, is given that mane youngsters petsist hi riding lleiit hi cycles on the sidewalks of the town, Offeettere in both instances will be sumMatily dealt with. Gordon Deyell• Chief of Pollee, ftierltrogit front missionary duties in mopes, Mrs. H. S. Lewis, Merl IT seetchity, Mrs. Q. W. Tiffin, preskkeit'ot the Huron Presbytery 8.; Mrs,. G. Ileeetoft, corresponding secretary and Mrs. W, B. Crniksha Ties norresprondbig 'secretary for the London Conference, OVER 30t) ',Arms attended Meeting of the Hilton Presbytery W.M.S. hold at tite Wingham United Churnh last Tiuttsday. Pictured alroVe, looking river some of the religions literature displayed At the tneeting Beres left to tight, Miss Mildred Mathewson, speaker, who is an