The Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-03-01, Page 7Packs Auditorium Two, Nites
.., ma auditoriu m of the Wingnam
4000 'District High School was filled to
eapapity on both Thursday and
'... Friday evenings of last week,
when the students staged a variety
program that many in the audience
felt• was one of the best to be
staged at the school in years. Spon+
sored by the Student Council and
under the direction of the teach-
ing . staff, the, program included
singing, aYrrinastics, dancing, a
one-act comedy play and seledtions
by the recently-formed school band.
Over three hundred students Par-
ticipated in. the program.
The show got underway with
William Baltimore, ,president of the
Student (Council, acting as Master
of ceremonies and welcoming the
audience to the school.
The girls of Grade X sang "A
Good Bay for Singing", "Let There
BePeace On Earth," eand "Younger
Than Springtime". They were well
received by the audienee. A mixed
ensemble then sang "Some En-
chanted Evening".
The school orchestra, which was
formed only five, months ago under
the direction of Robert Vivian,
played several selections. It. was
apparent that the group lia,d made
excellent progress in the short in-
terval since it was started.
A boys chorus sang "Blow the
Man Down" and "Joshua Fought
the Battle of Jericho", giving an
excellent rendition of both songs.
The girls of Grade IX received a
big applause for their efforts when
they sang "Oklahoma",
One number that received ex-
tended applause was a series en-
titled "`Dancee through the Tearil"
by a group of studente who danced
several of specialty numbers, start-
ing with an Indian dance and 'pro-
gressing through to the current
rock and roll steps. One group of
girls rocked the audience with
their efforts depicting the "Char-
leston" and other dance numbers
of the Roaring Twenties.
A boys' ensemble dressed in tails
and sills hats sang "Or Mart River"
and did an excellent joh. Judith
Renwick thrilled the audience with
her Majorette drill and display of
baton twirling.
The gymnastic display of a dozen
of the male students was fast
moving and demonstrated what is
being done at the school in the
physical training courses. The boys
displayed their ability to take high
hurdles, flips and concluded with
a collapsing pyramid.
A triple trio of girls sang "Bali
Ha'i", which was appreciated by
the large audience.
A one-act play entitled "Henry's
Mail-Order Wife" was a short
comedy that was well-acted and
Results, of Euchre
BLUEVALE --Nine tables were
in play at the euchre party in the
community hall, sponsored by the
Illuevale Women's Institute on
Wednesday evening last,
Prize winnere were: High. scores,
Mrs, Raymond Elliott, George
Greenaway; consolation prizes,
Mrs. Graham Campbell, Mrs. Jean
Griffith; special prizes, Mrs. Alex
MeCreakin, Mrs. Leslie Greenaway.
full of fun. The cast was made
up of John Halliday, Melvin Me-
Kinney, Donald Whitfield, Anne
Wightman, Evelyn, Stephens and
William Jeffrey. The scene was
a ranger's rough cabin, with two
bachelors getting involved in ro-
mance by mail,
The entertainment concluded
with another selection by the
school band and a mass choir si nging "Land We Levee and "One
St. Andrews ',V P.
Met on Monday
The St, Andrew's PleshYterian
Young People met in the Sunday
School room on Monday evening.
Betty Ann Lapp read the call to
worship, followed by the opening
prayer by Mary Phillips. Bich
Scott read the Scripture. The
minutes were read and roll call
In the business it was decided to
have a box social at a later date.
The offering was then taken and
the offertory player was given by
Charles Congrane.
Mrs, George Scott then gave a
short talk on some very useful ad-
vice to teenagers. A hymn was
sung, and a film, "A Job for Bob"
was shown. The meeting closed
with a hymn, and prayer by Gloria
Mr. and Mrs. Idloysl Anderson, of
looadon, spent, the Week-end with
Mr, and Mrs. John Anderson,
• Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mathers
and. family, of Toronto, Spent the
week-end with their parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Melville Mathers and Mr,
and Mrs. Gordon Pengeily.
Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Wilkinson
and Mr. and Mrs. Kitchener
gan and Mrs. Art parr, all of God-
erich, visited on Sunday with Minis
Annie Baker; Mr, Howard
son and. sons.
Mrs. Ted Fear and Mr c;. &O pt
McCrea attended the leaderslUp
workshop for teachers of nursery*
kindergarten and primary Sunday
School classes held at Ontario 14t,
United Church, Clinton, last Wed-,
Mr. and Mrs. James Lamont and
family visited on Sunday with. Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Hunking and family.
Mrs. Orval Taylor and Mr. John
Taylor visited with Mr, Orval Tay-
lor, a patient in St. Joseph's Hos-
Pita", London..
HIGH SCHOOL Chorus or 4110S
choir is pictured left as they
sang the concluding numbers of
the variety concert last Friday
evening. The clioir is directed.
by Mrs. Marie Douglas, 'centre
I'HE TWO NIGHT showing of the
Whig:ham District 'High Schaal
variety concert last Thursday
and Friday evenings filled the
auditorium on both oecasions.
The picture centre telt, shows -
Part of the large crowd that was -
lit attendance.
The girls dancing in the picture
centre right, made their grand-
parents, if not their parents, hark
back to the Rearing Twenties
with their "Charleston Dance"
and others of that period:
GRADE NINE girls are pictured
lower' left as they sang "Okla-
homa" at the high school variety
eaneert. The well trained group
were thoroughly enjoyed by the
SCHOOL BAND—Forined only five
months ago the high school baud
under the direction of Robert
Vivian, left, produced the kind
of music that any directeT would
be proud to hear at the school's
variety concert last Thursday ant`
Friday.—Advance7Times photos.
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