The Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-05-04, Page 7- •
BUD ORE,, -manager of the Belgrave Co-Operative is pictured as tae
Presented Ws firm's shield to Mrs. Margaret Robertson, teacher at the,
Westfield school Which won the unison chorus class •
t. bbavirtzTittirci
IWNORIA-11, firitRW?A Wir(19?;.t41A•i,:s
- ,
Katt Welvatio•111 and Barlett,Mry. Wawanosli; Norma Smith awl Ann
1V1yrtle Munro; U. li. S 16, Ea-51; and 0131eilleherg, 86, Vali, o, 1.4.1. Wa
• •• • West Wawatiosit, Mrs. Beth 1-411. wanoaill Carolyn 1iprung and raj. Lutz, 85,, U.1•113, 6, P;.
Ivatiosh; f:rare blathers and (issue es ...hoots compete antillallY do. Purvey, morriri; Nara . . ,•.
sing. o
"itBe THE MOUNTAIN"' wtta the tone sang by these three winners, in
the class for boys 9 years old and under, They are John Gibh,
Fear and 41,ellmy Or Who stood third to first, from loft to right re-
UK NIGHT -The Belgrave Music Festival wind-up was a big evening
list these three yonagstors.•They are Itift to right, Brenda Mao, Maly
Uovieyund Judith, McDowell winners tn. the class for girls ander nine.
Il1d4411tAV14.-The twn-day:•event,
the ill-school 13eigrave„"trinsic
tival,• • corkillieneett 04" ''''llutriiday
morning with fonts classesJit vont-
Petition ,both MeralOg Ailti • after-
noon. The festival committee chose
as Its adjudicator, Dr.' G. .tipsy
Fenwick. Music, supervisor fir the
UellOols in •Morris•Towitaliip 111i•a,
.Nora. Moffatt and Mrs„ Elaine Me-:
Dowell for the East WaWanesh
Township sciwois. Tile festival 13
under the control and Inanageteent
of 'the Belgrave School . Fair 'AFt-
sociation of which Norittan.Cotilteu
prealtielit • and 'Stanley :Hopper,
secretary. Martin • Gtasby lH chair-
man of the festival contraittee :and
Mrs. George =Chia is • festivu:
Seltools taking part .its Um 1900
festival and their teachers are:,
8. 8. 1, Morris, :Mrs. ,J, Griffiths;
S. S. 3, Morris, Miss Iljith Fry-
logic; S. •S. 4, Moriia, 'Mrs., W.
•Miller; 8, S, .5, „Mprris;•.Mrs.,,Ttuth
8;: 0;
Proider;••8. S•,.7, Morris,•gisa.§711;ella .
Black; .Morris, bits:, Cleat
Sterner.; S. ,B;
.,,Vogt,. -S. 41, :-MOrrlif,:MrS. Har-
vey liober(Sott; • I:1., 12;:,,'Morris,
Mrs. Edna, 1-fachWerli. ':'; •••• • •
• S. East Wawatiosh, .1.:10Y(1
Aridstrang; S. 8 - 10; +{t10••s( Wawa-
)100. 'NfrF). •TP11) 8.. 13,
East Wa.,waits14•MVS: Mary Wight-
malt; Belgrave.Seltdolo•jrulloe room.
MrS. Mary -Holland, sent* 'room,
Mrs, .Mtiry Wciod4;U.S.• 7, East
WnWanos.11, • birs,1 .12,61t13-13'O5ltttli ;
U. S.- .S. • 0, East WaFaitosli, Mrs.
Margaret -Robertson; 'U S. 8, LI,
ov the WItigham Lions f.1.1nb
,ropily, hell now by IL S. N. 16.
Nast, Wawantrlh; the Clt,114 Radio
and TV trophy Mid. -by U, S..5. 4,
Mortis and Hullett; Belgrave Wo-
men's Institute trophy, a new
trophy for ritYtlint -band
meld. 20 and antler); Belgrve Co-
operative Astmolation trophy held
by U. 8; 13, 6, East Wawanosh;
8citool Area trophy held now by
U, 5, S. ii, East •Wawattosli; School
Area •trophy, held now by 11.8.8- 6,
East Wawataxilt; Belgrave Wo-
men's Institute trophy (highest
mark) held by Belgrave School.
Cash awards are also given to the
Comparing thisi year's list of
entries with last year's list, it is
noted that the number of coMpeti-
fora in all classes, has inereaseti oil
the average of nine entries. There
are six entries In the boys' cltartg-
ed voices, where there was not one
entry last year. The largest class-
es competing this year Is for girl's
solo, 11 years and under with 47
entries; duets, With, 42. 6littie;$
girl's solo, 11 years ,ar'0.111sd with
3•4•• entries. ••
The classes, Were held, in
esters' Hail all•'-cleY'Thurutlay,•4id
Friday, and li!riday,.eVeultig.44/ 1110
Wingham • DIstr,Pit :High School.
The evening. clastisincludit-two-
part. • chorus,: double. -trio, unison
chhkis and •••rhythent• hand. • :• •
• -
and Walter Wintelteatl•,.$3, 148. 7,
Girl's solo, 7 years nail under.
"Spring it; Here", 'Doris 1%oultes.
88, '8,11. 0, E. Wawanosh; Margaret
Youllgbillt, 87. 11,1,115. 11, E. Wawa-
nosh; Connie Mann, 86, 8,5 7, Mor-
ris;. Charlotte. Nesbit, 85, 1:18.8. 16.
tirawanosh, Beth Scott, 81. Bel-.
grave School; Jwhy White, 133, OA.
3, Morris,
Thinsday Afternoon
Boy's solo, 7 years and under,
"Shepherd's Song"----- Neil Lock-
hart, 86, •11.N.S. 16, E. Wawanosh;
Wayne Hopper, 85. S.S. 7. Morris;
Richard Anderson, 34, Belgrave;
Keith Wilbe,e, 83, U•88. 11. Mor-
- Lis; Keith Elam, 82, 11.8. 7, Morris;
Lary $1, SS. 5, Morris.
Unison Chorus (enrolment 25 and
"South 12,
Morris, Mrs. Edna Ilackwell, 82;
8.8. 8, Mortis, Mr. Cleat Sterner,
87; 813. 4, Morris, Mrs. Elsie Mil-
ler; 11.13.13. 16, E, Wawanosh, Mrs.
Beth Lansing, 85,
Two-part chorus, enrolment 25
and under, "0 4..'ente with Me"•
LLS.S. 11, E., •Wawanosit, Mrs. Myr-
tie.. Munroe,- 86; N.S. 12;. -Morris,
Mrs,. Edna 85; f,-;,;-1. 4,
Morris, Mrs, F,isie Miller, 84;...11:,.S.S.
16, E..,;WavV,aposii.,- Mrs. Beth :Lan-
sing, '83. : • - • •
Rhythm. Band fem-ohent.20 and
Under), "Waltz in A Flat" --•13 :111,
Morris; Miss. Jean Vogt 88, 11.8.
6, -Morris, ..Miss Ruth Procter, 87;
U.S.G. 11, East Wawanoslt, Mrs.
Myrtle Munroe.. 86, S.B. 8, Morris.
• 'Girl's solo. 9 years. and 'under,
"Under the Tree"--Judith McDow-
ell; 87', 13 1.4, Wawanosh; Mary
Bewley, 86, '11.S.S. 11, Morris; Bren-
da Bone, 85, SS. 9, 10, Wawanosii;
Brenda .Coshes, 81, S.8. 9, E. Wa-
wanosh; Carol- Shurtreed, 83, U.S.$.
11, Morris; Joyce CoulLes, 82, S.S.
9, E, Wawanosii. •
Changed voices (boys),
Rant anti Wye 1l Roar"---Terry
Richmond, 80, ,U.13.0. 12, Morris;
Lonna Stadlennin. 84. MS. 1, Mor-
ris; Floyd ,ttrzuth, 8 t, 13.8, 1, Morris;
Gerald Blake, 82, U.S.S. 11, _Morris;
Gwilyn Griffiths, 81, 12,
Morris; Larry Blake, 80, 17,41.8. 12,
Morris and Dwight 4,111)3611, 80,
U.82. 12, Morris.
Boy's solo, 0 years and under,
"-Up the Mountain"---Ricky Orr, 86,
Belgrave; Billy Feat', 85, :Belgrave;
John Cribb, $1, Belgrave; John Tur-
veY, 83, S.S. 8, Morris; Douglas
Smith, 82, .U.88. 6, E. Wawanosii;
Jeff Thornton, 81, 8,11, 7, Morris.
Friday Afternoon
Girl's solo, a years and under,
"Berceuse"-Nancy Sanderson., 87,
'CLi rS8al, al, Morris:wi"nsII;
McKeeeher, 85, 10 Morril; Corrine
Gibson, 81, 11,11,5, 13. Morris; Grace
Bromley, 83, ILS.8 16. NiWawa-
nosh; Margaret Nichol, 3%, ;•.S. 4,
Boy's solo, 14 years and under,
"A Life on the Ocean Wave"--
Graetzte -Craig, 87, U.S.S. 11, Mor-
ris; Bruce Currie, 86, 8.8. 9, E.
Wawanosii; Bob Lockhart, 85.
U.S.O. 16, B. Wawanosh; Jim Hen-
rY, 84, U.S.S. 11, E. Wawanosh;
Bill Hetherington, $3, 14.8. 10, Moro
Hs; John Watson. 82, 8.8. 4, Mor-
(Aids solo. .14 years and under,
"Lass of Richmond Hill"---blartie
Koopman, 88, U.S.S. 6, E. Wawa-
nosh; Margaret Nicholson, 87, S,S.
5, Morris; Gloria Lutz, 86, U.S.S. 6,
L. Wawanosh; Ann Hpicgleberg,
85, it S.S. 6, E. Wawanosh; Linda
Bryans, 84, V.8.8..11, Morris; Val-
dcarie Noble, 83, S.S. 10, E. Wawa-
Fin-al Game Held
filarathon Bridge
On Friday evening the final game
of the marathon bridge parties
was held In the council chamber.
These parties are .sponsered by the
Ladles' Auxiliary to Wingham
General Hospital and are played
once each month during the -winter,
afternoon anti evening, in the
homes, All scores are kept anti at
the last, prizes are awarded.
1"ur the afternoon play, first prize
went to Mrs. 3. Greer with a
total score of 20,500, while the sec-
ond was 'won by Mrs. Bert Porter
with 19,87u. For -those who played
in the evening, 'tile awards were
taken by Mrs. Ross Dundas with
17,230 and Mrs. J. Stephens, hav-
ing' 15,980. For Friday evening, top
Honors went to Mrs. C. H. 'piillde
and a, lucky draw was won by Mrs,
Howard Sherbondy. All prizes were
presented by the Auxiliary presi-
dent, MrS. N. Cameron.
As well as promoting .social in-
tere'ourse, these bridge parties lids
collected -$250.00, 'which will
lie,Alsed• halmtrehase..suptdies for the
• r; „:
14IX111().111 ST. GEORGE; Of -01INX..3s • shown as -lie:. rite bacicgrotpu.1 won the•r •tep dieSitionc"for tivo-part •
pliescatc'd,a trophY blyi•ile tent4itir Cltortnies in schools en ,
of.;;;Iit,8:S.. „II, Eait Aden .in •• • • •• •'• • • ,•• • • • • • .
• ;:-• • "11mAdak • • •
Boy's 8°1°•' It :Y eats 11141 -"del'. Mr. Clem Steffier, 85.
A' Hunting 'WC. Will Go' -,--15avid • -
adiving; 87, 'KS. 10,;•Morris; :John • Friday Morning
Orr, go,' Belgra'vtt; 'Gordon .11/1cMur-
ray, 85, ,S 8, T bidr•ris; •Teci
84, U.S. 8, ••11.1: WaWdnos117,• Waiter
Whitehead, ;83, 8..S.Morrisi;
B.S. Murray Elston, 82, 7' Mois:13.
beet, open class, "All , the 131rds
Art( He re Again"-J-bla rtie. and
Iclaske KoOpman, '88, 1.3.8.S,•
Wawanosh; Grace- Brorilley and
Nancy, Anderson„87, US.S.• 16, E, • • . •
. An obstinate man who refuses .., . , ... _
. to yield an inch of ground to an-
NEIL ECICKEUT,- Viiiii•Y•no tifillper And•Itiajax,4 Andorson, rig-ht to left, other driver increases the likehood
aittl' in order -of merit were lite.whil-ners for buyS seven and that, at an early date, he will get
therBelgrave',Masia Vestiivi11• `' : •• •-• •- •• •• - • : • :'• six. feet of it for his own, says
'the Ontario Safety League.
CHANGED YOICES•-la this class the winneri were from left to tight,
winning third, second and first places,. Floyd Smith., Loaiii
and Terry Klehmalid. .Their tune-,-"We'll Rant and Well Raar.."-
IN THE CLASS for boys 11 years and under. Gor,lon McMurray, John
On. and David Vowing won third, second, and first places. They sang
"4 14.Mt!!!Er t,,'t' 1'5 00."
- ...,
LIONS AWARD-Mrs. Edna, Illaclo% ell, teacher at nnison Chorus in schools with aneotoinient Of 25 or
111,5.8. 1'o. 12 Morris is shown as She was presented under, . . .
With Um Wingitam Lions Club TroPhY for e4 bosi
, .
ANN McKERCHER, Cheryl Craig and Nancy Anderson were the third,
second and first plate winners in the Class for girls 11 years and Under
at the Uelgrave Music. Vostival,
WESTFIELD SCHOOL, U.S.S. No. 6 East,Wawanosil,
won rite unison chorus number for school with an
enrolinent: over 25. The group is pictured above as
they sang in the high 60001 autlitolium. here Frida,s:
WINNIERS OE THE DUET open class are shoWn ober° as they sang
at, the Uelgiswe iiltt to relltivar last Friday evening, :The girls nrc,
left to right: Norma Allith and Aim Spiegiebergy third place; (race
Ucetona stiltley -11tyttey* Andorsolt, secoiid lace; Mari a e' nd '11t110/1
dioaPnittn,' fijr0„;,„
NEW TrttellY-A neIV trophy donated by the Belgrave WI, was pre-
sented by Mrs. Preeter, rigid; to the teaeher S.S. 1, Morris, Mrs'
0101111s, second from right, The class Iron lite Band awatri1
-for -schools With all enrolment Under eo at the Belgrave Music Festival: