Village Squire, 1977-11, Page 42interest ng place for those who like health
foods itch features bins of various blends
of gra. Ia. whole grain flours, rice, dried
fruits and many other provisions for the
natural life. It's a pretty little shop
complc e with stone countryyard out front.
Scat, •red throughout the town are other
shops uch as Ye Old English Shoppe on
Geddes street near Moir featuring china,
crystal tnd giftware. In an old church over
on He i Terson street is Peter and Nancy's
Potter : a shop which is fascinating to visit
even ii you don't like pottery all that much.
It contains a massive carved bed that is
over 3)0 years old and was carved for the
mistrt ,s of the King of Denmark.
As ,2ntioned earlier, the second main
concei ation of shops is in Salem at the
west en .i of Elora. Probably the best known
of thest is the Gordon Pottery; one of the
best kl.own potteries in the province. It's a
small, unimpressive building but it's
literal) crammed with products of every
descril on made from clay.
At the bend in the road is an old building
which 1 luses two modern shops, Nepenthe
and t tllery Chimera. The former
special. es in high quality Ontario crafts.
pottery. blown glass, silver, weaving etc.
Galler\ Chimera is a co-operative gallery
run b a group of artists from the
surrou, ding area including Bill Acres of
Listov. - ..
To t' north is Bon Accord Farm, where
fine ( adian pine furniture reproductions
are m. de.
Sevc I of the shops that now crowd the
corner ,f Mill Street at Metcalfe now
occupy ‘vhat was once the Wellington
Count Museum which is now located
halfwa between Elora and Fergus out Mill
Street ast.
So yc can see it's easy to spend a whole
day in lora and area without wasting
much til. c. You can even take in a movie at
The G: ; ge Cinema, set up in an old
buildint: on Mill Street.
But ‘‘ .iatever you do, don't spend so
much tit ie shopping or browsing without
visiting the Gorge. There's the Elora Gorge
Park, a. d the Elora Gorge Conservation
area be h of which provide views of the
On , tilt way home you can take David
Street ,ff Geddes and head south to
Westnivntrose where you can see one of
the feu 'overed bridges left in the province
then get back on ighway 86 and drive
west to It ach the starting point of Listowel.
By then you'll likely agree it's been a
very full day. 0
Elora Books is a popular spot for browsers.
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