Village Squire, 1976-11, Page 41BUSINESS Fred Looker has turned his basement into warehouse, office, printshop and computer workshop. Here he works at the input keyboard for his hobby computer. For the man who has everything -- a computer for Christmas For the person who has everything how about a Christmas present with a difference this year: a computer. A few people in Canada will indeed be getting themselves that present either for Christmas or at some other time of the year and they'll most likely be getting it from a business in Goderich that few people in town probably even know exists. The company is Tyzl Ltd. and is run by Fred Looker. his wife and son-in-law. It has no fancy offices or show room, just the organized confusion of the Looker's Warren Street basement. But in the past year. through sales of various technically oriented goods. it has doubled its business. The computers are just the newest item on the long list of things you can buy through the mails from the company. The company specializes in , books and other information for amateur radio operators. Actually the company is just a part-time thing for Fred. who is manager of a Clinton wholesale company on a full-time basis. Its growth has been so strong. however. that it is a full-time business for Mrs. Looker and half-time for their son-in-law Roger Clayton. The company was formed in 1973 but had its beginnings earlier in 1970. Fred has always had a deep interest in amateur radio and electronics. A 30 -foot radio tower sits in his backyard and he's been a radio amateur for many years. He's also been in the electronics business for 35 years, beginning with Canadian Marconi in Montreal and later being in charge of several electronics firms in Toronto and Montreal. It was with one of these companies that the beginning of his own "underground" company began. The company was in the business of selling to radio amateurs across Canada but there was just no easy way to do it. The only magazines for radio buffs were from the U.S. which meant that if you advertised. most of your money was thrown away on U.S. readers in order to reach the five per cent or so of the subscribers who lived in Canada. With this in mind, Fred began to organize a mailing list of all radio people living in Canada. The job of looking after the mailing list was given to his wife to do at home on ,a part-time basis. Later the company decided to terminate this part of the business and Fred got permission to keep the mailing list which included about 1500 names, all people who had bought from the company so were proven serious Dehghftul Gifts for DeIighftul Lades TABLE TOP GIFTS THAT SERVE AND ENTERTAIN DIAMONDS AND GEMSTONES FOR PRECIOUS MOMENTS ONEIDA - GIFTS IN STAINLESS OR SILVER ROYAL DOULTON FIGURINES • QUALITY JEWEL CASES A store o-exqusib get giving ideas OennJeweHers V ingham and I isto%el Village Squire/November 1976, 39