Village Squire, 1974-06, Page 57When you complain about improper advertising, we do something about it. Fast. For example: Thecaseof the Magnetic Bracelet From the files of the Advertising Standards Council lriL an advertisement. a manufacturer claimed that his "nr.gnetic bracelet - possessed therapeutic value for sufferers from various illnesses. This is the advertising rule that was broken: "No advertisement shall be prepared. or he kmlv,ingl) accepted. which offers false hope in the forth of a cure or relief for the mentally'or ph.vsically handicapped. either on a lempot.ii or permanent basis... Here's what we did about it, immediately. As sixni as the ,Advertising Stand,ir,k Council receised a consumer com- piaint about the advertisement we contacted the manufacturer and asked hint for proof of his claims: We received no direct reply. but h.. ver> quickly dropped all reference in his advertising to therapeutic values. The bracelet is now sold as an ornament. Keep this complaint notice. Then if you see advertising that's dishonest or unfair, send it to us. r Advertising Standards Council COMPLAINT NOTICE f Product or Service Date advertisement appeared: Where it appeared: i j T.V. j Newspaper t Magazine O Radio ❑ Outdoor 11 Transit Name of publication or station Please investigate this advertisement which in my opinion breaks the Canadian Advertising Standards Code because Name Address City Zone Prov. ice Advertising Standards Council, 159 Bay Street, Toronto 116, Ontario. L J The Advertising Standards Council is a division of the Canadian Advertising Advisory Board. We work for better advertising. VILLAGE SQUIRE/JUNE 1974, 19