Village Squire, 1974-01, Page 13CARE is more than just a package. It's people helping people CARE is a Canadian nurse working ':::::•9in a developing nation; teaching basic hygiene as well as training local girls in the field _ of nursing. CARE is an agricultural expert helping farming co-ops ,yield a better crop production. CARE is an engineer providing plans for clean walur and irrigation systems. CARE is a doctor spreading his Canadian medical knowledge to his counterparts overseas. CARE is school benches and desks, building materials for new schools, - garden tools for farming, and food supplies for the u n d e r - nourished. CARE is a universal co-operation in efforts to pro- vide better nutri- tion, safe water, permanent housing, less- illiteracy, more and better medical services, and information about family planning. CARE is people helping people to help them- selves. But most of all, CARE is YOU making all this possible. CARE is a non- governmental, non-profit organi- zation and all donations are tax de- ductible. Please cut out this coupon and return it with your donation. CARE will send you an official receipt and a report on current overseas programs. Send your dollars to CARE Canada, Department 4, 63 Sparks St., Ottawa, - K1 P 5A6 City Province I enclose $ to help through CARE Signature Name Address CARE Canada, Department 4, 63 Sparks Street, Ottawa, KIP 5A6 VILLAGE SQUIRE/JANUARY 1974 1 i