The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-11-26, Page 7Crowstons return from west Mrs. Myrtle Crowston and Clarence Crowston of Chatham returned home on last Sunday •after viCting for a week with Mr, and Mrs. Bud Crowston at Lytton, British Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. •Steve Irwin are preparing to move to Kamloops, British Columbia. Mrs. Wallace .Conn of Wingharn visited on Monday with. Mr. and Mrs. Victor 'Emerson, and on Tuesday, Mrs, Myrtle Ir- win called on the Emersons. 1VIrs. Agnes Farrier visited last week with Carmen Farrier and family,, and. Mrs,. Farrier who, is in .a Toronto hospital and with son Wayne Farrier in a Guelph hospital. The community wishes them a speedy recovery. ' Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Victor'•Exnerson were Fred Tiffin of Whitechurch, Mrs, Gertrude Tiffin of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Emerson, Sharon and Brenda of ;St. Catherines, Mrs. Ray Burg of Tavistock, Bill Uuldricks of Whitechurch and Mel Mathers' of Wingham.. Mr.. and Mrs. Eldon Emerson, Sharon and Brenda of St. Catherines spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Orland Irwin and family, Church services are being held in Whitechurch United Church for December. The congregation of both chur- ches are holding a pot luck luncheon on December 7 following church services in the Whitechurch Community Memorial Hall. Come and enjoy the fellowship. Ken and Glen Sinnamon of Wingham; visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, E.W. • • �•lV,eT���t'�i'�°e Beecroft on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Elliott of Brussels to celebrate Matthew's third bir- thday and Leslie's sixth birthday. This community extends sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Angus Falconer on the pass - mg of her uncle, Harry Jackson, whose funeral service was held on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alan. Falconer •of Goderich at- • tended the funeral, and visited with his. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Falconer. The Presbyterian WMVIS held their Novembermeeting at the home of Mrs. Ar- chie Purdon with the following election of officers: President - Mrs. Walter Elliott; Vice- president - Mrs, Don. Ross; Secretary - Mrs. Bill Purdon; ,Assistant Secretary Mrs. George Ball; Treasurer - Mrs. Wallace Milligan; Literature and Library , Mrs. Bill Rintoul; Friendship and Service Mrs. John Gaunt; Glad Tidings - Mrs. Walter Elliott; 'Programme Committee Mrs. Walter Elliott and Mrs. Archie Pik-. don; Home Helpers - Mrs. Dave Moffat; Supply - Mrs. John Gaunt; Auditors - Mrs. Angus Falconer, Mrs. Bill Rintoul;. Nominating Committee - Mrs. Don Ross, Mrs. Hugh Simpson; Ladies Aid Treasurer. Mrs. Archie Purdon. LCPS study winter birds. • from page G bottles for them to use, Shop classes In shop, everyone has been busy working on their projects. In metal shop, the class is finishing up a sugar scoop, letter holder and tote box. In wood crafts, they are. working on .a book rack,. bowl and copper foil picture. This week, the class found out all the parts of the jig or . stroll saw and drew and labeled a diagram of the saw. They also practised drawing three-view orthagraphic pictures, Pomanders If anyone would like anymore HAPPY beth • Wedding Anlniversory. (W lfiam & Violo Storrley) Lucknow 'Sentinels, Wednesday, November 2G 19SC-Page TION LANDED IMMIGRANTS A Citizenship Court will be held in Goderich during April, 1987. Thus special court is being held to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the "Canadian Citizenship Act" passed in 1947 The Maple Leaf Chapter IODE is aiding the Court in bringing thisevent to Godericho f _ are a landed immigrant, 18 years of age, and have dived in affa for 3 years, send you name and address or telephone: Mrs. Jean Schaefer Citizenship Secretary Maple Leaf Chapter, IODE 92 St. George's Crescent Goderich, Ontario N7A 2L9 Telephone . No, 524.2285. by January 1, 1987 (If no answer ;524-7542) . OR If you are a Canadian Citizen, a naturalized Canadian Citizen or a British Subject in Canada prior to Januarys ,1, 1942, and Wish to obrain a small proof of citizenship card (for identification purpose), please for- ward your name to the above address by February 1, 1987. 0. pomanders, there are a few left on a first- come -first-served basis, • New students LCPS would like to welcome Ricky, and Sabryna East, and Carl and Leigh Anson to the school, The school will miss Ms. Campbell, J.J. and Jamie since they have moved because ..of their house .fire on Monday. Report cards will be coming home on Wednesday, November 26 and the inter- views are on Monday, December 18. The houseleague teams have been busy with soccer now finished and volleyball- just starting. • ..LUCKNOW DISTRICT• COMMUNITY CENTRE OPEN DATES' AVAILABLE NOVEMBER Friday, 28 DECEMBER Friday. 5.1249431 Saturday 13.20 7. • LUCKNOW Lucknow District Lions Club Andrew's Ball Featuring Bob Finlay� AND The Caledonians DISTRICT PIPE BAND LUCKNOW COMMUNITY CENTRE a• aturda,� Y , November.29th,. 9:00; pini. 'COO PER PERSON ON ADVANCE.; . r'l 0.00 AT DOOR Tickets aivollcible at: AGNEW JEWELLERY BAIN'S GROCETERIA ' OR LIONS MEMBER LU NCil SERVED Saturday', Novambor 29 . Lucknow Lions club Sty Andrew's Full CALL THIS NUMBER BETWEEN 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 pan. . ONLY Lave From The Family '528.3532 • Phone 357.1630 for. 24 hour movie information PLAYING FROM FRIDAY TO THURSDAY NOVEMIER 21 th to DEMMER 4th SHOWITIMES: FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AT . 7:00 and 0:00 OM SUNDAY TO THURSDAY ONE SHOW EACH EVENING ATE:00 PM' Delightful and haunting.. Kathleen. Turner is a marvel; hinny and moving, Nicolas Cage's quirky Charlie has depth and poignance — he's an original? --David Ansen, NEWSWEEK "Francis Coppola has made a classic". —GENE MEL & ROGER EEERT & THE MOVIES PF6OY $UE if PARENTAL 9UIDAMCE, AM mo will she? i °nu SQUAII .i 0 • He's survived the most hostile and primitive kind known to man. li Now all he's got to do make it through , week • in•New York.. • • 1 • 0 i tM 0 0o 000I0IC1 °524.1$11 STARTS FRIDAY FRIDAY : • SAT7URDAY&9 D i SUN.-THURS. . 7x30 �. SOARY No it • PASSES FRI•SAT-SUN • OR TUESDAY. TUESDAY 44:, $2.50 • Christmas e lllft • CartIfioaat�ss r. Sow v Thscitr* or • -Concosslon • • Rooth • HELD UN There's ci little of him in all of us: •e••eeeeeee'ee•►4sSeeeiee• 0 OVER for 2nd Week • e•~e••'e••••••av