The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-11-26, Page 1• ESTABLISHED IN 1813 "THE S POV TOWN" ON THE. HERON -BRUCE BOUNDARY e°o«;.o��-a�.���o <<��o •�;.a � : a.•.�.•.� ��.a.��� oa�,o,. .o.a �.�.oe.�....•.� ��sso °o o•.�e o. There was lots to'see and -do t the book sal p. ns re' the u. i ct b - - _ .. � � . . a Centre p _ ,db�y the u�ck>aow and D strt C res . flan -School at at the Lueknow Community Centre on November 22, including a number of game's. Here, Mike Vandervelde plays a unique kind of shuffleboard game at the event. (Alan Rivett photo) Hospital sceptical of increase ,,What appears to:be encouraging news to:: , haispitals In Ontario, under closer ° study may, not be as good as it sounds, the board =ofgovernors of the Wingham. and District hospital were told last week. Hospital Ex ecutive Director Norman flayes made the announcement during the presentation of his report to the board's regular November session last Wednesday "even- ing in the hospital board room.. Mr. Hayes was referring to the an- nouncement earlier this month by Ontario Treasurer Robert nixon of the provincial government's intention to increase total operating budgets for hospitals by 7.4 per cent next year; "However, while at first blush it looks quite good, it reallyis not,'." Mr. Hayes said of the announcement." This hospital will get just four per cent." d ° Referring to the directive from Ontario Hospital Association President Gordon Cunningham, Mr, Hayes said 14 per Gent of :the announced increase would be allocated to the individual hospitals for special purposes such as life support pro- grams, newly -approved programs and in- cremental work in programs already in .existence. "With inflation somewhere around 5.2 or 5:3 (per cent), we will have to pick up that 1.2 or :1.3 per cent from some other s nca," he said. • statement issued to the media follwng Mr. Nixon's announcement, the OHA,president said the 7.4 per cent overall figure includes a basic four per cent . in- crease accross the, board for inflation. "Frankly.; it's the allowance for inflation that worries us most," his statement said. Health Minister Murray Aston,: in his speech to the annual OHA convention this month, acknowledged that hospitals are • • Turn to page 2 Boudria: speaks toLibei'L BY PATRICK RAFT% DonBoudria, federal Liberal member of parliament for Glengarry -Prescott - Russell urged support for party leader John Turner in an adress to the annual meeting of the Huron -Bruce Federal Liberal Association inHolmesville on Nov. .20. Boudria,- a member of the infamous group of rookie MPs dubbed the "Rat Pack" by the media, for their boisterous hounding of the government in the House of Commons said Turner has "earned our respect by being with us when times were tough." The Liberal leader is currently at- tempting to gather support to fend off calls from within the party for a review of his leadership at an upcoming convention. "There was a time back in October and November of 1984. When our party was pretty low in the polls," said Boudria, and I looked at my leader in the House of Commons and wondered, Why is he staying? "To able to be a leader when the going gets difficult takes a very special person," said Boudria. "In my view, that's the kind of leader the people of Canada will want." Boudria called Turner "the best friend of the Liberal party," joking that Cower- . ,vative Prime Minister Brian Mulroney is "a close second." He said the Liberalparty was in the pro- cess of making "a great comeback," following a sound beating at the polls in the 1984 federal election. Likening the recent election results to the party's similar col- lapse in the 1958 elections,. Boudria said on both. occasions the party was, `severely Turn to page 2 'Township council endorses Onapmg Falls resolution West Wawanosh council endorsed a resolution from the town of Onaping Falls regarding the provincial lotteryfunding. for recreation purposes at their meeting an November 4. In the resolution, Onaping Falls council is urging other municipalities to petition the provincial government to leave the designation of the Provincial Lotteries Act for recreational purposes,' Currently, the provincial government is attempting to change the Provincial lot- - teries Act in order to divert lottery funds into other social programs. The resolution also recommends the pro- vince establish a funding . program r for recreation immediately and to conduct a survey to determine the financial needs of recreation in order to establish a provin- cial funding program for recreation. Day Care In other business, the Goderich Parents' Daycare Committee, with Mrs. Debbie Selkirk and Mrs. Lori Baer as its represen- tatives, requested financial backing from. council to assist in establishing a. day care centre in Goderich. Council made no commitment of funds at. this time. However, later in the meeting,,. council . directed . the clerk . to i Parents' -.. ar • write to the GQder ch„..Da.yCe.,., Committee, noting ` that West Wawanosh Council favors a child care facility, but takes exception to the fact that preference is to be given to .accepting Goderich children ahead of rural children. - Council will now Await word from the • committee as to progress with accessible child care° arrangements for rural families. Resignation Council tentativelyof accepted the verbal resignation Gordon Foran as' theWaste Management Site Supervisor for the township, pending a written resignation to be tendered to the clerk the following day. Council authorized the clerk to advertise in local papers for a Waste Management Supervisor for the next two weeks. Ap- plications are due on December 1 at 5 p.m. Scrap metal salvaging Clerk Joan Armstrong was directed by council to write to Lloyd Davis in reply to Fire destroys oss area houses recently Fire completely destroyed a Kinloss Township residence and resulted in an estimated $35,000 damage on ° Monday, November 17. The Lucknow and District Fire Depart- ment was called to the residence at RR 4 Kincardine which was rented by Elizabeth Campbell and Barry Lang and her four children, said Fire Chief Bud Hamilton. Mrs. Campbell and the four children escaped the fire without injury with neighbors able to recover most of the fur- niture from the house. Mr. Lang was away at the time 'of the fire, said Mr. Hamilton. Mr. Hamilton said the department were unable to save the house, but kept the fire from spreading to a nearby barn and shed, The cause of the fire was believed to be a wood stove. • The house was owned by the Canadian Agri Inc. and had been ceased to William Stamey who, In turn, rented the house td 'Mr. Lang. and Mrs. Campbell, he said. his letter concerning the collection of scrap metal- at the dump site. Since the° presentsupervisor has resigned and that the winter season is. near, no ar- rangements concerning the salvage of scap metal will ' be undertaken until the spring of 1987.. Septic system Council granted the St. Helens Women's Institute permission to make use of the va- cant land to the east of the cenotaph at St. Helens ownedby the township, to install a septic tank and weeping bed system to ser- vice washrooms which the institute pro- poses to establish in the hall. Tax statements Council authorized the clerk to sign the contract with Business Computer Services to process the tax statements for West Wawanosh for the 1987 taxation year. Building permit Council authorized the building inspec- tor to granta building permit to Bill Robin- son to construct a.wood shed on his proper- ty on Concession 6 of the township.: Flood Plain Planning A letter and copy of the Policy Statement from the Minister of Natural Resources re- quested comments from the township for suggested changes to the Policy state- ment. Council took no action on the letter at the meeting.. Tax arrears sale A. letter was received from the County of Huron regarding two lots in Dungannon which were not .sold at the recent county tax sale. The lots are now registered in the name of the township: Planning meeting A letter was received from the Huron County Planning .:department regarding the upcoming public meeting to discuss the zone amendment for Sherwood Forest Lodge in . the township. The planning' Turn to page 3. ti Lottery , The 52nd and last draw it the Lueknow and District Arena 'Complex lottery was held on November 24. The winners were: $500 - Jack and Linda Sticklend $300 James Coulter, Wingham $100 - Lawrence Hogan, RR 3 Goderich; $100 Esther Gibson,, Goderich. Hockey' action_ A number of hockey games were played in Lucknoww with almost all the local minor hockey teams seeing action this week. -For the game reports of the Tykes, pee Wees, Bantams and Lancers... SEE PAGE 8 Coin,nn .. In this week's column, the editor ex- °amines a neat sway to beat the hnpendhig cold and snow of the Great White North. SEE PAGE \4. 9 F