The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-11-19, Page 15• i. f.ri+.` sSr:fi:+:wm,w.:a :�.XG;w.r.....ry rw .,., », .....,...,....,. i wu ,,.�... .. r... „w.. ..,oR.,,m•.. .........:....re..nriti;i The 4-11 club leaders from the area were recognized at the 4-H Achievement Night at Brookside School on November 12. The leaders are, back row, from left, Donna Hayden, Port Albert; Suzanne Andrew, Trinity; Marie Stewart,Dungannon II; Helen Riehl, Tiger Dunlop; Shirley Hunter, Trinity; ,June Robinson, Donnybrook; Karen Redmond, Tiger Dunlop. Front row, Sally Wright, Dungannon II; Bev Weaver, Port Albert; Laurie Pentland, Dungannon I; Karla Hogan, Kingsbridge; Delores Van. Osch, Kingsbridge. (Alan Rivett photo) • Grade 3 learn researchmethod By Jason Cameron,: Adrian Rau and no Do rInvQ1-n-5, Duane Durwn. Mrs. Ottewell's Grade 3 class are, learn _ 1-1 ing a research technique in, the,k library with Mrs• Blake called "Take 45". They are also learningabout different animals. In theclassroom, they are also involved in many animal activites, Jack Chisholm brought two mounted squirrels for the children to see. Video series' Mr. Culp's Grade°4.5 classhave enjoyed the video series, The Prince and the Pauper. A booklet has been made and best actor and,actress,awards were voted on.' Conservation Area visit On Monday, November 10, Mrs. Young's Grade 1-2 class went to the Wawanosh Con- servation Area for the fall walk. They used their five senses while they were observing many fall .changes: Thank- you Mrs. Simpson , and Mrs.. Culbert for helping the class. Newspaper studies Mrs. Tebbutt's Grade 6 class is .resear- ching through old .papers looking for cur- rent international stories, They located the place where the story happened and then summarized the clipping. They've found some great reading. "Three I's Mrs. Worsell's Grade 5 'glass started their new "Three I's" whole language pro- gram this week. They can choose from a variety of books. The focus of the program is on Individualization, Independence and, Integration. Mrs• Cameron's Kindergarten 2 class visited the •Wawanosh Conservation Area. on a guided tour, they discovered how fall. brings .changes to the environment. They also saw ways in which nature is preparing fgr, the corning of winter. Volleyball The Grade 6,7,8 classes have been work- ing on their volleyball skills, and have now begun a volleyball tournament in the, physical education classes. "Krakatoa" Mrs. Clarke's Room 4 is now called "Krakatoa". Krakatoa is in the book they are now reading.. It's a special island with a volcano on it. Joseph Buchanan is moving to Waterloo, He will be missed by the class, The class are doing H2O (water) ex periments. On November 12, they did an experiment with. H20, sand, sugar and bakingsoda, to see if they would dissolve. They tasted there tool This cycle, the class is "introducing" Stephen Cere. :The Min To .See I;s �n- • CO. LIMITED RIALTO* KINLOSS TWP,, 200 acres, immaculate fieldstone home, beef barn, covered pit silo, steel im- plement shed, maple sugar bush. im- plement shed 40 x 70, comfortable home. eer- 89.5 ACRES, Ashfield Twosystematically underdrained, barns for beef, silo 20 x 70, steel l RIPLEY AREA, 96 acres, 70% systematically tiled, large barn, reduced to sell; 286 ACRES Turnberry Twp.,,180 workable, gravel bottom and systematic drainage, balance mixed bush, hwy. location.' Reduced 200 ACRES Culross Twp., immaculate home, extra 100 acres available, beef, cash crop, ASHFIELD TWR, 100 acres systematically tiled, highly productive cash crop. i ASHFIELD TWP., 100 acres cash crop, 90 workable, well tiled, 40 acres fresh seeding.. WEST WAWANOSH, 100 acres, 75 workable, balance hardwood bush. Random tile, RIPLEY AREA, 00 workable, 3 bedroom home, large renovated beef hog barn; productive loam soil. ASHFIELD, 200 acres, approximately 170 workable, well tiled, balance hardwood, cedar bush. HOUSES LUCKNOW, 3 bedrooms; large kitchen, living room, dining room, propane heat. Reduced to $23,500, DUNGANNON, 3 bedroom, 8 year old home, family room, full 'basements extra lot. COUNTRY HOME on 3/4 acres landscaped lot, 3 bedrooms, full bath, air conditioned. This Is an Ideal retirement home with room for separate business, double garage, spring fed pond. LUCKNOW, desirable 'building lot, 'owner has reduced asking price,prime location. LUCKNOW DUPLEX. Located close to stores and post office, both apts. 2 bedrooms, asking $29,000. REDUCED. LUCKNOW, 3 bedroom, with added family room, oil and eleotric heat, well insulated, full lot. Priced to sell. WARREN ZINN, 528 710 ALVIN ROBS, 3954174 L cknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November X19,1986—Page 15 AREA'S BEST SELECTION OF Fisher-Price TOYS Your Christmas Gift idem.. Store" e" • GODERICH 524-6901 KINCARDINE. 396.7012 EXETER 235-2202 •i`•'.• . . .i 41-4Y210Ri • A e •�j M.0 > nFl vN70. � v* vi •:>.: Nn�+YM��+'R�Mrh•1YR%�Y�('%, . .N<. 4.�n�N LUCKNOW FARM SUPPLY DAVE HANNA OWNER Supply for there SUPp O Farm, t;ortis' to ck�tr�► c°mrnurn►ty. d Congratte to the Weal fa has stood ark trade I' . s heen. fine sed eciterboa Supply o eat the�',now farm Supp successful this for 58 y elan %l through trite this quality inO itis for ations ss for 4years. h a e been, able t. producers in the us that h poultry 1ivest0cic,nd p Gln We reiaton$�rp that and service � 000V4 area. ., ted it' dealerships agriculture. 'L1a be associated Ontario g We• are proud to commitment to have such atm ... ,Singereiy, . •