The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-11-19, Page 5Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 19. 1986—Page 5 Guaranteed profits for farmers needed: reader Dear Prime Mter: 1Ve are no longer willg to play games with our food supply! e will not risk having our family go hW hungry because of some global condition or disaster over which you have no control. We canna tolerate the danger of consum- ing food that has been treated by chemicals considered unsafe by Canadian health and safety standards. We will not allow the cost of our daily bread to be dic- tated by any corporate profit picture! We want and will support action that will guarantee the viability and profitability of our Canadian farmers such as, land set aside programes, production management andlwo price marketing systems that en- sure our farmers the opportunity for profit. We prefer that the necessary production quota does not accumulate value so young farmers can get started in business and protect consumers from paying for something that has no value. We prefer marketing board policies that are flexible enough to allow a producer to also be a pro- cessor, distributor and retailer, provided that we were assured of a quality food pro- duct. We prefer that the concept of the family farm be encouraged and upheld, to ensure a. broad distribution of wealth. We recognize that this requires trade agreements that would prevent food Pro- ducts from entering into Canada until they exceeded the Canadian cost of production. We will support a food tax- credit for disadvantaged Canadians as willingly as we now support the child tax andproperty tax credit system. Our family of four, two adults and two children, spends about $4,500 annually for food. A 15 per cent increase in our grocery hill wo dd cost us less than two weeks wages, We have received a report from your agriculture minister John Wise that in- dicates Canadian Farmers produced over $20 billion worth of agricultural products last year and while doing Si spent $15 billion, That $15 billion would have to return to the Canadian consumers' pocket in the fOrm of employment business and interest income. The way we look at the situation, a 15 per cent increase in food prices would result in % or 10 per cent of that increase coming back to us in the form of employment income. That represents a net cost to our family of 2.8 days pay, if the products were Canadian grown. Please don't be so short sighted that the health of our most vital industry and our secure food source is sacrificed for the sake of three days pay. Mr. Mulroney, you will hear from some people that our Canadian marketing board system is responsible for gouging us by two to three per cent: We do not consider ours -elves gouged when a primary pro- ducer makes a profit, We all have to profit from our endeavours. We can only be •gouged when we have sacrificed our freedom and security and become forced' to relron suppliers outside the protection of our borders. We don't want you to gamble on world • markets to provide us with "cheap" food and while we support your position on free trade, it must be recognized that to be free, trade must also .be equal and we- prefer that the rest of the world aim for our stan- dards rather than us being reduced to world standards. So please act now Mr. Prime Minister °Jecause tomorrow for many good Cana- dian farmers is one day too late! Respectfully yours, Jim and Pat Boak and family. To the reader: The reason that we have made this a public letter is to ask for your support of our opinion by writing to your local MP or MPP or te the Prime Minister expressing your views. Our present and future food supply is very important, and we are sure that our governments recognize the fact. But they cannot be expected to take cor- rective action •until we, the consumer and taxpayer make our desires known. Remember, right or wrong we elected these people to represent our best in- terests. That makes it our responsibility to inform the elected what our interests are. If they do not respond, then we have the right to withdraw our support, This is Canada, we have guaranteed rights and freedoms that few other countries every dream of. Only by our own neglect will we sacrifice our right to freedom, Please support us with your letter, Jim and Pat Boak, Rondeau Park, Morpeth, Ontario, NOP , 1XO. 674-0449. Homemakers need local donations • To the Editor: As with Many non-profit community ser- , vice organizations, fund 'raising is a con- tinual and ongoing requirement. Our organization, Town and Country Homemakers, provides an extremely valuable and vital service to many in- dividuals in Huron County. We are com- mitted to helping the elderly, disabled and the chronically ill li,ye normal lives in the • community with support services provided by our trained homemakers. I think most • would agree people are happiest if they can stay in their own home, providing they can have community support if and when needed. In order to continue to provide the same level of service in the future as we have in the past we need the help of citizens of Huron County. In our fall 1986 Fund Raising Campaign we hope to raise $36,000 to be spent as follows: client subsidization $10,000, mor- tgage $8,000, eomputer system $4,000, and ;training needs $15,000. We would sincerely appreciate reeiving a donation from anyone who feels they can assist us in meeting our objective. A receipt for in- come tax. purposes will be given. The Board of Directors would welcome any further questions on our organization or the service we provide. We sincerely hope you will see fit "To Help us Keep a Good Home Going". Sincerely, Betty McGregor, • Chairman Fund Raising Committee, Board of Directors. • SAVE $1.00 per bag on .all CO-OP Quali*Cattle Minerals till Dec. 310 1.986 at Participating CO-OPs. R.R. 2 LUCKNOW HOURS: MONe4R10 800 AM.3:30 PM; SAT, 8:30 AM4:00 PM 5294953 • .• ,• . • •