The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-11-12, Page 10siPsN t Page 11.0-Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 112911980 LUCKNOW V PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WerN saga 13714(1 .° .D ll:49aD ao.aaa. Sannal as S4'baaro . iD99 on.nan. REV. ALLISON J. R: MSA '. 31I SISTER Naa9' er) alowQaMtair% fur EVERYONE Daaad r 4 EVl'aRVONE WELCOME VOTE Joseph F. Hickey on November 17/86 Councillor West Wawanosh Township LUCKNOW DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE OPEN DATES. AVAILABLE NOVEMBER Friday, 14-28 DECEMBER Friday, 5-12-19-31 Saturday, 20-27 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21 Mr. & Mrs, Wear Eckenswiller CALL THIS NUMBER BETWEEN 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. ONLY 528-3532 ° NOTICE Township of Ashfield The final installment of 1986 Taxes is due on or before November 15th, 1986 Donald M. Simpson Clerk Treasurer Township of Ashfield Hoiyr�od WI holds meeting at Percy home The . °olyrood Women's Institute held its Citizenship and World Affairs meeting at the home of Mrs. Alex ""ercy on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Harold Smith presided and extend- ed a welcome to those present, and all join- ed in singing the s'oe and the Mary Stewart Collect was repeated in unison. The rollcall was name a government official and their office. The minutes of the October meeting were read by Mrs. Douglas McEwan and the financial report; also the communica- tions which included a letter from the Wingham Centre for the Homebound, of which they made a contribution, and a donation was received from the Lucknow Agricultural Society. The members were reminded of the Remembrance Day Service on November 11. Mrs. Harold Smith reported on the meeting of the new hall and the bazaar on November 29. Card parties were planned for the new year. The ladies were asked to serve a 40th wedding anniversary luncheon on November 21. The Christmas dinner will be the next meeting on December 4 at the home of Mrs. Leo Murray. Each member is asked to bring a gift for the Bruce Crisis Centre in Kincardine. Mrs. Harold Smith gave the report of the Bruce County WI Rally ab Sauble Beach on October 14. LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN. REFORMED CHURCH Invites You To Worship With Them On SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Nursery downstairs morning & evening EVERYONE WELCOME • LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.m, Rev. Gerald McFarlane Nursery and junior congregation provided EVERYONE WELCOME Nappy 40th. Anniversary Weir & Grace Eckenswiller Love from the family November `1T to Noverrlbor.22 The BULK FOOD CONNECTION LUCKNOW 52803602 ,This *pedal occa ton will be celebrated in Lucknow Sat. Nov. 22/86 MISSION Theme "Christ Within You" You are invited to an evening of wor- ship and song... Speaker: REV. JIM FRANCOM Music: SACRED HEARTS FOLK CHOIR, YOUTH GROUP 'CHOIR Wednesday, November 19/86 7:4S p.m. St. Peter's Church, Lucknow. Refreshments to fallow Mrs. Lorne Eadie presided for the pro- gram and introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Elsie Houston, wllQ gale a most in- teresting talk on her trip to Killarney, Ireland where she attended the 18th Trien- nial Conference of the Associated Country Women f the World, May 20 to 27, also an extra trip to Scan +laviar She outlined the institute, starting at the branch level, then the district and on to the.area, then to the FWIO then Canada and throughout the world. Mrs. Houston showed many badges and stressed the importance of pennies for friendship. The theme for the convention was Focus on the Family. She had pictures which were passed around and other ar- ticles of information which were very interesting. Mrs. Douglas McEwan thanked Mrs. Houston on behalf of the institute and presented her with a git in appreciation. Mrs. Ellwood Elliott read a poem on Remembrance Day and also gave the mot- to `success comes in cans, not can'ts'. Mrs. Frank Maulden gave a humorous reading Model T. Contests were conducted by Ms. Lorne Eadie and also the courtesy remarks. 0 Canada and grace closed the meeting and delicious refreshments were served, Social News Mr. and Mrs. Bill . Burt spent the weekend in Toronto with family members. Congratulations to Rev. and Mrs, George Garratt who will celebrate their Golden Wedding anniversary over the weekend in Toronto with their family. Rev. Garratt was our minister here for nine years before his retirement. They are en- joying their new, home in Kincardine. Ed - rim and May Boyle were guests at the Gar- ratt home on Wednesday. A number from here attended the hot turkey supper at St. Matthews Church, Kingarf last Sunday. Paul Preiss and sons, Shane and Michael of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Guest. Mr. and Mrs. Ken MacDonald, Carl, Lisa and Heather visited at Kitchener with Anne's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Yean- dle. They then called at the funeral home in Stratford where Anne's grandmother's remains were resting. We extend sym- pathy to the bereaved. Mr. and Mrs. Mac McDonald and Jef- frey of Kincardine visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom McDonald here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson and Lois spent the weekend in Wallaceburg with. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Nicholson and family. Lois stayed down for a holiday. Mrs. Frank Maulden, Mrs. Hugh Lane, Edna and May Boyle were guests of Mrs. Edith Webster at Lucknow on Monday afternoon.' Wilkins fainily home. for weekend How Kind Folks Are So Neighbourly and pleasant day by day, They give such happiness upon my upward way, The little things they do,. Mean such a lot The gifts from orchard; tee and garden plot The bright good morning, a friendly smile Their:willingness to stay and chat awhile Yes, and up and down Op country, near and far How kind folks are. r- People repot Weekend visitors wit4 Charles and Mayme Wilkins were then` two daughters, Barbara Wilkins of Paris, Ontario and Elizabeth Wilkins of Wind Forest and also their son Ken Wilkins of Ridgetown. On Saturday evening, Barbara showed her slides on China and Japan to the Kair- shea Institute meeting recently when she was visiting these countries in April and May this year. the presentation was very much enjoyed by all. Jim Webster of Waterloo was home on the weekend with his mother Kae Webster and on Saturday, Kae and Jim visited with Norma Young in Goderich. On. Tuesday, Kae Webster visited m Clin- ton with Jack Marion and Lloyd Smith.' Mr. and Mrs. Max Reigling were in Ann Arbour, Michigan to attend the wedding of a friend. Visiting with Kae Webster on Thursday was Mayme Wilkins , Edna Culbert, Win- nefred Garnrnie of Lucknow and Elleda Ir- win Weatherstrip for Doors & Windows SAVE Doors Sweeps and Thresholds SAVE oY� Foam "» Insulation SAVE 10" w•I 'i ER SPECIA Electrical Outlet Stripping SAVE 10°% ESCLAD s x0' R5' Insulation SAVE 0/0 CHAMPLAIN SIDING (In Stook) SAVE t 16° . Per Carton EXTRA SAVINGS UNTIE. NOVEMBER 29th r.� VISA* HENDERSON BUMMING Ea J. W. HENDERSON LIMITED . LUCKNOW Hours: Mon..Frl, f1 » 5:30 Sat. $ a noon ..MasterCard ' 528.31.1.8