The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-11-12, Page 7students throw party for newlywed teacher LCPS By Jodi Hackett and. Candy Fielder Wedi, ing bells rang on October 31 when Miss MacKenzie married Ron Clooney from Ustowel. The student have been trying to adjust to the new name "Mrs. Clooney". The students suspect that Miss MacKenzie has trouble responding to her new name, too. Congratulations to the newlywed couple and best wishes for the future. Surprise Party This week, the Grade 8 class hosted a surprise party in honor of Miss MacKen- zie's marriage. The room was decorated with "Just Married" banners, streamers and bells. After presenting. the new bride with a gift, offering congratulations and having a piece of cake, everyone sang, "For She's a Jolly Good Teacher". Hibernation This week, the Kindergartens talked about how animals prepare for winter and have learned the word "hibernate", which means the animals sleep all winter. They have made some bears of their own and they are looking for a cave or log in which to hibernate. They have also been acting out the story of "The Three Bears" and they also have the Three Bear Pup= pets. It sure has been a busy Noveinber so far. "Reading Day" The Grade 1 students had fun learning to make a flow chart on "Getting Ready for Winter". They have planned a big mural showing all the different things they talked about. On Friday, they had a "reading day" ex- ploring and sharing piles of books, and making up stories. Jeff Cranston is the "Special Me" this week. Wild animals Mrs. Black's Grade 2 class is doing a study on wild animals. Wild animals have invaded the Grade 2 room. They made an interesting booklet on the pets they have at home. Good news! The bean plants in the garden have sprouted many • yummy beans. The class is also very excited about the prizes from the Pomanders. "Fabulous Foot Notes" Mrs. Campbell's Grade 3 students are authors and illustrators of a class booklet called "Fabulous Foot Notes". They have also reviewed all the subtrac- ting facts and then learned how to borrow. Some students made farm animals and machinery from "Goop" while others were doing research in the library. Ojibwa Mrs. Maclntyre, the school's super librarian, has been helping the Grade 4 class in their study of the Ojibwa Indians. The students are learning about these local indians and their way of life. The Grade 4 class has now ready 250 books. Environmental Studies ° Mr. Bennett's Grade 5 class has started work on independent projects on the pro- vinces of Canada in Environmental Studies. In math, Grade 5 is continuing their multiplication facts and all seems to be go- • ing well. Apple carvings , On October 31, it was a big day for the Grade 6 students. During the morning each student carved an apple into the shape of a human head. After several weeks of drying the apples, the students hope to use them as the heads of dolls. In the afternoon, they went on a trip through the Grade 8's Haunted House. Many surprises inside the house caused a lot of children to scream, Another activity which kept the excite- ment level high in the classroom was the "apple sculpture race". , The winners were: First race - Tara Thacker racing her "Alvin"; second race - Tusha Newhook racing her "Freddie"; third race - Michael Schlosser racing his "Lips"and. fourth -race - Tanya Sutherland racing her "Ralph". The "champion of winners" in the sixth race was Tusha Newhook. Remembrance Day essays Mr. McKeon's Grade 7 class has had a busy week preparing their Remembrance Day essays. They're extremely glad that the essays are now finished. Many of the Grade 7 and $ students have travelled to Kalamazoo, Michigan for a series of hockey games. The school wishes them the best of luck and hope they have a good time. Library Lotto The Library Lotto winners this past week were: Michael Schlosser, Katrina Abbott, Amanda Peck and Chris Janes. The Grade 4's were surprised to learn in library class that boiled rice and moose meat sweetened with berries and maple syrup was a delicacy for the Ojibwa. School Choir - Mrs. Black's choir has been busy prac- tising for Christmas. The choir has 50love- ly singers from Grades 1 to 5. Drama Club The Junior Drama Club has been enjoy- ing many games and improvisations each Tuesday. A highlight was the Witches Fashion Show, LCPS Band. The band is busy practising for the Carolfest on November 17. Last Friday, Tracy Ward, Betty -Anne Murray, April Brindley and Candy Fielder played "Frere Jacques" and "Up on the House Top" on their clarinets at the assembly. With but- terflys in their stomachs, the girls manag- ed to makeit through their pieces perfectly. Torching prayer read at SMS By Elizabeth Dickie Mrs. Jack Needham was the hostess for the November meeting of the South Kinloss WMS on November 5. Acting president, Mrs. Harold Howald welcomed all andopened the meeting with the reading of a touching, anonymous Soldier's Prayer which was blown by the wind into a trench during the Second World War. The Lord's Prayer and the Aim and Purpose of the,WMS were repeated. Mrs. Bruce Hamilton and Mrs. Peiter de Boer had a fitting. Bible study for November. The scripture was read and the members read sentences on ' remem- brance. brance. A minutes' silence was observed and a song was sung. The roll call was answered by 14 members with'a Bible verse with the word "peace". The minutes and the monthly reports were read and approved. Mrs. Donald C Maclntyre .and Mrs. Harold Howald will be the nominating committee for the annual meeting. Presbyterian Church calendars were for sate and Mrs. Jas. Burt was accepting donati sir the Bible Society.Volunteers would be welcome to help in the nursery during the church services. A piano solo by Mrs. J. Needham was en- joyed by all. Those taking part in the Prayer Circle were Mrs. Frank MacKen- zie, Mrs. Jack Needham and Mrs. Ramsay, Mrs. Peiter de Boer and Mrs. Bruce Hamilton concluded this year's Study Book on native Peoples. They reviewed the work of the Presbyterian Church with the Indian people from 1857 to the,. present times. Articles on the work of ,Rev. Stephen How and Rev. William and Rev. Florence Palmer from the Glad Tidings were read telling how they are helping and minister- ing to the Indians in western Canada. An interesting discussion followed the study. The offering was received and dedicated by Mrs. de Boer. Mrs. Bruce Hamilton thanked the hostess and those taking part in the meeting. The closing prayer was given by Mrs. Evan Keith. Grace was sung and ,a tasty lunch served by the hostess and directors Mrs.' Bruce Hamilton and Mrs. Peiter de Boer. L nckB ow SemtuneR, Wednesday, Novemher 112,.11986—Page 7 LAKE HURON ROD & GUN FALL CLEARANCE SALE ©aa22 �p NEw Ga UNS RUGER cal. semi caste geeq.Ogq..ee..ee.ee� EAGER 270, 308 7m may, 338 repeater...ee495. REMINGTON pump 270, 308 and 30.06 .00'565. REMINGTON automatic 308, 30�06...q...eeee...ee 95 MOSSBERG 7.a may. 300, 338 repeater..eeq.0'395. WINCHESTER 12 gauge pumpee..e..ee...........e.ee2V. WINCHESTER 22 cal. lever action.......e.e..e.ee0ee350• WINCHESTER 30.30 lever action.e.eeeaee.e.e.ee..e��7" USED GUNS MOSSBERG12 gauge pump ..q...... ...... e....e...e.;1.75. MARLIN 22 mag. repeater .......e ;150. REMINGTON 222 repeater ..e ;295. SAVAGE 12 gauge pump 995. REMINGTON 12 gauge automatic..............e..;275. PRE '64, model 94 30.30 lever action $250. 1THACA 12 gauge double barrel 195. MOSSBERG 16.gauge repeater..., $85. Highway 21 south of Port Elgin. OVER 300 GUNS at DISCOUNT PRICES Open 7 days. '368-7182 1986 MARQUIS, 4 door 1985 PONTIAC 1000, 4 dr. 1985 PONTIAC PARI$IENNE, 4 door 1984 BUIGK PARK AVENUE 1983 FORD CROWN VICTORIA 1982 FORD F150 Superoab 1982 CHEV. % Ton • 1982 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME Brougham, 4 'dr. loaded 1981 DODGE % TON PICK-UP 1981 DATSUN STATIONWA.GON 1979 OLDS REGENCY 98 4 door loaded with extras 1979 FORD LTD 11. 4 door , 1979 OLDS CUTLASS CRUISER stationwagon HAMM'S th Phone 523-4342 TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH NOTICE OFPOLL Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Township of West Wawanosh that in accordance with The. Municipal Elections Act a Poll will be held for the election of: ONE COUNCILLOR on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1.7, 1986 from MOO a.m. to 8:00 p.m. • at the following locations POLL NO. 1 - Senior Citizens' Centre, Dungannon. POLL NO. 2 - Auburn Village Hall and Library. POLL NO. 3 - St. Helens Women's Institute Hall Deadline for making Application to the Clerk for a certificate to vote by proxy is November 17, 1986 before 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon. Joan Armstrong • Returning Officer, Township of West Wawanosh. The Man To See. Is U 1411 wC INTEE A CO. LIMITED REALTOR KINLOSS TWP., 200 acres; immaculate fieldstone home, beef barn, covered pit silo, steel lin- element shed, maple sugar bush. 89.6 ACRES, Ashfield Twp. systematically underdrained, barns for beef, silo 20 x 70, steel in.,- . piement shed 40 x 70, comfortable home. RIPLEY AREA; 96 acres, 70% systematically tiled; large barn, reduced to sell. 286 ACRES Turnberry Twp., 180 workable, gravel bottom and systematic drainage, balance miXed bush, hwy. location. Reduced. . 200 ACRES CulrossTwp., immaculate home, extra 100 acres available, beef, cash crop. ASHFIELD TWP., 100 acres systematically tiled, highly prodtictive cash crop. ASHFIELD TWP., 100 acres cash crop, 90 workable, well tiled, 40 acres fresh seeding. WEST WAWANOSH, 100 acres, 75 workable, balance hardwood bush. Random tile. RIPLEY AREA,490 workable,•) bedroom home, large renovated beef hog barn; productive loam soil. ASHFIELD, 200 acres, approximately 170 workable, well tiled, balance hardwood, cedar bush. HOUSES' LUCKNOW, 3 bedrooms, large kitchen, living room, dining room, propane heat. Reduced to $23,500. DUNGANNON, 3 bedroorn, 8 year old home, family room, full basetnent, extra lot. COUNTRY HOME on 3/4 acres landscaped lot, 3 bedrooms, full bath, air conditioned. This is an ideal retirement home with room for separate business, double garage, spring fed pond. LUCKNOW, desirable building lot, owner has reduced asking price, prime location. LUCKNOW.DUPLEX located close to stores andpost office both apts. 2 bedrooms, asking $29,000, REDUCED. LUCKNOW, 3 bedroom, with added family room, oil and electric heat, well insulated, full lot. Priced to sell. WARREN ZINN, 528-3710 ALVIN ROBB, 3954174