The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-11-12, Page 3Peau theme of _ C Unit 1 By Mrs, Noma Campbell The November meeting for Unit 1 of the Lucknow United Church Women was held at the home of Mrs. Stuart Reavte with 17 present and five visitors.. The leader, Grace Gibson, welcomed all present and also thanked Mrs. Deanna envie for the use of her home. She also read a suitable poem. The Aim and Pur- pose was repeated and the singing of hymns were accompanied by Edith Webster on her electric organ. The roll call was answered by a verse containing the word `Peace". The offering was received and dedicated. The treasurer's report was given and dona- tions were put in the birthday jar for Mrs. Treleavan's November birthday. Mrs. Bruce MacKenzie asked that she be told about anyone ill and the information will be passed on to Rev. McFarlane. Mrs, Gordon Morrison reported for the fowl sup- per showing an increase in the balance over last year. Mrs, Goodhue reported for the Citizenship Committee by reading a suitable poem. Mrs. Bill Bolt reported that two quilts were ready to be tied and more were needed. Mrs. Gibson reported on the workshop in Ripley and the upcoming meeting dates as follows: Executive meeting November 13 at 8 p.m. and the General Meeting on December 2 at 8 p.m. The Devotional part of -the meeting was chaired by Noma, Campbell, assisted by Edna MacDonald and Mrs. Leonard Goodhue. Noma Campbell, in ,keeping with the theme "Remembrance", read a poem: The Scripture Psalm 28 was read by Mrs, Stuart Reavie followed by prayer. The meditation was given by Edna Mac- Donald which was well chosen and suitable for the theme. 'The guest speaker was Rev. McFarlane . who chose a topic most suitable and left many good thoughts for all to remember.. Those who gave their lives so that we might have freedom which we enjoy, should never be forgotten. , A prayer was followed by all repeating the Mizpah Benebiction. Grace was said by Rev. McFarlane and a- social hourwas enjoyed and lunch was served. Lis] Home Hardware Tinit 2 By Allene Bradley Unit Two met at the home of Mrs. Ver- non Hunter on Tuesday, November 4, with 14 present. ' Mrs. Russel Button presided and she opened with a verse on Remembrance. The roll call was answered with a Bible verse with Peace, The October minutes were read and approved. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Alex Hackett. The collection was taken and dedicated. Cards were signed for Mrs. Neill MacKenzie, Miss Lorna Campbell and Beryl Hunter. Mrs. Button,. Mrs. Greer and Mrs. Bradley volunteered to do visiting this month. Mrs. Dexter reported there were two quilts to be quilted soon. Mrs. McGillivray reported that the unit had made $191.60 more profit this year at our turkey supper than last year. Mrs. Mary Black reported for Citizen- ship and read a Litany on International Peace Sunday. Miss Helen Thompson read an inspiring thought from one of Paul's let- ters to Timothy. Mrs. Button gave the announcements. The executive meeting will be on Thurs- day, November 13, with . the general meeting on December 2. Mrs. Button presided for the program with the theme being Peace, and Remem- brance. A hymn was sung. The scripture was read by Mrs. Hackett with Mrs. Greer giving the praYer. The meditation was given by Mrs. Bradley and she closed with all repeating the words of a hymn. Mrs. Greer read the winning Legion In- termediate mediate Poem for 1985-86, Remember- ing, written by Leah Smith of PEI. Mrs Peter Cook and Mrs. Albert Cook read two readings with a Remembrance Day theme, All joined in the closing hymn and Mrs. Button thanked the, hostess and those who had planned the program. Refreshments were served and ' a social time enjoyed. Unit 3 Unit 3 of the Lucknow United Church Women met at the Sepoy Apartments on Monday, November "4 with 21 members and four visitors present. ' Mrs. Lois Walden welcomed all and turned the devotions over to Mrs. Elaine Irwin. The program for the meeting was on peace. Microwave Oven Sale. U '5 Ludlum Satinet, Wednesday, November 2, 3i—age 3 meethgs The scriptures were mead by different members followed by readings by Miss Elizabeth obinson, Mrs. Lois Walden, Mrs. Elaine Irwin and Mrs. Jean Jardine, The Me 'tuition was given by Mrs, uby McDonald. Two hymns were also sung. Mrs. Elaine Irwin read a piece on Remembrance Day which was entered in the Legion contest a few years ago by Chris Irwin. The devotions were given followed by prayer. The minutes of last month's meeting were read and adopted. The treasurer's report was also given and the offering was dedicated. The church unit has been studying Native People this year. The study ended at the meeting with the reading of a piece entitled, Inuits Fight for Survival Against Southern Values, by Mrs. Lois Walden, The visiting committee gave a report at the meeting and a reading was, given by Mrs. Gertrude Walden. Mrs. Lois Walden attended a workshop in Ripley called Growing as Leader; The meeting was closed with the Mizpah Benediction and after Grace, Mrs. Jean Jardine, the hostess, and the committee served a lovely lunch. Unit 4 By Margaret Thompson Unit 4 of Lucknow United Church Women met on Tuesday. November 4. with an attendance of 21. Mrs. George McBride chaired the pro- gram and gave the call to worship, reading from John 15, verse 13. The theme for the program: was. Remembrance and Peace. Mrs. Gerry Priestap read a poem on Remembrance, which had been written by her daughter Feather. A meditation was given by Mrs. McBride and the scripture was read by Mrs. Priestap. ' Mrs. Gordon Cayley showed a film in- troducing our people to the Women of South Africa. Mrs. Cliff Crawford followed with a prayer. . An interesting group discussion was held on the film and the programclosed with prayer. Mrs. Harold Greer, unit leader, tool, charge of the business, opening with a Remembrance Day poem. The roll call was answered with a current event. The Christmas meeting will be held on November 25. Mrs• Stuart Collyer reported for citizen- Turn to page 16 S t"ddaQ Pruces on Orsi latec Ruboer Boils and Shoes through November A at o40 St. Helens Shetier's Enterprise Sales RJ .2 Lucknow Welcome to the Sentinel`s new Birthday Club Ryan Hackett Lucknow November 13th 7 years old' Erin Moran R.R. No. 3 Holyrood November 14th. 1 year old Graham Cook Kintail November 14th 2 years old Amanda Humphrey Lucknow November 15th 4 years old Lisa Walden . Dungannon November 15th 8 year's old If you would like to join our club, phone 'the Sentinel at 528.2822. • .RMM • -r.••• LITTON MaFFn!J Alli In -Store Microwaves Reduced In Price Buy now before the Christmas rush Cash And Carry November 12th to November 79th SHOP AT HOME AND SAVE $$ LUCKNOW Home Hardware S . ;/'1 440441 a T &aimAvs 4064 1341944, veltde 4cld at *Will Se -4.444y S'e44€ at 7:30 *oft. - 9 f.. 904 .Kane eitj44.0sati4o *Me ¢ a tt. 5213937 s, t 7.444 /7 - /9 Pritsa Ref. $30. 74,44. $25,00 40,444 eat ave V00,2 alt 62 LUCKNOW _. 528-3008 4ue4eow ' . ; 1 l Vieo, 16 ei 5E1-3937