The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-11-05, Page 8Only (Compare about ,6000) 997 Page 8—Lneknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 59 186 Self-assessment key to preparing for search... o from page 1 and training, experience and time. As one woman participating in the seminar noted, "Job searching' can be a •fulltime job. You almost need to quit your present job to look for another." Ms. Coulter outlined a three phase plan as part of the job search strategy. Preparing For The Job Search Phase one of the plan looks at self- assessment and initial preparation for job searching. Self-assessment addresses four major points - know yourself and what you want; learn to communicate information about yourself; identify barriers in your job search; have your resume prepared. "Your self-assessment means bein,clear about what you have to offer," Ms. Coulter said. "Know what you have to offer, be prepared and communicate this to your employer." Perhaps one of the most difficult exer- eises in this phase in communicating per- sona. l strengths; achievements and goals to another person, in this case .an interviewer. Ms: Coulter emphasised, "You must learn to talk about your positive skills in a positive way without feeling like you're bragging or feeling embarrassment." She noted that many women have been raised to believe that self -promotion is wrong, that it is unattractive and unqualified. Many people are reluctant to evaluate themselves and communicate both their strengths and weakness in a face-to-face situation with another person. However in an interview situation, many employers will test your ability, to communicate by asking questions like "Wouldyou tell me a little about the jobs you have held, how they were obtained and why you left?" Interviews may also •present more challenging ques- tions like "What is your major weakness?" Interviewers may also ask questions that you may not be comfortable with, questions in particular which infringe on personal privacy - such as marital status,dependents, age, sex, race, religion, social insurance number. While it is illegal to ask these ques- tions that does not mean that employers will not ask there in interviews, Ms. Coulter sug- gests, "Be prepared for these kind of ques- tions and answer without saying 'it's none of your business,' or blurting out your entire personal life." She suggests answering these by posing questions to interviewer, asking, for in- stance, how the employer thinks that marital status or age would effect job performance. • i ne way you handle yourself in an inter- view is as important as the information you present on your resume. Ms. Coulter stresses, "know what you have to offer, be prepared and communicate this to your employer." Job searching can be a difficult task, 1 r- inging with it more than its share of rejec- tions and disappointments. Ms. Coulter says that the average job search takes at least six to eight months. • Facing barriers in the job search and overcoming them is an important part of the ,three phase plan. Barriers include a wide assortment•of per- sonal problems, prejudices and opinions. They' include age, the labor market, lack of confidence, lack of qualifications, sex, lack of • money, lack of transportation, .ap- pearance and fear, "Fear, Ms. Coulter said,. "is the underly- ing barrier for everyone, It means fear of rejection, of failure. We don't like chane and we fear the risk," The effects of these obstacles include feel- ings of inaduacy, depression, anger, loneliness,, intimidation. As Ms. ' Coulter noted, "It's pretty hard to get up for job searching, You may think it easier to keep your present job, or just to stay at home." However, there are solutions. Feelings of inadequacy can be overcome by recnnizing past successes. Lack of confidence can be re-inforced by a keener sense of self- assessment and self -presentation. Many barriers can be overcome by attitude, adap- tability and compromise, with yourself and with the employer. Ms. Coulter said, "You must be clear on this and what your needs are. You can't change your age, you can't change your family circumstance. If you .feel that these are hurting your; chances of getting a job, you'll feel that way as soon as you walk through the door and into, the inter- view. But, you can change your attitude and you can work to prove your employer wrong," As an example, Ms. Coulter suggests tell- ing the job interview something like this, "I'm competent, willing to work and I hope you don't think my age will interfere." Self -presentation is perhaps one of the most important aspects of a job interview. It is here that the employer makes his first judgement. As well, a best effort interview made on behalf of the. job searcher help relieve any feelings of rejection,that may occur. Ms, Coulter said, 'Doing your best makes you feel that you've done everything you .could. , Personal power won't guarantee you a job, but it will make you feel that you did the best 'you. could." How To Find Jobs • Phase two of the job search plan looks at On delivery $1.00 Sitting Fee Per Person 1 8x10* 2 5x7* S Wallets* *Approximate Measurements. ne Offer Per Family Satisfaction LUC:KNOW VARIETY Campbell St Thurs., Nov. 13 Lucknow„ Ontario 10 a.m. to 5 p.m the labor market, the availability of work and where to find the jobs. asically there are five main resources at hand to help in the job search. Jobs may be found thrugh word of mouth, through newspaper ads, from the Canada Employ- ment Centre, by cold contact with businesses and by private employment agencies. - Two of the five sources, word of mouth and cold contact, account from more than 75 per cent of job search success. The "hidden job market" provides an ongoing daily source of employment oppor- tunities, most of which are filled by word of mouth and by direct contact from people who are seeking work. "Newspapers and the Canada Employ- ment Centre can help," Ms. Coulter explain- ed, `.`but it's your responsibility to be active- ly looking by seeking out companies, by han- ding out resumes,' by talking to people and by following up on resumes." Ms. Coulter urges job seekers to "get your name and your face in front of them again" in meeting with employers. She ., further suggests doing some homework in preparation for job searching, by seeking out information on the businesses who you plan to contact, by mak- ing yourself fully aware of the employment possibilities and the operation of the business. "Reading and talking to people is a good way to begin your job search," Ms. Coulter noted. . Information may be gathered by talking with other workers, or by dealing directly with the employer. Ms. Coulter suggested, "Ask for an information• interview. Meet with the employer and discuss what job op- portunities may be mailable at their place. Turn to page 9 O 9 0. 0. Canada's Largest FACTORY OUTLETS Fabrics - Yarns .- Family Clothing VALUABLE COUPON Expires Nev. 10/86 PAY ONLY /2 PLUS, we will give you Mfrs. Sugg. Retail 500 CASH for gas ...when you present this coupon with the purchase of any one of the following items at the price listed. 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