The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-08-27, Page 1ESTABLISHED IN 1873 "THE SEPOY TOWN" ON THE HBBON•BRUCE BOUNDARY Pti LISHED IN LUC/MOW.,ONTARIt 40e PER COPY Another dies from car crash Another person hasdied as a result of a single -vehicle accident near Kincardine on August 15. - Martha Curran, 19, df RR 1 Dungannon died . on Sunday, August 24 in • Victoria Hospital in London as a result of major injuries received in • the .crash. The accident which occurred on Bruce Concession Road ..8 near Kincardine, also claimed the life of Tracy Jane Hill, 19, of RR 2 Bayfield. Another passenger in• the car, Ronald Kerr, 21, of Go• erich is in. fair condition in Hamilton General Hospital. The driver of the' car, Thomas Park, 26, of Dungannon. was treated and released from. the Grey -Bruce Regional Health Centre in "Owen Sound. A private family funeral service for Martha Curran,. the daughter of Stewart and. Kathleen Curran of RR 1 Dungannon, was, held at the .McCallum and Palla 'Funeral Home in Goderich on August 26. Iiural are heedsou d By Alan ,Rivett By the end of September. .a Committee concerned with rural .daycare will ; have :a better idea. of the child cafe needs in Bruce and Grey Counties, > , ' Collette . Beaupre, of Teeswater, the co►ordinator with the Bruce County Rural Resource Committee - a 10 member organization formed to -survey the need for rural I child .care in the two counties presented some of her findings to .a small gathering at the Ripley ` Presbyterian Chur h: -on- st 24 - The survey, taken through the summer months, will provide the ba4is for .a needs assessment proposal for an Ontario ;Secret- ary of State grant through the .Ministry of Community and Social Services,which will help establish some form of day care in this - area. If the proposal is accepted the grant money would be available in the next ministry budget. Survey And, according to Mrs. Beaupre, the survey shows a lot of farm families, where both the husband and wife work on the farm, are definitely interested in the ' prospect .of: daycare, "The survey will show if there are" clusters of people in an area who require day care. Most don't want.to drive 10 miles in the winter, ,especially with small children. The survey will show where there is the greatest response. If there is no response, we'll just have to assume there is. no need for daycare in that area. • ' "I've talked to a lot of people who are interested in having daycare in the rural areas. To date, we have 175 surveys filled: out," said .Mrs. Beaupre. Daycare ' for farm families in this area "just isn't there" with parents' only option limited to private home care with parents dropping their children at a relatives or neighbours house. "If you don't know anyone who'll do it, you're stuck," she said. • She said daycare is flourishing in the larger centres such as Kincardine and Port Elgin where ahnost every form of daycare exists. However, farm parents are reluct- ant to travel great distances for daycare, especially during the peak farthing months and during the winter. Nine options For the rural Bruce and Grey Counties, Mrs. Beaupre says there are nine daycare options. which are currently under consid- eration. They are: • Before/After School - Care is provided to school children in a supervised setting, These programs can operate out of schools, resource centres or private homes found to be strategically located, for example, oh a school bus route. • Child Care Centres - A place where children are cared for on a daily basis, Ages of children may range from infant to 10.' Hours vary depending on need« These centres provide a" regular, consistant program with opportunity for child devel- opment, . • Child Care Registries Names of Child Care Givers are collected. and passed - on to parents requesting this information These Care Givers may be screened (investigat- ed) or `not depending on circumstances, .Child care may be carried out in the home of the, care giver or in the home' of the children requiring. Gare,. • Drop In Centres -. Parents and Care. Givers .can. visit' Drop in Centres to gain information and support and for the amusement of their children.. Alternative- ly, Drop• In Centres can offer child care while parents or Care Givers are else- where. • Nursery Schools r Nursery Schools offer a structured half-day program for "children 21/z to five -years -of -age from one to five days a week. Many are co-operatives with. parents participating in most :apsects of the operation. • Playgroups - Ari informal gathering of 'Tuan to page 3 O' The Belydo Brothers :and. Suter Sheila delighted ar children . with their musical antics. doing a show at the library on August 21. School medicaion talks break dawn Meditation talks between • the Bruce County elementary teachers and the board of education held August 20 at the Sutton Park Inn in Kincardine did not result in a settlement. Major issues, including working condi- tions, were not resolved although the teachers indicated a willingness to negoti- ate these items. It was apparent that the board was not willing to meet the teachers'. objectives. There is no date set for future mediation • [Alan Rivett photo] talks at this time. Theboard's negotiating committee was disappointed with the adjournment be- cause they felt that some progress was being made, The chairman of the board, Mr. Mike Snabeleni, indicated that he would be seeking an early meeting with the presidents of the local Branch affiliates to explore further possible avenues of settle- ment. Cithens enquire about new lot sizes Council has been feceiving inquires regarding lot sizes as set out in the proposed comprehensive by«law, which +as circulated a couple of weeks ago for. the Village of Lucknow. When the by-law is passed the minimum square feet permitted in a lot serviced by municipal sewers and water would be 6,460 square feet. The minimum frontage Would be 56 feet. If the lot is serviced only with water, the minimum square feet would be 15,000. The minimum frontage would be 100 feet. , These measurements would only apply to any new development after the by-law has been passed, and would not apply to lots which have already been surveyed and are legally existing as a separate convey., able entity. Most of the existing lots in the village are 65 x.166 or 10,890 square feet. These loth may be used for the use for which it was zoned, and a building or structure may be erected or altered on the lot, provided it meets all other requirements, such as side lots, approval from Bruce County Health Unit, is septic tank is to be installed etc. The proposed bylaw is a rather confusing document, but residents are asked to read the bylaw, and to , make, notes of anything which they would like to •Turn to page 5 Lottery The 39111 draw in the. Lucknow and District Arena Complex Lottery was made on August 25. The winners were: $500. Ken Van• derburgh of RR 3 Goderich; $300 lane West of RR 3 Goderlch; $100. Dorothy Lhnnell of Strsthroy and $100 ,. Mrs. Annie' Kilpatrick, of Lucknow. Redtrees The popular column Redtrces will irra longer appear In the Sentinel. Author Don Campbell has decided to put down his pen. Read the last ,eolimm..a SES PAGE 4.