The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-08-13, Page 10Page a©—Le eknow Sentinel! Wednesday, August 113, 1936 Pittsburgh EXTERIOR HOMECARE PAINTS °OIL BASE °LATEX BASE canbetintedto different colours Red Cedar SHINGLES No.2 5x No.3. 5x ST.LAWRENCE CEMENT PORTLAND&MASONRY w Mary Lou Raynard is the new owner of Buffy's Burger Bar on the western edge of Lucknow. Since taking over the restaurant from former owner Betty McDonagh, Mrs. Raynard says bsiness has been "super". While she has worked in a restaurant "for years", this is her f1rst time as a restaurant owner. Here, Mrs. Raynard puts the filling in another home-made pie. [Alan Rivett photo] VISA J W. HENDERSONL1MITID, LUCKNOW, 528-3118-.% ,HOURS: MON. - Fes. '8 - 5:30 P.M. SAT. 8 - NOON On delivery $1.0() Sitting Fee Per Pcrson *Approximate Measurements. „.ne Offer Per Family Correspondent suffers fall • ' Whitechurch correspondent Valetta Em- erson is convalescing at tome after a bad fall which occurred last Monday. She was taken to Wingham Hospital and later released. The community wishes Mrs. Emerson a speedy recover.: . On Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Bill • MacPherson of the 10th concession called on Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson. On Sunday forenoon Huntley Dawson called. on Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson to tell them that brother Alex Dawson had passed away Sunday; early in the forenoon. Alex and. Mrs. Emerson attended S.S. No.._ 9 and were in thesame class through school. Alex •.was in kris 89th year. The funeral is later this week in London. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Tom Day returned home last Wednesday from Victoria Hospital improved in healthwhich the community wishe ...continues for her. Monday. Mr.. and Mrs. Wallace Milligan and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Falconer and Amy attended a shower for a niece at Mississauga, arriving home" on Sunday. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Beecroft were Ronald Beecroft and Heath- er, Sharon Worth and Ken Sinn iron, all of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Laidlaw, Michele and Jason of Dorchester and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Elliott, Jefferey, Leslie, Matthew and Rachel of Brussels visited with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw and Mr. andMrs. Walter Elliott. Leslie remained for a holiday. Improvements discussed The August , meeting of St. Helens ' Women's Institute was held in the Hall on August 7 at 7 p.m. beginning with a pot luck supper. The roll call was answered by "An improvement I would like to see in the township of West Wawanosh". • Some interesting ideas were expressed such as - improvements at the township dump, removal of weeds from vacant lots and black top on main township roads. A letter of thanks Was received from Huron County Historical Society for our offer to host the' meeting in St. Helens Hall on September 23. The' Huron County Museum would like to have quilts for the quilt display. Minutes of Yesteryear - 1963 were . prepared by Irene Markham and read by Jean Philips. The topic Public Relations was given by Edith Cooper, who read an essay by Rebecca Johnson "A Vision of the future of the. Women's Institute" and the proposed changes from the report of the committee on Women's Institutes of the future. `She. also read an article entitled "May they blossom one more time" which illustratedhow changes can'be handled to everyone's satisfaction. Isabel Gaunt read an article by Gisele Ireland "Getting the Message". Barb Tyler read a poem. There were two contests, one answered by letters of the alphabet and the other prepared by Janet McPherson on. agriculture in the olden days. The meeting closed with 0 Canada. L�nd�n resident dies at 89 Wednesdays, August 20,10 -5 at Lueknow Variety & Dry Goods P. A. M. [Alex] Dawson Mr. F.A.M. (Alex) Dawson of London died at Parkwood Hospital on August 3, 1986. He was in his 89th year, Mr. Dawson is survived by his wife Violam one son Ron C. Dawson of London, one daughter Mrs, Alan (Mary Jane) Eichenberger ofBarrow Bay. He is also survived by three brothers William M. Dawson of London, J. Huntley Dawson of Lucknow--and Gordon Stewart-®f*Grariton f • and by five grandchildren. He is predeceased by two sisters, Wilda, and Helen (Mrs. Clarke MacLean) and a brother Harold Dawson. The funeral service was held at the Needham Funeral Chapel in London. Interment_it _M ntut. Pleasant -Cel etery--in London.