The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-08-06, Page 15/ .•., .i., •,,,r \4:-..,::.::,,,,iN',:,:,4')...•,,;:i:,: •...-:,...„.,,,,,:„.,& :'' . ..r; t .....:::L.:.::...,,.:,...,...:44?-4mi,...-. ---, . .,,,..., '" ' ‘`4•••••.,4,,. , ...,:v.::::;.:!. Eleanor Weiss [left" and Marlene O'Hagen of RR 3 Walkerton look at some of the merchandise offered by local crafter Dorothy Meyer of Point Clark at the craft festival over the weekend. • [Alan Rlvett photo). Ripley has a new restaurant BY AB VITYLDS For a ldng time Ripley has needed a restaurant. Well it is hard to believe, but it has one now. Aug. 1, 1986, Friday at 4 p.m. it opened for business. Centrally located between the John Kosmerly Hard- ware and Appliance stores it is in the middle of the mainstreet in the former Variety • Store owned and operated by the late Walter Culbert and then operated by Mrs. Judy van' Kooten. The new owner of the restaurant business is Mr. Mark Oliphant of • Chatsworth who has expanded over from Teeswater where he also has a restaurant. • His manager and head waitress is Mrs. • Terri Biglow who has worked in the Teeswater restaurant. Assisting Terri on Friday afternoon were Mrs. Joan (Charles) Murray of Holyrood area and Miss Melissa Middelkamp of the Ripley area. On Satur- day forenoon Jodi Miller of Teeswater was here. Restaurant is a meeting place Bill Bushell of the 4th concession of Kinloss was visiting last Saturday with his sister Mrs. Katherine Colling. in Ripley. Some years ago Bill was the Ripley baker, 'then he clerked in the Hardware store for Dime' MacArthur. So naturally he dropped into the new restaurant and soon had a con- versation going with Terri as we were fin- ding the location of her home. Sure enough Bill knew some of her neighbours on the 10th. • Society preparing for fall fair Secretary of the Ripley Agricultural Society Don MacTavish called to remind tis that next Monday evening is the time for the monthly meeting. So at 9 p.m. on August 11, 1986 directors and officers will meet in .the Ripley Hutto Central School to get ready for the Ripley Huron Fall Fair on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 26 and 27. Marion McTavish moves to Kincardine On Sat. July 26 Mrs, Marion McTavish moved her household effects from her home at the north end of Ripley to her new place in Kincardine. Last weekend the new owner Dave Stewart, his wife Phyllis, and three children were moving • into the McTavish home.1t will be handy for Dave who drives a feed delivery truck for Bob and Judy • Thompson at the Ripley Shur Gain Mill (the Ripley chopping mill). - Mary Whitney passes away Oliver McCharles received word that his aunt Mary (Barkwell) Whitney had passed away in Tampa, Florida.at the age of 90 years. Mrs. Whitney was the youngest and last survivor of the Barkwell family, a sister of Mrs. Daisy McCharles (Oliver's mother) and Mrs. Ruth Brooks mother of Omar and Gordon Brooks. The Barkwell family had lived on Highway 86 where Frank Van Diepenbeek now lives next to the Oliver Mc - Charles place. Oliver, Henders, Flaxman and Gilbert brothers all predeceased along with the three sisters above were the family of the late James- Barkwell and Alice Andrew. Mary (Barkwell) Whitney was a nurse. She received her R.N. at Victoria Hospital in London. Then Mary Barkwell nursed in Detroit where she met and married Harry Whitney. They lived since the early 192% in .••••••11.11111111011111111•, Tampa, Florida. Thanks to Mrs. Marion Mc - Charles for this item. Visitors to Ripley • - Her mother is Shirley Culbert, daughter of Mrs. Annie Culbert and the late Walter Culbert of Ripley. Shirley is a Grade 13 graduate of the Ripley District High School. As Ab Wylds writes this he is looking at a picture of our school cheerleaders as it ap- pears in the Ripley and Vicinity History compiled by the Ripley Women's Institute in 1963, and also in the London Free Press. The picture was taken in. Owen Sound Park by the 'London Free Press reporter Merrill Cantelon of Wingham. Above the picture is the heading -"Cheer Ripley C.I. on to Victory" and below the picture in the paper it said - "Helping to cheer Ripley Col- - legiate Institute on to victory this season is This group of cheerleaders. They recently won the Owen Sound School Association Trophy for the second straight year for best school spirit and sportsmanship." In the front row are Amelia Carruthers, Anne Pollock, Majorette leader Gail McArthur in her white outfit, Margaret Ann Thompson and Marilyn Harrison. In the back row stan- ding are "Peg" Margaret MacTavish, Joan Wilson, Ruth Hutton, Shirley Courtney, Marilyn Parker, Myrna Irwin, Shirley Culbert and Frances Scott. • - Since it states for the second straight year of winning it, it would be October 1955, Again in 1956 we won it for the third and final time. This trophy still sits in the wall case in the school down here. In 19551ater in .October the girls were over to the new C.K.N.X. Television studio and were "taped" putting on their drill for the open- ing night for the station. We remember the taping was necessary for the R.D.H.S. in body attended the Royal Winter Fair in the Coliseiungn Toronto and since we would not be here it was taped. Ab Wylds thanks Annie Culbert - Liz Sled's grandmother, for bringing around the newspaper account. As you may or may not know, Annie is the oldest in the family of Shirt and Kate Bowers who lived on the 15th two blocks south of here, in their family were Annie, Hetty, Jack (just retired Direc- tor of EducatiOn, for Bruce County) and "Peg" - Mrs. Sandy MacCharIes. Everyone with any history of the Ripley area remembers Shirt playing hockey for Ripley - they say for 50 years. In Annie Culbert's family there are Shirley, Katherine, and Tom. Congratulations from the "believe it or not" Ripley in Ontario go to Liz Sled and best wishes for her continued success in Mrs. Dick Dodd of London, the former .•Mary McGillivray, visited' for a week with her cousins Marion McCharles, Tillie Smith, • and Jean Wylds in Kincardine and all originally from the Ripley Huron area. The parents of Mary Dodd were Mr. and Mrs, John McGillivray with family Goldie, Jack, *Turn to page 18 SCEitgi2d19 Wedu?sdlay, August 69 1986 Page 15 LUCKNOW DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE OPEN DATES AVAILABLE AUGUST Friday 0, 15, 22, 29 SEPTEMBER Friday 5, 1228 MOP P.M =cm VW.> Rosa tom. ezt., Clazes .=,70 4=Z;, Cr=! RM.* c= SATURDAY, AUGUST 9 Steve Berry and Brenda Chisholm SATURDAY, AUGUST 10 Brenda MacLeod and Tom Adamson SATURDAY, AUGUST 23 Kathy Pentland and Kirk 1VIeMillan CALL THIS NUMBER BETWEEN 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. ONLY 528.3532. Short INVESTIKENIS F1NAWIAL CENTRE; GODERICH $242773 1-800-265-5503 Irs now crystal clear. Every'thing's cooking in.the classifieds.. To buy -or sell a car, to meet a newfriehd, to find a lost dog, to sell your skis, to find a new folo„ to 1(4(14) a handyman, to • run a garage sale, to hire a.cook.s. and so Much morel You won't -find.. .another marketplace IIIe it anywhere! To Place Your Ads, • 5280a82: iff 11111.ljaki, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO . • •