The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-07-30, Page 15Luc blow Setitinell9 Wednesday, ,Ift4y 39 1980 --Page 115 Steffen family visits with Emersons Monday People report Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson on Monday were Mrs. Glenna Steffen, Susie, Crystal and visitor Robbie Willkens. Bill Uuldriks and his granddaughter enise Uuldriks of Kitchener visited with M. and Mrs„, Vic Emerson On Tuesday. Denise was transferring from the west to Nova Scotia with the army. Rev, and Mrs. Harvey Osborne, Beth- any, Anna, Laura and Nathan of Allison were Thursday callers on Mr. and Mrs. Emerson, They were dimer guests with Mr. and Mrs. Simon de Boer and family. Rev. Osborne spent three years as student preacher at Whitechurch. On Saturday, guests with Mr, and Mrs, Vic Emerson were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Burg, Tavistock and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Emerson and Brenda of -St. Catharines, Guests this week with Mrs. Agnes Farrier were Mr. and, Mrs, Fred Davis, Mark and Scott of LaSalle and Mrs, Olive Gillespie of Sarnia who along with Mrs, Farrier attended the Gillespie picnic at Benmiller on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Percy McClenaghan and family of Clinton visited Sunday with Miss Mildred McClenaghan. Don Purdon, a real estate agent from Strathroy, held open house again this week at Mrs. Cassie Mowbray's house with no definite sale as yet. Doctor and Mrs. Bernard Corrin of London visited recently wit( Miss Mildred McClenaghan. John McKinnon and Miss Mildred McClenaghan visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pollock at their summer cottage at Forclevich. Harold has had a stroke but has made a marvellous recovery, Mrs. John Gaunt has sold her property and gives possession the middle of August. Mrs. Gaunt is moving to an apartment in Wingham. We are happy to report that Brenda Day is steadily improving at Victoria Hospital in London. She expects to return home soon. Gary Chapman, who underwent surgery at London Hospital, is recuperating at his home in Wingham. The community wishes him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Jean Tiffin accompanied Mrs. Colleen McMillan and Mrs. Isabel Tiffin to Sarnia and to Toronto to visit Mrs. Colleen McMillan's three boys who have an apart - merit there and to Welland to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Athol Purdon. Ken Sinnamon of Wingham visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Beecroft and Miss Karen Beecroft is spending her holidays in Newfoundland.' Miss Karen Elliott" attended a tlgree,day 41-H regional conference held at Centralia College last week, Mr. and Mrs, Paul Laidlaw,. Jason and Michele of Dorchester, spent the weekend. Jr. Aggie progrctm underwa The first week of the 1986 Junior Agriculturalist program is well under way. Urban students are sgetting their first taste of -what life on the farm is all about. The program enables young people with no .previous farming background to estab- lish a solid foundation in practicai farm experience'. The Host Farmer benefits from the program with extra help *during the summer months as well as having the opportunity to pass on his skills to eager students. This is the 15th year of operation for the program with efforts being made to continue the success from previous years. At the present time, »there are about 15 Junior Agriculturalists placed throughout Huron County, Before starting the pro- gram, each student was required to attend an orientation in which both farm safety and life on the farm were topics of discussion. Co-ordinators Brock Whitehead and Dave Wright have made every effort to ensure a safe and successful summer and will continue to do so in the coming months. Norptuntokutemetaie with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and MV. and Mrs. Laidlaw. Church services will be held for the month of August in the United Church. The speaker for Sunday, August 3 will be Mr. Wardro0. Mr, and M. Gntoskie, Michael and Michele of Kitchener visited with Mrs. Norma Rintoul ,on the weekend. Work has slowed down at the Douglas Point, allowing Angus Falconer to come home for a f, days. Mr. and Mrs. Don Vincent, Patrick, Angela and Erin of Riverview, New 131 Brunswick are spending three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. George Webster and other members of the Vincent family. Courtney Rutledge of Auburn spent a couple of days with Mr, and Mrs, George Webster and Angela Vincent. Patrick and Erin Vincent are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Terry Rutledge and family of Auburn. h Festival designer... *from page 10 forest is also threatening and the cabin is a. miserable, chilly place to live," she said. The life of a set and costume designer is one of travelling, moving from place to place to work in different theatres on different plays. She says theatres lately hire a person to act as theirs* designer of, sets and costurnes. "You have to go where »the work is as very few theatres have a resident designer. It's more typical to have the actors, designers and directors keep moving around, For theatre people this type of arrangement offers a better range of exper- tise, I'm very pleased to be able to adapt myself to work at the Blyth Festival or at the Stratford Festival," she said, Her next project is to do,the set design Kim for the Centre Stage Theatre in Toronto for their production of Playboy of the Western World, a play set in Ireland around the 1900s. "It opens in October and have completed-01°st of the designs by the end of the summer," she said. Although she has won awards for her set designs, including a prestigious Dora Award for stage design, she says she's just happy to be working in Canadian theatres. "There is no real stardom in the theatre in this country. To be able to keep» working, to have good friends and colleagues is to be a success," she said. As for returning to the Blyth Festival to asked." create a set design for a play in the future, lie."1"PlY says, "you bet - I'd love to be toul joins Angus association Kim Rintoul of Lucknow; is a new junior member of the American Angus Associa- tion,, reports Dick Spader, executive vie - president of the national organization with headquarters in St Joseph, Missouri, Junior members of the association are eligible to register cattle in the American Angus Association and take part in Assoc- • iation sponsored shows and other national and regional events. The American Angus Association is the largest beef registry association in the world, with some 8,000 active junior members and some 22,000 active life members. • CIVIC HOLIDAY Due to the August 4th Ciyie Holiday Whig on MondiTyl The Lueknowl Sentinel deadlines for next week Only will be as follows: 1,4 CLASSIFIED ADVER LNG Pi Noon Friday, August 1st EDITORIAL & DISPLAY ADVERTISING 40 3:00 p.m. Friday, August let LUCKNOW TIIANK YOU LUCKNOW SENTINEL 528-2822 or 5284823